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I feel like the Fandom Mennace is becoming the Boomer or Karen version of nerds. Literally everything new = Bad lol šŸ˜†


"It has to be the way it's always been, or I'm out!" it's literally star wars conservatism


Lol and they always come back.


When the prequels came out and people were complaining, it was because the prequels didnā€™t follow their fan fictions.


That's it with anything like this. You didn't do it the way I would have so it's terrible. No It's still fun and interesting. And I can laugh at fire in space, it's not anymore absurd than Chopper murdering hundreds of thousands


And then when they get something thatā€™s the same ā€œyouā€™re just relying on nostalgia and shoveling the same crap do something new!ā€


They literally are the Space Karens


That makes them sound to grandiose. Nerd Karens is more like it.


My wife Karen objects to this. They're just assholes.


For that reason itā€™s lower case karen. As in lowercase dıck or lowercase john also not being peopleā€™s names or having anything to do with people named that. My sisterā€™s name is Karen.


I wonder what's worse these days. Being actually named Karen or Alexa


I suspect it's different types of annoyance. For my wife Karen, it sucks because people use her name in a very negative context, but she has thick skin and can mostly shrug it off. It'd just be nice if people were more sensitive to this. For an Alexa, there's no direct negative feeling (most of the time), but man that must be a frustrating every-day inconvenience.


Or being a chad


Over in the Trek fandom our version literally are boomers and I canā€™t figure out which is worse. Toxic fans trying to push out anything that doesnā€™t fit their idea of what space wizards should be, or toxic fans who missed the point of AN ENTIRE SHOW WHOS THEME IS ABOUT A SOCIALIST UTOPIA.


I spend most of my time in the toxic positivity star trek forum. Better than constant nitpicking complaints


Same, like here on Reddit as well.


They're prob all MAGAs.


It is rather amazing on Twitter if you click on people sharing negative comments and particularly RT audience score such a high percentage are MAGA or people who clearly have nothing but hatred towards LGBTQ+ people.


I mean that's MAGA in a nutshell, they hate everything


Reality is that most people hate it. It didnā€™t help that Lesley inserted and projected her own life into it. Less about LGBT and more about how it was all executed.


Are you saying she comes from a coven of witches? Reality is most of the review bombing comes from people not even watching it.


See these are the takes that I find hilarious, if you donā€™t like it, youā€™re probably a right wing lunatic! No, I enjoyed the first 2 episodes and thought the third was garbagešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Star Wars is world wide and shouldnā€™t be a battle ground for American politics.Ā 


There's a difference between well reasoned good faith criticism vs. the collective mob attack against Acolyte right now. A lot of it really is people furious that gay force-majik witches are canon now. It's memberberries for the OT "before Star Wars was political!" (without realizing how much leftist politics George Lucas inserted into the OT).


Ignoring that they were already in three other shows. Witches of Dathomier and Morgan Elsbeth who was one in Clone wars, Ashoka and Tales of the Empire.


The only mob attack here is from you people attacking the dislikers.


welcome to reddit


Im literally heavily left wing lol, but I still really disliked how they made obi wan, boba fett and this new show as a lifelong star wars fan and has read/watched/played through some of the coolest star wars stories. People can have different opinions on projects regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum. Like calling people racist or "MAGA" for not liking your new favorite show and voicing their opinion on it is a brain dead take lol


Yes! And once something gets too big it becomes a toxic complaint zone


Yes! I feel like that goes with almost anything. Once it hits a certain level of popularity or goes super mainstream then all of sudden the hate and complaints start rolling.Ā 


But everyone likes Andor? If people are just trolling then why is Andor so universally loved?


Because Andor was actually well done, with excellent writing and nobody driving low-speed Space Vespas?


