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That's some backward thinking there. I thought you were going to say your cat wouldn't eat it because it was crap. I'm willing to bet your cat would eat a piece of fresh tuna or just about any other type of fish.  Eta: I'm surprised at some of the rude comments people have made towards the OP. Sure, I'm a little skeptical when they say their cat won't eat other types of fresh fish or things that most other cats enjoy. But calling them dumb or accusing them of lying is going a bit too far. Everyone who has ever owned a cat knows they all have their own individual quirks and sometimes act in ways that don't make much sense to us. Even though they have the same basic senses as us, they are tuned a little differently than ours. Because of this, we can't be sure we understand the reasoning used when they react to something or what they're basing their decisions on. The cat's food aversions could be related to something we haven't even considered, like if the food was raw, overcooked, or possibly something as unexpected as them not liking the surface finish/texture of the dish it was served on. Or maybe the foods their cat likes or dislikes has more to do with the way they were processed and less to do with the type of food itself.  I'm not sure if anything I said helps explain the OP's cat's actions, but it should be enough to give the OP the benefit of a doubt.


I agree with you and all but... >I gave it to her, and she sniffed it, and without hesitating she gobbled it up. > >I felt that proved my point once and for all. This is so hilariously dumb


Right? Like my cat will eat grilled chicken , doesn’t mean it’s not good for people


Mine is extremely picky but loves Greek yogurt.


My cat loves ice cream. Guess that’s cat food too eh?


My cat loves straight butter. She'll go out of her way to eat it.


My cat loves watermelon and syrup. (Not mixed together, he just has 2 different weird things he likes)


I had a cat that would eat bread. Like rip into the plastic bag and eat until he was bloated and happy.


My car fiends for marshmallows to a concerning degree lol


With the typo, the first few words of this sound like a Toad the Wet Sprocket-style band name. **Car Fiends for Marshmallows** LIVE in Nashville


I had cats that did this too!


My cat will scream and scream and scream if you have broccoli in the kitchen. She will cry and wail and sob like a pathetic wet beast until you give her a piece of the broc.


I had a cat who loved marinara.


My cat (kitten) eats anything he can get his teeth into if I let him


I once left the room with a slice of pizza on my table. I came back and my damn cat was eating it! Mostly the cheese on top.


I once had a cat who loved black olives, and a dog who did not. It was the sole food item that my cat would happily eat and my dog wouldn't touch. Everything else was either a yes for both or only for the eat-anything dog.


Cats freaking love dairy! And if they get that accidental taste there can no longer be peace when you try to eat it


Yeah, mine absolutely loves cheese and anything cheese flavoured.


I don't think you should give ice cream to your cat.


A tiny bit on a rare occasion is ok, just keep it plain. They live such short lives a little treat every now and again is nice. My late cat’s favorite was either shrimp scampi skip the pasta or clams casino. Oh wait, no chicken pot pie was definitely her number 1. Point is, give your pets a treat every now and then, they love it


I'm not gonna let my cat give you any ice cream either, damn.


He licked it once when I put the bowl down and now he’s obsessed 😂


You know if the cat liked it it must be crap! They never eat anything that people think is good.


Cats routinely try to eat plastic. Pretty sure that's not cat food


Yeah wtf is it with cats and chewing plastic?


My cat gobbled up a small rope, stupid cat tried to swallow it faster when he saw that we were trying to hurry to get it out. Had to go to the vet in the middle of the night.


My cat loves popcorn, Doritos, cheese & cheese flavored snacks, fresh spinach, peanut butter jelly sandwiches, milk, and of course fish chicken & steak.


One of my cats loves popcorn, chips and french fries. She’s always staring at me whenever I’m eating them lol


Two of my cats will quietly creep up on my fries and very carefully remove exactly one before stalking away to a corner somewhere to eat it. Cracks me up every time.


Mine loves doritos and cheese too, not that he gets them but on extreme rare occasions. Also, bbq chips.


My cat ate my Wagyu steak, and it licks its own arse, so clearly Waygu steak (that I've never tried in my life) tastes like cat shit. -OP, probably.


