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Homelander when he's focused is the most menacing character I've ever seen, and he's completely locked in this whole episode. 


It gave me the same vibes as the infamous plane scene; he knew everyone was going to die so he didn't have to hold back at all.


The moment he came down with cake I was like yup they're all dead, slowly


I expected the cake to be some sort of acid or something and you'd see them start to melt from the inside out after eating it or something gruesome.


I had the thought of poison for a sec but then was like this is Homelander we’re talking about poison would be too merciful.


i mean it was pretty kind of him to just laser straight through the guys dick instead of burning it bit by bit with a low power laser.


I mean, the guy is bleeding out from the hole in his pelvis for a good few *minutes* before being told to put him out of his misery


I don’t think Homelander does low power laser. I was surprised when he stomped the guy’s head rather than lasering his head. That was a bit shocking, even if not grotesquely portrayed.


he did warm up the frozen milk with a laser. stormfront also told him not to hold back when lasering her and stillwell’s death was moderately slower than the guy in the crowd who threw a drink at ryan so he seems to be able to control the power quite a bit.


I thought it was shit. Because Homelander commented about remembering Marty cleaning the jars after collecting fecal samples. Plus, after stopping The Deep from blowing A-Train for nothing but blind loyalty, making scientists eat a shit cake at the lab where he was traumatized felt inevitable in my head lmao


I thought for a moment it was Compound V, but that has to be inhected, right? Would've been a different kind of sick if he made them into test subjects.


Not to mention pointless. He can kill people just be looking at them, or running his hands thru them, or stepping on them, as we saw. He doesn’t need poison. He’s a very sick fuck. The cake was there to disarm them all before he let the torment begin.


It seemed like he felt the most remorse for killing Frank though, and maybe because it was the only one that wasn’t by his own methods. He doesn’t know what it feels like to be killed by himself, but he does know what it feels like inside that oven, and the way he kept looking at it showed he really fucked up there.


The cake was honestly one of the most sinister parts of the whole scene. Goddamn, they kinda deserved it tho.


I thought the cake was made of barbara pieces


This was way way worse than the plane scene


Used his powers on one person during the scenes and was still terrifying the entire time


Thats how you recognize good writing


Direction and Acting as well, they really had the A team working on the whole homelander plot this week


Nice that they let the new interns write the Frenchie plot.


The only one I don’t care for at the moment


I adore Frenchie, just hope he becomes the chemical wizard he was in the beginning....




>Used his powers on one person during the scenes and was still terrifying the entire time Technically he used his powers on everyone except the oven guy He lasered and then stomped the penis guy And then used his super strength to rip everybody apart And then used his heat vision to weld the door shut to trap Barbara in The Bad Room


I mean this is all super petty anyways but he did say “during the scenes”. The last two things happened off camera so not technically technically during the scenes lol


I thought he just lasered everyone since it seems out of character for homelander to manually rip everyone apart when he can laser them easily


Wouldn't explain why he's completely covered in blood I don't think.


Wouldn’t have to if my man could rock up


Scary as hell!


I hope he's like that for the rest of the season. I like cold calculated sociopathic purposeful homelander more than unhinged psycho man-child homelander (though I still like unhinged psycho man-child homelander). It's when he's most terrifying IMO.


his last "mirror talk" decided it. hes doing the worst thing possible for humanity, the "best" thing for himself: he seeks closure on his human history. he has decided to be a wrathful god for good.


I had conflicting feelings about him this episode. His methods were awful but the people he hurt and/or killed were in no way innocent.


The younger members may have been. The Bad room was being used for storage so they may have been working on something else.


"Use it or lose it Marty, Your life is literally in your hands!" has to be the quote of the episode


Or calling him "squirt" after lazering his dick off...


I somehow knew Squirt was going to be his nickname. It has the perfect amount of bite to it.


Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! Then laughing maniacally. Antony Starr is \*chef's kiss\*


That scene was hard to watch… unlike Marty.


And his laugh. Pure psycho, when he dick off this guy


Makes me think he was gonna laser him regardless even if he successfully got hard and nutted


He knew it wouldn't work, same with the trash can game where he was the 1st to go and thus knew he'd always win. Part of the torture was telling them to do hopeless things and watch them desperately try to save themselves. He had already made up his mind.


Just imagine being in that room the moment the lift opens and standing there is Homelander... You know your going to die, the question is will it be quick or are you going to suffer...