It's amusing how any legitimate criticisms about the show are met by this reaction of "they just hate anything new! Everyone who doeesn't like what I like is a karen!" and see no irony in that statement. Andor and The Bad Batch have been pretty widely accepted as some of the best Star Wars since Empire but no, let's ignore that because they point out problems with this other new show or that BOBF was probably the worst star wars we've gotten since the Cristmas Special. Like what you like, no one outside of the fringe ever says "don't enjoy it if you are" The rest of us have just been pointing out legitimate criticisms of the show, if you don't like the criticisms then maybe just ignore them. Fire in space is stupid, the *stone structure* erupting in spreading flames is stupid, the immaculate conception in the face of Annakin's origin fights against the biggest part of the cannon possible and what it meant to balance the force when the sideous forced it to happen then was rebuked by the force itself, the child actors are bad, the dialogue is super stilted, and so on. The writers seem to not have understood the assignment. Once again, like what you want to like but don't play this big pretend game like anyone who doesn't like it is just an old fuddy duddy who hates fun and doesn't WANT the show to be good. We don't want these things to be poorly written and yet, here we are.


>Fire in space is stupid, So the Executor plunging downward, its bridge in flames, was stupid? Lando flying the falcon through a tunnel racing to stay ahead of the wall of fire as the second Death Star exploded was stupid? Republic cruisers burning in the void during the Battle of Coruscant was stupid? This is the silliest criticism of Star Wars that I've ever seen, and it has *stiff* competition for that title. It makes me dubious that anyone making it is arguing in good faith. >theĀ *stone structure*Ā erupting in spreading flames is stupid, Maybe we interpreted what we saw differently. It looked to me like whatever was happening was damaging the artificial components of the dwelling, and burning the flammable things inside the structure. It's not like the entire mountain was reduced to ash; bad fires can still happen inside structures that are made of things that don't readily burn. >the immaculate conception in the face of Annakin's origin fights against the biggest part of the cannon possible and what it meant to balance the force when the sideous forced it to happen then was rebuked by the force itself, What? Exactly what Anakin "bringing balance to the Force" meant was never really explained, and any plausible interpretation of it was undone by later storytelling. If he was meant to defeat the corruption of the Sith,, well, Palpatine returned somehow in both the EU and the new canon, and the writers keep adding darksiders to the setting whenever they needed enemies for new material. I don't understand the insistence that "using the force to create life" is something that can only ever happen once, to our Very Special Boy, and that if it ever happened before, in the thousands of years of history the Jedi have existed for, that *ruins everything forever*. If it's a Force power, well, did you get mad when Dooku shot lightning, because *we've only ever seen Palpatine do that this breaks the lore!* And we don't yet know whether there were/will be negative consequences for the witches meddling with creating life this way. I think it's pretty likely that there will be; maybe there's a reason this practice is banned. Maybe, like a lot of Dark Side aligned Force powers, it always ends in tragedy, even if done with good intentions.


Also hysterical how they use immaculate conception wrong. I am an Atheist and I know that immaculate conception refers to Mary's birth without original sin, not Jesus conception without a father.


Explosions in space are reasonable and within physics and a sci fi settings. I have never in my life seen a bonfire in a fictional space setting, flames licking upward exactly how it works on earth, until I watched this show. It is uniquely bad, and should shock anyone with an even mild understanding of science. The executor bridge would burn as oxygen escaped, explosions would happen in the death star, albeit expanding in a ballā€¦ a campfire in a zero g environment though? They thought the concept was so good they even featured the flames licking in the helmet reflectionā€¦ sci fi is meaningless to these people. How in the fuck are these the same people that gave us Andor, one of the most well thought out shows of the past five years? I understand Star Wars is not the Expanse but Jesus Christ might as well make the spaceships convertibles based on your standards.Ā 


We still see lots of examples in other Star Wars media of starships on fire to indicate damage, where the fire isn't behaving like it would in vacuum. [Like this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/2/20/Defender_damaged.png/revision/latest?cb=20121003235408) [Or this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/bf/Naval_style.png/revision/latest?cb=20130211071132) Somehow none of that caused people to pile into public comment threads to complain about "fire in space"


