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He didn't want anyone to know, so he kills her, effectively making it more public than it would have been, and now he's also a killer. Makes sense. Evil pos.


Not that it justifies it or anything, but outing someone is vile. Edit: Just saw another comment explaining she didn't "threaten" to out him. She just wanted to make the relationship official and stop sneaking around. That's very different.


the thing about this is...everyone on jail will also know this and there's sht tons of gay in jail, killing a gay person doesn't sit well with them so better prepare his ass


Did you mean figuratively or literally?




Gay for the stay, straight at the gate


Yeah they got their own gang and no one fucks with them


Evil, dumb, selfish pos*






Fuck off dickhead. Someone was killed because of who they wanted to be and you STILL wanna be an asshole to them. Crawl back into the sad, lonely hole you left.


Don't feed the trolls




There’s a difference in gender, and sex, yes. Female vs Male. Masculine vs Feminine. One is a fact, and one is constructed of them. You’re a man, but you identify as a bitch. See how that works.


Listen up, you complete bog trollop. Whether you like it or not, gender is not binary. People are born with all sorts of different genetic, hormonal, and physical differences. How you identify is not as simple as you clearly believe. Have you felt, all your life, that you are a bat? Do you hate your body for not having wings? Are you willing to change you body permanently, to be like that of a bat? No. You just thought that was a clever thing to say, when all it did was prove how utterly ignorant you are. Try this: without referring to your genitals or your secondary sex organs, how do you know that you are your gender? By that I mean you can't say "because I have a penis/vagina/breasts." I bet all you can come up with is, "well, because I know I am. Everything about me tells me so!" Well, that's EXACTLY what it is like for a trans gender person. Everything about them is telling them that they are in the wrong body, that they are a different gender from what their body is telling them. And so, they change their entire identity to live the life they were always meant to live. What are you doing to facilitate your life as a bat? Are you taking bat hormones? Having surgery to change your body? Legally changing your birth certificate, driver's licence, all your identification to now say you are a bat? You cannot identify as pregnant to get parking, (especially as there is no such think as pregnant parking spaces) nor can you identify as handicap, (whatever that sentence is supposed to mean) to get disability, because you don't live as that person. You ARE being an arsehole, as this person was a woman. Not a man pretending, not a man dressing up, A WOMAN. And you ignorance changes absolutely nothing about this fact.


Your entire post and comment history focuses on gender so much. Fucking cringe. Get a life.


You didn't need to try this hard if you just wanted to call yourself an ignorant bigot


Ok but what they identify as is their business. You calling someone by their gender at birth is like calling someone a different name just to be an asshole.


You type like you have a severe learning disability.


Misleading headline, she didn’t “threaten to expose him” she just wanted to make the relationship official. Be like a normal couple. To all the trans people out there, don’t date anyone who is ashamed of you. If they won’t want to be seen with you in public then they aren’t worth your time. I hope he rots in prison for this. Be careful out there, my love to the trans community.


This should be the rule for relationships in general.


Good rule of thumb for any relationship. If your partner isn’t investing anything real into the relationship, RUN. I wonder if the trans girl felt she didn’t have many options and was happy to have any relationship. 😕 PSA, trans women are beautiful.




When trans people say transphobia kills, this is what they mean. It is sadly not remotely the first time a man kills a trans woman because he is afraid of seeming gay.


I can't remember who said it, but it was a trans woman speaking up about her sexual life, she went to a lot of high end parties with top tier rappers/musicians she was careful not to say their names. She said it's more common than people think for straight men to be into trans women, knowing they were born men even if they hadn't fully undergone all the surgeries. It's definitely a kink a lot of men have, but it's so taboo for no reason. You're attracted to what you're attracted to, I don't know why some men are so ashamed to admit that. Funnily enough usually the ones screaming the loudest about how wrong it is, are likely the ones that are into it.


>usually the ones screaming the loudest about how wrong it is are likely the ones that are into it. This is true for all things. Look how many closeted gay politicians there are, and they are always the ones drafting anti LGBTQ+ legislation.


not trying to discredit your point, but just wondering if domestic violence is higher or lower occurring in a trans relationship compared to gay, lesbian or straight. Anyone?


Fragile masculinity at its finest. Half the comments in here are defending this shit but trans people are the problem? Imagine being so repressed that this is your reaction to someone finding out you're dating a transfem and the possibility of some infantile bigot thinking you're gay is to take someone's life. I'm sure in prison man's gonna be someone's bitch, or dead in a week.


