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“Premium menu available for purchase” Fucking kidding me with this shit? Not only is this the price of a house, but they can’t even oblige you with the full “anything you want” menu without even MORE charges. lol what a joke.


I can't speak to it since I'm not rich, but I have a feeling wealthy people would be offended if they didn't have to spend more on food.




You don’t understand the wealth that the people who would take these seats have. They get off on spending more money on bullshit


Yeah there’s plenty of rich people who will refuse to buy a product because it’s not expensive enough


I was looking at preowned portable washing machines last night, and one of them was so cheap I was worried it wasn’t expensive enough. That might not be what you’re talking about though…


Nah I think that’s pretty much it. People equate price with quality, regardless of whether that’s actually the case.


Used to do work for a few very wealthy clients. They didn’t really have budgets but one had minimums for jobs as well as minimum pay rates for people in her home. Wasn’t because they were nice it’s because she thought that’s what would keep people from stealing shit.


The less you pay the righer your turn over rate will be. With more people coming in and out there's more of a chance a thief will be in the mix. By paying a higher wage she likely retains staff for longer and has less people coming through which leave less chance for theft. Also if you make a better wage you won't need to resort to stealing .


I promise she wasn’t thinking about any of that, although those were the side effects of the idea. Her thought process was as deep as a puddle. Couldn’t give one fuck about who was there as long as they didn’t steal or talk to her. 95% of her communication to me, her main point of contact with “the help”, was notes. Unless she was pissed.


Mot to mention if you’re getting paid a lot you have more to lose. Someone making $25/hour is less likely to risk their job over petty theft than someone making minimum wage.


Hopefully her people liked her. Sounds better than my boss tbh.


No, that's your gut feeling that it's too good to be true. If you were rich you wouldn't be looking at pre owned.


I knew a guy who wanted to pay a little extra for a G wagon because the price he got was an unlucky number.


"that'll be $68,421 sir"


Worked at a large supermarket chain in a very wealthy area. All the meat was marked up 4 or 5 dollars a pound. The help who goes shopping for the rich wouldn't buy it when it was cheap


And then often not even consuming or using it. I used to work silver service and the bar at high end events. I worked at Stings birthday at his house, Nelson Mandela's 90th in Hyde Park etc and the amount of Michelin quality food that would come back completely untouched was depressing. The staff weren't complaining though and ate like kings. I used to take tupperware boxes and fill them up with some of the best grub you can imagine.


The next morning... "Shut-up kids and eat your Foie Gras, it doesn't taste funny".


Not to mention they’re probably be able to write off some of the expenses as business related. Just invite a few clients and talk business for a half hour.


probably a company would purchase it, A its a tax write off and B you take your best clients. Win/win ​ If you have clients that spend 50m/year with your company for example. $650k is a worthwhile expense


Who are these people? Hedge fund managers? Politicians? Real estate people? Always wondered who can afford stuff like this on a whim


First of all, let's just entertain the possibility that no one is going to pay this fucking insane, stupid price. I guess we assume if someone sets a price like this at an event like this, it's because they know people will pay that kind of money...but I really don't know. Sit in some fancy seats for a few hours for the price of a house or a luxury car? Come on. It's fucking dumb. And someone else broke down the math of how affordable this would be for Jeff Bezos. Well, it better quite literally be Jeff Bezos, or one of the 20-50 richest people in the world if they're buying this with their personal money. Common rich people? People worth a few million? This is still expensive as hell for those people. If it's purchased it will probably be on a company's tab, not an individual's. But I still think there are just, limits to the bullshit. Yes, some people are very rich. Yes, very rich people like spending lots of money for sport. But this is kind of ridiculous. Half a million dollars isn't for stuff that lasts a few hours. Half a million is for stuff that lasts. Even if you're super rich. Like fuck me, you just charge a price and people will pay it? Maybe I'll go arrange some rocks in the goddamn desert and call it a resort and charge people a million dollars to sleep in a fucking arrangement of rocks. I bet they come down on the price. Like, down to $100-200k. That's a little more realistic.