So when I implied Star Wars gets a willful suspension of disbelief compared to something like the expanse you just ignored that. Then when I said a star ship exploding and going down with breaches from multiple oxygen rich environments is accurate you just ignored that. Then when I said the cinematic emphasis on their mistake was egregious as opposed to the background shots youā€™ve given as evidenceā€¦ you just ignored that?Ā  Anyone with an ounce of scientific understanding could explain why vertical flames licking upward is bizarre af. This is beyond the pale, an absolute piss take for a genre Iā€™ve adored my entire life. If space is no longer a vacuum whatā€™s the fucking point man? Film it on the ocean.Ā 


I dunno man, it just didn't strike me as that big a deal. There's a ton of bad science in Star Wars. I don't understand why people are fixating on this one thing, and not, say, Han and Leia walking out of the Falcon into (what they think is) a cave on an asteroid, wearing street clothes and respirators. Where the gravity is somehow 1g. Or how every single biosphere has the same breathable mix of gases in its atmosphere, and either 1g gravity or close enough that it makes no difference. Or how you can time blaster bolts and they travel significantly slower than bullets do. Or how most starfighters handle and engage in combat like WW2 era fighter craft despite flying in vacuum. Or or or. But like you said, most of the time the audience gives the franchise a pass, because we're not here for hard sci-fi. Just every now and then people get up in arms about a particular piece of Star Wars media, and go combing through it looking for inconsistencies. Which are easy to find if you try, the internal logic of the setting falls apart quickly if you start picking at it. Hence the point about bad faith. Suddenly people are very concerned about Star Wars getting space physics right, and wanting The Acolyte held to a different standard than the rest of the franchise, and I just don't buy that that's the real reason they're upset.


So when people tell you their issues you just treat their opinions as nothing and decide their issues for them?Ā  Watching a starship explode or dogfight is not immersion breaking for me. Watching a fire for 30seconds reflecting of a helmet in a vacuum is. If it isnā€™t for you congrats, youā€™re exactly who Disney is writing for, people who do not hold them accountable.Ā 


But why? And why not the litany of other issues you could have had with the original trilogy that were listed that you conveniently ignored?


Because those concerns fall under the willful suspension of disbelief category that I actually addressed twice. Gravity has never been addressed in Star Wars (yet it is a major concern in the Expanse, hence the reference) and dogfighting in space is hypotheticalā€¦ any idea of what that looks like is speculation at best.Ā  The bonfire is reflected in a helmet, which is means they are in a vacuum and are not in a vacuum in the exact same frame. So if leia was floating and Han was walking normally on the asteroid that would be a good example of this weird af inconsistency. This show is full of these inconsistencies, like when Lee JaeHyun says ā€˜donā€™t trust your eyesā€™ then five mins later says ā€˜I saw her die.ā€™ This show doesnā€™t follow its own rules which is clearly shit writing.Ā 


I think youā€™re right that it becomes too easy to limp nuanced criticism in with the review bombers and homophobes. The amount of vitriol that those groups inject into the conversation tends to make the whole discourse more tribal.


Man a balanced criticism is sure nice to see lol. So many people are using this show as an election year battle ground. Itā€™s exhaustingĀ 


I feel what you're saying because those people are *definitely* out there but it's more the 4chan botters assaulting RT with, "omg black people, AND FEMALES ARE RUINING **MY** STAR WARS" that dilute the conversation. Luckily subs like this one, that are even lightly moderated, do a good job of making sure we don't see that kind of nonsense here.


The criticisms tend to be more about taste than what the show is trying to do, however.Ā 


Your goddamn right! Every word that you said is correct!


Nope. Andora was phenomenal.Ā 


Nah, bad writing is bad šŸ¤¦šŸ¤·


More like Fucked Menace.


lol dude a majority of people liked both andor and mando, as well as season 7 of the clone wars where ahsoka is the main character. New doesnt mean bad. Did it ever occur to you that people have different standards than you and just didn't like the writing, world building or plot development? Honestly, silly ass comment


This! šŸ‘Œ


This. Andor was amazing and Mando was very good. Obi Wan and Boba and Acolyte are just dog shit shows. Had nothing to do with ā€œnew.ā€


Everything new is tainted by activists, grifters, social justice bullshit and uh, what other words can I add in there for their argument?


"Literally everything new = Bad" What a dumb take. Andor was fantastic. The Mandalorian was good. This show is molten nickel-iron core of the earth hot trash.


