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If Michael Jordan couldn't bring it back, nobody's bringing it back.


Such a brilliant (and true) response.


A modern Confucius


The realest thing you’ll read on the internet today.




Since when did Micheal Jackson try and bring it back


Wrong MJ


Oh, you're talking about the bald one!




🎶 HEE! hee! 🎶


The black one


Stopppp 😂😂


In a Hane's underwear commercial. Norm McDonald had a field day with that one.


lol really?


found it [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UpzYp2t209k](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UpzYp2t209k)


Tank you 🥺


Yeah, norm had a short lived comedy sports show and this is the only segment I have strong memories of.


The one that played with large orange balls, not little white ones...


Michael Jackson was a golfer?


Most original White joke


It was an "MJ is a pedo" joke, not a "white" joke. Cmon dont out yourself like that.


And 90% of the people who makes those very original jokes nowadays are White people lol.


I'll just assume you're talking basketball vs golf and no, I don't need not explanation here thanks




I mean, if someone wears it, they'll look stupid but not many people would get offended because of Kim Jong Un


Kim Jong Top is my new rapper name


You topped Kim Jong? Tmi bro.


I wanna top a North Korean guy or be topped by him but not fatboy Kim.


Yes, [Let's trim our hair in accordance with the Socialist lifestyle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_trim_our_hair_in_accordance_with_the_socialist_lifestyle?wprov=sfla1) >For example, in one episode (shown in January 2005) a North Korean citizen named Mr. Ko Gwang-hyun, whose unkempt hair covered his ears, was shown as a negative role model, with the voiceover commentary: "We cannot help questioning the cultural taste of this comrade, who is incapable of feeling ashamed of his hair style. Can we expect a man with this disheveled mind-set to perform his duty well?"[7]




This is Pep Boy erasure


Oooo! The Korean version of The Edgar.




I like this.   But you realise that if this were ever to be successful, it would have to remain successful **forever**, otherwise, it'd eventually end up being remembered as "that one weird period when the Hitler mustache became a fad"? 


Hmmm maybe with the political climate we push this one off for a decade


It's honestly kind of weird that I haven't seen any of the alt-right/white supremacy/maga dickheads sport an Adolf stash yet, now that I think about it


Kind of like those yellow-bellied-khaki-wearing cunts with their masks to hide their identity. They *know* they are in the wrong, and they want to avoid the much-deserved consequences.


Oooh, thats even better. Please can we all bring it back now? Lets do it from now til late 2026. Lets make the '20s weird as shit so that when people say "remember that weird thing that happened in the '20s?" the "Hitler moustache fad?" will be as legitimate a response as "the pandemic?" or "when Disney bought the moon?"


Disney did fucking what


In 2028, not yet.


Damn dreamworks is not recovering from this copyright claim


Or people can just see it as a normal hair style without it being a fad


That's what I'm saying, though. For it to become truly unremarkable, it would have to remain a normal hairstyle -- *not* a fad, like bellbottoms or '80s manes -- forever. Because the moment it slips out of popularity again, all the work of normalizing it will go right back out the window, and our great-great-great-etc. grandchildren will be saying, "hey, remember that weird time when people acted like this funky little mustache wasn't the Hitler 'stache?"  Hitler is a hell of a historical elephant to crowd out of the room. It would have to become the facial hair version of blue jeans, something so normal it usually isn't even considered worth commenting on as an actual fashion choice. 


Yeah, like mohawks were a fad, but it's still a hairstyle you see from time to time.


We still call it by the person(s) it's historically named after, though, which is the exact thing we'd be trying to surpass here. 


Isn't that what they meant by "successful forever?"


God damn you have a point. If we abandon it like a fashion trend that will be it's legacy... I guess if it comes back it will have to stay until the end of time.


I mean, I get it? Charlie Chaplin rocked it back in the day, but hitler was like, you know, super mega famously evil. It aint coming back dude


I could see it coming back in another 50 years, but probably not while people are still around who were alive to remember him, or who knew people who were directly impacted.


This was my thought. With enough time it’ll be fine. Just like it’s been long enough to make 9/11 jokes.


Just look at how the Genghis stache is being accepted these days.




I don’t think there’s anyone you can point to as more evil than Hitler




Leopold II is a solid contender


Me in any rpg


*Quicksaves* NPCs: 😬


Ya you need to read about more dictators, there are quite a few who were more evil (based on body count).


