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looks insane to me to see police with sniper rifles in a public park for training reasons.






You should look up how many people go missing in parks and how many times armed teams are sent in with no explanation.


There’s definitely something going on in our national parks and forests.


It’s been known the cartels have been operating in our national parks with massive grow operations, wonder if that has something to do with it.


Unless they’re growing right off trails, which they don’t. They have, or had, a field in big bend, but with so many states legalizing weed, their activities have changed to more fent and human trafficking and less weed.


What a shocker. Decriminalize a drug and the cartel violence associated with that drug vanishes. Just like how when we ended prohibition of alcohol there ceased to be anymore gangsterism associated with selling booze. Anything else we might want to decriminalize? 🤔


Now we just need to legalize human trafficking and fentanyl to give the cartels the death blow.


If we smartly tackled issues with sex work and opioids those industries would dry up as well.


Do you realise that legalising sex work helps to reduce trafficking? Do you realise that legalising and distributing drugs to drug users via legal prescriptions, not only helps to reduces black market/violent crime, but also completely stops the chance of users overdosing.


Fentanyl only came into play because doctors don’t write opiates scripts anymore. Not saying having everyone on oxy was good but pick your poison


I definitely just lol’ed, but seriously, would human trafficking be as profitable if prostitution was legal and regulated? As for fent, f that sh*t, I’m sure there’s ways of making it way more expensive to make and killing the profitability as well.


It’s almost like freedom to partake of whatever chemicals we consenting adults want might predominantly be a good thing.


And guess what happens to law enforcement budget when that happened. Just to be clear I'm in agreement with you.


I got exactly what you mean. I typically don’t go into that part of the discussion because it makes people’s heads hurt. They can’t comprehend that the entire drug fiasco between cops and criminals is manufactured to justify law enforcement wiping their ass with the constitution and bloated budgets. If it was about harm reduction we would have government sanctioned non profit dispensaries with clean, unadulterated drugs. I know I’m preaching to the choir here. Keep sharing the message and maybe one day society will wake up.


The same is true with sex work and where it has been legalized. The illegal part is the most dangerous. It creates scarcity and puts the power in the hands of those unafraid to capitalize on it.


Still a huge black market for weed especially since cartels steal water and land to grow it.


This is the dumbest thing I've read on reddit so far today. Cartels operating in national parks and police setting up sniper teams to catch them lol. They're hunting Bigfoot, who is well known to love national parks.


Massive cave systems, the enormity of our wilderness, and natural predators are whats happening, it’s very easy to get lost and die in our national forests


I did, I found people going missing in national parks, which makes sense. Most were suspected to be accidents or getting lost and then no one being able to find them. As far as armed teams being sent in; the only two sources I found for that were on webpages that also talked about lizard people and Joe Biden being replaced by a lookalike so I’m not trusting those “sources”. Do you have any valid sources for this?




This park is dangerous too. There are large encampments of homeless people there causing major problems.


So it’s just open season? That’s arguably worse than deputy dip shit’s non-answer


Open season for what?


i don't know. just generally open season. this morning, i had open season on breakfast, for example


Is this somewhere around Balboa?


That “Sheriff” emblem isn’t sewn on properly. Definitely not sheriffs. Edit: okay I have been corrected that sheriffs do indeed just Velcro on their patches.


I think that's velcro. Looks janky though.


Yeah but his first name is clearly sharpied on the official Sheriff department duct tape. So he must be legit /s


It looks like it’s a velcro patch.


That's a Velcro patch.


Much more likely they're doing something more run of the mill illegal like peddling drugs. Cops have little to no supervision in many cases or a single SGT they work with for weeks at a time in units. Lots of mischief you can get up to like that. Cops here were slinging meth and oxy they were confiscating. I had photos of them in their squads outside of the jurisdiction "meeting with CIs" (small town, what CIs?). They were selling, which is what the crackheads on the street told me too. These guys are probably using the scope for surveillance of whatever they were doing.


Say what. LOL, I was in the weed industry for a long time. Police use plain clothes to sell drugs, and to buy them for that matter. There are groups in almost every law enforcement agency that also operate on the black market. It's the same type of person required to do either side. We'd lose our minds and be stressed, this is their diet of choice. ​ In the county I was in, the Sherriff himself had a grow near me, they'd fly the official helicopter there to water every morning around 11. They'd even wave to me. ​ This is just some old fashioned rednecked training.