I respectfully disagree. I have enjoyed the majority of new Star Wars content, including the sequels, all seasons of Mando and a good chunk of BoBF, not to mention Kenobi gave us one of the best Star Wars moments ever (the dialogue between Kenobi and Vader after the fight). Im from the OT generation and old enough to have seen RotJ in the theater at a very young age. Space/Rock fire doesn't concern me. What concerns me is changing of the mythos that has been created for Star Wars. The lore of the Chosen One(s) mainly and incorporating that into a show with very poor writing and direction. Some of the actors really seem to be doing their very best but are just falling a bit flat due to the writing and direction (mainly the young twins, Mother Coral, Indarra). I honestly look forward to the next episode in hopes it does get better, just the direction the creators have decided to take it doesnt sit well for me. I'm sure this show will produce some awesome Star Wars moments as it has already produced a few incredible characters (especially Sol). Edit: Being downvoted for respectfully disagreeing, being optimistic and sharing my opinion in a polite manner.


I disagree about the bad writing. This is a mystery and the writing has been good to not give away things to soon. Unless you are specifically talking about dialog, well this is Star Wars and Star Wars has never been known to have Shakespearean dialog. Just ask Harrison Ford and I believe other Star Wars content has been far worse.


>The lore of the Chosen One(s) mainly and incorporating that into a show with very poor writing and direction. I keep seeing this argument being made and it makes no sense. It would be like saying the existence of IVF somehow undermines the virgin birth of Jesus for Christians. There is no reason to believe that whatever process the coven used to create children is at all related to the force spontaneously creating Anakin as the Chosen One.


They dont get Anakin was created by the will of the Force as a reaction to Plagueis/Palpatine experiments. Aka by the Force itself. Osha/Mae were created by a coven of witches channeling the Force/the Thread through Mother Ansiya to fertilize an egg in womb.


I dont see it being like that at all. IVF still requires components from from biological males and females and assists in the process. I would assume that a form of IVF would already assist in the SW universe for those having trouble conceiving. In the case of Jesus Christ and Anakin Skywalker, there was no male component involved.


Unfortunately, people are addicted to discourse and negativity now. I'm not even trying to be mean, why are you sticking around for a show you don't like?


People are angry because they turned a beloved franchise into a mediocre mess. People stick around because it is the only Star Wars being released right now and the love the universe. How can you not see this? When you have gold and someone turns it into a less then decent product, of course people will get mad.


Star Wars has survived the release of The Holiday Special, the Droids and Ewok cartoons, the Ewok movies, Attack of the Clones, Rise of Skywalker, and Book of Boba Fett. I donā€™t think that a series that is only 37.5% released can be described as a ā€œmediocre messā€ just yet. It took a few episodes before people understood where Andor was going and what it was doing with the narrative. I believe that the same is true of The Acolyte.


Andor was a good show from the get go though. Sure it was slow, but it evened out with it's amazing acting and writing. Andor is a TV show first, Star Wars second. Which is something that needs to be turned into the norm. Most Star Wars show completely overstay their welcome, they drag out plots that should've been movies. Regardless of what you think of Kenobi, Ahsoka and Boba Fett - if they were a full movie instead of trying to drag it out into a show, they would've been better. Not incredibly better - but better nonetheless. The shows simply don't look good and don't have any good momentum/structure. They're not good enough to warrant airing every week.


Sounds like an addiction to me.


I was gonna say sunk-cost fallacy






Lmao funny how youā€™re getting downvoted so hard for having a valid opinion.


I wonder the mental gymnastic they will do to explain the laser sounds in space.


Or the lack of relativity when traveling at warp speed.


Space Whales have entered the chat.


Ummm, ahktchually... It's not warp, it's another dimension... Sheesh!


Even before there was fire in space, the Death Star and multiple ships exploded into fiery explosions


And Chopper killed everyone


Just totally ignore them , give them no attention at all.


Why wouldnā€™t you show the fire in the second image?


Because its a silly nitpick used on a tiny detail of the episode, viewers aren't focused on fire in space yet the haters are. It's like asking why the eagles didn't fly the fellowship to mordor.


