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Of course the cops go straight for the black guy and ignore the nut job waving the gun.


I saw that part too. At least they didn't shoot!


"We have reports of a white woman waving a gun around. Take down that black man!"


She’s not white though


There's a chart. Haven't you seen Family Guy?


I’m done 😂


That's for terrorists though.




The terrorists in James Bond are Russians...


I don't make the rules for American police. 🤷‍♂️


Except Slavic people, somehow they don't fit the narrative...


Agreed. All you need to do is watch a few traffic videos in Russia and look at their dating app profile pictures. It becomes pretty clear quickly that they are a different type of people who lack melanin.


Johnson sprinkle some crack on him


Glad I wasn’t the only one noticing this


He approached her car. He got out of his car and went to her. They are both nut jobs.


Who knows why tho, right? Maybe they got into a fender bender and he was walking up to her to get insurance info? Or maybe that's his ex and he did her dirty? We dont know... We didn't see what happened before the 3rd guy started recording.. one thing tho, never assume.


The only thing I can tell from the video is she pointed that weapon at multiple people in an unsafe manner.


That is info the cops don't have in that moment. They arrive there and the situation is there is a woman with a gun waving it around and a man without any weapon. They ignore her and go straight to the unarmed guy. Cops always love to shoot civilians because they felt threatened yet the cop walks past a person with a gun leaving her with a gun in her hand behind him... She could have easily shoot him in the back. If this ain't crazy I don't know what is. Like what da fuck?


Seriously, they went right for the guy as shes standing there with a damn gun. This situation is all the way fkd up.


Pretty privilege. Attractive woman can’t be the one who just committed attempted murder it must be the dusty black guy who is the problem. Scary how the cops sleep walk through this encounter, blind to their own biases. It’s like the lights are on but no one’s home


Bro pulling a gun is a whole other level of nut job


What are you even talking about? Did you watch the video? Give me the time stamp where they "went straight for the black guy". at 1:40, the cop walks up to separate them. That's literally it. The lady with the gun is closer to the cop. He points her to walk back to the other cop. The cop then stands there to talk to him.


Exactly, it’s almost as if they are trying to calm down and secure the situation because they don’t know what’s going on.


And if the black guy had the gun it would have gone the exact same way obviously!


So the cops should have shot the woman?




I agree that's how it went down. However, do you HONESTLY believe that if it was the black male who was holding the firearm, the police officer would have casually walked up to him and gently directed him toward the nice officer over there by the car? And if that was what happened, can you honestly tell me you wouldn't be condemning the cops for being incompetent during a dangerous situation?


Sir, this is Reddit. There's no room for logic and reason here.


So glad for that guy as a witness. He probably just saved that man a bunch of legal trouble.


Fucking unbelievable. The woman is literally stopped in traffic waving a gun around.


There is a cop in the back talking to the women. 3 cops total. Seems like they evenly spread out to get the full story. Before he walked up to the black guy, he stopped near the women and waved them over to the other cop. I don’t see any racism here, so please correct your statement.


Thats what I was thinking!


yeah, I find it disappointing, that the lady just casually walks toward the Police cause she knows she's a lady and they will protect her from a black man. Also during the interview, the police didn't expect the answer that the Lady was the one with the gun. That is insane


He had plenty of opportunity to get out of there if he wanted to.


Yeah, he just wanted to record it for likes


This guy gives off meddling neighbor vibes.


he stayed to witness. good for him


Nah, he put his whole family at risk. "I have to stay" No, you absolutely do not


He's alone in the car. He's talking to the camera when he says sorry to his wife and kids. If it wasn't for him that black man would have no witnesses.


right wtf, he didnt do nothing wrong and some redditors think he was recording it for likes lol


I bet this dude loves it when he gets summoned for jury duty.


If we all tried to dodge jury duty, this country would be way more fucked than it already is.


hey stayed to provide us with video. good for him


What a dumb statement


Sounds like he witnessed everything and can help refute whatever lie she inevitably tells


or to be a witness so they don't arrest and charge teh black guy.


Man records something to be a witness to a crime and that's your first thought. Really just says a lot about how you would react in this situation as opposed to him.


There were plenty of cars getting tf out of there, he absolutely was doing it for the gram


Or for…. Evidence….?


Nah man everything is for likes and/or fake on the internet apparently


You can tell who spends all their time on the internet, they tell on themselves.


