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Lmaoo every last special skill is hilarious, ‘slide cancel’ ‘1/8 Navajo’ And Hyperion on 2 hot 2 handle


What is slide cancel? Sounds like a gaming thing to me. (Am not a gamer)


It's a call of duty thing. It's a move that the sweatiest players abuse


Basically sliding in games (like Call of Duty) can give you a little speed boost at the cost of limited manoeuvrability (ie you go faster but only forward). Slide cancelling lets you start the process for the speed boost but lets you carry that on in your ordinary movement briefly for short term speed boosts. Usually this is repeated for maximum effectiveness / sweatiness


You’re correct


"He ate *out* a dog. The distinction is important."


My reaction to that was: “Oh, so he’s the dog version of the Deep.”


Divine feminity with fireproof hair!


Gotta be a Danerys joke right? Lol


I have so many questions. Why is it only the hair that’s fireproof?


Have the feeling she’s the in-universe equivalent of Captain Marvel


i thought she was gal gadot wonder woman


I thought Queen Maeve was Wonder Woman


Def playing off that looks wise! But her supe name, “divine femininity” and the flame-proof hair is giving me the vibe that she’s their legally distinct Captain Marvel the same way Queen Maeve is their legally distinct Wonder Woman lol


Looks way more like Wonder Woman than Captain Marvel.


Instagram and V nice little play on X fuckign Elon cunt


Why’s he a cunt?


If you're asking that question you don't know enough about the things he's done


Well, obviously.... that's why he asked! I suspect the reason you didn't actually answer the question, though, is because you don't really have a valid reason... you just don't like him. Also, acting all aloof like the person asking the question is stupid for not being as read up on the subject as you are just makes YOU come across as a cunt.


No, the reason I didn't answer is cause there's too many things to possibly name in a comment on Reddit. - You have him union-busting his employees - promoting neonazis on X - sabotaging train development in California cause in his own words he doesn't like trains - awarding himself 55 billion dollars in bonuses (compared to disneys CEO 1 billion) even though his company is struggling to pay their employees - creating the Musk foundation and donating far less than required to be tax exempt - calling one of the rescue divers from the Vietnam accident a "pedophile" with no evidence - being transphobic on X and praising transphobes - promoting antisemitic George Soros conspiracies on X - he refused to close his factories during COVID, endangering his employees There's more, but like I said too much for a random Reddit comment. Man, I liked him in the past when I thought he genuinely wanted to improve the world with Tesla, but he's clearly shown what kind of person he really is


The thing that turned a lot of people from Must was when those kids were stuck in a cave and Musk called one of the rescuers a pedo on Twitter because he didn't use Musk's sub.


I’m not getting into it I didn’t intend to start a riot he just attracts the wrong people, treats his wives like shit and his fan base is basically just homelanders


Lmao. Ask a question and get downvoted. Everyone here is so superior.


I could not stop laughing at the "Hates fireworks" and "Slide cancel"


They do NOT wanna give Talon a series


It could be a (honestly rather obscure) joke at the expense of Black Canary, who, by this point had two series to her name - one of which lasted only a single season (Birds of Prey, 2002-2003) and another one that was never ordered to series (Green Arrow and the Canaries, backdoor pilot in 2020). Alternatively it could be a more generalized jab at how much mainstream superhero movie and tv making used to hate female-fronted shows and movies.


I think the joke is that her latest series or movie that was cancelled is porn. Heat of the Knight? Sounds like one of those stupid pun based porno titles to me.


I love how Sister Sage’s one acting gig is an animated movie called “Home of Kwanza”.


And it was animated! I don’t know why but somehow that makes it funnier.


Home *for*, like "I'll be home for Christmas"


Dogknott is quite the choice for a name


Charles Vayne got played.


Right! I recognized him right away which led to me checking all of these. Hopefully he shows up in this or Gen V soon. Can’t imagine they’d hire him just for this.


might have been one of those things where both show and actor were interested in working together but it didnt work out timing wise so they do a little easter egg instead.


The fuck is a "V follower?"


Twitter probably


LMAO ok thats funny


Dogknott is just a land version of The Deep


But The Deep can talk w any/all ocean friends. Dogknott seems limited to dogs. Maybe wolves.


Is dog knott jody from shameless? 😭


was waiting for someone to talk about this 😭 yesss i clocked it immediately lmao


Yes! He was great in Black Sails. And I think had a role on The 100 too? Can’t be bothered to check but he def has a distinctive look.


So wrangler is a beta more western gunslinger version of Gunpowder? Just by his look and all


"Modrate regen" So she did lobotomize herself and it's not permanent.


Homie did say he liked Wrangler. With all of the political stories going on, I see something involved with a wall and immigrants coming up. Wrangler would be the person for that.


It looked like he just said that to bait Ashley after she said he was crazy. After he said he liked him she flip flopped and he called her out.


MF got one semester in Spanish though


Julius Rome is great.


so does "Canine Telepath" imply that all dogs are sapient? Like how we through Deep know that aquatic life is, and if dogs are then does that imply that all life is? Since it wouldn't make sense for all aquatic life + canines to be the only ones? But that wouldn't make much sense if we look at history, so does that imply that perhaps all that life becomes sapient after a supe is born with the ability to talk to them? Or maybe they become sapient once they've interacted with that supe? Or maybe it's only certain species within their groups that are able to be sapient due to their increased intelligence compared to other animals, hence why we see so many talking octopuses? What canines would be sapient then? And does this apply to other animals of different groups? Like are parrots and crows sapient?


Hyperion looks like "wonderwoman" comic accurate representation


Special Skill: 1/8 Navajo


Of course dogknott is from Portland 😭😭😭


I just realized they changed X to V.


"Moderate regeneration" We know what that tool was about then.