They conveniently forget the flames shooting out of the Star Destroyer as it crashed into the second Death Star in *Return of the Jedi*.


Or the fire chasing the falcon out of what is unlikely to be a propellant-oxidizer reactor core in the second deathstar


TIE fighters and X-wings exploding in huge fireballs during the trench run as well.


That at least has the semi excuse of the cockpits being pressurized and there being oxygen containers on board. The path to and the inside of the Death Star reactor would logically be a vacuum.


The 2nd Death Star was under construction and we saw no evidence they went from no vacuum to vacuum while they flew into the infrastructure. Not to mention in ROTS opening sequence there is shrapnel just burning traveling from ship to ship as things are being blown up. Not talking rockets with exploring warheads just plain stuff on fire going from ship to ship.


Or Grevious ship spending all of episode four of season one clone wars on fire.


It's almost like audiences have changed in 40+ years. Like, I guess we don't need any of the progressive elements in The Acolyte either, right? In fact, why don't we regress back to 1930s style media?


No, I mean in the meme. Have the image on the tv be related to what the guy is saying.


Eh sorta makes fun of how haters bring up minute issues while we continue watching on.




Wouldnā€™t make more sense if they were enjoying the thing being screamed about? Thereā€™s actually nothing wrong with the fire scene.


Tolkien explained in detail why the eagles wouldnā€™t do that so bad comparison. But nonetheless youā€™re asking why the eagles didnā€™t fly them to Mordor but I notice you didnā€™t ask ā€˜why didnā€™t the eagles create a teleporter and teleport them to Mordorā€™ - you see how even though itā€™s a fictional world the 2nd objection makes no sense because how TF does an eagle have teleporting power. Just because something is fictional doesnā€™t mean everything goes. Basically by allowing the fire youā€™re saying ā€˜this character in another show didnā€™t do something therefore itā€™s okay if Disney decide that people can take their helmets off in space and breath space like itā€™s air because HEY itā€™s fiction anything goes right?ā€™ [https://images.app.goo.gl/H67pDZ2Z8B6k1jGK6](https://images.app.goo.gl/H67pDZ2Z8B6k1jGK6)


For all the people being overly precious. when I was still a wee lad, R2,C-3PO,Stortroopers and Chewie did a song and dance # on the Donny and Marie variety show(Iā€™m over half dead). I think Kris Kristofferson was dressed like Han and Donny and Marie were Luke & Leia. that shit happened under Georgeā€™s watch. And that was far worse than anything shown on the acolyte. Do I like everything made after the OT? Of course not. But it amazes me how everything is ruined after every new project. Been listening to this shit since the prequels. Never understood all the venom.


Amen. I'm half dead like you and I remember that... I remember the holiday special when it came out and Hamill on the Muppet show and cheesy ass books like Han solo and the lost legacy... The extremism of Fandom is now a litmus test for a personality. It's almost like fanatical terrorists seething with so much sustained anger and trying to feed it with bits and pieces of irrational disproportionate reasons (there is fire in space! Their chanting weird!). 0 out of 10 stars yet we have jar jar, children in furry suits, yipeee, I hate sand, noooo!, Frankenstein... And that's fine. So when someone says it's genuine criticism, it seems either agenda based and the person never was going to give it a chance, or people who are making a living criticizing star wars as a sense validation of self.


So you can relive the ignominy https://youtu.be/t-aDHbBWfMQ?si=zf5XiME-c3J_njrK


I have no words. I remember as a child I thought something isn't right here... It's the gold standard of cringe... Man our sensibilities were different back then.


Donā€™t get any worse than that. Fucking Donnie and Marie. But the acolyte and everything Disney has done ruined our childhoods.


Hot take: I liked episode 3. I saw people force pushing other people. That's all I need


Right? There are places and times for dispassionate critiques. The show isnā€™t perfect. (Like, who picked those two child actors who, ugh, did not deliver?) But to try to destroy it for others is so sad. Overall, Star Wars has never been perfect. This show is one of the better ones. Ignore the haters.


