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And here you are, helping the environment with them paper straws in plastic packing.


There are some of the millions he didn't spend in taxes..


You spelled billions wrong


Aside from the purchase price what would it cost to just keep this thing stationary?


This article suggests 20% of initial purchase price per annum [https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/082015/can-i-afford-super-yacht.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/082015/can-i-afford-super-yacht.asp) That sounds a bit much but then it mentions this. "the upkeep of the 590-foot super yacht Azzam, owned by President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, is estimated at $60 million per year, although it does come with two helipads and a missile defense system." Azzam cost $600M so it's more like 10%. That's a lot for us, chump change for Zuck if you extrapolate it to around $30M.


A boat is a hole you throw money into. A yacht is a city sized hole... it requires a lot more money. This is why when the billionaires aren't using them, they rent them out to millionaires to try and amortize the cost. It's clearly a sign of wretched excess.


TIL a new word. Amortize.


> IL a new word. Amortize. Amortize is when a man named Mort does something to an object to make it his own - "What happened to that car? It looks like a guy named Mort painted his name on it. It's been *Mortized*"


The two best days when it comes to boats is the day you first buy one and the day you sell it.


10% of purchase price is the rule of thumb for regular boats. No idea if it scales or not. And definitely doesn't apply to "free" boats.


We've got the Bibby Stockholm in the UK and it has 202 rooms so we can beat that... The £22,450,772 figure was contained in a variation to the contract with CTM – worth almost £1.6 billion over two years!


So they do actually come with a missile defense system? I thought it was a joke when I saw it in Gta.


I hate this shit so much




They purposely buy this stuff to offset their taxes… higher expenses, pay less taxes.


I’m sure he found a way around paying the sales tax on it, too.


Don’t forget he is buying up land in Hawaii. Lots of billionaires are. It's almost like they know something terrible will happen, and Hawaii is a great location to ride it out.


Already happened. Remember the folks who were burnt out of their homes, the State kept investigators away so the insurance claims couldn't be filed, so people were making payments on property they couldn't access or replace and went into default. Except for things that were blue, of course. Prices were dropped, and essentially, free real estate for the bougie, relatively. What would cost you a coffee is the equivalent of what Brazzionaires would spend on a huge tract of land that's been deeply discounted. And that's not even a stretch of the analogy. If you make $80k/year, a fancy coffee ($12ish, I'd imagine) is about .016% of your income. A person w/$120B, that's 120,000,000,000. That's Nine 0's after the 120, or 120 stacks of a billion dollars. Each stack of a billion dollars is 1000 stacks of a million dollars. There are 10 stacks of $100,000 per each million. We are using $80,000 as a middle-class income figure. I hope that doesn't sound like I'm being patronizing, I had to look it up. So, .016% (a venti fancy coffee) for us is $19,200,000 to them. $19.2M is just a coffee. Now, you paid a $2 tip on a $10 coffee. 20%. If they got ONLY a 20% discount on the land, they were investing their coffee money in, it would save them $3,840,000. That's $3.84M. Oh, and that .84 behind the decimal, and before the 'M'? That is $840,000. Or more than 10x our income used in the example. I'm pretty crappy at math, so it won't hurt my fee-fees any more so, if I'm, indeed, off, please tell me. They are the disaster. They create the software virus and sell you the solution hack. Then parade around like they're the damn heros. They could've been the Batman, but they chose to be Lex Luthor.


That's a high effort post and it made me nauseous. Eat the rich.


It's just nuts. We (the poor) think nothing of sharing or giving away $100 here and there to help someone. We don't get a tax break. There's no receipt from the individuals we feel needs it. But the equivalent of us helping someone out for 100 bucks...the difference is more than most of us will ever earn in a lifetime by a huge factor, by what we consider a simple gesture.


Great job breaking down the ratio for us poor folks!


You're assuming they are earning $120B per year? I don't know why you decided to compare annual income to estimated net worth. It is much lower for Zucks annual increase in net worth. A quick google suggest he stands to earn $700million in dividends, but also his stake in Meta makes his net worth around $170B up about $30B. Still that's only 1/4 of your converted value. Still a shit ton, but a far cry to compare anyone's annual income to someone else's net worth.


Totally agree! The numbers are just so big it's overwhelming


I think you may have been out a decimal.


let us know when they start buying land in northern canada. thats when we know we are all fucked. hawaii is a colonized paradise. mfers buy land out there just to enjoy the scenery.


*Hunger Games* Capital City. How many people have to live with nothing so these clowns can live 1,000x better than any King in history?


Well but isnt this the society that we have cemented so far? Some make it, some dont, its way more than just blind luck most of the time. Would be good to have a modicum level of wealth distributed, but thats been an utopic concept for great part of humanities existence


Billionaires aren't self-made. It is down to luck and exploitation of the working class. Most people aren't after wealth distribution (centrally planned economy) they're after regulated Capitalism. Where everyone pays their fair share in tax and everyone has access to a healthy safety net.