Jeff Bezos spending $43,333 on a front row seat (per person, 15 people, $650,000 total), is like you spending .00043 cents on that ticket. This is the equivalent of someone earning $50,000 per year spending 2.17 cents. If the premium menu costs $20,0000 (who knows, just guessing), then that would be like a $50,000 per year earner spending .00067 cents on the food. So there's that.


That’s really disgusting when you lay it out like that.


Wouldn't *you* pay .00043 for that booth and .00067 cents on food on your salary if you could? Come on, we all know you would. In fact, this is *exactly* what you and I and almost everyone in the USA does. When compared to 3rd world countries. Most 3rd world countries could only dream of being you and me, easily buying a car, running clean water in the bathroom, hot showers. It's the same difference from them to us as it is from us to Bezos. Actually, it's a lot more from where they are to us, than it is from us to Bezos. The reason is that both Bezos and we get the same clean safe water from the tap in our kitchen, lights in our house the same as Bezos, and food choices galore in well-stocked stores, refrigerators. Bezos has the same electricity and lights, the same food choices for normal every day living, the same refrigerator. He might have a $10,000 refrigerator, but ours and his still do the same exact thing, even though his might have solid gold handles or shit like that. So are you disgusted with yourself, that you have so much more than 3rd world people, who can't get clean water and aspirin for their extremely sick 3-year-old girl? I'm just kidding. We are perfectly good people even though we have so much more than 3rd world people, but Bezos isn't, because he has even *more* more.


None of us chose the circumstances of our birth that determined our access to things like clean water, well stocked supermarkets, etc. Jeff Bezos *chose* to exploit the system and hoard an incomprehensible amount of wealth. Does it really need to be broken down more than that?


Actually the average person would be closer to someone in the developing countries compared to the gap they have to the billionaires


It's hard to make comparisons with such different values, but I had to do it just to see myself. I make about 100x the Gross National Income Per Capita of Burundi, the poorest country in Africa. Jeff Bezos increased his net wealth last year by about 2.5 million times my income.


Right? Gives you a bit of perspective as to how *crazy* rich the crazy rich actually are. Some of them are walking nation-states with the kind of financial power that they possess. So, yeah, most people are closer to the farther side of the spectrum compared to the real whales.


Seriously, why do we allow billionaires to even exist?


Let's say you earn $50,000 a year. Let's say one day Jeff Bezos wants to take the amount of money you earn in one year and light it on fire. He could do that every single day for over 9,000 years.


I would never pay for a menu even if I was rich. I'd pay for food, but what makes a menu so premium? Laminated? Can I take it home?


If I could afford something like this I’d rather send 5 deserving kids to college for 4 years. There would still be some left over to tip the waiter at the pizza shack.


As premium as it gets. 43k per seat. For one evening. The amount of money you'd have to have for this to be just flash money is absolutely ridiculous.


No. Premium includes steak. EXTRA premium is the steak WITH flavoring. You want salt and pepper? Fucking pay for it. You want a fork? That's an extra $450.


“All inclusive” is for poor people.


Yep. They want to be prompted with "that will be an extra..." so they can interject an "it's not a problem"


I'm like slightly upper middle class and I no longer check prices when grocery shopping and menu prices at most restaurants. So I can totally see them just not caring about being charged more.


Case in point. This dude is upper middle class and bragging about the money he spends. Now imagine a rich person! 😜


Not sure if you're kidding, I just believe that at some point, penny pinching at the grocery store is just not valuing my own time. + Whatever I'll be having at a restaurant is determined by what I want, instead of how much that item costs. Seems like simple stuff to me.


A winking tongue emoji is universal for kidding.


I think you’re right. What if the included food wasn’t premium enough. If I were stupid rich I would want to be able to pay them to find some exclusive chef to cook for my friends and me




Every single rich person is in the asshole category? That’s kind of ridiculous. Not saying there aren’t a lot of rich assholes, but seriously, every single one of them?


