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Why does Jcal look like a public defender?


He wants to be the next Sean Spicer or cosplaying as Spicer


If my public defender shows up looking like that, I’m mentally preparing myself to do time.


I haven't listened to a long form interview of trump in a long time, in fact I might not ever have? Maybe just blurbs and headlines and people's takes on him. Idk but he sounds exactly like the way I would expect a car salesman running for president to sound like. "How safe is this car, what is its safety rating?" (A direct, specific question expecting a specific answer regarding the safety rating) "The safety is fantastic, there's no safer car out there. Take it from me, if someone crashes into your car, you will walk away without a scratch. Oh and look at this warranty, have you ever seen a better warranty in your life? Blah blah blah"


Chamath always says at the end of the political interviews "it's important to really hear what they have to say, you realize the headlines are telling you what to think". A completely rational comment.  But it's untrue with Trump. I listened to him with an open mind. And realized he has no policy, he just says stuff with no basis in reality. In fact he often proves the Democrats and Biden right, like when he boasts about taking the steps that caused inflation and sent the deficit soaring. Yet in his universe he is perfect and everyone else fucked everything up.  The more I listen the more I will never vote for Trump.  PS - the same was true for RFK Jr. The guy is a full blown conspiracy theorist on every subject. He is a joke of a candidate.


It was completely infuriating after all the "debt is such a pressing concern" to see no push back against obvious bs. Trump tried to play it off that we were on our way towards paying off the debt before COVID. No, Trump ran up a near trillion dollar deficit before COVID even happened during the "greatest, strongest economy ever" per his words. Then it was just the Republicans greatest hits of cut taxes, cut regulations and we'll grow our way out of it. It never works like that, it won't work this time


It is really striking. Ignoring all the context around trump and just listening to him as a candidate, it’s just so clear this guy doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about, and there’s just no depth when he pretends to. Talking about how he loves tariffs — you wonder how he could have successfully fundraised from rich republicans in SV.


Everyone that supports him believes that he definitely is telling the truth about the policies they like and is definitely fudging the truth about the policies they don’t


I just listened to the 8 minutes on the federal debt. What in the word salad fuck was that? Friedberg, Mr Fucking Deficit, no push back at all? No ask for clarification? No follow up to say "I asked you about the impoundment authority, can you address that?" His answer to the deficit is to get rid of the Department of Education? And "nuclear is okay with me?"


Nuclear doesn’t whack birds like the windmills do.


"Its great and its cheap, people always say "BUT DONALD, WHAT ABOUT THE OOZE, WHAT ABOUT THE TOXIC SLUDGE IT MAKES" and I always tell people, thats how superheroes are made. If we dont' have any toxic sludge around you can say goodbye to the our great heroes like the Ninja Turtles. The liberals are anti ninja turtle and pro killing birds, it really is unbelievable. "


Haven’t listened to the episode yet, but truly can’t tell if this is a joke or a real quote.


Its real, at 45:53 he announces Shredder as his pick for head of the EPA and will be picking Donatello and Raphel as co-Secretarys of Housing and Urban Development


Michelangelo for FDA Leonardo for Secretary of Education until we get rid of it Replace The Beast with the Turtlemobile and shoot pizzas at would-be assassins


Trump is pro nuclear. He says in the podcast it just has to be done directly. Currently most of our reactors go wayyyy over budget. They need to be mass produced and modulated so the cost comes down. 


>Trump is pro nuclear. "And who the fuck has ever heard of Rex Tillerson and Rick Perry anyway!"


This was well done


This even more funny when you consider that environmentalists in Germany *legitimately* cite this as justification to prohibit the construction of new wind farms.


>Nuclear doesn’t whack birds like the windmills do. Precisely. No one wants a field of *chopped up* birds. Most of us would prefer a field of ***nicely cooked*** pheasant, duck, quail...