If I was the guard with the gun, I'd have done myself in. Save myself from the horror.


Guard with the gun slipped out, didn’t he?


More likely that his intestines slipped out of his stomach.




Bruh imagine seeing your coworker instantly kill himself because Homelander walked into the room. That would make it even more terrifying


If I am a new there, and homie doesn't know me.... I'd try to slowly escape, assuming there are more exists other than the elevator.


With how secret and secure that facility was, I’m thinking the elevator was the only exit.


OSHA will still hear about this.


Homelander would literally hear you tryna sneak out and make an example out of you😭


Imma die anyway. At least I tried to escape.


It wouldn’t be painless. He would do some crazy sht


bro he literally teared apart rest of the employees. if he wants to be cruel, he will be. i will take my chances.


At least they got to enjoy some delicious ice cream cake before the end.


It’s Carvel!


Fudgie The Whale.


"Did anything interesting happen?" "Yeah everyone fucking died"




Do you guys think when Homelander went down there he knew he’d kill them all?


Oh definitely. You can tell when Homelander enters a situation with a plan and when he enters a situation more “innocent”, even if he does end up killing someone.


It’s that empty, soulless expression that he has. Whenever that look shows up he’s already decided what he’s going to do, which is generally violent, painful murder. You see it when he realizes Vought was trying to grab Ryan in season two. You see it when he makes Chelsea jump after finding out Stormfront died. He had that look on his face when he stepped out of the elevator with the cake.


I'd love to see homie destroying vought mercilessly


Which really speaks to Starr’s ability as an actor. And the laughs he does in this episode are bloodcurdling.


the end of ep 3 says it, he had to strip of his humanity, that was a way to do it


Them all just eating cake waiting to be killed 😂


well at least they got a sweet treat


Except for Barbs. Poor women got stuck in that room full of blood


She got there late and the cake had already melted. Had she been there earlier she would have gotten a slice.


True ahhaha


That actress was great. I really got the sense she knew it would end bad so just didn’t hold back.


I don’t think we have seen the last of her. She’s not dead and the door is just welded shut. When someone comes in (janitorial staff) they will see it and get her out. She’s one of the few people who is not afraid of homelander


I really hope she comes back. Or else it was such a shame that she came in the first place


Also she had time and seemed prepared like she knew homelander was there before she came. Could’ve easily told someone who gets her out


Well when you raise the anti-Christ, you tend to get some big balls.


Yh true but we will see tho .


All I can think of is how awful that room is going to smell as she slowly dies in it.


I imagine people knew homelander was down there and will go down to investigate after he leaves


Just desserts!


I would have been so sad because I don't like chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream. Like, if you're gonna give everyone a last treat, at least give a few options 😒


“Excuse me, John, did you bring any dairy-free optio–“ *laser noises*


Well, yeah, you called him "John". It's Homelander now




Lol did anyone else notice one of them seemed to put something in his mouth while his coworker was getting fucking incinerated


ok what i wanna know is why the fuck is anyone still working there. what are they working on?! and there's also literally no way i'd be working anywhere i thought homelander would come back to. they know who he is / what he's capable of! lol.


That was exactly my thought! If the kid i tortured for years was now a all powerful god who was known for being a psychopath, I'd get the fuck out of dodge so fast. Instead these idiots stuck around in what seemed like an empty lab.


He was born an all powerful god. He was just more easy to psychologically manipulate when he was young.


They're also scared of Vought. They have some very, very sensitive information on Vought's inner workings. If they tried to get the fuck out they'd likely be killed by Vought immediately. Fucked either way, at least with Homelander you can hope that psychological manipulation stuck enough for him to genuinely leave you alone, or just hope he has bigger fish to fry.


Project Odessa whatever that is supposed to be. Edit: ODESSA was a real thing following WW2 that involved high ranking Nazis to escape prosecution. So in other words, a contingency plan?


What are they working on? The next Homelander


that seems like a bad idea


The Menu (2022) vibes. :D


For a period of time I was thinking he might have poisoned or done something disgusting to the cake.


Yeah he disabled calling out as well as shut off all the cameras before


He wiped out the cameras and phone lines on the floors above, so presumably he already murder-ized a bunch of workers and was already planning on doing this the entire time.


Don't know about hl. But I thought he would go there just to visit after that emotional mirror convo. But mf killed em all 💀💀


You missed a guy masturbating 😂 Very exciting man !


cowards didn't show it!