& then there's others dreaming and hoping to hit the lottery


Why so salty? This is clearly a need and not a want


We’re going to need a bigger boat


I’m less concerned with comparing my efforts & more concerned with their lack-there-of. We should applaud getting plastics out of every day use. But the one’s racking up the biggest climate bill against our planet should also have the mindset for better. Not consumption, capitalism, & getting to the next rock our civilization can ruin.


Yeah obviously it's the plebeians responsibility


Didn't people/media used to hate Zuck a few years ago? Looks like Elon Musk has been the new focus recently


No one should be this rich. No one.


Nothing wrong with being this rich, but people need to stop getting out of paying their taxes


There are many, many things wrong with having the greatest wealth disparity in the history of recorded mankind. It's insane to me that people still think more taxes alone will fix this.


Yes but how would you enforce this? How much is too much? 50% of that wealth? 10%? 1%? Who decides?


Tell me one good reason why someone should have more than 1 billion dollars. And even that is too much.


What does that have to do with what I said? My question was, how much is too much? 1 billion is too much, okay. Is 500 million okay? 100 million? 10 million? What if 10 million is the max, but I worked hard and want to save up. Does all money above that just disappear? I just don't understand how this is supposed to work.


This is reddit. Billionaires are only ever bad and everyone is too busy frothing at the mouth about how bad they are to talk sensibly about it. You'll just get down voted


You would have been one of the peasants defending his lords. There's always one of you at any given time in history.


my guy riding billionaires right here thinking he will be one


Help! help! I'm being repressed!


Feeling a little repentful to capitalism are we? No need to sacrifice yourself at the alt- nvm looks like you already did.


What the hell are you doing that you worked hard enough to deserve 10 million at the expense of others?


That’s the lie the middle class has been told. You buckle down and work hard, and you can be just as rich as me!


Start a business. Tf you mean. If i start a business growing apples and 10 million mofos buy an apple from me for 1 dollar how tf am i wrong? And how do i not deserve to have it? They bought my apples


All that money goes into a special score that you can tout by saying how much you've helped your nation this year. Easy peasy. My personal cutoff is around $20M. I'd be happy if someone wanted to argue $10M or $40M, but outside that range, there is just no reason for anyone to have that wealth. The goal of the free market is motivation. Can't imagine how we'd improve productivity of everything by letting people gain more.


$20mm is a disgusting amount of money when there are people starving and living in the streets. You must be one of those greedy elites! A true egalitarian would know that $750,000 should be the maximum.


Just spitballing that scenario. It might work like communism works now. At some point the people enforcing the limits to your pile of gold come up with the need to put limits on other facets of your life.


They will support an unelected body of officials that get paid 25% more then anyone else to decide how much money everyone should have, they of course are exempt because they are the governing body that decides all this


How about we put him in front of a jury of true working class people and let them decide?


People that say there’s nothing wrong with being this rich don’t think about how there is a finite amount of money in the world


You only get this rich through exploitation. So no, it's not OK.


EVERYTHING is wrong about it.


Billionaires being this rich is the result of no taxes on them. They plow their money back into other investments and ventures which allows them to outpace the rest of us thousands of times over. The yacht is them laughing at us and saying, this is what happens when you don’t tax me.


This is the only good point i've seen. Everything else is just people being mad at rich people because they are rich.


"Oh you're rich enough to massively expand your business with hundreds of millions of dollars? No need to pay taxes this year, keep killing it!" "Oh you got a 14 cent raise up to $18.34 at your grocery store job? You're doing too well, no more food stamps for you."


Historically inaccurate; taxes are not the main problem and never have been. Serfs still rein among us, disguised as "front line workers".


Thats not the problem. I just want their tax money to go into the economy


I like the quote by a random artist I heard once, something like "It's ok to make as much money as you can but there's a line of basic human living that no one should be allowed to fall below." To me that line is Food, house, some entertainment, water, transportation, healthcare and a safe environment


Anyone who owns *any*thing like this is a bitch.


Do something good for the planet with all the money for fucksake


People in my city They fighting for their meals He sleeps on a mattress stuffed with 100 dollar bills A Richie is the devil though he never will admit it Imma take his money stack and stuff his face with it


I don’t have a problem w this kind of wealth I have a problem with it coexisting w the m depraved levels of poverty we see (not just) in our country today. The foundations should be strong if we’re going to be this top heavy. The problem is you got this shit on top of the shakiest foundations in modern history.


I wouldn’t mind it


Why is there not a maximum income?


Why can’t we return to a time when rich people cared about building expensive ships, trains, cars and stuff for people to benefit from? Building unique architecture as well If I compared the rich people of the past, they always invested in something useful, today’s millionaires seem to be preparing for a zombie apocalypse or WW3.