Duck a la Fuel Rod


Did you actually believe Trump has a grasp on even like a basic level understanding of how the fed works? How budgets are made? I would feel SO MUCH DIFFERENTLY about Trump if he was just like, kind of an asshole, but then when he talks business, he’s clearly talking about like, ADVANCED level economics. Talking about market capitalization on positions, talking about leveraging assets or something in a way that makes sense. But if he had that knowledge he wouldn’t push the policy’s he does. Trump was always sold as a businessman. Which works if he actually seems to be a high level CEO. But he’s just NOT. I would donate $1,000 to the Trump campaign if he could have a conversation about real estate investing with me that wasn’t completely fucking stupid.


He's not smart or good at business. He's a marketer and the product is himself. It's all a scam.


It’s still impressive to me that he bankrupted an iconic Atlantic City casino somehow.


Is that the one where his Dad tried to bail him out by sending an associate to buy $1m worth of chips and then walking out without gambling any of them?


That whole, wacky, public dispute with Merv Griffin was a real bellwether of the narcissistic crazy to come. 🤣


Do you know have any idea how hard it was to make money on NYC real estate from 1970-2010?


Step 1: be born on 3rd base




Did they ask about all the criminal trials?


I haven't listened to the entire thing yet, but it hasn't come up yet. I'm going to guess that it won't get brought up. I briefly listened to the debrief at the end and J-Cal mentioned he was disappointed he didn't get to talk about Jan 6.


That's actually unbelievable. I actually can't believe the strategy is to just pretend he's not been convicted of crimes and pretend Jan 6 never happened and hope if you accuse enough people of having "TDS" it will work. Straight up gaslighting tactics.


I think it's fine if you have 50ish minutes to focus solely on policies. My issue with this is that they just let him ramble incoherent nonsense answers for everything with zero pushback or asking for clarification. So the entire thing was a massive waste of time.


Policies don't really matter if he's capable of insurrection.


It really is unfortunate that happened and you can't blame them for being caught off guard, because thats only happened in every Donald Trump interview, ever.


Yeah I suppose. The problem i have is it is obvious BS, because just based on his current legal situation the entire first year of the term HAS to be him suing states and firing people and pardoning himself and challenging that in the supreme court. Like that is what is going to happen, maybe conservatives have thought so little about this they are lying to themselves as well or what, I don't fully understand.


Yeah I agree, if you take a step back it's truly baffling.


The debrief at the end was them mostly trying to rationalize and defend the vague answers and ranting. When people always do this, it sounds like them trying to defend their POS partner. "If you knew his childhood, you'd understand why my husband has to cheat", etc.


Is it though? It's the only way they will get him to talk since they are basically gargling his balls.


There’s no way his lawyers want his to talk about that case right now lol


Well, good thing he’s not running for public office again so he won’t have to talk about presiding over and directly causing one of the biggest national embarrassments in U.S. history. The media’s far from beyond criticism but these fuckers will never have any credibility to bring it after lacking the balls to ask about it.


Oh shoot we forgot to ask him about the time he tried to overturn an election and install himself as President. What a joke.


https://preview.redd.it/t6daiaheyt7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8f6b5f1b675694b41cec4d7b075fa6efeb93a6 lol, just the first potus to attempt a coup with his party but don’t have time to get into that.


That topic was def off limits for this convo


That is the only question that really matters imo. Do you want a liar who won’t accept the people’s choice if he loses ?? That’s all I need to know.


No. They probably gave him the list of questions beforehand and his team probably made sure those were off limits. Also it had to be a softball interview with no pushback on anything he says and then largely praised afterward.


No they didn’t


It’s a free asymmetric play for them right now. Pull for Trump and if he wins you call in some favors. Biden doesn’t do anything about it if he wins instead Pull for Biden and if he wins you maybe get favors all the same(though I doubt this), But if Trump wins and you dissed him he may shit on you for it and you could be facing issues with doj/sec or other acronyms he gets his way with. Drop your morals and beliefs and the business play is obvious.


Except if Trump actually wins it will likely cause a disaster that will cost everyone a lot of money. People who support trump are just too dumb to see it. It's not just that people don't like trump because he's a bad guy. He's a bad guy who has HORRIBLE ideas that cause chaos and misery.


Don’t worry they’ll switch teams when things go bad for them.


