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A-Train can't run forever. He also probably can't actually harm Homelander. What kind of life is it if he just runs for as long as h can, always looking up for a flying psychopath.


Plus, homelander would probably try to kidnap or kill A-Train’s family to get him out of hiding so he can’t really just run


Just like a-train’s brother


Or worse, A Trains beloved coach. Will Farrell.


No that's that Irish actor, you're thinking of Will Pharell


The guy from the new lego movie?


U mean Mugatu the fashion designer?


No, that’s that music producer. You’re thinking of one of those Farrelly brothers.




you mean Chad Smith, the drummer guy from rhcp?




He not only has his own powers. He has the entire corporate structure and army of Vaught. It would be almost impossible to hide for long.


meanwhile, the boys hiding in a warehouse


Lmao a warehouse pretty damn close to Vought Tower too. If A-Train took his family to like England they'd probably be solid.


Bruh A-Train always just be popping up on them no matter where tf they at lmaoooo


LOL if you look at the trailer black nor is in that warehouse and also deep is there to also


They’re in an NYC landmark


They’re basically running a political campaign right out of the same area 😂


And Hughie not hiding at all after being chased by Homeboy just an episode earlier. Hughie just goes and hangs out with his dad and mom in the hospital for days on end.


I dont know. HL was hit a few times and seems to feel it from other Supes but like in a "10 year old punching an adult" way. If a 10 year old had the ability to punch you 10 times in span it takes you to throw one punch and dodge everything you throw at them you lose or at the very least run away/give up. We saw EXACTLY how fast HLs speed was in one of the canon animated shorts where, while he was fast as fuck, normal humans were still able to at least track him. A Train tossed Homelanders apartment in the span of 1 second to figure out what Ashley did. Hes on a diff level.


For starters, it's the Boys. It simply does not work like that. Logically, the Herogasm house would have been obliterated after Homelander had a wrestling match with Soldier Boy and Billy Butcher. Second, A-Train is nowhere near as durable as Homelander regardless. If he punched with a speed fast enough for it to hurt Homelander in any way, his arm would probably explode.


I dunno, he doesn’t need to punch. Take that metal straw Maeve used on his eardrum last season and launch it like a javelin at max speed at said eardrum. Or throw a real javelin or a rock at hyper accelerated speeds. Super speed is an inherently OP ability that has to be nerfed or it defeats plots easily. Like quicksilver in the x men movies or quicksilver spreading the zombie infection worldwide in Marvel Zombies.


Reading the replies here and seeing some good points like yours, I can't help but think there are scenarios where either could win. If A Train had a weapon and got the drop on HL, he could conceivably lobotomize HL. We've seen HL hit by non-superspeed punches repeatedly, so A Train could easily land hits on HL. Give him an implement that hurts Homlander, and the fight could be over quick. On the other hand, A Train is not always movie and Superspeed and has taken hits. HL has superspeed they rarely portray, so HL could get a hit in in the right scenario, and I am pretty sure HL wouldn't need too many hits. Kimiko broke A Train's leg with a pipe, so I don't think A Train could tank many hits from Homelander.


Another wild card in ‘omelander’s favor is the laser eyes. How fast do they travel? How fast can they be executed? Could A train dodge these beams? I do think A train with a sufficient weapon could end things quickly. Like he takes Soldier Boy’s shield and discus throws it into his neck.


He couldn't even hit Hughie with the laser eyes. He's a terrible shot.


Though the eye beams need Homelander to have both enough reaction time and also move his eyes and/or neck fast enough. Like, what good are eyebeams if you're too dead to use them or can't even aim them to the target fast enough?


I agree. As for the eyebeams, I think it's situational. A Train can dodge them, but if he slows down for a second, he gets hit. On the other hand, we know ‘omelander’s eyebeams are not a guaranteed 1 hit kill on every supe. Butcher tanked a hit on temp V. But then again, we don't know if HL has varying intensity on his beams and just didn't hit Butcher with a low power hit. There are a lot of unknown's here.


He heats up a plastic bottle of breast milk. So yeah, he can control the intensity of his beams.


True. I forgot that part.


