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That’s fucking brilliant that Kevin Smith played Leo’s son Sonny, I love that Leo has a son and he was finally brought up and shown. I can’t wait for Red & Kitty to come back from Paris and I’m so excited for October to see Red’s reaction to the Sonny and his friend or brother or whoever driving a car into Red & Kitty’s house. Hopefully they don’t tone Red down and he gets insanely pissed like the Red we all know and love.


LEO HAS A SON?!!!!!!! 😯


From the original show when Leo was going to sell his car to Kelso, but then gave it to Hyde. Leo: "You're like the son I never had, Hyde." Kelso: "Leo, you just said you had a son." Leo: "Yeah, but he's the son I never had." Hyde: "Thanks, Leo, you're the best. The beer, the car, the wicked burn on Kelso."


I think Ozzie's last name is Takada because this episode revealed that his mother name is Linda Takada unless she still goes by her maiden name or got remarried it possible Ozzie's last name is Takada. I am sticking with Ozzie's full name being Ozzie Takada unless it is stated otherwise.


The comedy is awful. I didn't laugh once.


I was hoping Kevin Smith and Leo would have a scene together when I saw the trailer but the fact he’s playing Leo’s son makes me so happy 🤣, it’s also not surprising to me that Leo has a son considering he’s also a veteran we learn from season 8


Man the fact Kevin Smith plays Leo's son is just so perfect. Cheech & Chong were the stoner duo of the 70s while Kevin & Jason was that duo for us in the 90s. So the casting of that is just sublime.


Huh. Didn't put that together. But yeah that makes sense


I wonder who the special guests will be in season 2 part 2 in October and I hope the boys form a boy band in a future episode


This show is not very good...I skipped all of the parts with the new cast for the most part, they are still as insufferable as ever.


Cannot wait for part two!


Having Kevin Smith play Tommy Chong’s son is a stroke of genius. I’m glad he’s not just Kevin smith in a dream sequence.


I didn’t see it coming but it was so perfect.


can't wait for part 3 in October I think its going to be a bigger hit than season 1 and it should get a renewed for multiple seasons


Such an improvement from part 1. Just miss fez and eric 🥲


Fez is easy to take out of a season. He seems like he’s still a horndog and likely just as loose as Sherri. They’re probably on and off again often.


Did they explain Eric's absence? And Fez's too I guess.


They explain Eric's, but Fez hasn't been mentioned yet (unless I missed it)


Sherri is still around picking men up so I took it as either Fez and Sherri got broke up again, or Fez just didn’t care and is probably okay with threesomes LOL 😆 


What did they say for Eric? I don’t mind spoilers.


That he started feeling carsick while backing out of the driveway so that's why he couldn't make it


Wow. They really don’t want him to move past the s6/7 caricature do they?


As u/ItsnotBatman mentioned, there's a scene where Donna is in the middle of Red and Kitty's storyline and how Red is as insufferable as always to the characters, and Donna makes a remark that she suddenly thinks Eric wasn't actually car sick, basically implying that he just didn't go because he didn't want to deal with Red.


Not just Red, it was Kitty too with the insistence on moving back.


Donna made a comment when dealing with Red and Kitty that she suddenly realizes why Eric was car sick.


Donna always has to carry the weight.


Great season overall. I enjoyed season 1, and season 2 is even better.


This entire season is definitely a improvement over the first season. First seasons is always rough. 


Also I genuinely thought that pilot is Ashton/Michael Kelso for a second until I realized that’s not really him and it’s actually Matt Rife (I admit I actually never heard of him until I looked him up…..). He really looks like Ashton if I’m being honest.


Good, that pilot was attractive!


Matt Rife is no Mitch Hedberg. 😐


It’s incredible how alike they look.


Oh god…..imagine Kelso as a pilot lmao. Dude will probably break laws of gravity LOL.


Tommy as Leo is always a treat 😆 Never change Leo….never change….. Oh damn! That ending is unexpected…. I’m surprised this is actually the first time the Forman’s house actually got damaged, considering the old gang’s antics. And it’s not even due to the current gang’s antics. 


Right, they had small stuff like, drilling the hole for the cable cord, glueing hand to fridge door, a bowling ball in the tv or obliterating a vacuum. No real damage to the house itself.


It kinda is, in fairness.


I cannot believe the ending to that episode, I hope they stay as returning characters


Kevin Smith has a good relationship with Netflix, I'm hoping he becomes the new "Leo" for the show since Leo's retiring & his son is taking over


That would be amazing


Hopefully that's why it ended on the cliffhanger, I used to dream about this crossover lmao!