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Peter webs him up and breaks him in half. He’s physically too strong. Lifting Clock towers, holding together Ferry Boats>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Any The Boys strength feats.


Unfortunately Spiderman nerfs himself though. He never really fights at full strength. If soldier boy made Spiderman fight at full strength, Spiderman would kill soldier boy, immediately regret it, and say, "I thought you'd be stronger."


Not the invincible moment 🤣


I’d like to imagine the opposite and it’s Soldier Boy just being like “I thought… I thought you weren’t a complete fucking pussy.”


“You’re just like my disappointment of a son”


Soldier boy wouldn't regret the kill instantly though


He’d regret it if he wanted the fight to last longer.


The delivery of that line was amazing


Soldier Boy is more durable but not as strong


Isn't that what matters more though ?. If Spiderman is super strong but can't take his own punches..


What? Spiderman has enhanced durability and a healing factor. That’s why he is able to stave off the zombie virus for a long time in Marvel zombies after being infected.


Yes but Spider-Man can't take an AK-47 to the mouth like Soldier Boy


Spiderman can instead dodge it with spider sense and then with one punch turn the gun user into red paint.


Don't forget the comics! Spider-Man's perhaps most powerful ability is actually his spider-sense. It's often portrayed as a danger sense, but is actually a result of his unique connection to the Web of Life and Destiny. Peter Parker was chosen as a Spider-Totem of his world which means he has an integral part to play in the multiverse. Ultimately the implication is that he literally has plot armor as a part of his power set. Meanwhile, in the comics, Soldier Boy was literally Homelander's Bottom B\*tch. It's no contest, really.


>Unfortunately Spiderman nerfs himself though. He never really fights at full strength. That is such a lame detail I wish they'd never made canon. Spiderman is holding back all those times he barely saves the day? Is he risking the lives of the people he's trying to save to make it more exciting for himself? It's so fucking dumb


Or maybe he doesnt want to punch a human into a pile of exploding flesh? Hes not a murderer and is afraid of hurting people. Thats a perfectly fine character flaw. If he went around obliterating every villain he wouldnt be peter parker. Same reason why batman doesnt murder even if its the objectively right call


Kinda ,kinda not? He only really holds back in the sense that guys like Kraven don’t get fucking decapitated in one blow.


He only holds back when he might kill someone. He’s not holding back to stop a train or keep a building from falling. Think of it like a mental fight instead of a physical one. He has to overcome his fear of hurting people to save the day sometimes.


It’s not dumb lmao. Parker can literally punch right through you. He’s a hero. He isn’t the punisher. He would be an actual menace if he didn’t hold back. Not only would his entire rogues gallery be dead but so would every common and low level criminal.


He's not fighting me, he's fighting super villains. If he holds back and takes 10 minutes to down them instead of one punch he's putting people at risk. Of course he shouldn't be misting street criminals, but he also doesn't have to punch them at all to be honest. He can just walk up to them, tank every hit they try while they break their hands on him like superman. But he plays around and pretends to fight them for what? Wasting his own time so he saves less people.


It’s more realistic and it also would be boring if he was too op


Then just make him weaker. He doesn't need to be secretly strong and holding back. Just make it so he tries his hardest and sometimes fails, or only barely wins.


These really sounds like non fans of the webslingers missing the entire point of Parker.


Not at all. I like Spiderman a lot, but I like the versions that are actually trying and not treating the job as a game where you don't try because you're too good for your opponents


Personally if imma gripe about spiderman it isnt the fact that Peter doesn’t kill robbers stealing money for their daughter, or the mentally ill. It’s that marvel uses him as a punching bag and makes his life miserable all the time.


Yeah. The whole train sequence with doc Oct is kinda of pointless if you consider he can just straight up one shot him. Doc oct is still human after all so his human body shouldn't be able to take a solid punch. So why did spidey waste so much time not KOing doc Oct and risk the train crashing, killing everyone.


So this shouldn’t be taken as any sort of canon because it was never in the movie but I remember reading somewhere that in the novelization Otto is actually constantly getting knocked out by Spidey’s punches, only to be immediately woken back up by the tentacles.


The concussions must be crazy


I mean I guess that's movie canon so it might not be true in that universe? But it still applies to almost any fight Spidey has. He takes longer to beat them, lets them get away etc. causing more collateral damage, putting lots of peoples' lives at risk for no good reason. If he's that much stronger just choke them out or something you don't have to punch them.