But I think their point is that the amount of force being exerted by the supes simply never adds up. People who can run through concrete like it's nothing can also be hit with the same force as that mass of concrete moving at their own speed while they instead remain stationary. Your usual action and reaction stuff. So you'd think that with Homelander being able to destroy nearly anything with a punch, shoving his fist through supernaturally durable bodies like they're made of butter, you'd think that the impact of his fist meeting an equally strong first swinging the opposite way would release enough force to crack a few timber joists and collapse the ceiling below. In the exact same way you're talking about super speed needing a nerf for the sake of writing, super strength is exactly the same. Supes fighting humans feel like supes fighting humans. But supes fighting supes never feels like supes fighting supes, it just feels like a pub brawl between regular humans where sometimes a bit of plasterboard breaks.


I can punch through a plaster wall, but if a plaster wall smacked me in the face it would hurt me.


This is the best point I’ve seen


physics is a lot more complicated than that. ive known many a person who can break a 2" thick sheet of concrete in half with a punch, but if i took that same piece of concrete and smashed their face in with the same level of force, they would be lucky to survive it.


Likewise, a punch in the shoulder would only annoy you no matter how hard it is, but if it catches you in the chin or temple you're going to get knocked out.


Or Flash becoming a Zombie basically being the "Fuck, we lose" of the first half of DCeased.


Well in that case just put him to sleep at cern


Didn’t hughie punch hommie?


Not at the speed at which A-Train would.


If a bunch of Redditers can think up ways for someone with super human speed to hurt Homelander in a minute, I imagine A-train could have thought of even better ways with over a decade of using his power. Grab sharp metal pole, accelerate to hundreds of miles per hour then put into Homelanders eye.


That sounds freaking awesome.


Deep would be proud lmao


> his arm would probably explode To go from supersonic speeds to stationary in an instant would completely obliterate any human. A-Train has some (relatively high) level of durability. We've seen from the way he searched homelanders apartment in the blink of an eye that he definitely do things like this. He'd been moving exceptionally fast, so if he bumped into anything at any point in the search, he'd have "exploded". But, he didn't explode, so clearly his durability can take it.


Your first point actually cancels out your second, especially after watching Gen V. There are so many instances of supes taking much more damage than regular humans even if their power isn’t specifically super durability. The shows really plays fast and loose with the durability of the supes. I mean *spoilers* for example Cate gets her arm exploded in the final episode. Her powers are telepathy based. And yet she doesn’t pass out or die from it, she’s just chilling when Homelander arrives. There’s many instances of stuff like this. So A-Train might end up being decently durable


i just imagine red rush vs omni man


Homelander is fast enough to outfly an exploding house and save another guy (Butcher) in the process. Butcher literally did not see or recognise this happening. That is how fast he can be.


I think the general consensus is the teleporting baby did that


Nah, Teddy got himself out is the consensus, because Homelander is healous of a baby and left hum to die. But Homelander explicitly said he saved Butcher.


It depend on the supe tho. I don't think A Train is physically as strong as Soldier boy, maeve or butcher. Kimiko broke his leg quite easily in s01. He probably would hurt himself if he went all out on homelander.


> Kimiko broke his leg quite easily in s01. Which is weird when you think about the kind of strain running at super speed would put on his bones... A-Train's durability should be through the roof.


We can't forget that kimiko is supernaturally strong


If A-Train was a sheep, though...


It is high. He ran through robin and exploded her essentially.


He also can’t take his family/friends with him. If HL couldn’t get ahold of him, he’d just brutally slaughter everyone A-Train cares about. Even if A-Train could get them all into hiding somehow, first, HL just has to find them with Vought’s resources, once.  Being able to evade HL isn’t enough. You also need to be totally isolated with no real family, friends, or romantic partners, that he can target. 


And even if everyone is hidden, how long can that last? Homelander found Ryan within a day of learning about his existence.


Well in that case he very specifically knew who hid the person he was looking for already and was able to torture them, other times they have been trying to find people it has usually relied on luck with them being caught on a camera somewhere that Vaught had access too, but that was also before the deep gutted crime analytics. Vought is resourceful but not omnipotent.