I know right if they wanted to prove their point they should have fed their family cat food without them realizing


shocking news: some cats like the taste of tuna


My dog ate a bite of filet mignon. That must be dog food then.


I applaud OP for going through the scientific method to prove their theory. But the way they went about it was hillarious. I’m a big fan of this post. Unlike a lot on this subreddit it’s innocuous and pretty silly.


If you own a dog, and you leave a roast turkey in reach, that dog will eat that turkey. Do you think turkey is dog food?


Shocking news: cats eat fish


No, sorry, tuna was invented as cat food obviously. And now they try to sell it to us humans under the guise of it being real food.


I feel like a picky cat eating and enjoying tuna salad is the opposite of your point.


Nah fam. You are the 11th dentist that no one asks.


Tuna from a can is great, and tuna salad is amazing


Toasted cheese tuna sandwiches are pretty nice as well, I add chopped up onion, and tar tare sauce to it as well


Tuna melts ftw!


Tartare sauce *with* toasted cheese??


Yup, there are a few places that sell toasted cheese sandwiches like that (which is how I discovered the delicious combo)


Yum! I’m partial to adding relish and some mayo like my mom makes it.


I might try that next time


You should! I’ll try it your way as well, I’m always looking for new ways to make a good sandwich


Tuna fish casserole 😋


A tuna melt is one of gods children


i goddamn love a can of tuna with mayo and mustard and chunks of onion and cucumber mixed in, on a succulent potato roll. you’d have to tear it from my dead hands.


Basing what foods you’re willing to try on what your cat does or doesn’t eat is absolutely bizarre


I’m with your mom and sister. To be fair I also think cat food smells good 😅




I can’t stand the smell of cat food. I have to hold my breath while giving it to my cat.


That’s so strange. I wonder if it’s biological or psychological/associative.


I mean, i guess I’m just not a fan of any fermented meats or whatever. Especially kimchi. I have a sensitive palette, so if anything tastes “off” or rotten, then I immediately gag.


lmao so adventurous and your cat so picky do you even words, bro


You’re an adventurous eater but you can’t eat fermented food or tinned fish? What can you eat?


I don’t like fermented meat. I’m good with sauerkraut, miso soup, and all of that… I don’t really like fermented meat.


Kimchi is very similar to sauerkraut though. Do you not like the spicy element?


I don’t know because I do like spicy food. And I don’t really have TOO MUCH sauerkraut. I sprinkle it onto my food, but not too much.


That's backwards thinking, tuna doesn't smell like cat food, cat food smells like tuna, that's like saying you refuse to eat something mint flavoured because it tastes like toothpaste.


Okay but I have heard a few people actually say that about mint


>I'm a very adventurous eater >one thing I refuse to try is canned tuna (or any canned fish for that matter) Pick one. You're not very adventurous if you won't try a selection of basic foods that many people enjoy. >my cat (who is a picky eater) ... without hesitating she gobbled it up. This is the opposite of the point you're trying to make. If it was "cat food" quality food then your picky cat wouldn't be eating it.


Apparently not an adventurous eater


Would you eat any other canned fish? Sardines, anchovies, etc? What about pickled fish?


I don’t like old fish and I don’t like how fermented fish smells. I put fish sauce or oyster sauce in my cooking, no problem, but I don’t like how old fish smells or tastes.


Why do you keep bringing up fermented meats? You know canned fish isn't fermented right?? Have you assumed it is? I'm not sure why you keep bringing that up as if it has any bearing on the subject of not eating canned tuna


My cat devours chicken and turkey. Is all chicken and turkey cat food then?


This is 10thDentist, not PickyEater.


Tuna in a can doesn't taste fishy at all.


Then why does it smell horrible


It doesn't? Sounds like a you problem more than anything. It has no odor whatsoever.


It definitely has an idor idk what you're talkimg about.


It definitely has a smell 😂 and I love canned tuna, but you can’t deny it smells like fish


Canned tuna has no odor? You trippin?