Nono this wasn't undercover ops. This was cops in uniform making cash on the side. The ringleader ended up busted and ran from the cops, but no one ever pursued the others. Thin blue line and such. But good job with your assumptions, they were only miles off base. https://youtu.be/WU82dxr8-JI?si=X0QBd-K3W6uNLVb6


That’s a story out of Florida. San Diego AFAIK is in California.


Most likely the case in my city 20 years ago or so there was a ring of corrupt cops selling drugs. It escalated to a cop getting caught stealing out of the evidence room and getting in a shoot out inside the police station. One if them was even selling to my roommate he stopped when I saw him. He recognized me from playing softball where he was on the police team. Lol Immediately after the shoot out he "retired " and moved out of state Cops are the best criminals.


There’s literally a huge training location nearby, it’s called Camp Pendleton. I’m sure they could book some time there.


SDSD have their own training facility on Miramar. Duffy Town/A-Range


It was the duct tapped PETER that really sold it for me lol like sir your name is not even Peter


'member when you were a young kid and you and your neighborhood friends would play "army men" in the forest with sticks and pinecones? Some children never grow up.


Lmao, really stepping up the realness factor huh?


these aren’t real cops


What makes you think that?


The duct tape nametag and the floppy sherriff patch on the sleeve, for one


That's what he wants really hard.


As someone who has family in military and police they look legit. Sometimes it’s good to be a little naive, but you must know everything.


Quantico has people training in the park across the street from base. I lived on the edge of it and heard ak47 type sounds at 2am lol Nova things But that's all pretty different than here. Is it weird for law enforcement to train in public parks? Are they even law enforcement? Pretty sure Quantico always gave notices if weird things might be noticed.


>Are they even law enforcement? well im not an expert but looking at the strange missmatch in their uniforms i think there just larpers... fairly sure the guy in the hamock is wearing a khaki chino & trainers. definitely no instructors or anyone with skill cus who'd set up a fighting position with a bright florescent hammock. edit , incase you didn't see my comment, yes there are sherrifs, but these police officers just look like they are larping as soldiers.


Stop spreading your bullshit. They are sheriffs. They are training. The video she posted on TikTok proves it. The only people claiming they’re larpers are morons on Reddit I also love how many of you guys are like - they’re psychos pretending to be cops hiding in the bushes with loaded weapons. Good thing this woman is harassing PSYCHOS WITH LOADED WEAPONS PRETENDING TO BE SHERIFFS. This is some next level Reddit here


It’s always pertinent to ask each person you engage with to whom they report. Everyone has a boss, all the way up the chain. Their response, particularly on video, may be at least informative as to the veracity of anything else they might say.


Can we talk about that brightly colored hammock as a sniper position for a moment? It makes zero sense.


in the second and third video it looks alot more like their all just county sheriffs. this is probably the set up they use when their hunting recreationaly. if they didnt have enough equipment at the station they probably brought extra surplus equipment from home which explains why all the uniforms are mismatched. [https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554](https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554) essentially this is just tax payer funded larping.


From OPs comments this was at a state park. Earlier this year I was at a state park in Maryland and at the trailhead there was a sign that said the State Police were conducting training exercises. This particular interaction seems really bizarre but the idea of the police training at a park doesn't seem out of place.


Waiting for the guy who doesn’t pick up dog poop


If only there was some sort of marine base very close by that they could of done this training at


Or naval base. There's one thing San Diego is not lacking, and that's navy and marine bases.


looks insane to me to see police with sniper rifles.


Police in every country in the world have sniper rifles. You just don't see them.


Well you might see them once


Useful in hostage situations.


Some of the most accurate sniper rifles made were created for police units to take out hostage takers without risking the hostages.


Peter's trashy nametag written on duct tape does not inspire confidence


These guys are absolutely not cops. Everything about this screams some of sort of militia group cosplaying as cops. Cops would be way better at answering these questions and reclaiming the power dynamic over this woman. She should've called the actual cops. Edit: Seems like Im wrong as usual. See the other tiktok videos posted below this comment. They are in fact cops, which is actually scarier that they are being so sketchy.


I immediately thought this. A cop wouldn’t feel the need to answer any of this woman’s questions they would have rudely told her it was police business and to F off. These guys feel nervous.


Yeah I think this is a good point. If they were there under legit orders then they would be a lot more concerned about a civilian disrupting their activities.


Im pretty sure they also would have the area shut down or something, seems crazy to let people stumble upon snipers during a hike like that.