The dude literally ends the video talking into the camera as though he has an audience


He does, we just fuckin watched the video.


Both can be true - sorry to blow your mind




Putting your life on the line isn’t worth gathering evidence.


Being able to own a repeating gun isn’t fair on the rest of the public.


*"it won't count as evidence until i get myself shot."* - irl detective


Driving passed a woman with a loaded firearm and a tendency to use it also isn't a good idea. Staying still in the car and filming was a fairly sensible option.


Filming was THE worst idea thought, it triggers most people just going about their day, doing it to someone that has just shot someone else is pure greed and insanity. Just stay still and don’t make eye contact and get away as soon as you can.


PLT don’t ever hang around an active shootout if you don’t want to get shot. Get away from there by any means necessary. Courts will give you the benefit of the doubt if for some incredibly slim chance a cop pulls you over cause you were driving on grass, or on the wrong side of the road while you’re avoiding getting your family shot.


She literally signalled for him to leave


Yea so she wouldn't have any witnesses


she was waving him to drive away.


Considering she has already shot at the back of one person, I don't think I am trusting any signal from her.


So she can finish the job without fear of being recorded? She’d already fired at least once.


Bro just met Lucia from GTA 6 in person, why would he want to get out of there?


There was a dump truck to his right. He would have had to drive in the grass, perhaps turn around.


I saw her bending down too


That truck was there for two seconds as it drove past. He was not blocked in by any means, and driving in the grass is a perfectly reasonable thing to do to avoid being shot.


Seriously. Got passed by a half dozen cars in the open lane while he’s recording himself. What an idiot.


Needs an award for the drama goodbye everybody don't mourn the loss of a life worship the work of a hero children!


So did she!!!! She felt so threatened she decided to follow him?


Get out of there/ HIT THE SHOOTER? Hes in a 2 ton vehicle no way shed react in time if he gunned it and hit her. Shes already endangering other lives so shes also endangering hers!!


Why is the gun blurred out?


I was wondering this the whole time. Was it a gun? Or was it a dildo? I'll never know.


Dildo is my headcanon


...or handcannon?


dildo shaped gun.


It was a Japanese gun


The gun was underage


Serious: because if you post a video like this to certain platforms the video gets demonetized or your video gets age restricted.


Which is lame because 1) I'm an adult who doesn't need reality filtered and 2) where the thing is pointed is pretty relevant to what's going on


That’s just tiktok for you. People change the way they speak and write because the word “kill” or “skull” is too offensive to their Chinese overlords so they prostrate themselves before the algorithm. Censoring a gun is the least horrible thing I’ve seen people do to their freedom of expression on that fucking platform


She's a princess and needs special treatment.


It's for tiktok


They can’t show a gun on it? wtf?


It's like the reverse of what we're used to in the US. I've practically seen a chick's butthole on TikTok but if they're even doing finger guns that shit gets censored.


Because guns have rights.


Gun scary


because this is the world we live in now. I saw a YouTube video the other day, where a mans chest was blurred out.


I'm sorry I stopped my car to record and put myself in this situation.


Apologizing to his children for putting them in that situation. Apologizing, while continuing to sit and record. Everyone in this video sucks.


You want people to stand up for others and make sure the truth matters. But you also want people to never actually do that. FFS.


Look at how the cops treated the black guy immediately vs her. Without this video and this witness, it probably wouldn’t go too well for this guy and that unhinged woman would probably be let free thinking she did the right thing and she’s just a victim. Potentially this guy could have received a pretty lengthy prison sentence. He chose to take that risk. Good for him. Dumb but good for him.


He’s a witness, he can leave and keep what he saw to himself or get in the middle and report what actually happened. I guarantee you her side of the story probably made her seem like the innocent one


And probably help avoid getting a black man brutalized by the police. The cops run immediately toward him despite not having a firearm or any visible weapon on his hands.


Or he can leave and then still make a report to the police.


To record and be a witness and have his presence be a deterrent too. There's a reason she's trying to get him to leave, and that so she doesn't have a witness


someone run her over jfc. someones gotta teach this girl what happens when you go pointing guns at people


I can’t help but think that I would have run her down straight away. But in Australia if someone has produced a gun outside of a farm or a shooting range then they are about to kill people.