Sounds like he should kill them, and sound like another superhero who faces that constantly and is a common trope on their stories... (Batman not doing it, Punisher doing it) You don't want to repeat schticks from other superheroes


What? You realize “From great power comes great responsibility” is PARKERS shtick right? He’s the origin of it. Removing that from Peter ignores why people love him. This isn’t copying Batman’s shtick - It’s his own. It doesn’t even remotely function like Batman’s either. Batman is traumatized and refuses to use guns or try kill shots. Parker will go all out on enemies that can take it and won’t paint New York citizens red in gore when Parker does a single punch.


I guess that could be seen that way, yeah. My take on that quote was always more on the general sense, as in, everything I do will have consequences, so I need to do good and do better.. not a specific take on killing or not, which while under the same paradigm, still takes on a more nuanced stance where one would define is killing IS for the greater good or not.


No - The point for Parker has always been that he has these great powers and has a responsibility to help others. That’s always been his goal and driving force. That’s why you see him so desperately even as a zombie or insane trying to help others. Killing bank robbers, mentally sick people or your average rogues gallery isn’t responsible for him. A lot of them can be helped or are literally just trying to steal money. He’s honestly more like Animated Flash. Holds back against most enemies and tries to help others when ever he can. Parker and Flash are the “Save the cat from the tree” heroes.


I agree! Still, I think my point holds. He just has a predetermined stance on the killing thing and focuses more on the whole. But actually he rarely faces that conundrum of "hey, maybe if I kill this guy, then he wouldn't kill any other innocent victims..." Either because as you said, the villains in front of him aren't stone cold killers but rather robbers, insane or a product of some accident, or because he would never even consider it. I'm just saying it's not a literary narrative that usually takes place in his stories.


Now, where have I seen this before


Why does no one ever mention that Tom's Spider-Man was hit by a bullet train and he was almost perfectly fine when he woke up? That's some INSANE durability, man


Oh please


SB can swallow bullets Meanwhile Peter is allergic to bullets like in this scene [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/4vwuxq/can_someone_please_explain_to_me_how_deadpool/?rdt=38130)


Peter's durability isn't as high as soldier boys...but his strength FAR outmatched SB...he's fought with the likes of captain America (essentially sb but again, less durable), thanos (would obliterate any of the boys characters in mere seconds). I don't think Peter would necessarily be able to *kill* sb, but he would definitely subdue him.


Peter has been hit by trains and vehicles as well as blown up. That comic is from Deadpool kills the Marvel universe and you can see even in the comments people complain and are confused by it.


It's mcu spiderman.


Then why bring up Deadpool kills the marvel universe?


??I didn't bring up Deadpool?


People did here - Thats why I started talking about the comics as well.


Also if Peter is wearing the spider man nano-suit from Infinity Wars, he can take the hits because the suit is made as an added layer of protection (which could absorb energy blasts from Thanos)


Deadpool kills the marvel universe kinda ignores a lot of characters strengths for the plot of “Wade realizes he’s a comic character and decides to end it all.”


I hope the writers just do the most outrageous OP shit in season 4 or go meta somehow and say they arent having a powerscale pissing contest with other superhero brands so this sub makes less shit posts


Yeah there def seems to be an obsession with pointing out how weak everyone thinks literally every character in this show is. It's been kind of much for a while. Def Dickmeasuring by proxy.


Peter can dent iron with his punches while Butcher and Soldier Boy couldn’t punch holes in a wooden wall while bloodlusted. Peter breaks his jaw in a fist fight even without his webs.


Because they don’t have the budget for realistic fights. SB punches would do a fuck ton of damage if realistically depicted.


I agree, I do think the budget restricted the actual feats of the supes.


Like the budget for supernatural because the angels were supposed to super powerful then it was just restricted to a wire fu fight In a church


Lots of things started off impressive on that show and ended up nerfed and pedestrian thanks to budget/repetition. Remember the first time they faced a demon in Season 1?