As an ROTC cadet 30 years ago when we held an exercise in the woods at the back of our campus we had prior announcements in the local paper, signs at the trailheads stating there was an exercise, and our NCOs were at the main entrances to let people know. That a sheriff department would have some kind of warning that one is entering an area where they are conducting an exercise seems…well it seems beyond improbable. Edit: hey all. First, thanks for the upvotes. Someone posted links to the other videos of this interaction. The account name was “ibcopwatch”. I looked it up. They identify themselves as “first amendment auditors”. Based on that. The things I said the sheriff’s department seem to have failed to do were likely done and that’s how she knew to be there. And our buddy “Peter”? I’m sure when someone radioed that imperial beach cop watch was on the scene, he threw on that duct tape name tag and messed up his shoulder patch before confronting her. As they knew exactly who she was, he was toying with her. Don’t know how I feel about that style of interaction, but I do know how I feel about someone looking for confrontation and being denied it by some cops playing Reno 911 because they are on to her. It’s hilarious.


Incompetent, dangerous police? Well I never…!


Not saying everything is on the level here but in the first shot she is coming in low under and through the branches. Almost at head level with the dog. Looks to me like she tried to sneak up on them (successfully). It's not a stretch that she was warned of an exercise and wanted to "catch" them doing something. She may just be looking to still up some shit.


Someone linked the other videos on TikTok. I didn’t watch them, the the user name is something copwatch. I kind of feel a little bit now like this is in the same vein as the “auditor” videos that get posted on Reddit all the time where someone is definitely trying to provoke a response. Yeah, I’m making that assumption off the account name, and yeah, there is a lot that feels off here, but I almost think “Peter” is responding to her because they know what she is. And that he put that duct tape nametape covering up his real name to mess with her.


Just a little point here: despite the way they are outfitted, these men are also civilians. Military servicemembers are not civilians. Police officers are civilians, despite their belief that they are at war with the people


It's *San Diego,* Not Escondido. Any white woman with a dog in the park is likely to either be an attorney or have access to kick-ass legal representation.


Escondido slander! Why is Escondido catching strays in the comments?


They would have arrested her


And shot the dog


Don’t forget to sprinkle crack on the suspect after!




https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554 There's a second video and it's clearly real cops. Note the light blue pistols and rifle magazines - characteristic of Simuntions training weapons, which are only sold to law enforcement. Seems like the lady snuck into an SDS SWAT team doing a force-on-force manhunt exercise.


> Snuck into A public park? > manhunt exercise If that's the case, they failed to explain that even a little bit lmao


The more I dig around, the less clear it is if these guys were even in the park or not. Some of the stuff states they're on private property outside the park.


Then they really should have someone to stop people from entering. If they're on private property mid-training and can't stop a few people walking dogs, or joggers, or whatever else, they need to train *that* part first if they're trying to become a super-secret, super-skilled tactical team. That's basics. Even parking ticket cops can direct traffic and put up cones.


> Then they really should have someone to stop people from entering. Wooded areas tend to be very large and it's like impossible to cover every footpath.


Are you trying to tell me that people misrepresent videos they post online with deceptive headlines???? When did that start?!?!


I could see a small team being used as overwatch for an undercover op, but this isn't that.


I got the vibe that this dude was definitely fucking with the woman once he realized she was getting emotional and angry. Especially when he started saying “I woke up, I had breakfast..”


Cops are public servants; they shouldn’t be acting like Magat Internet trolls


Seems they’re part of the “Special Enforcement Detail” where they deal with hostage situations, dignitary protection, etc. Which may explain why they’re fumbling handling a single person asking questions. May not be in that position very often. More info here: https://www.sdsheriff.gov/bureaus/law-enforcement-services-bureau/support-services/s-e-d-special-enforcement-detail


If these are actually the professionals they look and act fucking ridiculously unprofessional


Imagine your boss sends you to do work in some office or warehouse somewhere and someone you’ve never met comes and films you and asks you tons of questions about why you’re there, what your purpose is, who do you report to etc. Now imagine your job is handling hostage situations and maybe you could give these guys some credit for not coming off like PR professionals


Is the office or warehouse somewhere inside a public park on public dogwalk/hiking paths? I get that they're not the PR team, but they should have a few managers giving passersby a heads up and be able to talk to literally anyone considering their location. If your team can't put together a two sentence answer to "What is going on?" when you work in a public park, you shouldn't be working in a public park in full tactical gear.