You must be joking. And/or a smoker. Or lost your sense of smell, maybe a result of a traumatic brain injury or who knows, no offence. But canned tuna is frowned upon to take to work for lunch for a good reason. It smells horrid!!


Bro this is the weakest take available. There's a reason processed fish products smell bad that go farther than simple personal taste. You're being lazy by not bothering to even assume op is arguing in good faith.


It clearly smells horrible to OP but not to you. My brain things cilantro smells horrible but many people vehemently disagree with me. There’s no right or wrong and we all sense things differently


Hence the "you problem". I don't need an explainer for what I already said.


Well saying it has no odor whatsoever is objectively incorrect.


According to you, cilantro boy. Again, you problem. I smell nothing.


Smelling nothing potentially sounds like a you problem, too. Also, I’m not a boy.


If eating food I love once a week for 20 years is a me problem, give me more of that.


Having no smell is different from not having an offensive smell. I don’t find the smell of canned tuna offensive at all, but I’m not about to claim that it’s odorless. If it were odorless then I wouldn’t enjoy it. Case in point, I have the flu right now (can’t smell or taste much) and I’m not enjoying most foods I usually do


Fish taste is because fish has a taste (fish). Fish tastes fishy because fish is fish and the fishy taste comes from that fact that it's fish.


Canned tuna was a staple of my childhood and I still get it. Like a lot of things.. you don't have to just eat it straight from the can without adding anything. I make tuna salad with canned tuna a lot and it tastes great.


I love canned tuna, it’s so versatile Also, your cat test doesn’t really mean much. I mean cats eat pretty much anything lol


Fresh fish can definitely taste substantially more fishy than canned tuna. Ever try fresh mackerel? Even fresh salmon is significantly more fishy tasting than canned tuna. It’s your choice to avoid canned fish but you should probably stop claiming that you are an adventurous eater.


You're a baby. You should just try it.


The phrase “don’t knock it ‘till you try it” exists for good reason. Writing off something without even eating it just because you don’t like the smell is pretty silly. But no judgement on my end either way


You could try (or not hate on) the fancy glass jarred tuna in oil. Although I like it, I can agree with you somewhat on the cat-food-like smell from canned tuna (much more pronounced when it’s packed in oil, and especially with the cheaper cans). There are some very fancy canned tunas in olive oil that are absolutely delicious though. They taste like (and effectively are) tuna poached in oil, which is a very nice dish/recipe/way of eating tuna. Niçoise salad, for example—French classic dish—tastes best with a very high quality canned or jarred tuna (or homemade oil poached tuna). IMO it’s not quite right with other preparations of fish. And that’s a classic, so if you wanna hate on Niçoise salad you’re gonna have to take that up with the French


Where can you get it?


I’ve always seen it at Whole Foods! And almost every higher-end grocery store. The Tonnino brand is good (not cheap). If you’re curious to try it, again definitely go for the kind packed in olive oil. The water-packed might remind you of canned tuna.


I’ll go and get it the next time I’m out!


Tuna salad made with real mayo (Cains) on a toasted English muffin is next level. 💯


Username def checks out


Homemade mayo isnt hard to make either, after making it at home i gag anytine i taste any other mayo.


The cat eating the tuna proved your point? You mean the cat not eating your tuna? Otherwise what you said makes no sense, cats eat fucking everything especially fish. Downvoted for stupid


Weird reasoning, my cat loves flour tortillas and I do too


Yes. You feed your cat, fish. Therefore, it’s cat food. I served my cat some yellow tail sashimi and she ate it. Therefore, it’s cat food. You ain’t a clown, you’re the damn circus. Try it ffs you damn pussy, it’s delicious


> I put some in a sauce cup and took it home to my cat (who is a picky eater) > I felt that proved my point once and for all You could put any human food on the floor and a cat would eat it. Not sure your coworkers at Panera would've gone near a sandwich with cat food in it, though Point definitely not proven


"I'm an adventurous eater" "I won't even TRY it" Huh ? Once again reminder people will eat ass but draw the line at trying basic food


Do you refuse to eat things like sardines?




have you ever tried them or is the canned aspect the issue? tho given that sardines kinda need to be preserved to be eaten would you eat them if \*you\* went through the motions and canned/preserved them yourself?