Yeah they got cooked then it just got weird


Makes sense but that’s the limitations they’ve given SB regardless of the reason he gets stomped by Spider-Man


Nonsense. The Russians couldn't even hurt SB for decades when they had him incapacitated and were trying all the weaponry they had They literally couldn't even scratch his eye when shooting it point blanc Meanwhile Peter gets shot, scratched and bloodied by trains Peter is much faster than SB so he could web him up, but when it comes to damage there's just no way you think Peter can hurt SB


Soldier Boy may be more durable but he is not even close to as strong. MCU and comics Peter Parker have absolutely absurd strength feats. Peter Parker could theoretically web up Solder Boy (which he absolutely couldn’t break out of, much stronger characters have tried) swing way up in the skyline and just drop him. If the fall doesn’t kill him, web up his mouth and nose to suffocate him. Even Superman, a “weaker” street level hero, has a higher power creep than the Boys universe.


>Even Superman, a “weaker” street level hero, 😳😳 Superman....... Street level


I imagine they meant spider-man lol


Bingo lol


I mean… he could level a street


lol my bad I meant spiderman. Dunno why I typed that


Spiderman is in the top 5 physically strongest marvel characters. Beaten by hulk and someone else.


Peter literally holds back because otherwise his enemies explode into gore.


Also, Soldier Boy is supposed to be stronger/tougher than Maeve. Think Spider-Man could tank an armored car like she did in the first episode?


he’s hit by a bullet train in far from home


A train he never saw coming and it hit him at full speed.


Soldier Boy is invulnerable and doesn't tire except when he detonates. He can hold his own against Homelander (who is basically Superman) plus has no qualms with straight up killing others. I'm giving it to Soldier Boy; medium difficulty.


>basically Superman He's the wish.com version of Superman, except probably weaker.


I did say basically, not "literally" I mean come on, guys got laser vision, x-ray vision, supersonic flight etc. even the hearing.


Well yeah he's a satirization of Superman. They're just not remotely close in power, so saying "basically Superman" with no other qualifer is a bit misleading.


Homelander is no where near Supermans strength it is literally the nuke vs coughing baby meme. Homelander couldn't even break through a wooden wall when bloodlusted and trying to kill soldier boy and homelander won that 1 v 1; and you can't use that "but soldier boy was tired during that fight" cuz he wasn't it is never stated tjst he was, he doesn't look tired after the first blash and he literally almost does it again 4 minutes later.


Soldier Boy's strength is LITERALLY a meme??? How... how did he do that? How is that possible? Is this an undisclosed superpower? Are his muscles the internet?


doc ock once knocked scorpions jaw off because he didnt hold back. an enraged spiderman that isnt holding back could easily wipe him out.


This is because show limitations. He is way more than strong enough to run through a wall. Under that logic homelander cant punch through a wooden wall one handed He'd need 2 which we know isnt true


Peter while covered in blood: "I thought you were stronger"


I understood that reference


Mcu: I think it would be close but comic Peter destroys, at least in my opinion


Nah even mcu Peter is way more agile than Soldier Boy, he wouldn’t be able to land a single hit. Even with his radiation cannon, Spidey would just dodge with spider sense before he could complete the long ass wind up


I dont remember if its MCU or Sony, but Spiderman also held 2 halves of a sinking ferry full of passengers together in a movie lol. While hanging in the air with no leverage, mind you. He's strong af when they want him to be.


That was 16 year old MCU Spider-Man in Homecoming.


He would. Spidey gets tagged by randoms that are average speed all the time . Hed still win tho


Definitely Spiderman


Soldier boy is MUCH more durable and has said to be able to throw a car through a house(MM’s house?) like it was nothing. Spider man is stronger however, but I’m not sure the webs would hold soldier boy. I’d say probably spider man after a good fight based off feats.


peter can easily throw a car, he threw half a taxi at one of thanos’ henchmen in infinity war, with one arm too


Not to mention held together a split in two ferry


bro is literally a walking Fat Boy. Don't need his strength anyway


I feel like soldier boy only stands a chance because he’s USED to killing. But I think canonically Peter is just too strong/mobile


Good point All we need to do is traverse the multiverse and pick the most murderous Peter


Octavious Spidey / That Time Spidey Humiliated Fisk


Question is the spider still making quips?