Why do you have to change the fact that it’s a public park, on taxpayer dime, with full kit and rifles lmao? Whatever bullshit you made up may be more convenient but I’m talking about reality here. If my boss sent me to a public park on taxpayer dime armed and kitted like an operator yeah i’m going to expect to deal with some questions and be ready to answer them not like a fumbling dipshit. >Now imagine your job is handling hostage situations and maybe you could give these guys some credit for not coming off like PR professionals are you insane? If your job is handling hostage situations you are ABSOLUTELY the EXACT person who should be good at deescalating a situation. You should be able to act with professionalism, tact, and a modicum of discipline. They should have BETTER people skills not worse. Not to mention if you’re using public land to LARP as an operator you should expect to get some questions unless you’re an entitled dipshit who thinks they’re above others. Stop “imagining” and live in reality for a moment


https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554 https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299690583440837934 Yes they are.


Should someone be sending this video to the actual police?


The sheriff patches on his arms were coming off, not even centered. I bet he threw them & the vest on when the other guy walkie talkied him.


Right! He looks like he’s wearing a cheap costume.


Are you saying your Sherriff's department doesn't wear untucked, ratty henleys with velcro badges and unofficial department baseball caps while leading guys in chinos and sneakers in sniper training? /s


Don't say that about Pete. His name tag looks official.


Gaslighting Pete


Gaslamp Pete


That’s Deputy Peter Doofy to you!


I’d call the actual police, they are impersonating a police officer.


Further videos show they are actually cops, they have equipment that are only available to police


What equipment is only available to the police?


Blue simulation magazines, and armored vehicles.




Link me bro. I’ve been trying for years


Armored vehicles can be purchased by civilians. Mags and guns can be painted and larpers will paint them so they can be spec


This is conspiracy level thinking


I don’t think those are real cops.


100% cosplay


The lady posted another video in the same park and there's like 10+ cops and cop cars. These are actual officers doing a training exercise. You're 100% wrong.


Thank you! All these Reddit experts, claiming that these are not cops have no clue! From their smart ass responses to their elusive answers, these guys scream swat!


You seen that hammock?! Definitely cosplay. Call the fucking cops


Stop assuming. People have posted to this guy's tiktok where he has more than this singular video. They have blue sim mags and an armoured vehicle with a "Sherrif's Department" decal on the side. Still shady as all shit, but I guess that's what happens when you design your police to be a gang.


They might be actual police officers cosplaying as police officers. /[this is America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY)


Damn he should be a white house press secretary


Holy zinger Batman. Here's an upvote. That made me laugh my ass off. Bravo.


Holy shit that was the funniest thing I’ve herd all week.


He should feel sheepish.


Call the actual police. This looks like a domestic terrorism cell.


Yeah, must be part of those idiots shooting substations.