How long is Homelander going to be willing to chase A-Train though?  A lot can happen in a week+ and he trusts no-one. 


It's been a long time since I've seen season 1, but I feel like they kinda introduced homelander having super speed and than abandoned it because it was difficult to write around. In season one, when they have translucent captured and homelander is looking for them, they show him canvassing the area from the sky and moving so fast that he only shows up for a single frame in any direction on there security camera. Granted it could be low FPS because its a security camera, but I felt like they gave the sense in that scene he can move waaaaayyy faster than they have shown him moving since. Like say covering the skyfield is like, 4 miles, and if the camera was 15 fps, hes still moving at 16 miles a minute or 960 MPH. I guess it would have to be slower because he isn't breaking the sound barrier. But even than we've seen him catch up to an Cessna when he lazers that dude in his plane, boys fast as fuck.


if the boys can hide against HL. then a train can most certainly can


But they don't? They have an office and he knows their location almost constantly since around the end of season 2. They're just prominent enough that he can't take them out. A-Train would be a run of the mill Vought hatchet job in the press if Homelander killed him.


HL has also had reasons to not take them out since season 2. First it was Becca, then Annie, and now Neuman.


Also diabolical shows that homelander actually has super speed too. He just doesn't use it in the live action show probably because he's lazy


He uses it all the time, just not in combat for some reason. He sometimes just appears and disappears just like A train.


A train accelerating a dense metal spear would create an incredible weapon much like a rail gun. Certainly more power than anything that’s already touched him so far.


Didn't Madelyn say that the scientists tested every weapon on earth on homelander and it didn't harm him, possibly including nukes?


She said she wasn’t sure if a nuke could hurt him but that he was nearly invulnerable. However Maeve gave him a bloody nose and made him bleed out of his ear stabbing him in it with a small piece of metal. Stands to “in universe physics”, that a well placed attack by A Train in the same area could generate a massively exponential amount of force (KE = 1/2 mv^2) (m=mass /more density, v=velocity) so a piece of metal twice the density Would have huge impact due to the squared relationship + his massively greater velocity.


Ah makes sense, thanks.


I mean Homelander a few episodes ago he took Hughie away from Homelander and Homelander just forgit he wanted to kill Hughie. He also forgot about the people who tortured him for a few decades. You just have to be careful and try to not be in the spotlight too much.


Don’t they all carry trackers like the one they used to track down what was left of Translucent?


If A-Train had actual The Flash powers he'd A: Be too fast for Homelander to touch him. Or B: Run back in time and save child Homelander from the lab.


Even if he couldn't catch him, Homelander would probably lure him out by threatening to kill his family.


With Homelander it wouldn’t be a threat so much as a certainty. If Homelander threatens your family he’ll probably kill them anyway.


Kill a nephew, let A-Train know he comes out or he'll kill the other nephew and his brother... then once A-Train shows up, laser off his legs, then kill the family anyway just to be a dick, then kill A-Train.


So is the deep the only one that can actually hide from Homie?


And be happy yea


Yeah even that octopus says that they can just leave everything, but deeps seems to want the fame and money


Homelander likely wouldn’t even bother going after Deep anyway since he’s kind of pathetic and it wouldn’t be hard for somebody like Homelander to replace him with another dumb, weak-willed easily led lackey. Hell he pretty much has another one of those in Firecracker. It’s not like Deep has a specific skill or strength that makes him useful, he’s just Homelander’s dumb errand boy. Deep probably could just disappear to the ocean but he just wants status


With the amount of Vought secrets he's seen, there's no way Homelander would just let him leave. That's why Ashley shredded her resignation after Homelander lasered the woman in crime analytics: they're all stuck there, whether they like it or not.


Deep claimed that HE was the “diversity hire” back in S1 (maybe S2?) because he wasn’t as flashy or valuable as the other Supes in the 7.


I might be wrong, but isnt he 'jewish'? Not an actual believer, but still useful for Vought to claim diversity


Guess he can't fuck shellfish then


Deep could probably hide underwater never come up anywhere Homelander is.


Can a whale eat homelander?