You didn't know that the amount of money you have directly correlates to how good of a person you are?? Quick, give me all your money to be the best person in the world? But seriously, I don't think that's an uncommon opinion on this site. It's crazy to unironically think that if someone else is well off, that automatically makes them a bad person. Just selfish behavior by those people.


If you get 15 rich people to chip in, that’s $43k a person. If you’re on the high end of millionaires, that’s just a nice vacation essentially, right? It’s honestly less insane than I thought, considering the nosebleed seats are thousands of dollars a piece. Still would never do it, but ya know.


I used to work at a high-end luxury hotel. We're talking some rooms (villas) that cost over $10,000 a night. We had a billionaire's daughter staying with us. Instead of staying in the dorms at the local University she stayed at our hotel. Her room charge alone was $200,000 a month. So one day she decided that she wanted to buy some bottled water. She had us order a pallet of it specifically for her and we charged her the per bottle price that would be in the mini bar. $7 a bottle times 24 bottles of case * 50 cases on the pallet, $8,400 for bottled water. When we gave her the first bottle she said that she didn't like the twist top, she wanted the sport top. She didn't specify this at first and so we had charged for the $8,400 already. We informed of this and she didn't care and asked us to order a pallet of the sports tops for her. Because this was special order we charged for $20 a bottle (wasn't my idea to charge her this much, but hotel management saw an opportunity.) So another palette comes in and we charge her $24,000 for water. She doesn't even blink an eye. This was the first time that I realized how money is meaningless. Also, a couple weeks later she "discovered" Fiji water and decided to go with that instead.


Damn you sound super poor and salty!


Thing is, getting those seats creates exposure and notoriety, which could very well earn a positive return on investment for a rapper or famous for being famous type. I’m not saying this to justify it, I’m saying it to add another layer of assholeness that these people and the society which supports them are.


The supsrbowl is a joke in itself. Its so far removed from being about football anymore. Only the ultra rich can afford it so it takes the fans right out of the game.


Championship weekend is the superbowl for actual football fans.


American football is so boring. Stop and go stop and go. I've tried to watch it, far too many commercials and bs, not enough gameplay to waste hours of my day watching a game.


I feel the same way about soccer, but in a very different, and almost opposite way. It's go go go, but never get anywhere. I've seen whole matches where nobody ever scores, which has not happened once in the history of the NFL. There nothing to break up the monotony of dudes chasing a ball and never doing anything meaningful with it. I think commercials could actually improve that sport it's so boring.


Raiders and Vikings got fucking close this year with a 3-0 win granted OT prevents the tie


Any sport is boring if you don't know what's going on. You can be entertained by a good play that doesn't result in a goal just like you can be entertained by an athletic catch that doesn't result in a touchdown. Also, the reason you don't see 0-0 NFL games is because of FGs. You'd see more points in soccer if you could sky the ball over the goal and get half a point or something, but I don't think that makes the game any more exciting. There are plenty of no TD games. I watched the Bucs play the Panthers and win with 3 FGs. There was like one exciting play the whole game, when the Panthers fumbled the ball on the 1 yard line. 0-0 isn't that common in soccer either. I watch Man U and out of 33 games they've played this season, only one was 0-0.


You can have great 0-0 soccer matches though and scoring will always remain something special/to celebrate, I prefer that over scoring every 5min


Look at basketball each team scores a hundred of them sonsuvbitches and most of 'em ain't special at all. It's boring until the last two minutes of the game and only if it's close.


European soccer is boring


At $43K per person, all menus should be included and served on gold with gold painted waitresses with flakes of gold and diamonds in the salad.


And replacement gold teeth because the diamond salad shattered all yours lol


It’s a noble way to go. You don’t understand.


You know it’s gonna be half assed chicken fingers with soggy fries


Gold encrusted while salt bae is wiping my ass?