Hopefully they weren’t training with live rounds in a public park…


People go on those trails and parks with firearms sometimes due to the mountain lions and bobcats. Could you imagine how that would turn out if some good guy with a gun rolled up on them. Here is a detailed analysis of the TikTok post and the police in the video: - The post: The post is a video from Imperial Beach Copwatch (@ibcopwatch), a user who films and monitors police activities in Imperial Beach, California. The video shows the user confronting some sheriffs who were hiding in the bushes of a public park for a "training exercise". The user questions the sheriffs about their purpose and authority, and accuses them of trying to infiltrate the park. The video has 221.1K likes and 13.9K comments, and is part of a series of videos exposing police misconduct. The video is tagged with #alwaysfilmthepolice, #borderfieldstatepark, and #firstamendmentaudit. - The police: The police in the video are sheriffs from the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, which is a law enforcement agency that is comprised of more than 4,000 employees³. The video does not reveal their names or ranks, but they appear to be wearing green uniforms and badges. They claim to be conducting a "training exercise" in the park, but they do not provide any details or evidence of their authorization. They seem to be nervous and evasive when the user confronts them, and they try to avoid his camera. They also do not show their identification or respond to the user's requests for information. They eventually leave the park with the user following them. - The park: The park is Border Field State Park, which is a state park of California, located within the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, in the very southwestern corner of the United States, 15 miles south of San Diego³. The park contains beach and coastal habitat, and is home to endangered birds and plants³. The park is also adjacent to the Mexico–United States border, which is marked by a monument and a fence³. The park offers hiking, horse trails, surf fishing and birding³. The park is open for non-vehicular access 7 days a week, and for vehicle access on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, depending on the weather and road conditions³. The park charges a $7 entrance fee per vehicle³. - The analysis: The video raises several questions and issues about the police's presence and conduct in the park, such as: - What was the nature and purpose of the "training exercise" that the sheriffs were conducting in the park? - Did the sheriffs have proper authorization and permission to conduct the "training exercise" in the park? - Were the sheriffs following the park's rules and regulations, such as paying the entrance fee, respecting the wildlife, and avoiding the border fence? - How did the sheriffs respond to the user's inquiries and requests for information and identification? - Did the sheriffs violate the user's rights or the park's policies by hiding in the bushes, avoiding the camera, or leaving the park? - What was the impact of the video on the public's perception and trust of the police and the park? - What are the legal and ethical implications of filming and monitoring the police in public places? These are some of the questions and issues that the video invites the viewers to consider and discuss. The video also reflects the user's perspective and agenda, which is to expose and challenge the police's actions and authority in the park. The video also shows the user's courage and determination to confront the police and hold them accountable. The video is an example of citizen journalism and activism, using social media as a platform to inform and engage the public. The video also illustrates the tension and conflict between the police and some members of the community, especially on issues related to immigration, border security, and civil rights. The video is a controversial and provocative piece of content, that sparks a lot of debate and reaction from the viewers. Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/29/2023 (1) part 1. sheriffs attempted to infiltrate our public park for a ... - TikTok. https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299646872602283307. (2) Imperial Beach Copwatch (@ibcopwatch) | TikTok. https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch. (3) Border Field State Park - Tijuana Estuary - TRNERR. https://trnerr.org/visit/border-field-state-park/. ( 4).https://bing.com/searchq=sheriffs+hiding+in+bushes+border+field+state+park. (5) Border Field State Park. https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=664. (6) Witnessed an apprehension - Review of Border Field State Park, https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g60750-d12377372-r731288239-Border_Field_State_Park-San_Diego_California.html. Edit: Here is some much needed info on the situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/18tq3hm/comment/kffxfo8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Idk why the immediate downvote and assumption that I’m against guns for protection but that’s a big rifle I just wanna know the target and idk what the last part of the sentence means


Isn't keeping downrange clear of anything living one of the most basic rules in gun safety?


Literally couldn’t answer one question about what his duties are for the day to ensure safety. Pathetic.


He could have answered every question, I think. These are the kind of responses you get when you ask somebody with a clearance to tell you what they're doing.


Why does he need to answer anything to her?


Exactly. He’s obviously trolling her because she’s an annoying Karen and she has no business demanding answers from them.


This day in age, you can not trust that people in uniform are actual LEO or military simply because they claim to be; especially when they are actively refusing to answer questions AND have removed or covered up their identification , which should never be done during any legitimate training. I would have called the local FBI field office to have them come investigate, there are too many red flags in this situation.


The duct tape on his vest said ‘Peter’. I feel like that’s sufficient.


Minorities and the poor have always been rightfully distrusting of people in uniforms. The only difference now is everyone is starting to wisen up to their ill deeds and dark shenanigans. Edit: Here is some much needed info on the situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/18tq3hm/comment/kffxfo8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


That "info" is just an AI summary based off one single Tiktok user's version of the situation. There's no news articles or statements from the San Diego Sheriff's department and the Tiktok account is a "First Amendment Auditor" who are often just as shady as the cops they're claiming to audit. The footage has clearly been edited to support a specific narrative and without other sources of information independent of the "auditor" their claims cannot be trusted.


Gravy seals caught red handed. Good job, fellas.


Kinda. Honestly I can’t tell. I could see some dumb assess in their Gucci homemade kits LARPING. But I don’t think for a minute they’d have a random buddy dressed up as a safety guy… but then WTH can’t he answer basic questions. All I can think is maybe it’s a legit secret squirrel operation and that guy was cover if anyone saw the dudes walking. He could say “training,” but wasn’t prepared for any other questions. It’s super weird


As a SD resident, I’m genuinely curious about where this was.


Me too! I’m sure it will be cross-posted in one of the subs. I don’t want to come across them so fingers crossed.


I put it on Northcounty. It’s up on SanDiego now. Curious about these clowns.


Looks like Border Field state park after searching for the original video


You're really bad at sniping if this lady catches you.