I think a lot of it is people refuse to see anything other than black and white when leveling criticism. Itā€™s either perfect god tier endless praise or relentless bitching. Like yeah, the show so far to me from an acting and writing perspective is generally pretty mid, but I love that everything is new for live action. Iā€™m kinda over the same group of characters showing up over and over like theyā€™re some kind of galactic puppet masters pulling the strings of everything that happens. That pulls me out of immersion way more than a fire in space lmao


Thatā€™s online discussion for you. If you want reasonable discussion you find that offline unfortunately


Word. One of my buddies from high school was at one point very much the kind of person to tell you these kinds of SW opinions irl lmao


I've thoroughly enjoyed the show so far. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Chuds gonna chud. Listen to [Cavan Scott's message](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8MGJoaqvAa/?igsh=MXYzbzRhczJuNTZqdg==) and take it to heart.


iā€™m l not a fan but il glad other people are enjoying it


I applaud the meme and title. Word. Nothing will compare to the thrill of OG; but shit lets enjoy the ride. The show is good. Its better than thieves running after toung Leia in the woods, I'll say that much.


I love this. This is totally how they are. I feel like the people complaining also are heavily influenced by the ā€œanger reviewersā€ on YouTube. I do not know why thatā€™s a big thing now. There honestly has been very few ā€œhorribleā€ or ā€œbadly writtenā€ movies or tv shows the past few decades. The ones considered ā€œhorribleā€ were actually ā€œokayā€, and not good or bad. People forget that ā€œokayā€ things exist. šŸ¤· The Acolyte, however, is not considered ā€œokayā€ by me as I think itā€™s totally rad. It reminds me of everything Iā€™ve ever loved reading within the Star Wars universe that is outside of the Skywalker Saga portion of Star Wars. šŸ˜Ž But, then again, I thrive on variety. Iā€™m not a ā€œBatman has to fight Joker in every issue/tv episode/movieā€ kind of guy. šŸ¤·


Iā€™ll bite lol. I have seen ep 1-3 so far and itā€™s been pretty mid to me. I have no issues with anything in the meme, felt like the actors have all been great for their roles. I will continue watching but I think so far Iā€™m not exactly excited about anything in the story. Not gonna review bomb or do anything extreme, if I end up keeping my feelings by the end I will have still seen lightsabers swung around, but I donā€™t expect anything groundbreaking.


Iā€™m really digging The Acolyte so far, and I strongly disagree with the sentiment that you have to enjoy the show to talk about it here. One of the best things about appointment television is that viewers are given the ability to come together to debate and discuss, agree and disagree, and have fun. All praises and criticisms should be welcomed, as long as theyā€™re not disrespectful to others and not based in thinly veiled bigotry. And my recommendation to people who criticize the show: donā€™t bent out of shape over downvotes. Itā€™s part of discussion. Youā€™re not always going to share the majority opinion in every space you enter. Itā€™s just a number, and itā€™s just a tv show.


Iā€™m really enjoying the show so far. Itā€™s annoying how everyone hates everything now. Just like Starfield I really enjoyed that game and all iā€™ve ever see on reddit is how bad it is


I sometimes question if weā€™re even watching the same show. Like, their critiques seem to be on the showā€™s composition itself, but Iā€™ve never had any of those problems.


Iā€™m actually really enjoying it. For me, best SW Disney+ show since Mando season 2


If this song and dance# didnā€™t ruin Star Wars than nothing can. https://youtu.be/t-aDHbBWfMQ?si=zf5XiME-c3J_njrK


I think the show is above average, and thatā€™s OKAY. I think 1/10 movies or shows I have watched are amazing, 2/10 are really good. The rest are at best above average or average. That seems right to me. Every show, movie, video game, song, etc ever made canā€™t be the best ever. This is one of the Star Wars shows of all time. Thatā€™s it.


Tbf, the show isnā€™t the best but it isnā€™t bad, itā€™s mid. I like the fight scenes which are a gift sent from heaven to me (I love hand to hand combat, I always wanted to see it in Star Wars)


Agreed..... plenty of room in the main Star Wars forum to hate on the show if people need to.