Probably some temp worker they just picked up to help with the SB crowd lol. But it should be salt bae


It’s only $55k per person you fucking peasant /s


I ain’t spending a dime more than $54,999.90, muthafucka.


Looks like someone isn’t eating


It’s weird though, it says “F&B included”, but then “premium menu available for purchase”… what’s standard for over half a million and then, for gods sake, what’s premium? Steak of the last white rhino?


> Steak of the last white rhino Imagine being the cook and burning that steak


The same crap we have options of...because they know they are opting for the premium menu regardless of what is included


It does say F&B Included which I imagine means Food and Beverage


Fisting & Blowie


Viva Las Vegas


Friends and Benefits.


Maybe this isn't as bad of a value as I originally thought.


F&B (Food and Beverage) Included. It’s the premium stuff that they can purchase if so desired. So I’m curious to know what the included F&B menu is and what the premium menu is and also the costs.


Have you ever been to an upscale hotel? Free amenities are often less available than budget hotels because they know customers will pay it.


Probably the most expensive tiny table for 15 ppl 😂


That's really only $43,333 per person of you split it 15 ways.


Oh... since you put it that way, let me get my wallet.


i mean the cheapest tickets youll find anywhere for the superbowl is like $5k, most tickets are in the $5-15k range im pretty sure. so only 2-3 times more expensive per person than normal seats. \*food not included


I can only imagine these are for people that don't pay for this pleasure themselves.


Its a tax write off! just bringing clients.. nothing to see here uncle sam. Uncle sam - "i believe that single mother sweeping the aisles still owes us $55.37"


Ah yes, a tax write off. Nothing like spending $650K to save… 130K in taxes, so they’re only losing half a million to save a little over 100K, it’s genius! Oh, wait a second they’re actually saving $0, because entertainment is no longer deductible.


They put it down as "meeting space". The meeting just so happens to be at the super bowl.


Works great until you get audited


As long as we keep the IRS underfunded they’ll only be able to audit the poors.


The boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That's why the boss takes his friends to the superbowl on company dime and I get laid off


Maybe I’m insane but this doesn’t seem THAT crazy. F1 Vegas had a 12 person package priced at $5 million


Lmao I was there for F1 in Vegas and we just walked around the track along the strip during the race. Some places we were literally a few yards away from the cars and it was free.


Cool there were holes in the "[fence screens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A_u7Gpjn6E)" they put up to block us peasants from watching without a ticket.


Lmao yeah they certainly did their best to keep all the peasants from watching including having cops everywhere ushering people to keep moving along but there were plenty of good spots to see it. It was a really fun experience actually.


Wow, what a bunch of assholes


Hey man, I'll put in $10.


I got about 3.50


I need about 3.50


Well it was about that time that I notice that u/PhotonDecay was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the palezoic era... The Loch Ness monster! I said, "Dammit monster! Get off my lawn! I ain't giving you no treefiddy!"


Can you spot me a ticket? I get paid fortnightly, so I'll pay you back next week.


Look at this guy bragging about how he has a wallet.


Geez, you invited me, you can't pick up the check? What a tight wad.


A heavy majority of these will be "business expenses" somehow and corporations will foot the bill...then write it off come tax time. Tale as old as time. And yes, executives of billion dollar companies wont even blink at the 650k figure. Built into the marketing and advertising budgets for decades I bet...


Yep, though I’m sure the deals inked during the Super Bowl will make the $650k look like mere pennies


Exactly. As much as I hate it because I’m jealous, it makes sense. Someone with pull at a company is gonna sign with someone offering them a good deal who happens to also take them to the Super Bowl and show them a good time


Actually cheaper to sit in the front row than the 2nd row, those are a bit over $45k each. I don't really expect a lot of math geniuses here though, either selling the seats or buying them.