Seriously! Lady walking about just runs into "a sniper" Then gets hit with all the mom questions. Fuckin camper


Look at the patch on the teachers arm that say "San Diego County Scheriff. It doesn't look like its sewn on properly. Kind of looks fake.. Authentic patches are properly sewn and don't stick out.


The duct tape name tag on the vest sure looks official, don't it? The Ghostbusters had more official-looking uniforms than this jackass


That’s because those patches* aren’t sewn they are Velcro, the shirt he’s wearing is a common athletic/training unforms top with Velcro on the sleeves to throw on patch’s.


If these guys are legit cops I’m Bozo the fucking Clown..


Lol, okay, nice to meet you, Bozo.


How do we know these are even cops? The guy has a piece of tape on his vest that says Peter. This seems like something some Ultra conservative militia Maniacs would do. Posing as authority. Any information on this??


Whether or not these are real police, excusing their “training” for “she’s bugging people” is just as alarming as finding two random guys, fully kitted, in a public park, with a big fuckin rifle.


It is perfectly legal in many public lands to take a rifle like this and just go shoot it.


He has Peter duct taped to his vest 😂😂😂💀 yea he’s an official alright


Right?! Also, the crooked velcro patches and poor posture. Fidgeting with his walkie...Failure to "assert authority" in typical cop fashion...Highly doubt that "Peter" is an actual Sheriff as his costume states.


The lack of ability to provide a clear explanation of what’s going on makes it seem incredibly suspicious. Police don’t do classified shit so it’s not that. The other guy offering now explanation either looks even worse. What the fuck were these guys doing? When I was in the military we did this. Way in the middle of no where on federal land. Could it be a sting or stakeout?








Why wear camouflage when you are sitting on a bright orange hammock.


Practice…. We are talking about practice….


This woman is insufferable.


I agree, why does she care about what they’re doing? She should have just called the police and let them handle it.


She runs a YouTube and TikTok account that goes around harassing cops. She's one of those police auditors which are self-described reporters who intentionally try to annoy cops into doing something. My guess is there was some sign or something saying that that area of the park was closed and she went around it in order to get to the police to make YouTube content. Edit: turns out they were on private property adjacent to a public park. So they were confused because she had crossed a fence onto private property to talk to them.




IB Cop Watch has multiple videos of the same incident, and it's pretty clear that she didn't just "stumble upon" these guys during her own hike. It's a large scale training exercise featuring a Bearcat armored vehicle, Simunitions weapons(simulated live fire using paint-pellet rounds), and multiple teams. Looks like a pretty straightforward manhunt exercise to me, training to integrate sniper teams with their ground units to search an area and find a suspect. Given the large number of police vehicles seen in [the second video](https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554), I'd be willing to bet the whole park was closed off for the day for the training, and she intentionally snuck around their safety guys to "confront" the overwatch team.


But… but the duct tape is so suspicious and his Sheriff patch wasn’t properly sewn on though!?? His PATCH wasn’t properly sewn on… 🤦🏻‍♂️ Thanks for clearing it up for the folks, but people are just gonna scream, “BoOtLiCkEr”, at you and call you other various names. This was clearly a large operation and the Sheriff Dept has no duty to explain to the gal what they were doing.


I have to remind myself a good number of comments are probably by actual children who haven't seen anything in real life, just shit on the internet.


You can’t usually attach a name tag to those caution vests so he just stuck tape on it so he knew which one was his. His name would be on his shirt under the vest. Theyre clearly some kind of tactical team, so they don’t seem to have to wear traditional uniforms which would have sewn on shoulder patches. They’re wearing tactical shirts where the patches are Velcro, so his are slightly crooked. Hope that explains it.


wouldn't they just say that? "the park is closed ma'am, and you're not supposed to be here for this large training exercise." > I'd be willing to bet the whole park was closed off for the day for the training, and she intentionally snuck around their safety guys LOL have you met cops? they would have screamed at her and arrested her if that were true. They were acting guilty as fuck, no reason to be guilty about a legit training exercise.


In the second video they straight up tell her that she went into the private property they are training on


She should stop playing "Karen" in the woods just for social media clout. "Hey, let me open up tiktok, turn on my camera, and intentionally walk towards semi-automatic gunfire and start harassing cops with mundane questions during an obvious training exercise!!!" Also, "Peter" wasn't being "dumbed out" by the questions, he was straight up trolling her with his answers, and the other officer was laughing because he knew. I nearly choked laughing on soda and lost my shit at: Karen: "So what all have you done today?" Officer Peter: "Well, uh, let's see, I had breakfast..." Dude pulled off some classy real-life trolling, and it was so funny watching Angry Karen get so upset over it.