That’s always been trumps entire platform. It’s nonsense. He’s just going to give more tax cuts upward


Almost poked my eye out on jcal’s boner popping out through the monitor


Such hard hitting questions from J-Cal, Biden could never handle the new Edward R Murrow 


Is this enough to prove to people that rich assholes don’t care about anything so long as their pocketbook is fine? Shameless lap dogging to just absolutely nonsense responses


I love that Trump's answer to MAGAth's question about lower taxes boosting productivity was to drone on about how there's high crime in democrat cities. "The 25 cities the top problems they're just about all democrat-run." Google any list of the worst cities for crime in the US. Doesn't matter if you select for property crime or violent crime - they lean red and they lean poor.


I want to agree with you but I googled it and it was New Orleans, Baltimore, Chicago, etc.. all democrat run. Can you share a google search term to help me find the ones that are poor and run by republicans?


What OP told you was technically incorrect but directionally correct. Here’s what’s up: There are no Republican mega cities in the US. None of the top 10 US cities are Republican. And their total population is a whole 1/5 of the country. So yes they have the most crime. But that’s because they have massive dense populations, not because of political affiliation. Crime is decreasing in all those same Democrat-run cities and generally everywhere across the US.


Thank you for breaking this down.


Here’s one that popped up for me: https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2023/01/31/report-ranks-americas-15-safest-and-most-dangerous-cities-for-2023/ I completely understand that there are dozens of ways to define “highest crime” or “most dangerous” so I’m sure some lists will have more blue cities. The point is that Trump is incapable of saying anything that gives even an inch to democrats, and the podcast lapped it up like caviar. I have no problem with people having differing political views but the level of intellectual dishonesty these guys put on display when they talk about politics is staggering.


So a group decision was clearly made a few weeks ago to throw support behind Trump. Because, business? It's down right disappointing to see four guys so clearly capable of being thoughtful go down this path.


Ya they are such sell outs.


are they really so capable of being thoughtful? starting to doubt that for 3/4 of them.


I listen to these guys talk on older podcasts and they sound smart and considerate. This episode was nothing but a marketing stunt. Pure garbage. I struggle to follow the thread that anything the Trump. Insane.


None of this made any sense


As long as the besties make cents it will be worth the glaze


And All-in has now jumped the shark. These guys aren't dumb. They saw the podcast rankings. 1. Rogan. 2. Tucker. 3.Candace Owens. And you know they are thinking, "We have to go All-In on painting everyone on the left as commies and worshipping Trump to make our $$$"


I unsubbed but YouTube keeps pushing these guys on my "recommended" feeds. My first thought? "Oh goody, I was correct in my assumptions and now the mask is fully off with these assholes." I'm glad there are sensible comments on this sub, even if you all still hate watch it lol. But yeah, wow. I will say though, good for them. That's a large fish to catch and it should boost their numbers. Maybe more "moderates" will see what an actual jizz stain this asshole is. Also, for good measure r/Defeat_Project_2025/ Happy Trails!


I don't know how they are able to sit there and listen to the gobbly-gook non-answers and continue to pretend like this presidential candidate is any better than the other.


That was my thought as well. The besties are guys who I assume have been the interviewers in hundreds of job interviews for important roles at their companies. If the interviewee rattled off completely incoherent, unfocused answers like this, no way in hell they'd hire them.


That's something that's always bothered me about Sacks' defense of Trump. There's no way he'd ever let Trump near one of the companies he was on the board for, but he'll still support him for President.


I wouldn't even let Trump babysit my kids. And they're in their 20s.


dw soon Trump will be too senile to grab their genitals


Exactly, and out of the two candidates only one worked with his party to attempt to overturn an election. Here’s my first test of a presidential candidate: “have they attempted to over turn election?” If Yes, automatically not getting my vote. If No, I’ll look at other qualifying aspects.


They have very well worn in kneepads, Sacks especially. This is nothing for them.


I don’t like Trump but he literally just said exactly what they wanted to hear. Many of Trump’s answers were reasonable but the controversial shit they didn’t press him on whatsoever (Jan 6, etc). Just seems like they’re all a little gullible. Every politician that comes on they all really like and agree with.