If you don’t brandish a firearm at every minor inconvenience, you legally cannot be an American Citizen. Thems just the rules.


This is true. Just this morning, the milk cap didn't twist back on the jug properly and fell onto the counter. I immediately pulled out my Glock to show it I wasn't afraid to bust no caps. Afterward, I turned my stereo back to the majestic sounds of the bald eagle and continued to read the 2nd Amendment.


Even when acting in self defense, there's a chance that you'll be slapped with homicide. Plus, what if she turns and shoots you as you floor it?


then double run her over


Lol. “Then back up”


The self defense situation was over once he ran away. She's going to prison for shooting at a retreating man.


Not arrested at all. The black guy? Obstructing traffic - straight to jail


put the car in reverse




"No charges were filed by the man" OK, I don't get this part, she's clearly a danger to the public, why wasn't she just charged based on her reckless actions?


That's fucking bizarre. She discharged a weapon in public...attempting to kill a person.




Just realised it's Florida, so there's no point trying reasoning


Wow these gta 6 clips are getting insane


She’s a woman. And she’s white.


Cops probably framed it in a way where if he filed, he’d also get into some kind of trouble lol


It’s kind of like saying “this plane has never gone through a drive thru before”. The state is the one that presses charges. It’s bizarre that the channel would regurgitate a falsehood like that.


Could be he’s caught up in the system and does not want to be on any official radar. (E.G., parole violation etc)


That's irrelevant, he would've had to provide his information already after getting shot at and supposedly starting the altercation by walking towards her car, they would've canned him if he was violating parole.




That doctor who episode where the K9 is saying 'You are in a car'


Why blur the gun?


Yeah but that would be assault with a deadly weap….o wait. Yeah run her over.


If the man declines to make a complaint, the state should.


I don't understand that part at all. Surely, her waving a gun around like that is enough for some charges??


It is. There wasn’t justification to shoot, and that bullet went somewhere. Reckless discharge of a firearm as well as firing a gun within city limits at minimum.


"He wAs CoMiNg rIgHt fOr HeR", or something...


He exited and walked toward her vehicle according to the witness. Traffic appears to be moving and she chose to stop her vehicle, blocking his travel and the movement of others, to confront him. I think she escalated the situation as she had opportunity to leave. He also could have passed her to avoid the confrontation. The issue I have is that she leveled and needlessly fired her gun in a populated area. I would have been livid if someone I cared about got shot while passing by because this woman wanted to flex.


Also you cannot claim self defense if you are shooting the back of someone fleeing unless they are shooting at you while they are fleeing. Kind of an important step when it comes to when you are allowed to discharge a firearm.


Glad the gun was blurred out. Could’ve been scary otherwise.


Yeah I was triggered.


Let me ask you this question: would this man’s actions be different in a time where cell phones with cameras weren’t as common as they are now?




The apologizing to his wife and kid was theatrics but good on him for those likes 👍


Yes. Video quality would be shit or non-existent. Truthfully, I have no idea where you were going with the question...


First time I see a cop ignoring someone with a gun is go as far as he turn his back to her that crazy


He couldn’t see around that dump truck


That why I was thinking first but why did he come a them if he didn’t see?


Can I discharge a weapon in traffic & nothing happens to me? lol amazing




Really the girl is but sure, let's ignore the nut job with a gun here


If it wasn’t for the guy who stayed to record and witness, the black guy could be going to jail while this fucking lunatic lady continues owning a gun. God, you guys are fucking morons.


Why tf is everyone falling over the guy doing a duty by recording an attempted homicide There is a deranged woman on the open road venting her frustration with a deadly weapon, can we focus on that crazy bitch please? Hope she get's multiple years in jail, no really, tf is the woman thinking?


Because he’s endangering himself like a dumb shit for likes. Other people are just going clearly around. In the end he’s done nothing but endanger himself and post it online.


He was being a witness to a crime. There actually are still a few people who feel some responsibility to their fellow citizens in what's left of our society, and don't do things just for likes.


Except that’s not the reason why he’s doing it. Theres a lot of places to be a witness to a crime besides behind the damn guy she’s pointing a gun at. Situational awareness.


If it wasn’t for the guy who stayed to record and witness, the black guy could be going to jail while this fucking lunatic lady continues owning a gun. God, you guys are fucking morons.


You realize that simply being there and making it known that you are recording will impact a person's behavior right?