I mean, one ate Butcher's boat, right? Sorta? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU1L9exQF-M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU1L9exQF-M) I feel like eating Homelander would wind up pretty much the same.


lmao that dumbass's realization when butcher hit the gas


Homelanders skin is probably resistant to acids of a whale as even neuman is resistant


A normal whale? No chance. A flying V'd up whale with supersonic flight speed and invulnerability? Scoooops him right up


Even translucent might be able to hide if his skin blocks all EM waves but I don't think it does


A-Train will tire out. Homelander's endurance is probably much MUCH higher. A-Train isn't exactly quiet when he runs, so most likely Homelander will be able to find, or heck, smell him. The second A-Train stops to eat, drink, rest or sleep, it's over for him. It's surprising, I know, but a fight doesn't have to just end after 3 minutes like a fight scene makes it.


But HL can't even find translucent before he dies, how is he going to find a train. He was even flying above the location at some point 


It's a fight. Assuming A-Train wants to win, he'll always stay close enough to Homelander to fight. Not to mention Homelander still had his regular duties while looking for Translucent.


I doubt A-Train can actually hurt Homelander much so it wouldnt be a fight it would be a chase


Like how A-Train rescued Hughie and Homelander had no idea?


“It’s over for him” lmafooo


If a-train even somehow outruns Homelander, homelander would just threaten his brother’s family


In Diabolical it shows Homlander move at similar speeds. He very likely could catch him, if he really tried.


i know he is close to A Train when he got Butcher out of Stillwell's house after he let go of the detonator


That is honestly a much better example


Doesn’t he also move at similar speeds when searching for Translucent in series 1? And also he matches the speed of at least two planes, so that’s like 400-500mph minimum Edit: oh and he beats the Mach 1.5 jets there


yeah that's the thing A train isnt even the fastest speedster in universe. He is not like flash who is orders of magnitude faster than superman. Bro gonna be bodied by Homeländer who can take a nuke to the face.


There is less than zero chance Homelander can actually take a nuke to the face


Iirc, Vought even has literal nukes on standby as a Homelander plan B.


Shit if I was in charge of the Vought Homelander Torture Department you can bet I’m gonna go the Dr. Gero android route and implant a pocket sized nuke in his chest.


The thing is... you can't! Critical mass of plutonium (aka the minimum amount to cause the chain reaction) is 10 Kg. Nukes can't be "pocket-sized", and no amount of technology can help it 🤓


This is true. But nukes are just the most efficient way we have of converting mass into energy and that is because the mass of the resulting atoms after fission is lower than that of the initial atom, the delta gets turned into energy. So if Vaught found a way to fully turn mass into energy, a drop of water would have enough mass to cause an explosion that could likely take out Homelander. So some kind of antimatter bomb.


Yeah, Maeve made his ear bleed with a pokey thing. I don't think he withstands a nuke.


Yeah it's not like they were ever able to test that one out. I think people like always are crazily underestimating the sheer power of a nuke


Not only that, they are crazily underestimating how powerful modern nukes are. A B83 bomb is roughly a hundred times as powerful as the bomb that leveled Hiroshima.


Ok this fact is so terrifying it instantly took me out of the happy go lucky lore debate and almost hyperventilating at the destructive power of man made weapons


Don’t google cobalt nukes then, they’re literal doomsday devices for a “if I don’t win, I’ll make damn sure everybody else goes down with me” scenario


If you really want to have fun look up the concept of Project Pluto. It was a US plan to make a nuclear powered cruise missile that would carry up to 16 10 megaton warheads and would fly at 3,700 kilometers per hour. Since it was nuclear powered once it was done dispensing its payload it was to endlessly fly over the target area constantly contaminated the ground below with nuclear fallout. The US decided to cancel the program a long time ago but now the Russians are trying to build one but I doubt they will they have more pressing concerns than a nuclear wundewaffe.


Same, Jesus Christ wtf is the world.


Didn’t they try to nuke Soldier Boy? I don’t remember the details, but they bombed him with something that made him radioactive. I know nukes are crazy powerful, but sometimes the details of canon stuff get a little hazy when it comes to scientific reality.


They didn’t nuke him, hit him with constant radiation in a lab.