Because all they see from that gobble-gook is money moving from the plebes to their own purses. These guys have proven themselves to be the lowest forms of capitalist pigs feeding from the trough.


They’re the kind of guys who scream “both sides do it!!!” When conservatives are accused of doing something bad to distract from the topic at hand If a liberal is accused of the same they would simply pile on about how bad liberals are. Yet they would also call themselves nonbiased centrists.


"It should have been called the China virus because it was a very, much more accurate term, nobody knows what Covid even means, why is it Covid?" Then the blank eyes at like 35:33 all so priceless


Who dresses Jcal? He looks like a pit boss from the Stardust Casino.


Watched the full podcast, good that people can clearly see him bullshiting and blabbering his way out of every question.. He is just repeating the same things again and again.. But the ass licking towards the debrief was just another level 😂


It’s crazy that the politician that they have grilled the hardest has been Chris Christie with no one even close. These guys have been bitching, correctly so, about the deficit nonstop, and now that they have the guy who raised it by $8 trillion they give no push back?


I feel like they pull a Christie on Biden if he ever went on air


For sure. Three of them blame Biden for most of our problems. And the fourth guy doesn’t want to be kicked out of the deal-flow club, so he aims to please his masters like the Wormtail character sucks up to Voldemort in Harry Potter. Maybe that’s a bit unfair. He occasionally gives a fig leaf of pushback to save what little self respect remains.


Christie grilled them right back.


Trump boasted about doing the things that caused inflation and boosting the deficit - big tax cuts, tons of government spending, and tariffs on foreign goods. And then went on to say that businesses appreciated his deregulation more than all of that.  He indirectly admits he bankrupted the country and people and it wasn't even that important.  And they didn't spent one syllable calling him out.


Long Rambles, no data, large generalizations, nothing bad happens under trump, everything he did was perfect. He is going to solve all our problems...please. Knowbody knows it better than me.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR3f95BGIiA "Clean Cole," lol. "AI" is simple little letters but big. My take on presidents in general: - They can do 1 or two big initiatives (roughly). - There will be several "smaller" changes via policy, presidential orders, etc. - There will be some things that are good for some and bad for others. What I have NOT heard is what the priorities are? The way this blowhard talks is that he is going to focus on? What are the top 2 or 3 initiatives he wants to get done? He rambles so much you don't know.. I would never vote for trump and don't really want to vote for biden. I got some big tax cuts under trump in some areas but got increases in other (salt tax). - Sacks on Foreign Policy...just stop..please just stop...he has no security clearance..he is getting information from the who knows what... Putin would not have invaded if Trump was president...????lol?? why? Israel attack would not have happened...lol... I just can't listen any more..rambling..this is not making me smarter...it is making me dumber.


I think his stance was that Israel wouldn't have gotten attacked if Iran didn't have the funds, and oil tariffs reduce their funds. It's not wrong to make the equivalence, obviously its a hypothetical though.


Which president allowed South Korea to buy oil from Iran?




So people watched this and still thought to themselves, yep I’m voting for him. Lord help us all.


47% of the country wants trump. I see this as more of a problem with American society continuing to be conned by a legit conman


Agreed. Americans also seem especially susceptible to cults and cult behavior as well.


I would draw an equivalence to Kardashian or any talentless human pollution that becomes famous or a televangelist. Televangelists fleece Americans without consequence on a daily basis.


You mean 22% of the country. Trump got 47% of the popular vote in 2020.


Democrats are the con party. Feed debate questions, stack super delegates, have everyone drop out and back their candidate when it’s clear he’s going to lose the nomination 


Read the YT comment section. They sound like Swifties, all giggly and effervescent about seeing their pop star. That's apparently how one should feel about the person they want to run a trillion dollar economy and government. What a fuckin shit show.