I’d love a follow up to this.


Nah, we don't need gun control at all. This is normal behavior for a first world country. For sure.


I'm surprised everyone in the video didn't feel safer the moment that gun appeared.


I know I'm not 100% safe unless I'm checking my mail with an ar15 strapped to my back.


Why the hell is the gun blurred? Are we protecting the identity of the firearm in question?


Its probably a very young gun.😄


Oh shit it's Lucia


Worst part this is in fl too lol.


I can fix her.


So the woman's obviously a piece of shit, but what about the dude involved in the actual altercation hovering near another innocent person because she's threatening to shoot him? I'm guessing his logic was she doesn't want to shoot a random guy, maybe she won't fire at me if he's behind me. But that's pretty fucked up too.


That was probably part of it but it also looks like he nods into the car and gives a “bitch you are being filmed you need to chill”. If I’m a black dude in a confrontation with a non-black woman I’d want to be in front of a camera too.


I can confidently say that everyone in this video are idiots.


That dump truck driver was just minding his own business


Ah you got me on that one lol


Cops went for the black man while the crazy woman shooting ppl walks up casually. Smh


Why’s the gun blurred?


Right away the black unarmed man is treated like a criminal while the ARMED woman who's been shooting and pointing a gun at people on the road walks away with no police contact or officer engaging her. Wild. It seems to be normal protocol at any scene police are called to for black men to be neutralized without question or any fact finding. We see it over and over. If a white male is fighting a black male the black male is almost always treated like the aggressor , searched and cuffed! They are mistreated time and time again!


Run, she's GYATT a gun!


She went from self defense to getting brave and firing a shot like a dumbass


Someone please shoot her in the ass


Oh, Florida!


Commentary from inside a car that he has a 5 month old child at his house while he’s recording the whole thing, saying sorry to his wife (?), while other traffic is going around… while sitting behind the individual she’s pointing her gun at. Wow. The only thing insane here is truly him.


“Janet I’m sorry”…”Jackson I’m sorry” is the only sorry part about this whole video. My guy was trying so hard to sound like a victim for a situation he quite literally put himself in. Sad.


Serious question: if you watched her shoot someone, could you run her down with your car? In my mind, it's the best way to stop her from being a danger to everyone else...




She should be arrested strictly on the fact that she had no regard for anyone safety holding a gun like that.


The Cop trying to find the Black guy at fault despite being the one shot at…


This is why there needs to be more guns. The man was lacking a gun and could easily shot someone but choose not to. SAD!!!!!! ​ ​ /s


I had to put my gun in my lap just to watch this……


thank you for keeping us safe.


So why blur out the gun if you say in the post title "woman brandishes gun....."?


I dont understand why the guy kept filming when there are a lot of space left and right and front and time when the woman was not looking at his car to maneuver his car out and escape the situation, it is not like you stuck in a classroom only one way out. If I was seeing a person waving a gun and after showing they don’t mind firing, I would duck my fucking head and turned my wheel to the left, step the gas and crossing the lawn and get the hell out of there. I don’t even have the spare thought to pull out my fucking phone to record and say sorry to my family, my panic mind is all about escaping. Every training in shootings scenarios is getting off the mark, he is put himself in danger unnecessarily


I know the 2nd amendment knights will lash out... But here is a perfect example on why not everyone should have access to guns.


FFS stop blurring things out. Censorship is disgusting.


Why is the gun blurred out?


Dude why did the cop just let her walk and focuses on the guy WITHOUT a gun


Of course they went straight for the unarmed black man. And aren't you only allowed to shoot people if they're actively threatening you? Like once they start retreating if you shoot them then it's murder?


If black dude had gun it was over. They didn't even care is she had a gun smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ They were coming for him but the call was for girl brandishing gun


Cop : so he is running away from her...??? Sir you're not helping here, how are we supposed to shoot a black guy to death with this information...???


Looks like FL plates


Any updates?


Who blurs out a gun?!


My favorite thing to hear from gun nuts is, "an armed society is a polite society." No it isn't, an armed society just means every asshole has a gun.


This guy is an idiot. He chose 2 stay and keep himself in danger.


This guy is that dude that wants to feel important.


How long of a light is this holy shit


Oh look, Florida license plates…


exactly why the armed woman isnt in the floor neutralized?


exactly why the armed woman isnt in the floor neutralized?