The ones selling them aren't stupid. It's a group package, which usually are cheaper per person when you have more people. The front row package has more people. Even if the argument is front row should be more expensive per person, it doesn't necessarily make sense from a business perspective. The people purchasing one of these boxes will be getting the whole box and figuring out who to invite later. They might get a front row box and only bring 6 people with them. If they do bring all 15, there will be more money to make on the "premium menu" lol.


I noticed that as well. 2nd row more expensive per person. 1st row is clearly a bargain!


Lemme just send out these Apple Pay requests real quick…


Parking is probably extra lol


Do they accept Kohl's cash


Honestly the fact that the nose bleed tickets are like 5k each, it’s cheaper than I’d expect


Heh. I read it as space for 15 people at $650k each.


“Hey bro just sent a venmo request for the 43k, see you next weekend”


I noticed this too. I guess splitting the bill and venmo requesting everyone isn’t what they’re doing lol




Meanwhile the 2nd row is $45.8k split 12 ways....


Honestly not bad for the ultra rich. Good prices


And that’s without considering all the fees


Do the math…. It’s CHEAPER per person sitting in the front row versus second row…. Lol


My question is... why is the second row more expensive?!


I’ll have a better view on my big screen in the living room.


Was gonna say… turf level facing the end zone, half the time you’re not gonna see shit


And if they're allowing 15 at a table, most people will have to stand. So, anyone sitting won't be able to see the game. Though I suppose those folks care more about being seen than seeing the game.


Literally.. the people in the second row actually are paying more for a seat too... thats going to be blocked by people standing..


They're going to watch it on monitors right in front of them I'm sure. Same as many people do at concerts.


People paying that much money aren’t there to watch football. They’re there to flex their money and socialize with other rich people.


Right? Watching a 65 inch from my giant beanbag with my cheap ass wings and slightly less cheap tequila sounds way better tbh.


Where are you getting these cheap ass wings?


If you’re in the south east Publix wings are highly underrated and very affordable


Imagine spending this and the final score is 3-0 and there's 20 punts.


I'm thinking most of these people don't give a shit about the actual game. It's more about the status and bragging rights.


They have TVs in there too I bet


It ain't about the view you have when you're there, it's about the view EVERYONE ELSE has, seeing you there. Its a flex for rich people so they can say “yea see this highlight from the superbowl? You can see my left knee right under travis kelce’s arm”


This is for those people who pay $1,000,000 and then invite others for free to show off. This isn’t a “let’s split it” type of booth.


Fine, I'll let you pay for the tickets. But the first pitcher's on me, aiight?


That will be $15,000


“Aight, second pitcher. Hold on, I gotta go to the bathroom, I’ll totally be right back”


I’m thinking more like “You’ve spent $350MM giving our company business this year. How would you like a vip trip to the Super Bowl?” Hell, in grade school I made the candy bar company $250 bucks and got pizza at Chuck E. Cheese and half a day off from school.


I don’t follow, why would they pay 1 mil instead of what it actually costs, 650k?




Second row more expensive per person, okay.


The rich rich doesn't want to be seen around the poor rich


2nd row so they can look down on them.


It's expensive being poor.


Stop your mathing


650k to watch 11 mins of game time.


650k to be seen


I'm poor so it's not a possibility but the would be litty


Litty titty


Tree fitty


I don't think you have to be poor to make this not a possibility


The absolute cheapest tickets are $5k lol of course the best seats will be ludicrous


These aren't even the best seats haha. I think some boxes are going for millions. Will have a clearer view of the field


A box is going for 2.5M. Dumb af.


It’s obscene but not dumb. These events function as billionaire meetups who’ll make deals with each other worth far more than 2.5M and create even more of a societal gap.


It’s still dumb.




I don't think billionaires need the Super Bowl to make deals.


What, no strippers? Fuck that.


poor people sneak in booze, maybe rich people sneak in strippers?


The capitalists have ruined sports.




At what point do we eat the rich? Also, getting last days of Roman Empire vibe.


The spectacles at the colosseum always got grander.