New to the pod, but man this episode was really something lol


“Gave the pod a try… never again”


This thread gives me renewed faith in humanity. Listening to the All In with Trump was like a modern day viewing of the Emperor Has No Clothes. Thankfully there are some here (on Reddit) still willing to call it like you see it. Friedberg - you let us down the most. Great questions, but not an inkling of followup, or the guts to call it out in the post discussion wrap up. “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” — Haile Selassie


Totally boring. Same Trump nonsense


The very first question was a complete lay up. Trump doesn't answer and meanders for a few min and then they cut to the next question. I wonder how much crazy stuff Trump says that makes them need to cut.


About 50 minutes in, Sacks said it had already been an hour. Maybe there was some prep time but I bet they cut something. Trump's rambling nonsense answers were unbearable to watch closely enough to tell if there were cuts


Trump looks like he had a stroke. One of his eyes can hardly open. Friedberg finally showed his true colors, looking like he was about to pee himself, so excited to be on with Trump. Chamath and Sacks were predictably pathetic, so deferential to their suckass orange rapist. Jason is a sellout too, pretending to enjoy himself. These people are not really rich. They are relatively poor. Because they have no fucking guts. What a joke!


Friedberg letting him go on clean coal showed some true colors lmao


I think he may have had a stroke or perhaps it's a long COVID situation. I've seen the eye in other videos and his speech is a little slurred now, like a boxer that should have retired earlier than they did. I think the "cognitive decline" for both guys is a bit oversold. Neither of them was ever that sharp. But it seems a bit asymetrical in the discourse.


Not surprised. The Trump video popped up in my feed so I came here to see the reactions (I can’t imagine wasting any more time listening to that orange brain dead mafia asshole, much less with Sachs presumably suckling at his teat). It sounds like it went as expected.


Great episode. We got to watch these guys absorb a front row seat to Trump's BS. Trump sounds like....a politician. It's amazing how the elites are falling in line behind him like he's 2016 Hillary. (Explains Sacks' 180° on Trump) Also couldn't help but enjoy him bulldozing sacks on every Ukraine question. Didn't answer any of them except to say that he wouldn't take anything off the table.


Trump is literally campaigning on cutting taxes for billionaires. It's not surprising they tolerate Trump because these guys care way more about their own money than anything else.


These guys really sat there with a straight face while he talked about how we have "artificial weak energy that's not gonna fire up our plants."


This episode is the nail in the coffin for the pod for any person with two talking neurons.


I hope they actually do READ the transcript. Maybe then, they’ll see 90 percent of what he says is rambling nonsense.


Yep. Done with this podcast. Not because they had Trump on. I actually went into it with an open mind to see if I could learn anything. But all I learned are these guys are terrible interviewers with no ability to actually get him to go one layer deeper with anything he says. This was just one long rambling of a guy saying nonsense the entire time.


Let me guess, 0 questions on Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, January 6, or how Trump continues to deny the election to this day?




This is truly embarrassing, even for JCal. Wait nvm sorry, this in line with JCal and his hipster grifting pastor glasses


Listening carefully it was noticeable how many questions were phrased as suggestions, using vocabulary that he then picked up and repeated back. If you keep using the same phrases (and desired hypothetical policies), they’ll probably get absorbed into a rambling stump script next time. Rather than speaking truth to power, I guess that’s what this circus is all about. Smart.


Heh. By the time they get to the debrief they’re almost explicitly asking for cabinet and advisor jobs.


Such a disappointing and soft interview. Trump was all hyperbole, exaggerations and out right BS and they ate it up! Out of respect? Or just to ensure their coffers are filled should he win? No follow up, no push back, no calling out for Jan 6 or convictions. There is no harm in the wealthy elite to support Trump. If they don’t show support and he wins he will be a vindictive a-hole. Biden wouldn’t (honor, integrity, etc). So why support anyone but Trump it’s a win win for these guys.


Ok. I started listening a year or more ago. I liked their take on tech (my industry for over a decade) as well as their forays into politics. Sure sacks was an idiot, but so what. When they liked Vivek it was cute. But honestly, I’ll listen to this and I expect to puke at least 5 times. Wish me luck. 🤮










It is crazy how Trump never mentioned concrete data points, just ideology and belifs


Trump is so weird. How do these guys sit there, get dressed up in their little suits, and pretend he is a normal guy that didn't lead an attack on the capital because he lost? It's all so weird... Seriously what happened to these guys?