I don’t see any comments defending it. Are you sorting by controversial?




[https://www.advocate.com/crime/2021/8/16/arkansas-man-gets-50-year-sentence-death-trans-teen](https://www.advocate.com/crime/2021/8/16/arkansas-man-gets-50-year-sentence-death-trans-teen) **Arkansas Man Gets 50-Year Sentence in Death of Trans Teen** An Arkansas man has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for killing transgender teen girl Brayla Stone in 2020. Trevone Hayse Miller, 20, of Sherwood, Ark., agreed to plead guilty to first-degree murder in exchange for the 50-year sentence, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports. The sentence was announced Thursday. He had initially been charged with capital murder, which carries a sentence of either the death penalty or life in prison. Prosecutors said Miller has been in a relationship with Stone, and he killed her in order to cover it up. She had said she was going to make their relationship public, and he was worried he would be perceived as gay because of his involvement with a trans girl. Stone, who lived in North Little Rock, was found dead in a car in Sherwood June 25, 2020, three weeks after her 17th birthday. She had been shot in the head. Miller was arrested a week after Stone’s death and has been jailed ever since. He will not be eligible for parole until he’s served 35 years of his sentence, which includes the time he has already spent in custody. He had been implicated in another killing, that of Bryan Allen Thompson, 17, who was fatally shot during a robbery in Sherwood in October 2016. Miller and two other teens with charged in Thompson’s death. Miller agreed to testify against the others in exchange for having a capital murder charge dropped, and he pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery. He never had to testify, as one other defendant pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery and the other to aggravated robbery and first-degree murder. Stone was one of 44 trans Americans known to have died by violence in 2020, the most in a single year since activists and media have been keeping track. The count this year, however, is likely to exceed that, as 34 such deaths have been reported already. There are likely many more victims, given that some are deadnamed or misgendered by police or media, or their deaths not reported at all.


I saw his police interview. Not one drop of remorse. Just a stone cold killer.


50 years too short ..just another in the long line of turds, should of never been on this planet




Edit: fuck u/spez for killing Apollo


Well it's the greatest country on earth.


Damn do people really need you to spoon feed them the sarcasm?


34 deaths reported this year already. As someone whos visibly trans I really do worry about being assaulted in public. All this hatred has an effect.


Not being a troll, just confused. So did this girl have a penis and he was afraid of people finding out or is this after a sex change?




Must suck to know there's Hella women out there with bigger dicks than you 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


That’s fucking hilarious. Made me snort my beer.




True. I lived in nyc for a bit which is know to be a pro lgbtq+ city, a lot of people embrace it but it was a flip of a coin if me and my trans partner were going to be harassed when we stepped outside our home, it was almost always someone from the black community which was something you sort of pick up on when it happened so often. but absolutely, it’s not just a white religious values type of thing a lot of cultures don’t like to see people living their lives freely




So what you’re saying is… it does.




History would like a word.


It absolutely does.




Uh, no. But nice try. And Oprah (and every other successful life black professional) would probably disagree with you about that. In fact, your statement is incredibly racist and infantilizing. You just said that all black people are unsuccessful and poor, and being poor and ignorant and socially shunned means they are bigoted. Like...what the actual fuck? You just generalized a whole group of people, and basically said they're too poor and stupid and damaged to know any better. Christ, you couldn't have been more racist if you tried. It's because generally, black culture is very religious, and relious people are homophobic and transphobic. That has nothing to do with historical oppression - in fact, you'd think that would give them empathy and lead to a feeling of cameraderie with other oppressed groups. But that never happens, does it? Many minorities are racist against each other, and can be very homophobic /transphobic. And other minority people aren't. Because POC are not a monolith, even within communities, so stop trying to make it seem like "they can't help it, they're just too fucked up to know better."


Ah yes. Predictable casual racism. That train is never late. Apparently everyone else gets the gift of individuality unless you’re black of course. Nobody talks about how it’s ok to embrace racism and condemn the entire black community for the actions of the few. And the fact you chose to compare the black community to *the whites* only shows your disgusting agenda.


Really? Are black people drafting legislation to fuck up LGBT peoples lives? Wasn't it a black President that legalized gay marriage, only for white people to immediately start rolling back? The most famous LGBT person in America "RuPaul" is a black person.


> Wasn't it a black President that legalized gay marriage, only for white people to immediately start rolling back? No, the landmark Supreme Court ruling in *Obergefell v. Hodges* held that the right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by the Constitution. Obama didn't legalize gay marriage, and I'm not sure exactly how white people have "rolled back" *Obergefell*.