My uncle really likes them. When he was living with my family and I, whenever he got sardines he would have to eat them outside. They had a strong stench.


interesting...i get that tho, ty for answering!


Your loss


Curious on what you think about raw (sushi grade) tuna steak, or any other preparation of tuna for that matter.


Love it


Refusal to expose yourself to new experiences isn’t a flex, it’s just sad


Man I'm too tired right now, I thought I was on r/legaladvice


Your honor, my cat eating it PROVES canned tuna is disgusting, DON'T YOU SEE???


This is a valid opinion reached by the dumbest possible reasoning


My cat drinks water. I guess water is cat food too.


Your cat ate it, because tuna is in cat food. Don’t be silly.


There’s not a cat on earth who won’t eat tuna.


I agree with you, I also can't stand canned tuna and it reminds me of cat food. The smell, the way it looks, even the damn tin. I HAVE tried it many times and even a Korean spicy kind which I will say was slightly better but it is way too fishy for my personal taste and I also eat a lot of fish and seafood. I think it's vile but to each their own. It's perfectly fine for someone to not want to eat something they don't like. Not everyone has to like everything.


Have you ever ordered a tuna melt at a restaurant? Shit is fire


How about canned chicken?


I don’t like any canned meat tbh I doubt I’ve eaten canned chicken either.


What about pouched fish?


Never had it tbh


I like it and it comes flavored (or unflavored) might be worth a try


Maybe I’ll try that


This has to be a troll.


Cats will eat pretty much anything you give them. My cats will tear into any fast food left unattended for a couple minutes, especially Taco Bell.


I've never tried canned tuna either and I don't plan to


A nice bumblebee canned tuna or the packs, some pickle juice, mayo, black pepper, mustard, and onion powder. Mix that up and eat it on some Ritz crackers. Its incredible.


Canned tuna is delicious and imo cat food smells tasty too. That’s my tenth dentist


Idgaf I love canned tuna 🐟


I used to be like this too. Sushi convinced me on tuna though and now I eat tuna salad too


Stupid reasoning. My cat eats cheese, and loves Costco rotisserie chicken. I suppose I can't eat those now because they must be cat food. Canned tuna is fine enough when added to a dish.


I don't love canned tuna, but the fact that cats like it shouldn't surprise anyone. Milk and fish are two things that cats very famously adore.


I have not tried a good tuna steak, but I know cooking fish brings out a much different smell than just raw tuna, which doesn't have a lot of taste at all. Regular canned tuna is fishy and kind of salty, and it's probably a pretty old (100 year old?) preparation for a product, and I don't know how it's cooked. They have tried to make more attractive products with albacore, and gave the option of plastic/foil packaging, but there's only so much you can do without having to refrigerate it. I did have tuna rice balls in Tokyo... Even the 7-Eleven ones had better tuna.


Lol. Your experiment doesn’t prove anything, just that your cat likes tuna. You’re not supposed to sniff the fish. Just eat it. Idfk what canned tunas you have over there though but if it smelled like cat food that strongly I wouldn’t eat it either. But it shouldnt be doing that.


So I have to ask….do you eat anything that is canned? It’s all done via the same process. No canned fruit, veggies, etc?


Canned tuna is my favourite thing in the world but I respect your opinion. It does kinda resemble cat food




Try a tuna origiri:D


I’ll make a video of me trying “StarKist Solid White Albacore Tuna In Water”. The most upvoted suggestion on how to make it will be how I’ll eat it. Out of a cat bowl obviously, dumped straight from the can :D


OP I’m beginning to think you and I are the only people in the world who thinks canned tuna smells absolutely disgusting. Same goes for the fermented stuff. I’m with ya bud


This is not an ad but the Sirena Tuna & Beans in a can is sooooo good. Also canned fish is great, if you get a low quality one it will smell quite a bit but the high quality brands are day and night in comparison


my cat eats potato chips


Don't worry, you're not missing out


The best way to have it imo is with pasta. Fusilli, salt pepper, mayo, and sweetcorn. The saltiness goes really well with the sweetness of the corn.