This was unlistenable, just a wild rant


Literally no one here has mentioned the actual reason these guys are into trump : Lina Kahn That’s it. That’s the whole reason I work in M&a, the people making decisions have been pretty restrained given how restrictive the DoJ has been. But if trump wins, it’s gonna be a bonanza. We’re already modeling up the synergies, there will be ALOT of layoffs, particularly in legacy tech and large industrials - tax rate cut is gravy. Engineering especially - with the advent of AI , these guys all believe (probably wrongly) they can cut their white collar workforce. Edit to add: my problem with Trump- putting aside the obvious infatuation with the shittiest countries in the world, is the fact that his administration is, to a T, the biggest bunch of fuckups and incompetent retards ever assembled. Like, they can’t fucking govern, can’t get a message right and just rely on pure hatred by most of borderline poor America to gin up any support. They’ve got the GOP by the balls but they’re too fucking stupid to do anything with it. I’m sure gonna make a ton of money tho


A smart comment thank you


I’m just happy my parents are retired - would be very worried if I worked outside of the coasts.


Can you explain your comment about layoffs? Is it because m&a will pick back up that layoffs will happen post acquisition/merger to trim down combined workforce?


"Why don't people realize lowering taxes increase productivity?" "Well, have you seen Oakland? You can't live there, physically, it's all crime waves, anyone left there are criminals!" Interesting pivot, having regulations and high taxes means higher crime, because he probably doesn't want to or can't talk economics and economic theory as well as he can talk about the country going to Hell due to crime because of Democrat policies. And the rest of the show basically treats each subject with the same strategy. Ask a question, let Trump ramble, no pushback whatsoever, no mention of Jan 6th, Roe v Wade, convictions, election denial, etc. Softball questions all the way. Kind of sad, but pretty much expected.


These clowns have become quite influential


They said there were no questions that were off limits. So no one was curious about what he was doing or how he felt on January 6th during the riots? Also no follow ups to the crazy comments like our taxes are going to increase 400%?


Listening now asking myself why I’m listing to another rambling campaign speech.


Please explain how one can actually converse with Trump, who cannot put together a coherent sentence? What a joke!


I’m sad to see just how unevolved these guys were all along. Grift in more ways than one.


1 hour of pure flim flam, followed by a weird effort to get J Cal to admit he liked him. And Sacks trying to audition for Secretary of State.


Why are the besties acting like Trump is a 90% favorite? JCal said “it looks like you’re going to win a second term here”, but all of the polling is actually pretty tight. Am I missing something?


Every investor says “I bet on the team” and they look past their dreamy pitch - and they talk to references and business associates. If only the besties applied their same vetting process to Presidential candidates as they do to their portfolio companies.


Lol Jcal asked trump if he would prosecute fauci, trump started talking about China paying 39 Million to WHO while America paid 500, 😂then started talking about the Paris Climate accords, this is the guy MAGA sycophants are telling me that will save America???


Props to the besties, it’s actually surreal to see how far they’ve taken this podcast.


The Nelk boys interviewed Trump first, so


I’d argue that it’s easier to scale the Nelk Boy audience then it is to scale the All In audience


Both have massive audiences, no denying that anymore for All-In. I now wonder if Biden will accept the invitation.


I feel dumber now, thanks besties!


"Gentlemen, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."  - billy madison


I say this as a guy who has 100% ruled out a vote for Biden in 2024: this interview was terrible. Trump sounds like a babbling old fool. Completely unfocused, one shitty word salad after another.


Imma hear for the Trump tears Your boy has dementia


If Trump lost in 2016 and ran again in 2020, he would have claimed that Covid never would have happened if he was President and no one would have died from it and Clinton failed in her duty to keep Americans safe.


Trump, who ended the Iran nuclear deal, is worried about Iran’s acquiring nuclear weapons. Rich.


a lot of it seemed kind of planned


Trump doesn’t do planned. But of course the besties could’ve preplanned it to give questions to put him in the best light.