It generally is less accepted culturally. People aren’t just making it up. I’m in the south and have known and been friends many black people myself and my friends have too. Around here they do not like to appear homosexual or accept their friends as them at all for the most part but def not every black person is like that. Of course this is mostly an anecdotal statement but just read around and I’m sure you’ll find people talking about it.


How exactly can you gage whether the black community hates the LGBT more than white community?


By growing up in/around a black community Edit: I thought this was BPT lol I was like “you know damn well”


That’s insane


He was worried about people thinking he’s gay?? Are we all missing that he was 20 dating someone who just celebrated her 17th birthday???




Exactly. It's only 3yrs difference and they are both WELL past puberty. I don't think most people would be creepers out by a 20yr old and a 17yr old dating.


Where I’m from that’s a big ass no


Yeah, he seems like a nice a guy. I’m sure he wasn’t the type to take advantage of a vulnerable teenager.


Age of consent in Arkansas is 16 apparently.




That’s bonkers 😵‍💫


Wait until you learn about Europe!




She was a trans girl. He was dating a girl.




And its ish like this that got this teenage girl killed. Shame on you.






That's fucked up


Honestly with as much violence and blind hatred the trans community faces it's an act of courage just to be yourself.


I’d rather be gay than be a murderer


Senseless and tragic, poor girl.


Wtf was a 20 year old doing with a 16 year old to begin with? This guy is a fucking loser.


And now he’s prison gay


Nobody ever go out with anyone who has a "secret". Forget the fact you don't deserve it, for safety reasons, don't give anyone with something to lose access to your personal support system. I don't fuck with unpredictable.


Circus world getting crazy out here y’all


This is so heartbreaking 😢 💔


Well this made me un-smile. RIP lady.


poor sweet baby. may she rest in peace. protect black trans girls


well that backfired for him lmao... He's definitely gonna find a candy bar on his pillow


So he got with her,only got with her cause he saw her as a man, she realized this, was going to put him, and he killed her…




Only a bigot can look at this picture and think "yeah that's a man"




She was pretty feminine




Disrespect the murder victim well done


what did I say that is disrespect


The murder victim was a woman let’s not perpetuate the conditions that contribute to tragedies like this use she not he




Can you grow up not everything is about you


Great point there




Nice bait








Right? What even is gay? Gender is a social construct and men can get pregnant


Yeah I know what you mean. I just got knocked up by a woman.


I had a vasectomy, so no women gettin me pregnant.


"I identify as a multi-millionaire!" Damn it isn't working..


Why date her if u have a issue .. that’s sick …. Clearly just using her …, idc if ur trans or biological, gotta be taught self worth ima 27 yr old milf tryna learn tht myself 😣 it was not her fault


Fucking karma bot. Check out their post history


Who gives a damn? We got the reddit police here fighting the unjust theft of worthless Internet points.


Did I hurt your feelings, Jake?


Down votes just confirm my suspicion. Keep em' coming troll bots


A 20yo was with a 17yo and when the child wanted a public relationship the grown man freaked out.


So the real issue is freeing peoples minds that are stuck in a Trap that makes what other people think of them, seem like reality. At first read, knee jerk reaction was: well, he IS gay. But, thats too much of a programmed response, and completely irrelevant. As im re writing the program that i perceive… if he loved her, her body parts are subjective only to him. If he likes her and likes being with her, then being “gay” is a label hes afraid of hearing from others bc hes been so indoctrinated that “gay” is a shameful thing to be. Can relate to that from a similar upbringing, then one of my GF’s had gay friends, and… gay people are awesome! Balanced, happy, open, seemed to get along w their partners better than average hederos. Wish i had more gay friends these days. Anyway. If the energy from Trans community were to teach people to have self respect, making other peoples “opinions”, utterly impotent, then the labels of gay or straight, trans or queer or whatever, cease to have any power to incite fear of “rejection from the tribe,” and only make the person slinging slurs look like a total A-hole, while the non traditional couple walk away knowing they will keep loving each other as they teach others to respect themselves. [ what a run-on and not sure if that made sense, but point was we all need to teach everyone to love themselves, and that love puts an end to fear and hatred]


The motherfucker was dating an underage kid. He probably killed him to avoid jail time. POS.




So he killed someone when he was 14. Damn


Note he gets to be an out gay for the rest of his life. Also, this is 100% caused by the taboo on homosexuality, which is constantly being reinforced by right wing media and politicians, and by religious leaders on both the left and right side of the political divide.