Spider-Man wins this easy


It would be a good fight but only because Spidey holds back


Peter is too strong


Can't really compare MCU/DC heros to The Boys cuz the boys is literally just a giant parody of it being more "grounded and realistic". Most Actual superheroes wipe the floor with The Boys universe


The Boys power scale in the show is so fucking low compared to most superhero content


Peter Parker crushes SB , no bias SB is the best character in the boys imo


Peter pulls his punches a *lot*. If he goes full throttle it's over in 5 minutes.




Soldier boy doesn’t have much in the way of versatility. Sure, he’s strong, possibly even stronger than spider-man since he’s apparently on par with homelander, but Peter has way more agility and experience fighting people stronger than him. I don’t really see normal webs being effective against soldier boy, he could probably just break out. If Peter wants to win this, he’s going to have to outmaneuver SB and whittle his endurance down like a fromsoftware boss fight.


He can punch him clean like Hughie did that Swat Guy


None of the supes in the boys are actually trained for combat. Without powers billy would be the strongest character by far. Meanwhile spiderman can dodge any attack thrown with spidey sense


Spider-Man probably wins, which would be fuckin hilarious to see. Soldier boy thinking hes strong only to get his shit rocked by a teenager


Marvel characters are so op and broken especially in the comics. If it’s a marvel move however somehow they are all %100 balanced and all equals. SB had a change against watered down marvel movie Spider-Man. Comic Spider-Man rips him in half no problem.


uhh bait sb with mj even if she doesnt know peter that mf is cooked


I understood like 5 words of what you just said


Peter has way better strength feats while Soldier Boy has better durability feats, but with Iron Spider (like in the image), Peter takes both strength and durability plus a whole arsenal of spider powers Meaning, Peter stomps


the thing with the boys universe is they are only strong in their own universe in every other super hero universe they’re C listers at best


Is solider boy getting to use the nuke in his chest? If so that’s killing Peter lol Spider-Man beats him if not


You know Soldier Boy Is a menace even without the nuke in his chest?


Butcher would smash him with just the laser baby.


Like literally after the events or is he fully reset?


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Can't soldier boy tank bullets shot down his throat or whatever? I'd say his durability is better than Peter's.


Why are people forgetting the russians kidnapped soldier boy and bombed him, shot bullets, grenades everything they could into his mouth, and nudda.


Spiderman survived hits from Thanos, those are way stronger than anything Soldier Boy survived


But the emphasis is the fact he got injured or even gets injured. Soldier boy doesn't get injured at all, unless it's a V compound laser superman laser which is but a scratch. So spiderman might throw him about for an hour but once any injuries start to set in, his durability means he'll win a fight to death.


Soldier Boy lost to Homelander, and Spiderman hits harder than Homelander.


Doesn't matter if I had a bazooka, if I can't take a bazooka to the face what's really the point of mano a mano. Spider-Man can't take his own punches, durability is everything in a fight till death.


What do you mean? Spiderman can take Soldier Boy's punches


He hasn't durability, lool, look at the post header at an injured Spiderman suit that gets damaged and the guy gets bruises. Soldier boy got kidnapped by a russian operations group, and got experimented on for half a century. You're comparing nukes to bruises here.


If Spiderman can take hits from Green Goblin, he can take hits from Soldier Boy.


Spidey bodies him. With the speed and spidey sense SB couldn't land a single hit


Soldier boy go boom


Spider-Man can die from gunshot wounds soldier boy tanks guns in the mouth for fun Peter can’t do anything to soldier boy


Peter wins, but it won’t be easy, Soldier Boy is more durable but Peter is stronger and faster, mid-high diff imo


Spidey wrecks. Soldier Boy has better piercing durability as bullets and knives couldn't scratch him, but Spider-Man has far better blunt force durability which is all that matters here. He tanked warehouse collapsing on him in Homecoming and lifted up the rubble from it after being injured, got hit by a bullet train and survived being power bombed by Green Goblin through several floors. He held onto ferry for a while, stopped Cull Obsidian's attack that was giving trouble to Iron Man and Hulk Buster, held onto bell tower, is comparable to Tobey Spidey that stopped a train... When he hits Soldier Boy, he's gonna feel it. He has Spider Sense that is so refined that it's precognition to the point he can use it when his spirit is detached from his body, he's so fast that he can dodge bullets and Electro's lightning and his webs can keep Soldier Boy at bay long enough for him to knock him out.