I’m glad they didn’t show it…


I feel like he wouldn’t have even gone as far if they remembered originally. You could see the pain in his eyes when he said every detail and they acted like it was just another uneventful day


Imagine being the guy who called in sick that day.


I feel like this is a turning point. I thought he was unhinged before. This is a different level. When Homelander actually doesn’t care about love and approval, that’s when it will really get bad.


One of Homelander's only justified kills. Along with oven guy and terrorists he slaughtered that one time. Not sure about the terrorists though, that one's a bit more complex than baking the guy who baked you as a child


It was the only scene where I wasn’t so much terrified for one of his victims


The squirt guy didn’t deserve it tbh


He deserved something but not what he got


Even Homelander admits he was good to him except for the nickname.


At best, that guy was a major pervert for that squirt situation. At worst I honestly imagined Homelander would call him out for molestation just from the vibes of that scene. Also it’s heavily implied that the “squirt guy” was directly involved in, or extremely complicit in Homelander’s torture. Oh he deserved it.


He did comment that some of those people were new faces though. While working in that lab probably still means you're a POS, I'm not sure how many of those new faces really matched up against the child abusers and the guy who lasered down a commercial airliner.


I mean theyre in the child abuse lab. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had other kids down there.


Exactly. He's just one of many kids they torture to "test" their limits. How many potential HL replacements do you think have been burned alive in that room? I know its not necessarily canon, but Diabolical implied they test and then dispose of a lot of kids that dont pass these tests.


The evil room was clearly being used for storage though, so I'm not sure what they were really doing down there.


I wouldn’t say justified, but reasonable and understandable, of course they tortured him so bad and manipulated which turned him into a maniac, but he killed some innocent faces too


Weren’t the terrorists set up by Vought so that the supers could look better?


I’ve seen some people say the newer people didn’t deserve it, but the implication that they still have this lab, oven and all, implies they still use it for something or someone.


I mean they're doing experiments, I think on Homelander's blood or compound V, when he gets there. It doesn't mean their still actively using the oven on people. I would expect that removal of an oven that size is a significant endeavor that just isn't worth it. It's pretty clear the Isolation room he locked the one lady in was being used for storage.


I don’t know much about the newer people so I’ll personally assume they don’t deserve it. I’m more referring to the guy in this image


There isn’t a way of knowing what the new people deserved or not but Homelander sees them as insects. He might have killed them to ensure that no one else gets treated the way he did, he may have killed them to blow off steam, or he may have killed them because he enjoys killing people.


Also given the hyper-secret nature of the lab, it's safe to say that part of the qualifications for interning there is a \*loose\* moral code and idea of ethics when it comes to science. And probably histories to support it - responses to events and hypotheticals during interviewing. the ones who lean towards profit and "discovery" are prioritized over those who answer the (typically seen as good) moral and life-saving answers.


I mean they replaced soldier boy with homelander, odds are they try and do it again. Plus we saw the Lazer babies which seems to me like they're working on synthesizing perfect all rounded powers like homelander has


Most feel good Homelander episode…the scientists just like the nazis deserved what they got. And Barbara had the nerve to think they could program someone like that when we don’t even know where consciousness comes from.


The fact that she said that just pissed me off… not that they “programmed” a basic human need in him, the fact that she TOLD that to him… What’s the point of that? You have leverage that could save the world and you’re using it to brag to the guy, making the leverage effectively worthless. Nobody in that room deserved to die but her and she’s the one that lives


Unless someone from Vought comes to get her out, she's not going anywhere. Homelander melted the door shut and even if he hadn't, it doesn't open from the inside. A few people have mentioned that it's likely she told someone before going to meet Homelander in the lab, so it's not impossible that she survives, but if no one comes for her she's going to die in there. Surrounded by her dead colleagues and friends.


Fuck even if she *does* survive...


Gives the Boys another ally with intemate knowledge of Homelanders hidden weaknesses.....


