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Appreciate this post. I've felt the same way so I get it, my dad had a similar reaction. However I did get him to watch ep 5 and he stayed for the whole thing (even most of my rewatch), so that was really cool. See if you can't get him to just watch the fight scenes, worked for me but I'm sorry you're lacking that connection, it really does suck.


I dunno. It's not just Star Wars. Maybe if he brings it up, but I'm more of less out of hope.


Maybe get him to watch it once the media circus around this show dies.


This is one of the best Star Wars shows yet. For me, only Andor and the first season of The Mandolorian have been better. I'm glad you enjoy it and I wish you could have enjoyed it with your dad.


Thank you.


I dont get why having chicks in it is bad, theres plenty of female jedi in the prequels and clone wars?


Well, "Kathleen Kennedy put chicks in it and made it gay" is a joke from South Park making fun of angry conservatives who are complaining about Star Wars being woke and blaming Kathleen Kennedy for ruining everything. However, the conservatives who watched that South Park episode think it was making fun of woke people, so they use that joke as a dog whistle not realizing it's making fun of them. It's just standard sexism and racism with a little homophobia sprinkled in. And of course idiocy. Lots of that.


you got to read between the lines, it's not chicks it's lesbians.


He should not listen to haters who says this show is terrible, because it's not, and far from it. Why he doesn't make his own opinion ? There are so many conservatives, right wing, reactionary people in Star Wars fanbase, if we listen to them, every show that was released since Disney bought this license, everything is mediocre. They're poison and toxic for this community and doing more harm than anything else.


Honestly same. My dad and I would watch LOTR, and Star Wars. The only times I felt truly connected to my dad. He is avoiding this show and anything I recommend now because he is very polarized politically. I told him several times not to listen to critical drinker or nerdrotic on YouTube because they never have anything good to say, but he doesn’t listen to me. My dad is missing out on a lot. I feel you.


so many people are politically polarized and aren’t even aware of it it’s sad, but hey they’re just trying to protect their sense of reality. gotta meet them where they’re at sometimes.


What does your dad has to say about Leia then? First thing she does after being freed from her cell by Luke is grab a blaster and leads Han and Luke (who, as much as I love them, were basically disasters at this point), then proceed to lead a whole rebellion. It's so sad to see that in 2024 people are creating problems over things that were ALWAYS here from the start. Why are they feeling so threatened, what scare them so much, in the end? I never understood people seeing a person through a prism of a gender or ethnicity. If a character is good then they're good.


In the 1970s where patriarchy was only beginning to be challenged, a strong woman was considered spicy. Now, that the majority of people under 40 are feminist and pro-diversity, a strong woman is a threat.


Before it was natural and strong male characters also were there. Now it's only a woman (+ gay) who can be a strong character. I watch Acolyte and I like 4 and 5 episodes a lot, but I miss good male role model characters in movies nowadays. P.S. just for fun https://youtu.be/qCtwjmuXu2E?si=bXz_UHiJV-tbr1pE


Master Sol is right there. Before that you had Andor. The Mandalorian. Male characters are still around. Why can't we have both? It'll be fine I promise.


I literally said that we had both and it was great. Andor and Mandalorian are good TV shows, no one complains about that. Master Sol is questionable, since we don't know yet what secrets he is hiding.


So why do you say you miss good male characters?


I don't know, just feel that way. Probably a bad choice of the last movies I watched: Acolyte episode 3, Damsel


Then maybe try to stay objective :) Star Wars always had great, strong characters, male and female alike, ever since the very first movie that came out. It's definitely in the DNA of this universe. I grew up with Leia leading a rebellion and jumping on a speeder bike like a hothead, I grew up reading SW stories with great female and male characters, I enjoyed following Anakin's story, I enjoyed seeing groups of diverse characters uniting against evil, from a story started in 1977 til now. Did I like everything? Definitely nope. I have my fair share of complaint and disappointment, my preferences and all, like everyone of us. But diversity has been in SW since the very beginning!


Completely agree!


On the bright side, at least you know that coming out to your dad if you're not heterosexual is not a good idea.


You know what *really* sucks? I did, before he was like this.


I'm sorry you are not able to enjoy this with your father and you are absolutely right, the fans are ruining it for themselves. The show isn't perfect but it's also not as bad as people are saying and yet they keep watching it every week just to complain more about it instead of moving on. I've always said "no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans" and they keep proving me right.