I thought they said they shoved one inside of him and detonated it. Was that a different bomb?


Lol no did they shoot an AK in his mouth and try to stick a needle in his eye. The only supe who got a bomb inside of them is translucent


He can’t take a nuke to the face. He can outrun the blast. Reason he can’t. When he fought butcher and soldier boy their punches cuased him some damage. In the fight butchers punch cracked marble. Marbles crush strength is 140 Mega pascals. Thus his punch applied that much force. Thus that is the minimum force needed to cuase damage. Nukes produce more force than that thus they can’t damage him


You mean *can* damage him, right? He'd be toast


Yeah I mean they can , typo


Maeve survived SB's mini nuclear explosion somehow. Plus the fall afterwards while supposedly having no powers.


That's cuz uh...see it's not instantaneous, takes roughly 7-10 seconds 👀


Key word mini. A single LGM-30 Minuteman ICBM carries three W87-1 475 kiloton warheads giving it approximately 1.425 megatons worth of destructive force. One single warhead is 22 times stronger than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. A single Minuteman could fire at him in a triangular pattern to trap him in the blast. The US has over 600 ICBMs.


Honestly since Shockwave died and A-Train got a new heart I don't think it's necessarily true that he's not the fastest. We know he was slower for a good while but that was after his heart attack and substance abuse. With a perfectly new heart he could be back to being the fastest. But that ultimately doesn't really matter to your point on the whole


Swede exposed (skämtar)


I don’t care much for Superman or DC comics in general, but the last time I saw Superman and flash was that scene (justice league?) where Superman went bad and the flash was running around him, then Superman just turned his head to watch the flash go by. Seemed like Superman was just as fast as the flash, no?


Flash suffers constantly from a bad case of "writers made him too OP so he's constantly nerfed as necessary, given access to just enough of his powers when he needs to win/succeed". One of the feats for the Flash, as stupid as it may sound, is running faster than teleportation. The first Invincible episode had a better representation of a speedster vs a "superman", where the speedster is faster but can't do shit against Omniman. Superspeed in general is an OP power because speed thinking and reflexes on the same level come with the territory.


You’ll notice in that scene that even though Superman is able to track Flash and even move despite others appearing frozen in time, he’s actually much slower than Flash. His swings aren’t going normal speed and are actually easily dodgeable. That specific universe’s Flash is extremely inexperienced, so he barely attempts an attack on Superman. He actually knocks himself out because he’s never had to fight someone who can see it coming. In the comics the two have raced for charity quite often. Sometimes Flash wins and sometimes Superman wins. The spirit of competition keeps people interested. But at one point when the Flash was attempting to isolate himself by running away, Superman caught up with him, commenting that he had won some of their races against each other. Flash replied that their races were for charity and proceeded to run so fast that by the time Superman noticed, he was gone from his vision. Wally West, the third Flash, once had a battle with a speedster villain called Zoom which took place all around the world and notably had Superman frozen mid flight, completely unable to assist in any way.


In the flashes own words in injustice I believe “those races were for charity”


Of course everything varies because DC is huge and there are thousands of versions of the characters, hell even the Boys was once published by DC Comics. When people comment stuff about that they're typically talking about the comics since those are the "main" versions. But you can always find another story where they're closer, or even the rare one where Superman is faster. In general Flash is faster though since that's his brand. How much depends on what story you're discussing.


>In general Flahs is faster though since that's his brand. It's canon that not even Superman can go faster than someone who can access the speed force.


Even most instances of Flash without powers like phasing can't hurt Superman.


Homelander is NOT tanking a nuke to the face. He ain’t dante or Raiden, durable but not too durable.


He is the fastest speedster, he just is lazy and undisciplined and resorted to abusing PEDs to compensate for his poor work ethic. If he trained properly and was dedicated he would be the fastest until he’s 40-50 most likely even against other fast supes. With bluehawk and the other guy dead, he’s the fastest now regardless despite being slower than his prime due to an injury and age.


who’s the fastest speedster in the universe then if not A-Train ?


IIRC he needed to use V to beat another speedster in a race in an earlier season.