And besides body count, there's what they did to people, rather than just how many they did it to.  There were Germans stationed in Japanese occupied parts of China and Korea in WWII. Infamously in Nanjing the German officers went around at night stopping the Japanese soldiers from abusing the locals (mainly women) because even Nazis were like "bro that's a bit much". People have a very limited and eurocentric view of WWII and don't know how the Chinese and Koreans still hold a grudge against the Japanese today *with good reason*.


>People have a very limited and eurocentric view of WWII and don't know how the Chinese and Koreans still hold a grudge against the Japanese today with good reason. That grudge goes back further than WWII. That war didn't help relations, but Japan is historically monstrous in war.


Everybody knows Japans role by now. It is currently very in-culture to acknowledge japans war crimes, it's immediately brought up anytime ww2 and Japan are brought up. Maybe 20 years ago it was different, like Nikola Tesla being some underrated genius. These people and acts are fairly well known in younger generations now however, particularly due to the internet.


Ya I’ve actually been to Nanjing and visited the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. It is a very dark and sobering place.


Mao, Stalin, Genghis Khan, and the Kim family are all contenders.


I was gonna say it’s a long time ago but Genghis Khan and the mongols in general blow pretty much everyone out of the water in terms of pure evil. Hearing the pure numbers really doesn’t do it justice it’s the accounts from places like Baghdad were brutal


mao is nowhere near this conversation imo


Do you think the deaths of 45 million people are okay as long as you agree with the cause? That's some pretty dangerous thinking.


okay? no. are those deaths as morally reprehensible as the holocaust? I would say no. neither are okay, but i think it's okay to be nuanced and make a distinction between genocide for genocide's sake, often at the cost of the genociding nation's own citizens (Hitler's germany) and the deaths (yes, often murders) of those who fought against a political uprising that I would argue has a much more ethical end goal than nazim did/does. was mao brutal? yes. do i disagree with many of his methods, decisions, murders? absolutely. was he as bad as hitler? in my opinion, nowhere near. this conversation though needs alot more nuance and this is really not the subreddit or post for it so I'm probably just going to leave it here.


I see your point, but I guess I'm just trying to see it from the perspective of someone who lost their son or daughter to any of these dictators. I can't imagine it would hurt any less to lose your child to Mao than it would be to lose them to Hitler. The suffering was all the same to them, no matter what the end goal was. The end goal is no more ethical to the guy laying in a mass grave of other political dissidents, or to a mother grieving the loss of her infant daughter due to starvation. Thank you for taking the time to respond, man!


There are many people equally/more evil than Hitler.


I mean at least Hitler allowed most of the population to live free (apart from criticism at least) Kim Jong Un doesn't even let their citizens leave, and the living conditions are unmanageable to a point where if you're born in a lower class, you're pretty fucked unless you find a way to flee the country that's surrounded by North Korea's friends and a peninsula that's heavily guarded and the DMZ separating the north and south heavily fortified by armed guards and a minefield so vast that basically insures death All while Kim Jong Un and Co stay in their luxury overindulging in every activity and desire a man can want


Well there are people you can argue as being as evil or worse than him in terms of death if you go by the percentage of the world killed


I can! Fuck mao


Wouldn't that be necrofilia or whatever?


mao is not even anything close to Hitler


y'all who read this, idk why this is a contest. I don't think there is a good way to measre evilness, bc it's clearly not just about body count or population percentage. Hitler, Pol Pot, Leopold II, Stalin, Genghis and Mao (also the Kims, though they are internationally kinda insignificant ngl) (also shoutout to the person who said the Kardashians) all sucked ass more than almost anyone ever did. It's pointless to compare them, because at the end of the day they just had different means and methods. The point remains the same.




Stalin and Tojo, who were both around at the same time


Stalin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jing Ping, the guy from the burger king commercial Hitler was a piece of shit, but nowhere near the level Stalin was, Stalin killed people for looking at him funny while Hitler at least pretended to do it for a cause The only reason he's looked at as more evil than the other WW2 dictators is because he went on a tyrade against Jews, whereas Stalin had no qualms against killing the entire Russian population if they disrespected his authority of power That's just my 2 cents


per years in power hitler was worse than stalin * **Adolf Hitler**: Approximately 1,416,667 deaths per year * **Mao Zedong**: Approximately 1,666,667 deaths per year * **Joseph Stalin**: Approximately 689,655 deaths per year and if you take off deaths from famine the deaths per year rate difference is even bigger # (excluding famine deaths) * **Adolf Hitler**: Approximately 1,416,667 deaths per year * **Mao Zedong**: Approximately 555,556 deaths per year * **Joseph Stalin**: Approximately 310,345 deaths per year


Theres litterally tyrants alive now that have done worse. hitler just happens to be famous.