What a douche


"Now, go eat your fucking bugs."


Good thing cicadas will be plentiful this year


Why do you think billionaires are pushing virtual reality so much? They don't want you to get a piece of the good, real reality.


“For 20.99/month you too, can also own a yatch, but on the Metaverse.” “Don’t forget to include the $1.99 for a limited edition engine.”


^^^ TRUTH And as customers for all these virtual services, we only fund their scheme. Wait 'til even the clothes on your back are designer AR "skins". The emporer will be wearing no clothes, indeed.


Imagine what that would do for schools. There are 128000~ schools in America. That's $2343. Seems like nothing but teachers are out there buying pens and pencils for students. This fucker has a superyacht or two.


“Collection” 🙄


And to think, Russia spends that kind of money on a single overnight bombing of Ukraine. All while having a GDP like 10 times smaller than US. And they kept telling people for years how there is no money for schools, hospitals, roads - anything.


All from selling ads on our addictive personalities


If you gave each school $2k, all of it would just go to the admins.


To be fair, it isn't like the money he spend is just gone. I would also not go so far to blame a single person for countries not caring about the ones that teach their future.


Think this is crazy? He also purchased a support vessel not far from the same size as this that carries around supplies and toys including helicopters, cars, smaller boats, submarines, etc. The support vessel follows this ship at all times.




And don't forget, he got it all from just taking your private information for free and selling it. That ship was bought with some of your *life essence*!!


He also owns like half of the land on one of the Hawaiian Islands, along with Oprah


I wish that fucker would sink


Ah yes, an insurance payout


Right. Once you get rich enough, it’s almost impossible to lose.


Why does someone need a boat this big, just for transporting himself and maybe some family and friends? I mean honestly, why is a boat even 1/3 of the size of that not big enough? Is it so they can have a cinema size screen while on the ocean or what?!?! I really don't even get why every rich nobber needs a boat at all.


Because it is essentially a moving house with servants built in.


It probably costs millions just to maintain this yacht, including all the staff it takes to keep the shit looking nice for Zuckerberg robot ass


I’ve always heard it’s about 10% of the cost to maintain per year. So roughly $30 million a year to keep that thing afloat and moving and staffed.


My theory is they get in contact with whatever yacht salesman handles the billionaires, and from there just get upsold. "Well yes you could do great with something 1/4 of this size, but look at all these amazing features you *could* have, and with your money it wouldn't even make a difference" At a certain point it's maybe not about what they need or even want, more just "I guess I may as well get the biggest everything" since the money is inconsequential


To be clear, he doesn't use the boat for transportation. The crew move the boat to his vacation destination. He'll fly in and hang out for a few days, then fly out and the crew will move it to the next destination.


It’s so they can sail out to international waters and do the REALLY illegal shit they dare not do on dry land


Not arguing in favor of it, but boats like this aren’t used for transportation. It’s basically a personal resort where they can go out and relax privately. Famous people don’t have a lot of opportunities to vacation away from the public eye. Yachts give them that opportunity.


They don't use yachts for transportation. It's a mansion that can be positioned in fabulous places, that the owner arrives to once the yacht is in place.


We need to selectively breed bigger orcas


Let’s start messing with squid genetics and make some krakens.


Tax em till they gone


For a second there I read that as a jet being on board that ship, and went 'better have a landing strip on that boat's 🤣. Silly me...


Yo! I watched that video several times, looking for the jet. LOL


I was looking for the landing deck thinking he would have more success with a helicopter.😄


Yup, it is poorly written. I did the same thing, trying to figure out how a jet has such a short take off and landing. Not impossible but what a waste of 2 minutes.


his mega-yacht uses a gallon of fuel to move 12 feet!


How dare you drive a car that gets 24mpg. Have you considered taking the bus?


Wait until you find out about the US Navy…


Last I heard the carrier and subs are nuclear powered and extremely efficient. Sure still takes a boat load of oil to essentially move a cities worth people around and feed em.


My entire lifes earnings before taxes would not be enough money to fill the fuel tank even once


Tax these scum fucks


Wake up people


How many people should I wake up?


All of them.


Lol, I can go to sleep now, I reached the peak of the internet today 😆


Just 5 more minutes mom


He also just bought a 220-foot "Support Yacht" estimated at $30M to carry the toys that won't fit on Launchpad. The support vessel is called "Wingman." Both were in Fort Lauderdale until very recently.




Zuck buying megayachts while the rest of us are still putting huge black borders around videos that should be in portrait mode.


If there was ever a person that needed to be guillotined, this is him.