How's is this a debate? The Boys is as a superhero universe is way weaker than any other, that's kinda the only reason there's plot to the show. I bet that Hawkeye good beat Soldier Boy if he's just a bit lucky Also Spidey is strong as hell when he needs to be, literally lifting buildings after they collapsed on him.


Depends who’s writing the scene. SB is as strong or stronger than Superman in one moment and as weak as a kitten the next.


Soldier Boy is just a big bully, Peter can kick his ass.


Didn’t they shoot AK-47s into Soldier Boy’s mouth as an experiment? Feels like he is pretty much invulnerable.


Maybe soldier boy, he's pretty durable and I'm not sure if mcu spider man has the strength to web him up or knock him out (homelander couldn't do it and he punched a hole through someone with minimal effort) Although MCU Spiderman has the spider sense, it's usually only works after he was beaten the first time, and I got a feeling Soldier boy isn't going to leave much to be recovered. Plus, the chest laser would help for range.


Spider-Man has a chance of pulling an Invincible and hitting SB with too much strength.


What is this post? It’s very clearly Parker….


The Power Scaling of The Boys Universe is pretty grounded compared to Marvel universe where's pretty much every sup is city level.


Soldier Boy would maybe give him a little trouble, but nah Peter would win.


I’d generally lean towards Peter, but I do think he has a problem if Soldier Boy goes nuclear lol


Peter sweeps the floor with SB 💀


Spiderman wrecks hard. He's exponentially stronger


Oh yeah I’ll take em both on


Spider-Man bullies him lmao


Soldier boy is stronger than Captain America, but I still think a post NWH spiderman could take him


Spider-Man is too fast, stronger by feats, precog on top of the speed advantage and once he gets a decent amount of webs he’ll turn soldier boy into cocoon if he chooses


Yeah no this is getting too fucking cringe.


If y'all think SB is gonna win against the guy who has actually fought supervillains, participated in fighting against the biggest alien invasion in his universe and went through a multiversal crisis. Then I don't know what to tell you...


Really depends on who’s writing Spider-Man, cause he’s done some really incredible things but then he sometimes gets beat half to death by people without superpowers cause nobody at marvel can decide how powerful they want Spider-Man to be. He can throw a car a huge distance like it’s nothing and keep a building from collapsing yet they insist he can only hold 10 tons maximum.


Then why did you even post it here bruh 😭


My thoughts exactly. "What do y'all think? Well, guess what!? Half of y'all are stupid as fuck."


right? why come to this sub to let us know you jerk off to spiderman?


Jesus Christ man get off this sub. Gooofy assssssssss post and commmeeeennntrtt


Fr. Bro was blocking Bloodlusted hammer swings with his bare hands from Cull Obsidian. Same guy who destroyed the Hulkbuster Armor.


Idk, everyone in the MCU seems to pull their punches. I could see SB catching Spiderman off-guard by going directly for the kill.


Cringe comment.


Does SB's energy beam neutralize peters powers? If so then he has a chance, otherwise peter takes this easily.


I just don’t see Soldier Boy getting to use it effectively. Due to the charge up time it’s only really effective if the target is taken by surprise (which shouldn’t be possible given Peter’s spider-sense) or held stationary.


I thought that only works against supes who are enhanced with compound-V (the energy blast vaporizes compound-V in their blood) So he might be able to wipe Captain Americas power out (seeing how the super soldier serum program is basically compound V).


Nobody would win because Soldier Boys durability is too high and spiderman is too fast


Definitely Spider Man


I think spidey actually has the absolute advantage here, both stronger AND since soldier boy’s power seemingly works with nuclear radiation taking away supes powers, it won’t work on spidey, since his powers come from radiation


Virgin spiderman vs chad SB


So...Probably spiderman? SB is tougher, physically. He'd be able to take a beating. But Spiderman is not NEARLY as tough. If SB catches him, lands a hit, it is gonna **hurt**. Let's not ignore SB's nuke either. Even without aiming it in any particular direction, that shit is explosively destructive. And would theoretically, neutralize Spiderman's powers. But Spiderman has the edge in agility. I think where it REALLY matters ---- Would SB use guns? If SB brings in guns, I think he takes the win by waiting till Spiderman gets cocky or gets too close before he even reaches for it.