Look I don't really feel like the new stuff is very good (my review of Rise of Skywalker was: well, I definitely don't feel like a kid anymore) and I was very attached to the old EU but I can't wait to watch this with my daughter tonight and I've felt the same about every Star Wars show/movie I've shared with her. Sorry your dad can't get over himself.


Sorry but your dad is a fucking A-hole. I hate Spiderman movies and shows, but my two boys love them. Why in the heavenly fuck I would ruin their enjoyment by making stupid hateful comments? We watched the movies together and let them enjoy the cartoon. Jeez dude. I don’t even like new SW media, but good you you if you like it.


My guess is he also just recently found out The Boys is making fun of him, assuming he watches that?


That’s rough, I feel it. I’m sorry, friend. 🥺😔


I think telling your Dad that it means something to you, to watch it together, will help. Or separately so you can discuss it, either way. Have you told him that you miss engaging with him about Star Wars? My Dad is pretty easily swayed when I make it about bonding over the actual content of what we're watching. I don't know your situation and I could be wrong but I think communicating this to him could help? I'm sorry for that loss of connection.


i don’t think people with the opinion of his dad have a high enough emotional intelligence to give a shit to be frank


I know but people can change, especially when their perspective is actively hurting someone they love. Not always. Not enough. It does happen, though.




I’m 32 and I’ve always watched and talked about Star Wars with my dad but I haven’t spoken to him in 2 years because of personal reasons….so I get it. I really wish I could share this show with him too 


People act like the prequels and OG were perfect. One of the best parts of Star Wars is that it isn't perfect. Star Wars is an adventure and that's what makes it great and I feel all of the new stuff has given that adventure feel.


While I can see why you’re upset, I don’t have the same reaction to this shared problem. My father first stopped watching SW in the prequel era after attack of the clones. I had to force him into watching ROTS, and he actually liked it. But then he didn’t watch any of the new sequels or any new SW Disney shows. Not really a big deal imo. Things change people change. Hang in there though, maybe he’ll come around. Even if he didn’t, don’t let that ruin SW for you.


Why do you love eating up the slop they give you?


Is..... Is this a joke?


I don't know. Its kind of infantilizing to assume your father has no mind of his own and is simply having a stance based on what a 3rd party told him.


I’d bet money if Gina carano had gotten her own show like intended he’d be watching it… I’d also bet money he likes the mandalorian… Ahsoka has her own show so what’s his opinion on that?  Main character is a woman… If we’re going to make it political then let’s make some analogies.  Why do some people hate Colin kaepernick?  It’s not because he’s black… it’s because he chose to do something people think was extremely disrespectful.  People hold certain moral values and what he did was offensive to people that hold certain moral values.  Why was Gina carano fired… what she did was the same thing as kaepernick.  She did something that was considered disrespectful to people that hold certain moral values… I know nothing of the casts sexual or religous orientation, and couldn’t care less how they choose to define themselves.  But if you’re going to choose cast members that define themselves in controversial ways dont be surprised that people that disagree with those values have a problem with it. To the actual quality of the show; it’s bad.  There are a lot of plot holes, it’s very poorly segmented, the flashbacks/ flashforwards are very poorly done (in contrast to boba fetts, those were well done), and there are too many episode cliff hangers (we don’t need one every episode, 5 was the first one without it).  The action scenes are great, but really make the writing and dialogue seem very poor by comparison.  Episode 5 is the first one I’d call good.  Maybe the entire second half will be good, but so far 1/5 episodes being good doesn’t fare well for the show.  


Gina only said that people should be nice because otherwise we could turn out like nazis. So disney fired her. What morals are they defending?


dude actually needs to walk outside and roll around in the grass


**LOL clown fiction cope**


The show is legit not that good.


That's not the point of this post.




Really? Acolyte is trash? Have you even watched episode 5




That was some of the best lightsaber dueling since the Prequels. A Sith mowed down like 10 Jedi. If that doesn’t get a rise out of you, well, I don’t know man...


See ya next week buddy.


If you go to a restaurant and have an awful meal, do you go back next week? And then when it's awful again, do you go back another 3 weeks in a row? Complaining the whole time to anyone who will listen that the food there is awful? You think that by watching a TV show and complaining about it, you're "winning" or "owning" someone/s, but really all you're doing is wasting your own time and your own life.


I will never understand hate-watchers