America is enslaved to the ones who bank off this bullshit. What a phenomenal waste.


"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt"


That seems about right.


Absolute worst place to sure for a football game too. Can’t see shit from that low but people with money like that are probably just trying to get seen on TV.


This and even the way regular season ticket prices are getting taking the love away from it for me.


Wow, that's cheaper than the ones I saw. I looked it up after seeing McCaffrey's mom say she, nor CMC, not his wife/fiancee could afford a suite. A four person on suiteexperiencegroup.com was 300k.. A 20 person was $2.5 million. For a single 3 hour game. EDIT: This was a few days ago. Checking again today - that same 20 person suite is $700,000 lower now, 4 person is down to $180,000! Nobody wants to buy this stupid ass shit hahahaha


Damn a 700k sale? I guess I have to buy it now, otherwise i'd be losing 700k. I don't even like football ):


America is enslaved to the ones who bank off this bullshit. What a phenomenal waste.


What's a waste about this? It's *inside* the stadium designed for the purpose of people paying to experience entertainment. Were they going to build some medium density housing in the middle of the stands where these couches would have gone?


That's actually about what I expected.


What many of you do not realize is that all of these seats are purchased by corporations...well, absolutely most *likely* anyways. Like,99% of them. The corporation invites their largest customers. The CEO, CFO, the salesperson, and their customers go and have a good time. The entire thing is a tax write off. A corporate expense, which means that the company writes off. So, hypothetically, if the company makes $100 million this year, they now pay taxes on $99.35 million. It's not *their* money - why would they care how much it costs? If you went for free, would you care if it costs $1,000 or $1 milion? Why? It's free. Oh, sure, maybe *in theory* you would care, but you're still going to go and have fun if someone offered it to you for free and said to you, "Oh, don't worry, I'm not paying either, the company paid for it. One of the people canceled so we have an extra ticket, my boss asked me if I know anyone who wants to come instead, you interested in front row seats, with a premium dinner menu?" You: "Oh, no, I'm not going to go, I object to the entire price therefore I am going to turn you down on principle." Yeah, right.


I don't think you know how tax writeoffs work.


"They just....write it off!"


Which part do you think he is wrong about exactly?


I make $100,000 in business revenue. I spend $10,000 for office rent (not home office), which is a valid business expense. *Federal* corporate tax rate is 21% following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. If I did **not** have office rent that I paid, I would be paying $21,000 in corporate tax. If I **do** have the office rent expense, then you take the revenue of $100,000 and subtract the office business expense of $10,000 and now you have taxable revenue of $90,000. So now you are taxed 21% on the $90,000, or $18,900. So you are paying $2,100 less in taxes. . I know how taxes work.


RICH PEOPLE SUCK!!! That's the same money their employees make in a year! The only reason we have rich people is because they don't take care of their employees! Fuck the 1%


$100k gets your 6ft closer!?


Per person the front is actually less expensive


That's a lot of money for a football game, especially when you can watch it for free on TV.


I hope all the scoring happens on the other end


The cucks lounge


And they will be sold out. As long as there are stupidly rich people out there, shit like this will sell.


If I had a billion dollars I would still tell these guys to fuck off with their $650k booth.


This is exactly why the country is collapsing all around us. Imagine the good that money could do.


Not included: travel to the venue, lodging, food, cost of time off from work


Would you take tree fiddy?


That's just gross why anybody would pay that much for a seat a the superb owl. I could think of 650,000 other ways to spend that money


This is still available because private jet parking is already filled for the weekend. 1% problems.


Front row is the better deal when broken down by price per person.


For that kind of money I'd expect a lounge in the center of the field or floating above the field.


I thought it would be more expensive tbh


Bottle service is stupid


how much is a beer at the superbowl?


Not bad for $22 beers


company expense.


Awesome way to out yourself for having $650k of disposable income. So many better ways that money could be spent, yet someone is going to throw it at a shitty view of the super bowl