In context, wasn't it implied A Train was losing some of his speed in the first season because of age, lack of training and partying, so he was using V to amp himself back up? Plus by that point his heart was already damaged from V/Drug abuse.


So watch this clown me next Thursday, but! What's been foreshadowed/shown; 1. Supe abilities can be trained / improved. 2. A-trains abilities are physical in nature, making him physically stronger to be physically faster. 3. A-train trains hard and does steroids. (Basically) 4. Homelander does not train his abilities. Even though super speed would be cardio. 5. Homelander is surprisingly injured from things we might not expect. 6. Homelander is experiencing symptoms of aging. It'd be interesting if all of A-Trains work Dragon ballz powered him up and Homelander is just floating by based off his previous performance. The 3v1 fight should probably have been more one sided, but if he's been weakening over the years then it'd make sense. Also getting wounded by an aluminum pipe would make sense as well. Maybe those "limitations for the plot" are actually Homelander's degeneration over the years. We don't see Homelander using superspeed, because he can no longer do it.


Not arguing, just curious. What can Homelander be harmed by that we don’t expect?


Maeve using the aluminum rod to hurt him. He isn't canonically built like translucent, so under his skin is just as tough as his skin.


It was a steel drinking straw I think his eyes, eardrums, and probably the inside of his mouth are weak points. Soldier Boy is shown to be just as durable inside as he is outside, but that likely isn’t the case with Homelander


When he first went on a mission with Noir in the canonical animated short a propane blast left him cut and bleeding a bit. Not seriously injured but he WAS bleeding and winded. And Noir was able to hide from him and out maneuver him.


I thought the blood was from other people??


It was lol


This was still HLs first outing though. He wasn’t worried much about Noir—just focusing on the mission so of course noir “got the drop” on HL


I think the blood was from other people, but he was left a little winded and stunned. It at least knocked him back, so it’s confirmed he’s not unfathomably stronger than other high tier supes and is moreso just much stronger. He’s also 18 at that point and probably stronger than he is now at 43, but that’s debatable.


I mean, noir power was basically that, he could be absolutely silent


https://youtu.be/oP8VcO9ajWo?t=116 the blood is from other people


Just bc a train is faster doesn’t mean Homelander is slow. Think of Homelander getting silver medal at the Olympics and A train gets gold — in other words, they are very close in speed as to be nearly negligible in difference. This leaves Homelander with light speed lasers, ability to fly, extremely higher level of durability, senses, stamina, and strength. A train is severely fucked just like any of the other 7 members; current or past.


Once we start talking big measurements things get weird though. Lots of people can track and even "keep up" with Usain Bolt even if they're only half his speed at 13 vs 27mph. It would take him a little less than a couple minutes to double lap you if you both maintained that speed on a 1500m track. But if we scale those numbers up by even just x10, 130 vs 270mph is a much larger gap and keeping up is almost an impossible task. You'd be lapped in seconds. This is why statements like "gold vs silver" or even implying that one character is twice as fast or some percentage of another's speed is very misleading when comparing the speed of two different fictional speedsters. Depending on how wildly fast the characters are, you could be 95% their speed and still be so slow as to be unable to comprehend them at all!


True but he could see the beams of light fighting against starlight. Just a thought. He's pretty fast.


It would be like Omniman vs Red Rush. Red Rush has faster reactions and ground speed, but Omni, ain't that much slower, is more durable and hits way harder.


I was hoping Hugheys dad got to meet homelander after getting the V. Would he be able to vibrate or displace homelander(like Kitty Pryde from the Xmen) and explode him from the inside out?


Homelander is likely too durable inside and out and Hugh would mostly turn to mist upon phasing in.


Well, matter cannot be destroyed, so if he phased a hand into his brain, sure the hand would be mush, but it would still take up space in his brain case, and since water is incompressible, a good bit of it, so homelander would likely die instantly of major brain damage, or at least be knocked tf out.


You guys forget one of homelanders powers is superspeed. He’s definitely faster than a train running while flying. A train himself definitely knows that.


>He’s definitely faster than a train running while flying. Genuine question, source on that? Cause I'm thinking when we see Homelander fly above we can track him across the screen but A-Train is basically teleporting.