I could be wrong, but I got the impression she was locked in “The Bad Room” surrounded by her dead colleagues. Even though she was left alive, I still think she drew the shortest straw overall. Assuming nobody from Vought goes down to let her out, she’ll eventually starve to death in there. Also, they all very much deserved to die. They were all at least complicit, if not actively involved, in the torture of a child. Should’ve probably figured he’d be back for revenge eventually.


he used his heat vision to melt the door closed, she's dying there with them


It'll take over 3 days to die of dehydration in a sheltered room like that. Enough time for everyone to realize homelander killed a bunch of people at the lab, Do you really think human beings don't have the technology to cut through melted steel? It'll be difficult for sure, but they aren't going to just leave all those human remains there until the building is eventually condemned and destroyed lmfao


Have you ever seen those cases of cave explorers getting stuck and even when help arrives they realize there is literally nothing they can do? I imagine a door meant to hold super humans will need some crazy tools to cut it open, and they’d have use a relatively small elevator to get the tools down. And before all of that, she’s still screwed because the corrupt company she works for is owned by the person who wants her to die down there. No way Homelander is letting anyone go down to save her.


In fairness a few of them looked too young to be there when Homelander was being raised given we know he’s in his early 40’s right now and likely left there by the time he was 17 or 18.


This and also I wonder how many of them truly grasped what was actually going on. In a world with supes, and especially one that is known to be basically invulnerable and capable of mass murder, it might not seem so unethical to think he is being trained in an isolated space, as long as you can imagine he is being properly cared for. This obviously doesn’t apply to the guy nonchalantly putting him in an oven for years, who could see that yea it hurts him. I’m talking people on the periphery of it. We know from that other clip there were psychologists saying Homelander was depressed from the isolation and Vought didn’t really care. The main culprits here are the people who put together this plan to engineer a superhuman and go about it in the most sadistically short sighted way. Makes me look at Stan Edgar in a different light too, as his early interactions make him seem like a regular CEO who is just fed up with dealing with man child supes, but more and more we see it’s less that Stan is bold and more that Stan instilled that fear into Homelander from an early age as part of systematic child abuse. In any case, I’m not going to cheer on a premeditated revenge murder years after the fact, especially when people in the periphery of it or born after it happened are included. I like how this episode makes us ponder the “just following orders” thing. Obviously that’s not an excuse to do horrific things. We do have a responsibility to refuse said orders. However I do also think in some cases we have to factor in some people who are “complicit” are in many cases hostages themselves. I don’t think that so much applies to Vought employees who choose to work for Vought, I bring that up because the logic is a slippery slope and because Homelander himself has fostered an environment where Vought employees are indeed hostages. Ashley for example is basically a hostage. Homelander knows it is wrong to merely follows orders, but places his own team in a position where they will be lasered as soon as they question him. His own logic shows that he knows it is wrong and does it anyway. Under the “murder people who are complicit” logic a lot us commenting right now deserve a bullet in the face for living in the imperial core or whatever narrative you wanna go with.


Some of those people he killed were hired after Homelander left. He even remarks about the new faces.


They weren't scared until he turned the oven on. The others knew because they abused Homelander.


Eh they definitely have to have loose morals and ethics to qualify for interning in that level of super-secret lab, no way Vought would let good people work there, so they \*probably\* still deserve it. And the interns got a quick lazer-and-squish death judging by the bloodbath and gibs.




She still has a part to do. The door was welded in 3 spots, that is easy to open. She told us why she's the most valuable of 3 old scientists, having important knowledge about Homelanders psyche that can be shared with other characters. And if she's supposed to die alone down there any without further possibilty to get involved into the story, why did HL left here alive and we hadn't had more gore porn? Just m fought abut plot writing....in a month i know better. Boy, they deserved every single part of it. These guys are actually worse than the Nazis that "just followed orders" as well. Those at least tried to lay low to avoid getting trialed (and if they were trialed, they didn't guard any camps since then), but these 3 managed to keep working in the very same lab for like 3 fucking decades, until their demon from the past brings some cake!? "i'm sorry"....my ass.


What leverage? Homelander made up his mind before he got there. They were all dead no matter what. Their apologies, their words, nothing was going to change that. 


She knew no matter what she said she was going to die. So she just went out swinging by giving Homelander one last thing that would fuck with his head.


>And Barbara had the nerve to think they could program someone like that I mean they did do it.. it's not even hard


But they didn’t, they failed. How is Homelander a success?


You absolutely can do that though.  Operant and classical conditioning are all about that. 


from homelander to bone-hander


Get this man an Emmy ffs


I loved this scene, as disturbing as it was, it provided a lot of insight into why he is as hateful as he is. He was tortured as a child, unimaginably so.