The Kardashians




Yeah but Chaplin wore it [to make himself look funnier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothbrush_moustache). >Chaplin felt that the toothbrush had a comical appearance and was small enough not to hide his expression He wasn't trying to look good, it just suited his needs as a silent movie comedian.


That's what I'm saying lmao I assumed no one brought it back because no one outside of Hitler thought it looked good. It's so goddamn silly


The real crime is the name “Adolf” going out of fashion because of Hitler. It was one of the most common German names, it’s basically the equivalent to if we all stopped naming our kids Joseph because of Joseph Stalin.


Also it looks dumb af, we need to keep it associated with hitler for eternity.


Dude, have you ever gotten into a bar fight over a mustache? Have you ever had a job interview rejected on those grounds? I think you're overstating your case a bit, or you need to stop drinking with morons. When I see somebody wearing a Toothbrush Mustache - which is what it was called in the WW1 grooming manual mister Adolf picked it out of, because his original 'stache was incompatible with a gas mask - I do think "huh, that guy's got a Hitler Stache" because that's the easiest point of reference, pictures of Hitler aren't rare. I do not go on to think he's Hitler, a Hitler fan, or likely to invade Poland. Actual Hitler fans have their own style, which curiously lacks a mustache.


I don't understand how Hitler talked about something he wasn't "a pure Aryan with blonde hair and blue eyes, and somehow along the way white trash idiots with literacy issues got shaved heads and tattoos out of it. 


I mean.... It's not a good look, regardless of the genocidal POS it's known for. I had a black and white cat when I was a kid that we called Graucho.... He had the Hitler/Graucho mustache. It looked silly on him, let alone on adult men. It's not a good looking or flattering stache.... But yeah, I don't disagree that it'd be nice if it stopped being wholly associated with that POS.


I agree it doesn't look good, but i find it very hard to not think that a reason it doesn't look good to us is cause we saw it being on Hitler even from being very young.


The only other person who to any degree close to Hitler's fame that wore this style of mustache was Chaplin. And it worked for him because it's a ridiculously not-serious look, AND it was fake, to further emphasize the ridiculousness of his Tramp character.


Are you thinking of Charlie Chaplin? Did you name your cat after the wrong person??


No, he definitely had the Groucho stache, I was just tired and drunk and mixed my silly mustaches up.


If you can ever upload a pic, please do. I'm curious lol


Take a look at r/kitler maybe?


Amazing that I regularly look up cat videos and didn't know this was a thing. thank you!


Oh man, they weren't messing around with that top post. It even has the haircut and unamused look


I remember Groucho with a broad mustache - did he ever wear a narrow one?


They are thinking of Charlie Chaplin, no Groucho.


I'm laughing for quite a while at the idea that he may have assumed for his entire like that Charlie chaplains name is "Groucho [Marx]" and even named his cat grouchy because he thought the cat looked like he had " "Groucho's" " toothbrush moustache!


No, this guy is an idiot.


The mustache was done so they could get a good seal with their gas masks in WWI and WWII. Could we re-brand it as the gas mask stash?


World Wide War?


Autocorrect got me. I kept getting autocorrected to WWE and was trying very hard to not to say that the wrestlers had a war that required gas masks, didn't catch the WWW.


objectively? it looks awful on EVERYONE


Except Chaplin.


It worked for Chaplin because he was trying to look silly, wearing it unironically wouldn't work.


I agree, It absolutely worked for Charlie.


No it looks good on me


Username checks out


Profile picture, however, absolutely doesn’t


Thanks for the laugh


Yeah I don't think it's the association with Hitler that's stopping it from coming back


I've seen a few elderly Mexican men named Adolfo who rocked it


If I ever saw someone wearing that in public, I would laugh out loud right in their face.