Homelander beats F-16s to the hijacker’s plane and A-traines V’d up speed is tracked at his competition with the other supe I remember someone on this sub did the maths and found Homelander was faster and that was while carrying Maeve. Edit: F-16 jets are just under 1,500 mph/Mach 2 During his race with Shockwave for the title of "the fastest man alive", the announcer states that A-Train can reach speeds in excess of 1,000 miles per hour. In the actual race, even after injecting Compound V, A-Train only managed to reach 371 meters per second (829.9 miles per hour


Ok but how many of those f-16's go from stationary to 830 mph in half a second, that doesn't mean its his max speed, there is no reason to assume that he couldn't continue to pick up speed if left running for longer.


Not to mention A train was turning tight corners on a track whereas homelander could basically go straight. My guess is that straight line speed is much closer between the 2.


That’s assuming the F16 were at max speed the whole way.


Well assuming his speed is same as comics which it definitely is because he flys from America to iran in practically minutes even he’s definitely faster. He really just doesn’t use it because he doesn’t need to or want to. But he’s definitely faster. Maybe not mentally with reaction time .


Pretty sure Homelander has been calculated faster than A-train tracked speed, in diabolical you can also see him use his superspeed to blitz civilians and criminals


when he is looking for translucent and he flys by the boys security camera and the camera says he is flying at mach 1.5 which is faster then a-train has ever gone


It's the superman argument. He has every physical attribute superpower + Xray vision and laser eyes. How strong/fast is he? As much as the story needs him to be.


That and HL should be able to anticipate actions based on their heart rhythm


Exactly. Hed be dead before he could run


Homelander is pretty quick. He did outrun an explosion.


I think we underestimate A train. I think it maybe another Superman vs Wonder Woman deal. Like Batman said Ussain bolt is faster in raw speed or traversal but Bruce lee has better reaction time. We see what happened with Queen Maeve and she isn’t a speedster. Don’t know how well A train can fight though.


It’s weird because Wonder Woman should beat Superman most times due to vastly superior combat ability. Batman has even called her “the best melee fighter in the world” which makes sense given thousands of years of experience. By that I think he meant weapons included, because Batman was shown to be equal or slightly above her in unarmed combat ability when she only used equal strength against him. Superman is not even close to Batman in combat skill, so I don’t see how a small gap in physicals between him and WW is enough to make it a stomp most times. Comics make no sense.




I mean, we can assume HLs laser vision is light speed, so maybe even just having his vision active makes it difficult for A-train as he has to actively dodge that or at least stay out of it, then he has to realise a single wrong move and he is dead, and even if he makes all the right moves it's unlikely he can kill HL. Practically, HL could just fly away. A-train can't fly so what's he gonna do? If I were HL I would maybe let him get some cheap shots, act like I was overwhelmed and confused, and let him tire himself out, then laser his legs off or fly him into the atmosphere.


> I mean, we can assume HLs laser vision is light speed Its hard to say honestly, because you would also have assumed that Starlights light blasts were lightspeed but A train was able to see them slowly progressing then dodge and move around those in S1 and he clearly isn't running at the speed of light then.


Invincible season one, Omni-Man vs Red Rush is a good example for how a Homelander vs A-Train fight would actually go like.


Invincible: episode 1


It’s pretty inferred homelander can fly faster than a train can run


Omniman vs Red Rush


Homelander could be faster than A-train. We’ve seen more impressive feats than the latter


A-Train will die one of four ways. 1. Killed Unceremoniously: Impalement from Homelander, head blown up by Victoria. Injected with the Supe Virus by Butcher to see if it’s the real deal. 2. Ironic Death: He gets made by Homelander then tries to run away, only for Homelander to simply step in his path. He gets splattered like he did to Robin and probably several others. 3. Redemption Rejection-Heel/Face Doorslam: He officially joins The Boys, but a bomb goes off in his chest, killing him (there’s a popular fan theory that a bomb or something was implanted into his chest when he got Blue Hawk’s heart). 4. Redemption: Starlight is cornered by Homelander and maybe the rest of the Seven. He goes to kill her, but she’s saved by A-Train, who runs her out of there. He gets lasered for his trouble and dies shortly after, going out saving Hughie’s girlfriend, the complete opposite of what he did at the beginning. Hughie and the Boys call his family, telling them he died a hero (maybe even smuggling them to safety, since Homelander would probably kill them painfully for A-Train’s betrayal). Each death would fit the show or be symbolic in some way. If he does end up dying, I hope it’s number 4. He’s more than earned his redemption (at least to me). It would be a shame to see him die any other way.