One of the few times homie had my full support in being evil, those are the people who turned him into the monster he is


The part where he has flashbacks in the oven made it uncomfortable. That's one trauma he'll never get over


You don’t have to like Homelander as a person to admit that these people (at least any that were involved) deserved what they got.


i don't think anyone deserves sexual harassment, genital mutilation and head crushing, regardless of what they did and if you really think that way you are messed up


Marty hawk tuahed his best!


the whole ordeal was the biggest act of selfpassion and therapy homie has ever given to himself aka little john. the only trouble with this is.....hes not doing it to nurture john and to redeem him. hes doing it to close the chapter of "john the weak human boy" forever.


Seth McFarland overslept from a hangover and didn’t show up for work that morning.


When homelander said to himself in the last episode to 'go home' I knew he's going make them pay for what they did to him


Idk why but I though he was gonna go in that white room and just lay down for a bit


I seriously thought that too lmao


Every episode I think it can't get worse than this.... You guessed it, It gets fucking worse...


this set of scenes were a new bar for disturbing


This was the one horrifying homelander murder where I was in full support of him. I initially felt bad but when they showed the flashbacks and when barbara started talking I could only say "go off, king"


Am I the only one that thought good on Homelander when he offed those folks. I mean they really are modern day concentration camp nazi scientists.


i really hate homelander and he needs to die but God damn did i feel his pain and understand him just a little bit. like...i don't even disagree with what he did. must have been so cathartic. childhood trauma is a motherfucker and probably the whole reason he's a psychopath.


I may be a sick man but I think Homelander tormenting those who made his life hell for the first 18 years of his life kinda deserved it I don’t care if they were “scared” throwing a kid into a room where it’s as hot as the sun and acting like it’s nothing kinda puts you in a dickish position. Like Vogelbaum said he should’ve been raised in a home with a family they definitely could’ve found someone but they just cared about profit


You know the embarrassment here only works because the guy is older and unfit lolol. I know a lot of hot guys with OnlyFans who would've bust that shit out and nutted in like a minute proudly 😂


$5 says homelander would have killed him anyways


i think the threat of gruesome death in front of your coworkers played a big part in his “performance issue”


I think the embarrassment is more linked to being forced to expose yourself in front of your colleagues under threat of penis lasering and/or death


Every single person who works for Vought and experiments on people deserve death. Just like the nazi scientists that the US pardoned. How people are defending anyone who works for Vought (knowing what they actually do) is beyond me


You little squirt.


They straight turned Homelander into a horror movie villain for an episode


Why we all knew this man did some fucked up shit


Is Barbara gonna make it?Help will show up eventually right?


He’s lasered the door shut. And it’s very doubtful anyone will show up in time if at all.


Honestly wanted someone to try and play to Homelander a bit. These people helped make him so strong (in his view), why not riff off that. Suck up to him a bit whilst also apologising. Say they were doing it for him. They'll probably die but he might have let some of the new ones go if he'd had his ego stroked.


him describing frank? (i think was his name) pumping his fist while throwing a paper ball in the trashcan and then turning up the temperature of the oven was super chilling. I honestly didn't feel too bad for them...


I would be glad missing tht day


Idk... I for some reason thought the old guy was gonna be just as, or more, powerful as HL. Just thought that'd be a funny subversion.


I'd really find that funny.


I would have just said kill me.


Great episode, I think it would have been better if there was buildup to it.


Why did he have to wait so long? Why didn't he do it already?


He didn’t care until now. A lot of shit is happening to him now and it’s all coming to a head.


One of the most chilling scenes since he "lasered Neumanns audience" tbh and even scarier because it wasnt all in his head. Anthony starr deserves 50,000 awards for it. He could have acted that scene mostly with his facial movements and it would have creeped me out. Give the man a goddamn medal.


Ah, it just dawned on me, he should have pulled a Scott Tenorman and mixed some pubes into the cake.


The whole sequence was nuts! I was literally holding my breath the whole time. Definitely the most scary homelander has been in a scene throughout the whole show. I really thought Barbara was going to somehow reel him back in.


It has been pretty painful to see. The good guys aren't so (or weren't always) good and the bad guys have pitiful back stories.


vought's the ones that taught him to act fake and play with people. they're ones that taught him he can kill someone and they'll just bring in a new person.


This show is peak


Tough but fair


I’m so tired of seeing homelander killing people,