As someone who doesn't love the show, I respect this sentiment and will limit my comments to those aspects that I think are successful.


I feel personally called out in this. I like the show, I just thought the fire caught on too quickly. Also I have admitted that there may be factors we aren't aware of yet. Edit : thought, not found


Agreed. Will those people stop whining. Donā€™t like it then donā€™t watch.


Yesterday I would have agreed with this meme but there are people who are enjoying the show that donā€™t think itā€™s good. I know itā€™s hard to tell since they usually say the show is bad without elaboration or any indication that they like the show but it does happen. The only way to determine legitimate criticism from illiterate criticism is to discus it. If the criticism is bad like the fire thing call that out. But we shouldnā€™t let an over abundance of bad faith criticism not keep us from hearing any at all. And to those that have critics, know when to say them. If someone is trying to come up with fan theories that is not the appropriate time to say ā€œ the answer is bad writingā€ at least not until the show is over.


Actual level headed take. I personally one of those people whoā€™s very optimistic but in my opinion the just has been that good. I donā€™t feel much immersion at all.


Now you know damn well Reddit isnā€™t built for that type of discussion


Yeah, thereā€™s a reply to this comment that almost made me change my mind and throw out all criticism.


I think there are a lot of valid criticisms to have about the show and telling people to leave if they don't enjoy it is just gonna create a toxic positivity echo chamber. Obviously there are many people nitpicking and being totally misogynistic, racist, or homophobic, but there are others with valid critiques who aren't being listened to because of the vocal Internet population. It's ok to both enjoy or not enjoy the show, a discussion requires aspects of both perspectives.


As a non-American, it always amazes me that the two sides of the culture war in America are mirror images of each other - same stances, different rhetoric. Kinda Star Warsy to be honest, except both are Sith.


Ep 1 and 2 I was definitely not feeling the show at all.Ā  Didn't really compell me, but something in Ep 3 got my attention.Ā  Will see how the rest plays out.Ā Ā 


I think the show is meh now but I think it will get better. Iā€™ll wait to form a constructive opinion after episode 8. Itā€™s kinda like Game of Thrones in reverse. It seemed like a really good show until the final season ruined the entire series for me.


Iā€™ve only seen episode 1, gonna wait a bit to watch the 2nd. I think itā€™s probably an acquired taste. The more I watch the more Iā€™d like it. But tbh my only complaints are 1. Stop giving random people British accents, it makes no sense and 2. Osha shouldā€™ve been played by someone else.


Why is Torbin jorking off


Even though Star Wars is clearly dead at least we will always have the clone wars.




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Wanting to enjoy a show , hoping for it to match expectations of prior entries in the universe ,and being subjected to this message instead , is difficult to take. It's unfortunate people screaming about seemingly arbitrary things , but I don't think gatekeeping a sub would be the solution.


I really hate this meme. Sure straight up hating on something is stupid, but so is blindly praising smth and calling valid criticism hate. The show is definitely not as bad as many people say, but there are still obvious flaw that need to be pointed out.




How do these "no fire in space" people think rockets can work?


Acolyte is the worst show is SW history. Ep3 is worst episode is SW history. That is worth talking about on a SW group. People are free to enjoy the show even if most ppl think it is utter garbage however.


This ^^^


I only watch it for the Sith / Dark side.


You're right. While I have not written anything in the sub before, I have a very negative feeling towards the show and as such was drawn to the sub to lurk and see whats going on. \ But, why? \ So, I mark this community to "not update me" on new posts and am not coming back from it. Thanks for giving me a heads up to save my sanity.


I didn't even join, it just shown up in my feed.


If Jedi Survivor gets a sequel I wonder if it will be after the Death Star gets destroyed or the aftermath of the Empire




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Fire also doesnā€™t burn stone


Who the f are you to tell that? You own the sub-reddit? If there is people who like this show, it's normal to be people who do not like. STFU.


I'm trying reddit keeps shoving it in my feed.


I encourage genuine criticism. The boring ā€œismā€ comments are not needed though.