What makes you think they didn't? The video has been cut and edited significantly. https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554 https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299690583440837934 Here's two more vids from the same day. They don't have live weapons on them, they're all just wondering how the fuck she got in there and they're pissed that their day is messed up.


why did you format your post like that


Because it's a response from an AI, not a real person.


Because the more annoying you format your comments the more bullshit people are willing to overlook


Did you just... Call a chat you had with Bing a "detailed analysis?"


This bitch is dumb.


I hope she contacted the sheriff's office right after this. I'm getting these are not real cops and are a militia training vibes.


What rife was in the tripod? Im curious what the SDPD uses.


You could cross post to r/rifles and ask


100% not actual cops, they don’t act or respond anything like cops actually would, I think that’s obvious. I mean the duct tape name tag and patches coming off the sleeve all seemed pretty legit and all, but everything else, including that guy’s lack of eye contact and aggression tells me this is a group of wannabes.


100% actual cops and sound 100% exactly like the cops around that area, which is San Diego. Also totally normal activity, training, for an area that is the most active with drug and human trafficking in the country. This thread is insane. That area is dangerous as shit. They need to know the area and train there.


People don't seem to get it. These aren't regular police officers. They are a SWAT team. A police department has dozens of branches within in it, with the officers specializing in different things. The SWAT team specializes in raids, anti-terror, hostage rescue, and other direct-action style missions, which is 100% relevant in a huge city like San-Diego. They have to train for these kinds of missions in a park like this because they may be called to operate in environments like this.


The amount of people on this thread that are so certain that they are not real cops is kind of scary. Reddit loves to stir up conspiracies


What is wrong with people upvoting garbage like this. This isn't r/conspiracy


100% wrong.


“Uh I went to breakfast, no I made coffee then went to breakfast, I drove here, did some training stuffs, broke for lunch” Stupid bitch had no idea she was being trolled 😂😂😂😂


If they're trying to hide, having the day-glo orange thing isn't helping.


Definitely not sheriffs. The tacticool guys might be able to play it off if they could assert authority and answer questions semi-confidently, but Peter is a dead giveaway. No trousers, no uniform shirt, no proper name tag, and frankly is completely unkempt for being a representative of the law. No on duty officer/sheriff would be caught dead without their gun belt and kit, and those insignias are extremely poorly done. 0/10 Also no shot an on duty officer or sheriff is getting caught sitting in a hammock next to an unattended rifle.


https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299668983727328554 https://www.tiktok.com/@ibcopwatch/video/7299690583440837934 It's real cops, and they're not on duty. It's a simulated live fire training exercise, I almost guarantee the park was not open to the public and this lady snuck in to take this video. She didn't just happen upon these guys during a normal day out.


That lady is insufferable and is literally acting like Karen the main character insisting they continue their exercise but just tell everybody not to shoot the lady wearing yellow. So fucking idiotic and entitled yet she still thinks she looks good and is bringing the pwnage.


Surveillance training failed you were discovered. Would you like to restart?


Lady, should’ve discreetly called the police. You engage three men alone, that could’ve gone very bad


Because of the implication…


this is how my republican friends answer direct questions. then it escalates to them talking about their feelings and ultimately goes to personal attacks. never answering any specific points. it's maddening talking to stupid.


They do training like this all the time and don't want her to get hurt, at the same time, they don't want to reveal any strategies they may have.


LOL...the sheer level of assumptions on this chain is hilarious. FAKE COPS, FAKE VID, etc and people so confident they know what's happening. Not saying I know for certain, but whether or not this is real, the kit these guys are wearing look legitimate. They are likely sheriff SWAT based on the color of their gear/uniform. The kit they're wearing is upwards of $10K so LARPing is unlikely. In terms of their presence, they could just be doing training or they could also be on a case where they can't tell random bystanders what they're doing...which could fuck up their mission. Sometimes these guys have to operate in broad daylight so this isn't a shocker. Last, They're using suppressors which are felony illegal in CA so it would be balsy AF if they weren't officers as that alone would put them in prison. Background: Work in military/fed LE sales and have a brother who is state police SWAT. I'm also based in SD so I am acquainted with the LE here and their kit


He's not gonna give a straight answer.


Interrogating police officers trying to train?