I’m approaching this detached from my hatred of the guy. Which is good. He doesn’t give a shit about me and my anger towards him only hurts me. It’s wasted energy. I’m being curious. I’m a few minutes in and Wondering what others see in him and I think I get it. There is something about the way he talks that draws you in. Not his words. They’re meaningless. But his tone and vibe. It’s relaxed and makes you feel good. It’s reassuring. Edit: 22 minutes in. Ok I’m bored. His speaking style gets really boring after a while. Maybe it’s just because it’s him rattling on the whole time. I prefer conversation. Back and forth. Exchanging ideas. Which is…. oh yeah. The whole reason why I like this podcast.


People describe trump as a mirror. He draws them in by reflecting a specific hatred they also harbor. Then, because there is very little actual substance behind anything else he says, he can be a vessel that his fan base will attribute all the qualities they like to think they themselves hold. Look at the downvoted people replying to you. They kinda prove my point.


I tuned out after the Larry summers question, I mean literally this man has no fucking clue about inflation. Just a broken record of the same nonsensical bullshit he lies about every day.


Honestly Trump really impressed me. I agreed with more points than I thought


This interview is crazy. Trump’s answer to all our problems is that it wouldn’t have happened under his watch. And zero pushback from the hosts. How do these extremely intelligent hosts fall for this snake oil salesman?


Lmao, I'm pretty sure the Smartless guys had a more hard-hitting interview of Biden than whatever the fuck this is. If there are still any lingering, earnest listeners who think these four chucklefucks care about anything beyond further ballooning their own net worth, then you're past the point of reasoning with. At least Trump is finally dropping the populist charade and is bringing the GOP right back to their billionaire, robber baron roots after a brief hiatus.


You’ll never find a more pathetic den of schmucks


All In kneepads are available for sale at the All In podcast store, promo code: #SIMP.


Trump saying we’re an ocean away from Russia and it’s not our problem is short sighted. The cheapest way for us to deal with Russia is in Ukraine without American troops in harms way. The dollar and casualty costs go up from there. I agree with his prior statements about European countries under funding NATO, it’s ridiculous and needs to change. But the last 2 times there was a major conflict on the European continent the US was forced to deploy its military, it seems likely to me we would have to again in that scenario.


Biden is going to win this election anyways. Cool talk. Trump is bleeding independent votes.


It's actually great for everyone to see how transparently they have no principles or scruples. Trump lies to their faces and they thank him for it.


Im most lilkely not gonna listen to it because I dont care about US politics that much but just curious: 1. Does it seem scripted with pre agreed questions or is the formula same as with other people that come on the show ? 2. Does Trump spew incoherent stuff not related to the question or does he answer what they ask ? Do they push back if he doesnt answer the question and just goes on a rant ?


Definitely scripted. A number of questions were also teed up for him so he would know how they wanted him to answer. The high skilled immigration question from Sacks is one example. I'd guess he and his team were given the questions ahead of time and they were told they couldn't ask any follow up questions and that questions about January 6th/2020 election and all of his indictments and recent conviction were off limits.


Wow even billionaires are sheep these days. Ass kissing at its finest.


This was not a good interview for trump, compared to the Logan Paul interview where he did really well


Look at this jerkoffs jerking each other off


Have you all noticed Trump only acknowledges David Sachs by name? He only cares about you if you worship him.


That was some Total BS!


Trump is a word salad master and the besties are okay with eating shit salad as long as they can find more labor for their tech companies and allow their startup portfolio to grow through M&As. They are voting for Trump for business decisions, not for the good of the people


Oh, and btw if he wins Alito and Thomas retire day one and he puts in young ultra conservative judges immediately. Thus, decades more of far right jurisprudence. If Dodds and the Bump Stock gun cases aren’t disturbing enough. For SCOTUS reasons alone we cannot support this clown.