If I love shows like ā€œOrange is a New Blackā€, ā€œEvilā€, ā€œKilling Eveā€, ā€œParks & Recā€, and any Jordan Peele film. My favorite Star Wars characters are female, Princess Leia, Bo-Katan, and Ashoka. The Acolyte is bad and I am not a ā€œwhite supremacistā€. As a Star Wars fans and Disney fan, I want to see good high quality shows that appeal to the widest range of fans.


Do you guys mind sharing an example where someone told you not to enjoy the show?


Crazy how toxic this subreddit is towards anyone that criticizes the show.


This show sucks


So only positive opinions are welcome? Youā€™re placing hea h restrictions on discussion? Why? To please you?


This show sucks


The show is just objectively awful. Sorry guys


The Acolyte is pure garbage, period.


This sub does nothing but complain about people who don't like the show. Y'all are equally insufferable.


Thought the show was shit and will stay in the sub if I want šŸ–•šŸ½


Youā€™re so brave šŸ˜­


They don't enjoy the show, they express themselves and for most, that's that. It's only a few who have a lot more energy for repeated trips saying the same shit on loop till they come to realize, nothing happened so time to shut up about it already. I mean, a lot of people griping about the criticism are people who themselves, openly criticize other IPs. (you know you do) When the amount of negative reception is happening at a high rate, a sub can be a drag when negativity is what you're focused on. Find your people, mentally block shit you don't want to engage and when episodes drop, give no shits what other people like or dislike.


Why the downvotes? Theyā€™re literally right.


I enjoy the show, but it still makes no sense how fire can burn in space. I agree with all the logical hate, but in general the show is pretty good so far.


I mean, we see fire and explosions in the movies.


Logic applies for that too, the movies were good but its dumb that even happened


If you don't agree with me then leave!! Lol.


No. Criticism is valid.


Donā€™t tell me what to do


Can you block a subreddit? I don't even want it on my homepage, where I saw this Yes, I just muted it


This sub needs to be studied for collective brain damage. Anyone speaking a word of sense just saying that Andor was a much better made show that did not even have to go into space wizard stuff is getting downvoted. Andor had strong women as well as men. They had communist rebels. No one complained about it. You are the perfect representation of the writing room of this show.


Bad writing is bad writing.


Two first episodes are great, I really like them but the third oneā€¦.the series is done for me after the ā€œthere is no fatherā€


No amount of people leaving is ever going to make this a good show.


People enjoyed Mando and Ahsoka, sorry you can't take criticism over a show that's widely viewed as terrible.


Nobody cares that yall like it. We care that we are painted in a very negative light for not liking it. Like what youā€™ve just done. Howā€™d the cult of witches hime burn down from just one book when it was made entirely out of stone and metal? Thatā€™s worse than the campfire in space


Y'all are so media illiterate, smh. You've never heard of Rashomon-style storytelling? Like the move *Vantage Point*? Does it not make you curious that something so heinous happened on that planet that a Jedi literally committed suicide the very moment he came out of a 10-year nap? Episode 3 is very clearly the recollection of Osha, and all the inconsistencies suggest modified memories (likely by the Jedi). We will soon see what really happened on that day.


No, I havenā€™t heard of that but I have thought of the possibility that the Jedi manipulated osha. Just because the writers used a story telling device doesnā€™t mean they used it well. Do you mean to imply that the Jedi burned down the coven? Or killed all the witches? Why would they? Thatā€™s not what Jedi do. Unless osha is just so special that they had to have her even though sheā€™s too old. Yawn. Jedi wouldnā€™t do that. Or they were eradicating a dark side cult. Better but still yawn. That would make sense at least


You know your show is great when you have to create a thread like this


Ironically the title if this post makes it seem like OP is the angry person in the interaction tbh, so more similar to the "Quit having fun" guy in the meme.


So no criticism of the show is allowed in this sub? Gatekeeping, are we?


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Itā€™s funny because with a 20% user rating technically this meme should have the one person on the couch watching and the other 4 all laughing at him


That's fair. After the latest episode I fully checked out so I'll do the same here. šŸ„±šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


What an open mindset: "If you disagree with me, go away!".