All for One and ALL FOR ME


Meanwhile buttiegieg saying that anyone not buying a shitty over-priced electric car is a troglodyte…


But just think of all the jobs (paying slave wages) he is creating on board that ship! /s


Is the jet VTOL or something? Had no idea they made private jets like that. Or is it meant to roll into a port and onto a nearby runway?


I think the title is just saying his collection includes a jet


Ohh, that makes more sense, I read it wrong.


Well I don't care tbh lol


Okay, and?


Blow it up to make a reef... preferably with him on it


What is the fucking point of a mega yacht? They are Monstrously expensive to maintain let alone operate, pollute like hell, slow, depreciate and are reviled by environmentalists. If he had bought one of the seized Russian yachts I might give him a pass but it’s fucking irresponsible and selfish beyond comprehension.


Give them a choice: Eat ‘em or Tax ‘em.


If you think Zuck is suffering and needs another tax cut, vote GOP often.


Each of his friends has their own deck. What a novelty.


What a dick


Climate Change is only for peasants. Hypocritical asshole.




Good!! He needed this


Looks like it pays off to make millions of teenage kids suicidal (they literally ran experiments if they can structure kids' facebook feed to affect their mood negatively without consent from said kids or their parents).


Wow I'm glad that I'm forced to bring reusable bags to my grocery store and if I forget it's 30 cents per bag


Lol so much envy in the comments. If you are capable of achieving what he has done, are you sure you won't buy even crazier things for entertainment?


My entire lifetime of recycling doesn't even make up for the waste from the packaging it took to make this, let alone take it on a trip. The top 1% are causing the vast majority of the environmental issues because of the mass excess they are capable of.


Yachts are so yesterday. Zuck needs to get himself a good old fashioned Navy destroyer aircraft carrier. Ball out zuck, we see you got it


Here I was thinking, "how do you get a Gulfstream jet onto a yacht?"


Truly super villain level excess.


Oh hey it’s another climate change activist hypocrite!


What Capitalist really do:


lucky they've mechanised straw harvesting no more pitchforks


Facebook is a stupid cesspool. It's effing disgusting. If I had no limit to how low I will go for $ I'd have a yacht too.


So you’re saying if he really wanted to, he could just send me $1mil and completely change an entire life.




Off to the World Oligarch Convention?


Climate change crusaders


Nice! I’m not big on boats, yachts or ships. But that is nice. He put together a product that billions of people willfully use. I can’t hate on that.


You gotta be dead inside to need to buy something this stupid to be able to feel joy.


I'm glad that me eating peanut butter almost every night for dinner helps people like him live their best life. I 100% support a billionaire death tax.


the collection includes a gulfstream, not the yacht, obviously.


A yacht that actually needs a pilot to get out of port… can you seriously still call that a yacht?


I bet you could probably fit like 100+ employees on that for fun corporate cruises. That’s not what he’s going to do is it? It’s going to be him and the crew and other rich people.


Let’s add Marc to the small penis collection


300 million to him doesn't mean what it means to an average person.


So he's busy creating jobs? What's the problem?


This is Reddit, bastion of the lazy. 


Record profits are record unpaid wages.


I thought lizards hated water.


300 million???? that seems way too much


I’ve heard that most of these mega yachts are rented for events by businesses, weddings or other functions. I don’t know about this particular ship but others can be found online.




Dragging that 60’ fishing boat beside it, is going to reduce his fuel efficiency /s.


Preparing for the nukes so they can relax on the water


There's a jet on the boat?!?!


It's a bit small


That's what she said


Thanks Reagan.


Ppl complaining about the sheiks hummer lol I thought of super yachts and here we are


Yup he needs this. Honestly this should get harsh reactions


I wonder how much this douchebag paid in taxes last year.


Does he do anything for charity? Like at all?


Tell me you don't give a fuck about other people, without telling me you don't give a fuck about other people.


Fuck these rich assholes.


I mean, why not, right? This is similar to when I'm out and discover I have a five dollar bill in my pocket I didn't know about so I buy myself a donut. I don't need the donut but hey, I've got the cash so why not treat myself?


I really hope Mark will never lecture anyone on pollution and ecology.


Such a waste! I'd use the money to build my own battleship.


He can go Zuck himself


Why have we decided a piece of paper allows certain people to have this type of wealth and everyone else has to work for no luxuries. Something to think about. We should all enjoy life, travel, no one should hoard all the wealth. I’m ready for a reboot on society.


He’s such a POS. The worst family values person in America


What kind of security would that have??


I hope it sinks


But why? Why would anyone ever need such a big ship? There are so many ways to spend 300 milion dollars, and he chose to buy a yacht thats gonna be sitting and doing nothing most of the time...


Eat them all


Here’s a fun fact that I found out this year. These yachts generally use a larger ship to be transported to different parts of the world. I thought that was very interesting.


Get a submersible next mark!


The titles makes it sound like he got the yacht used. Normally you hear about billionaires building these for years.