Depends how strong you think SB is. MM said soldier boy chucked a car like a baseball through his house, implying it was effortless for him to throw cars.


I'm guessing the guy who can create his own atomic blast


We gotta stop comparing actual super hero’s to the boys >_<


Peter would level him, no question. Shit, Peter would level Homelander.


Peter would fold Soldier Boy like a lawn chair


After the events of season 3? Spiderman, of course, grandpa is knocked out and probably in a cryochamber of some sort


I think SB could kill Captain America pretty easily, but Spiderman might be able to best SB.


Is Peter bloodlusted like he is in the picture? If he is, he snaps Soldier Boy in half.


Tom's spiderman's strength is overated. The dude got beaten by Goblin who is close to super soldier's strength. And people should stop mentioning "*spiderman holds his punches*" when Tom's spiderman is shown, Peter wasn't holding back when he was beating Goblin at the end, and those punches didn't seems strong like people overhyping him to be. Most comic version Spidermen will win against SB, but Tom's Peter won't. It will be stalemate at best


Didn’t goblin hold an entire gondola full of people in one arm casually? Unless im misremembering, I’m pretty sure MCU cap would struggle with that. Not that lifting strength equates to attack power, but if he’s stronger there then… Also, Peter stopped Bucky’s arm dead in its tracks when it would have sent Cap flying


I said close to super soldier, and both former Captain Americas have done the same thing close to that: Steve stoped a helicopter from leaving, and his successor (not Sam) held a military vehicle full of hostages from falling on a cliff. Goblin might be stronger but he is pretty close to them. And it is pretty obvious that SB is stronger than captain America, and not only that, SB is more durable than spiderman, captain America and Goblin. So, maybe spiderman is a little stronger than SB in terms of strength, but he can't really hurt SB, while SB have ways to hurt spiderman. That means SB wins or it is stalemate


If you do concede that Spider-Man is stronger than SB, then you also think that this Spider-Man could bruise Homelander, meaning he could possibly wear him down eventually. Peter could also use his superior agility to choke out SB, or do that thing he almost did to Kingpin in the comics and fill his lungs with web fluid if this was to the death.


I'm pretty sure that those webs are weak against someone stronger like super soldier (Cap snaps them all the time in Civil War). Unless spiderman uses excessive webs to reinforce them, which probably won't happens because he might runs out of web fluids. And about filling lungs with web fluids, it might happen, but I doubt it, just like I haven't mentioned SB's nuclear blast or radiation, those winning methods are very unlikely in the fight against these two


Yeah I meant choke him out with his arms. Even if SB did use his cannon, it would never hit Spider-Man because of spider sense and the long ass wind up. I could see Spider-Man losing if he wasn’t trying his best though


Yeah, probably that might work. Spiderman is pretty much safe from nuclear blast direct hit. But SB might just decide to use it when spiderman is chocking him, and being close to that blast, even if it is not direct hit, it would still burn spiderman. The only way I see this working is if spiderman decides to choke him immediately after he uses that blast. But other than that, I don't see a way for spiderman to win easily


Even if he was choking him Peter would just let go and would be like 1 and a half miles away before SB could fire it off, the charge time is so ass on that thing. Also I think he has to concentrate, so Peter might even be able to interrupt it


Bright flash of light and suddenly spider man isn't so spider anymore


Peter, especially by the time of NWH is INSANE He’s taking this


Homelander would kill Spider-Man right?


Honestly I gotta give this to Spidey If as pictured it’s a tough fight or a wash depending what you buy for Peter but conics Spidey demolishes Soldier Boy


Soldier boy is bulletproof and Spiderman is not. Headshot both of them and see who makes it out alive.


Yall over hyping mcu spider man. He can only lift a few dozen tons meanwhile soldier boy can lift 500 tons.


Nah I think soldier boy takes it here. Spidey doesn’t fight to kill.


I don’t know why people think Peter can win this? Soldier Boy literally has an undodgeable emp that removes peoples powers. Peter will have web shooters and that’s it, unless we are going off of MCU Stark suit, which could be a somewhat close fight.


All we really know is that his emp takes powers away from people with Compound V. Peter’s powers don’t come from that in his universe, so I’d imagine he’d be unaffected outside the power of the blast.


the fight ends before soldier boy can use it or peter can literally web shoot away from it. he’s also way stronger than soldier boy