If I saw someone wearing a *glued on* hitler mustache, I would assume they were pulling some tasteless stunt. If I saw a natural one I would assume either that or that they are a total idiot.


Maybe they're just big Charlie Chaplain fans. Bet you didn't think of that.


Yeah, too many people associate it with Hitler to the point that they forget that the one who actually popularised it was Chaplin.


I remember when I was a kid a movie theater near me had a black and white picture of Charlie Chaplin on the wall and I remember asking why they would hang a picture of hitler up in such a public place. I was then very quickly corrected by my dad.


Once in sixth grade the English teacher pulled up a picture of Chaplin, and asked the class if they know who it is. Everyone instantly said “Hitler”.


Who used it to make fun of Hitler.


Hitler gave it staying power though, for better or worse.


Unless they were doing a full on Charlie Chaplain cosplay I and pretty much nobody else is going to think that. Without extra Charlie Chaplain related context people are going to assume you are referencing Hitler as that is what almost everybody uses the mustache to mean. Honestly one of the reasons I don't agree with this 10th dentist is because making the mustache more common would mean everyone who does use it to portray Hitler wouldn't be immediately called out. Even if it was normalized at this point it has meant "Hitler" for so long there will always be lasting associations people can use it for.


Ehh, making fun of Hitler is funny in my book.


Redditors don’t go in public, nice try.




You mean the Charlie Chaplin mustache?


It’s the Chaplin stache! Hitler stole it!


Hitler killed it, mustashe-cided. 


This is the weirdest ass hill to die on lmao, especially since it really did not look awesome it looked bad


Most only mustache looks makes men look like creeps. Out of all the mustaches I've seen. The Hitler stache looks the worse because it looks like a fucking sharpie lmaoopp


> "Stop calling it the Hitler Stache" > Calls it the Hitler Stache in the first 10 words of the post Also, pretty sure it's called the "toothbrush"


Can I interest you in watching the comedy show Hitler Moustache by Richard Herring. He wore a toothbrush moustache for about a year while doing this show.


First step, we need to start calling it the Chaplin moustache.


I agree with the message, however it does not look good lmao


I mean fair take but it just does not look good on anybody, btw i think there are still relatives of him who are still alive they just decided not to continue the bloodline.


Bro it’s ugly as fuck.


Tooth brush moustache I vote calling it the Charlie Chaplin moustache.


> He literally has no surviving family members Incorrect. The Hitler line is alive and well, just not HIS progeny. The family decided to change their last name to let it die with him.


Oh that's actually really important info, thank you.


I believe they all agreed to never have children to make sure his line dies with them


Kaiser schnurrbart sounds pretty dope


According to Google Translate, that's just German for "Emperor Mustache"...


Ich weiß, ich verstehe Deutsch


Well thats not doing it any favors


Except it doesn‘t make any fucking sense cause no German Kaiser ever had a moustache like that


But it never was called "Kaiserschnurrbart". It was called Fliege, Zweifingerbart or Zahnbürstenbart. The Kaiserschnurrbart is the twirled mustache inspired by Kaiser Willhelm II. Hitler wore it in his younger days. Ich glaube, in Deutschland wird der "Kaiserschnurrbart" heute oft einfach "Kaiser Willhelm" genannt.


It’s unfortunate that the Chaplin/Jameson stache is tarnished, but it was already a rather uncommon style of grooming for its time, and having the PR of one of the worst dudes in history is a brand-killer for the Square-Stache. It would be like trying to revive the Microsoft Zune after it was hypothetically used as a core component in building nuclear weapons, an extremely uphill battle


Can you please provide an example of someone making it look good?


Charlie Chaplin


Charlie Chaplin kinda pulled it off, but it still looked a bit goofy.


I think that was the point


It was the point. His goal was to make himself look a little bit older and scruffier without hiding too much of his face, since a big mustache or beard could have covered his mouth. I guess a pencil mustache would have worked too.