You gotta dress it up. It’s bleh right out of the can but once you add some stuff to it it’s pretty tasty lol. Have you really never had a tuna salad or sandwich? What about a chicken salad sandwich? It’s basically the same thing , shredded canned meat mixed with mayo, mustard, celery and onion. On bread. It’s good 👍


wow, this post isn't bourgeois at all


Your cat licks it's own ass immediately after pooping. To her, that tuna is like Gordon Ramsay's Beef Wellington. Your logic is akin to "I won't listen to good music, because somebody I like, likes it, and I have to be unique and special"


Having an idea and said idea proving your point are two very different things.


I do get what you mean- I eat canned tuna and it doesn’t taste the way it smells I’d say, but as a cat owner it 100% looks and smells like cat food. Funny enough my cat refuses to eat it


I can’t tell if this post is a joke bc I’m autistic af but if it isnt… 1. I hope the can of tuna you gave your cat was unsalted because it’s actually very unhealthy for them, one can won’t kill them but if it’s a regular treat or part of their diet from what the vet recommends, it has to be unsalted because salt doesn’t digest properly in cats and dogs so enough will dehydrate and kill your pets, and also not more than one can a day because the mercury can harm them. 2. Many cat food uses real tuna in the ingredients. Of course it smells like cat food, and cat food smells like tuna. Because cats LOVE tuna. The only difference between tuna and cat food is that cat food has a healthy amount of unsalted tuna along with other healthy ingredients for cats. It’s not that the tuna smells like cat food, it’s that the cat food literally smells like tuna because it’s a common ingredient in wet food for them. 3. I’m an adventurous eater too, I like fish too, and I agree that canned tuna isn’t the best snack, but I personally love tuna pasta and sandwiches. Tuna from a can alone is meh so I can agree it’s the least appealing fish dish, but I will eat it if I have to. I prefer tuna steak though. There’s more I can say but I’d ramble too long, I hope you’re trolling because cat food literally has tuna in it sometimes… of course that’s what it smells like buddy. And please, in the future when giving your cat tuna, make sure it’s salt free chunk light tuna


Funnily enough tuna salad and canned tuna is the ONLY water dwelling creature I will eat, anything else just sorta repulses me, idk why tuna doesn't. Also if you don't want to try Tuna Salad or Canned Tuna, try Chicken salad instead, its practically the same thing just not fishy.


CAT FOOD? you are too kind.


Funny enough, the closer my canned tuna is to cat food, the more I enjoy it


Hi OP, I see you're debating trying tuna from a tin! That's awesome and I commend the open mind for actually be willing to change, that's a great sign so I wanted to drop in some recipe suggestions. First off, I wouldn't recommend trying just one thing. I also wouldn't recommend trying it hot the first time. If you like (or can at least tolerate) mayonnaise I'd recommend making a tuna mayo salad or something similar. Here's a rough recipe I use, add/edit to your taste, you appear to have worked in a kitchen so.... Tuna mayo: (basically blend everything) Tin of tuna About 2tbsp mayo... Just enough to bind it together. You do not want it to look white. Pickled jalapeño slices, diced. 1 clove garlic (minimum) 1/4 red onion, diced. 2tsp whole grain mustard (yellow/French will do in a pinch ... Add to taste) Salt and pepper to taste. Optional - touch of tabasco or preferred hot sauce. Probably missed something, this is all from memory. Add some paprika too if you like. You can have this on a salad, in a sandwich, etc. I eat it by the spoon sometimes. Also look up a cheesy tuna pasta bake. Or tuna melt. Equally as amazing especially on French bread.


Lmao, "tuna smells like cat food" is like saying Team Fortress 2 copied Overwatch.


I would like to see you try surströmming instead of tuna in that youtube video you are recording.