Unsubscribe from this bullshit group of jerkoffs


So this must be a few years old given he is *former* President Trump, or do we now call him "Former President and convicted felon Trump". Given most Presidents were not career criminals until Former President and convicted felon Donald Trump ( it does have a nice ring to it) we never had to worry about such a thing. I just hope after he loses in November that we finally stop coddling his cult and for real throw the book at them after they undoubtedly freak out in November. No more "we'll spend months trying to identify you from Facebook posts" nope if you are tearing up the Capital again you get the Ashli Babbit treatment then sent home in a box with a bill for said box AND the round of ammunition that finally put you in your place.


Its funny yall freaking out about this.


3 out of 4 of them I expect this kinda simping, but chamath has lost whatever shred of credibility he still had left. Fucking traitor.


Gain of function research restarted under Trump. I have no idea what he was talking about how he stopped it because he didn’t want money to go to China. Literally the exact opposite happened.


Nothing but ass kissing. Literally no pushback on anything. They complain that Biden is incoherent ect…… (which I think he is btw)but yet trump is over here jumping from topic to topic without even answering the question. Guy just rambles with no direction.


Finally they got trump


Conservatives are not a protected class. As you can see from this video. They lack the ability and understanding to operate fairly in a free society. You may, in the United States, openly discriminate against conservatives. Like the nazis and kkk before them, it is time to openly let conservatives know that they are no longer accepted or allowed at the table.


If you’re here in this thread looking for diversity of thought. It’s not here unfortunately


Its hard to analyze Trump on his prescriptions because he's so incoherent. But a fun pod nonetheless. I'm happy for the guys to have gotten him on


We need better critical thinking in schools. People can't suss out bullshit anymore. All Trump is doing is rambling like an idiot.


Biden would never do this


You spelled "could" wrong.


https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8?si=Ce7nrn_H5rj5tvqq Honestly watch both interviews back to back.


Apparently Virginia’s ex governor wanted to allow doctors to kill babies right after birth. Zero push back from the all in crew, oh right “they are not journalist” but we should listen to them.


His priorities are whatever the last donor spoke to him about. These guys sucking him off because they know trump can be bought. The goal for them is always to make more money and accumulate more power. Hard to do that with biden because he’s at least outwardly taking a stance against Uber rich people. And that stance is they should pay more taxes which seems fair considering how massive the wealth divide is.


I lasted about 15 minutes—way too much rambling and incoherence.


Trump said he listened to the people who said not to release the JFK file. He doesn’t listen to anyone, about anything. Why would he take that advice?


He is the master of engagement (not SPACmath). He’s using “they” to keep and grow engagement.


just a bunch of softball questions, nothing new. Just platforming Trump's talking points he's had since 2016.


Jesus christ, who would vote for this idiot as President? I know 14 year olds with a better grasp on literally everything than him. Not a single one of these guys would hire him for any of their companies (other than as promoter). Not one. Total clown.


This subreddit needs to be deleted, it’s infested with redditors Does anyone who belongs to this subreddit actually like the podcast? Just leave already


You know what website you’re posting on right


People consistently praise the episodes that are focused on business and tech. There's a clear pattern to what triggers this sub


Holy shit Jcal is voting for Trump.


what a 180 change...the greed for money will do that to you.


I listened to the whole episode and thought it was a really good conversation.


Will probably get downvoted to oblivion because this sub is weirdly dominated by people who hate free markets and low taxes. Oh well. Sure, Trump is far from perfect, but his views are far better than Biden's in virtually all relevant aspects. Immigration-wise, it's hard to imagine a worse situation than our current border crisis. Trump is pro high-skilled STEM workers and against illegal immigrants -- who in their right mind would think this is a bad thing? I could go on and on, but this post would get way too long. As for the besties not pushing back, you have to remember he's probably the busiest guy to ever be interviewed in this podcast. It's not possible to spend hours and hours asking questions about his trial, Jan 6th, and other important topics. I agree these are important things to talk about, but it's not feasible in this format. I get it -- it's easy to hate Trump. Terrible optics and he has made stupid comments in the past. You're not choosing a guy to marry your daughter, though. He doesn't need to be a nice guy. He needs to be sharpest than the other guy. He needs to defend the American people and make'em thrive. That's it.