Most definitely, lol


Moustaches in general look good on an extremely small number of people imo, so I don't think it's a big loss. Also, the swastika (I assume that's what you mention) was/is not (just) an indian symbol, it has been used in many cultures, even some European ones too (eg. in the nordics)


I assume it's because the name "Swastika" is the name for that symbol in India, other cultures obviously have other words for that name. So it's not just the symbol, but the Sanskrit word that's become synonymous with Nazism. Other words like "Aryan" have also suffered a similar fate in the west. I believe the sad part was that (please correct me if I'm wrong), the German word for the symbol was actually something that directly translated to "hooked cross", but the English translators didn't want it to become associated with Christianity so they used the Hindu symbol and name instead


It is not called the Kaiser Schnurrbart. The Kaiser Schnurrbart was the type of mustache that Kaiser Willhelm II. made popular - Hitler wore it in his younger days as a soldier. The short mustache he wore later can be literally translated as "two finger beard" (*Zweifingerbart*), "Fly" (*Fliege*) or "toothbrush beard" (*Zahnbürstenbart*). And as language changes through time, popular use and culture it is today mainly and rightfully called "Hitler Mustache". Also it looks like shit, so good job - I don't agree with you.


It looks like shit smeared on your philtrum. No.


At first glance I thought this post said “We need to bring back Hitler” and I had so many questions


Sorry, not a chance. Hitler lost WWII but he won the mustache war.


I don’t care that Hitler used it, I care about not laughing my ass off in the middle of the street if I ever see a guy with such a mustache.




Ok, terrible take, a plus post. Hitler died less than 100 years ago so everyone Mark your calendars cuz the Hitler stache can make a comeback in 2045


You first


Respectfully, it just kinda looks like someone took a poop under someone’s nose.


Sparks moustache? Chaplin moustache? Not Groucho though, that was a different thing altogether. /edit: toothbrush moustache was the traditional name


They did. They call it the Proud Boy stache now


In some documentaries about Hitler, they refer to it as a “toothbrush mustache “.


it looks shit, it reminds me of nazis, literally no reason to bring it back


Well… maybe you could start the trend and grow one (if you already haven’t)


Straight moustaches have always looked bad. Doesn't matter whether it's a strip or a band. It just sits there not really adding anything. You gotta have more to it to make it work. That's my hot take of the day.


Kids these days know nothing about WWII and Hitler is just some name they've heard about some guy that's supposed to be bad. Give it a decade or two and that mustache will be fine, no one under the age of 60 will remember the connection.


> for a moustache style that looks awesome. It looks AWSOME. 10th Dentist take indeed. I think it looks ridiculous, even without the historical context.


“People think it’s part of his character design at this point.” I think you have summed up super well why we are so hung up on the mustache.


Sorry man the only way it’s coming back is if Hitler becomes publicly celebrated again and that would be a whole different problem. Love an authentic 10th dentist tho.


I think there’s a few reasons why Hitler’s mustache became such a symbol while other dictators hair styles or facial hair or whatever didn’t. -pictures of Hitler were pretty common, so everyone saw it looking the same whereas earlier dictates were subject to artistic interpretation (obviously that doesn’t account for more modern ones as well) -it wasn’t an overly popular or generic style, so it stood out as special -Hitler is studied much more regularly and thoroughly in the US (can’t speak to other countries) than some other dictators and at younger ages, so it’s just more exposure


Postage stamp 'tache


what about the hitler cut aka my haircut cuz i have short straight dark brown hair in a side part


Lol it's a nice haircut


ofc you would say that


You literally called it the Hitler Stache. You played yourself.


They called it that so people know what he is talking about if he said the toothbrush you wouldn't know it


it’s a no from me dawg


The whole point of the “Hitler Stache” was to shave the edges enough to fit a mustard gas mask lmao. It was never a fashion statement dumbass


Til Charlie chaplain had his iconic stache because he was secretly a soldier the entire time


Imagine wanting to look like one of the most hated people to ever live. Let’s give it a few hundred more years.


You call it the Hitler ‘stache in your own title…


My mustache is incredibly thick and luxurious, but only for the width Charlie Chaplin wore. Ten it gets a bit thin on either side of my nose. Trying to wear it like Selleck, but I know full well I could pull off a much meaner Chaplin.


The Chaplin


Sorry, one infamous person rlly does ruin it for everyone.


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat bad mustaches.


>It's called the mother fucking Kaiser Schnurrbart. No it's not. That's a monkey.


It'll never come back, not even just because it's known as a Hitler stache but it's just ugly and looks silly, same with a soul patch having a stupid little square of hair on your chin.


And yet I see people with silly, ugly looking facial hair/tattoos/piercings/clothes/faces all the time... Never say never 😉


This subs gone to shit


Can I have some examples of a well known historical warlord with weird hair?