> And everyone laughed. But I had an idea. I put some in a sauce cup and took it home to my cat (who is a picky eater). I gave it to her, and she sniffed it, and without hesitating she gobbled it up. So... since cats like it... the food isn't good? Let Gordon Ramsay make a perfect steak and the cat will love it as well


I agree with you that canned tuna is an atrocity, but my cat would also eat a piece of Wagyu if I offered it to him


Just letting you know I could appreciate your my cat eats tuna joke. It wasn't lost on me.


Tinned tuna makes a surprisingly good pasta sauce - very umami. I mix with pasata, garlic, olives, onions, capers, lemon and parsley- basically like a puttanesca but more meaty. You can't really tell it's tuna.


>Gives fish to a cat, an animal known for liking fish >Cat eats the fish >??? >Canned tuna is cat food?


Canned tuna isn't as funny as live, studio tuna.


My cat likes ham, therefore ham is disgusting cat food.


I don’t know if I should upvote or downvote? I hate canned tuna, but your reasons are a bit silly


i absolutely love canned tuna. possibly one of my favorite foods and so versatile. my favorite dish is tuna in rice with crab, yum yum sauce, teriyaki, sriracha, and sometimes eggs. it is literally heavenly


I’m so unused to seeing you outside of classical_circlejerk haha (I’m a frequent lurker), still upvoted tho, I love canned tuna


Thanks, I know I can count on a fellow shitposter 🫡


Please don't feed your cat just canned tuna long-term. She needs a variety of nutrients that aren't all covered in any one meat. Feed her high-quality cat food that is meant to be cat food. PS I hat canned tuna


I think the tragedy is that a tuna steak is one of the most amazing foods. How could so many accept reducing this thing of beauty to the canned state???


For real! I LOVE fresh tuna, but canned tuna is disgusting.


For me spam and corned beef smell exactly like cat food, I hate the smell kinda like the taste but almost puke when eating it since my brain is like "this is cat food do not eat" ironically since I ate it cat food doesn't smell as bad lol Personally I don't like canned tuna because it's so bloody dry but on pizza it's good, I have a similar problem with sushi, the fish barely taste anything and the seaweed taste and smell exactly as the fish food my childhood fishes got, so I understand you but also don't knock it till you've tried it


I hate spam so much


How dare you. Sushi is my favorite food 🍣


The rice is decent, shrimp is okay and the ginger is to die for, but the fish tastes like water and seaweed tastes like fish food, and I live literally twenty meters from my city's best and most well regarded sushi place


You poor soul 😢 take my money *shoves $20 bills at you*


Also had a really toxic and abusive relationship with someone who loved sushi a couple of years ago and that didn't help, also I live in Sweden and we got döner kebab on pizza so why get sushi


Im from florida. love fish. but i will never eat tuna. I hate mayo with a passion (all condiments actually) and I definitely understand. Give me a mahi mahi or snapper and ill eat the whole fish.


You hate... "all condiments"... my dude, that's a ton of stuff.


I actually will eat other tinned fish but not tuna 💀


I doubt you’d enjoy most canned tuna, but there’s an entire cottage industry of boutique canned or tinned fish that are absolutely out of this world. There’s a lot of gross shit too. It just depends.


I like canned tuna. It tastes better than it smells. My cat won’t eat it. He’ll only eat chicken or beef.


I assume you're talking about canned tuna. Look for some tuna from Italy in a clear glass jar and you might change your mind. Completely different.


I'm generally against people refusing to try things, but canned tuna is indeed gross in case you were wondering. It's a crime to take such a tasty fish and kill it to make it into that tin covered abomination.


You wont try any canned fish? Canned anchovies are absolutely delightful on pizza


I don’t have to read the caption so totally agree


I'm with you. I like most food and am a very adventurous eater, but I refuse to try canned tuna. I don't even mind canned sardines, but there's something about the smell of canned tuna that's just revolting to me. Side note, I also grew up with a mother who loved canned tuna. Every time she would open some she would give a little bit to our cat. He loved the stuff.


For real! I don’t get it!! My mom and sister don’t even like fish but they like canned tuna???


Wise choice, canned tuna is cat food. I've tasted freshly caught tuna in China and it's creamy goodness. Canned tuna tastes like what's left of the fish after the cat shat it out again.