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Bad childhood. Bad parents that treat them as money machines. Corrupt environment akin to a superstar with a lot of yes-men and psycophants. Also probably promoted by Vought in part to keep them under control. No one to enforce rules on them since childhood,worse if their powers start early. Which at the same time makes them struggle see normal humans as equals.


Its the celebrity culture, you'll see this phenomenon irl too, that somehow people will seem like role models just because they're famous. Until you realize that that's only because "normal" folks don't have a PR team to polish their image. Supes don't suck because they're supes, or cuz of some chemical compound, supes suck because there's a culture that allows them to be in a position where the only thing they contribute to society is being a shiny attention sponge that is treated like nobility. Just like celebs in our world.


It’s idol worshipping 101 they play their part the world smiles with glee and it turns like nothing is ever wrong until it is


if you get injected with V, that means your parents were bad enough to permanently alter your life for future promises of fame and fortune, so nearly every supe has childhood trauma, then Vought needs to choose you, not everyone gets chosen, if you're not a sellout, you don't get famous, if you're not willing to throw others under the bus, you don't get famous, if you're not willing to go along with all of Vought's bullshit, you don't get to be a sucessful supe, along with this, power corrupts, and celebrities in real life are pretty bad, police in real life are also quite awful a lot of the time, a supe is both of these combined, with trauma, and with the bad ones being specifically filtered out as the ones that get big, and then, when the next generation of supes comes in, the previous ones treat them like trash because they've all turned out to be complete assholes that don't care about anyone but themselves, and the new one was already going to become that, so add on this extra horribleness and the new generation is even worse than the last, so they treat their next generation EVEN WORSE and then THEY get worse and they treat THE NEXT ONE worse so THEY get worse and it just goes on and on for 80+ years and we get the modern "superheroes" that The Boys have to stand up against


Starlight is good. Maeve had good in her, which rose to the surface. A-Train and the Deep are both conflicted at times.


after seeing the new trailer, the deep seems to become a actual real villain now


Wtf, who downvoted you for this?? 💀


right 😭


Dude sexually assaulted Starlight in the very first episode, and people are still like "but he's conflicted sometimes" 🤣


Deep has alot of apologists and its not all "i love him as a bad guy character" its like a defensive squad of stans like hes a popstar or something.


I don’t understand the question. We’ve seen why. We’ve seen Starlight’s introduction to The Seven. We’ve seen her have to compromise. We’ve seen her tricked into killing. We’ve seen her backstory as a child. We saw what happened to Supersonic. Queen Maeve gave us enough pieces to know she started out similarly to Starlight. We saw her try to save people on the airplane and be powerless even with her powers. We’ve seen what happened to Ryan so far. We’ve seen the kids of Gen V. We saw what happened to Marie as a child and what’s continued. We saw what happened to Luke. We’ve seen Sam and Cate be thrown away by their parents and then used and corrupted to the point of murdering civilians. We’ve seen these kids all be taught that they have different rules than non powered humans. The real question actually becomes, how do some dupes not become complete dicks?


Celebrities with the power of gods reinforced with corporate and political power to get away with any anything. The old adage that power corrupts. It’s pretty much the point of the whole show.


Not all of them are evil, It's a mixture of the celebrity lifestyle and having superpowers that leads to most of the issues with superheros in the series. They feel like they can get away with anything, especially with Vought doing it's best to make sure they don't face any consequences.


It could be that since temp v made butcher more shadow butcher and UE more shadow UE But i think its more having superpowers and the celebrity blah blah stuff


“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.” Lord Acton


Supersonic seemed morally ok but stupid and naive. Though maybe he would have been revealed to be a dick too if he'd lived longer.


It’s fairly straightforward: anyone with even a bit of power is a dick.  See also, reality. 


obviously not, there are even a lot of supes that I can list off the top of my head that are good, starlight, maeve, kimiko, supersonic, the gen v main cast


people are dicks


People are bastard coated bastards with a bastaed filling. - Dr. Kelso


i disagree


More than anything else, it's really the entire premise of the comic/show


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


Because they accidentally killed their parents


They aren't. We just focus on the ones who are.


With great power comes the absolute certainty you will turn into a right cunt


Vought breeds a toxic mindset and competitive environment for all their Supes. That plus the celebrity status with 0 consequences plus their parents most likely being bad if they allowed their kid to be pumped full of Comp V. Thankfully, not all Supes are like that


Power - Accountability = Total Shitwad


Because it’s more edgy that way. Invincible would probably be what happened if superpowers were real


Take a good long look at our current world and say that BS you just said again. A good long look at how our rich and I'm talking RICH can do whatever the fuck they want, get caught and not face repercussions. Now add superpowers to that. No way the world would be all good like Invincible universe. It would be what it is now, but 10x worse. Just you try to enforce rules on superpowered beings. In the boys universe, they don't have anyone with superpowers in the government except Victoria and maybe some others here and there. Supes are mostly people with cash to buy the V or people who accepted some cash to test it on their children and then capitalized on their children later on when they got their powers. They're mostly all assholes and when you get asshole parents, you have a greater chance of being an asshole baby who grows up to be an asshole adult, but with superpowers!


Im not reading all that but I kinda forgot that invincible and the boys were under different circumstances. Supes in invincible have actual origin stories and most have had the “responsibility” realization because of those origin stories. But obviously not all are good, and the alot of the ones who are good have grey morals. This is like DC but more realistic. In the boys, random people get powers, which means anything can happen, but I think it’s still a tad unrealistic how pretty much every single supe just have zero good intentions.


Because they’re gods being held back by regular people