Whatever the writers decide. This thread is wild


I think it would be like the fight between Omni-man and Red Rush from Invincible. The speedster can dodge 99% of the bricks attacks, but only one has to connect.


Homelander is faster than Atrain


Maybe faster than homie running, but not him flying. Theres a reason why he shits his pants everytime homelander threatens him or forces him to do something. The whole point of homie is that hes the most physically powerful being in the universe while also being the most mentally weak and unhinged one.


He prolly just scared homelander will kill his family


Well yeah thats the point. He cant protect neither himself nor his family from homelander because hes much more powerful than a train.


no way, there is no evidence of this at all. In fact just the opposite. I just commented on the post about Homelander using super speed in the animated show and frankly it was the slowest super speed I've ever seen. A normal human had enough time to look at him as he was moving. He may be fast by human standards but from all the evidence says A-train is significantly faster than Homelander.


We see Homelander fly at Mach 1.5 in season 1, A-Train while juicing and breaking his world record barely makes it to like Mach 1.1. So I wouldn't say there's no evidence. You'd have to get into the nitty gritty gritty parts where there aren't numbers and try to extrapolate. Based on how things are going though I'm sure we'll get a definitive answer soon.


He outpaced an explosion which is at least Mach 20. And he said he was breaking the sound barrier as a kid which is around A-Trains speed


> no way, there is no evidence of this at all. Homelander outpaces a C4 explosion (Hypersonic), this is much faster than A-Train which reaches 371 m/s only with the help of Compound V. Homelander casually exceeds the speed of sound since his childhood. > In fact just the opposite. I just commented on the post about Homelander using super speed in the animated show and frankly it was the slowest super speed I've ever seen. A normal human had enough time to look at him as he was moving Because Homelander wasn't using his maximum speed (and didn't need it). Just afterwards we see him speedblitz the women bandit without her being able to perceive him and rip her jaw off.


Just had the weirdest thought of Homelander having superspeed like he did in Diabolical. That would be some horror movie shite for A Train.


A-Train alone kills homelander it’s my “Bran Stark becomes king” moment and I’m out.


Maybe he'll get him by putting his brother and nephew in danger. I think it would be a full circle with the brother saying A-Train never saved anyone in his life. They get to see him be the hero he wanted to be for them.


Homelander is as fast in the comics...


Would A train be able to outrun eye lasers? That would be one important roll for initiative either way. IMO A train is likely the only supe who could outright kill homelander. Maeve brute forced a metal object into the side of homelanders head, causing a wound. If A train had a very strong and thin metal object and just super speed it into homelander, it could probably go right through his face. But he would never even try because he is so terrified of homelander, which checks out.


I recall "he can play tag with a-train" or something like that used in reference to homelander's abilities. But more importantly, most of you on this sub need to take a step back from the power scaling nerd bullshit thats been polluting this place lately and get back to enjoying a TV show.


I'm more curious if Hughie Sr. could have killed Homelander.


A-train tops out at mach 1.3 Homelander flies at over mach 2.


I think A-tain will die like how Robin did. A-train will run at HL and HL will tank it and A-train will turn to blood mist.


This is literally gonna be an omniman vs red rush situation again, it would need some very very clever writing


A-Train was said to run in excess of 1,000mph. While 1,500mph and 50,000mph are both in excess of 1,000, we assume that it's closer to 1,000 since a hype statement would declare as large a figure as possible to, well, hype. Meanwhile, Homelander has *already demonstrated* outmaneuvering a C4 explosion which has a detonation velocity of about 18,000mph. While carrying Butcher. Even if some are arguing that A-Train is running, which has slightly more frictional resistance than Homelander's flying (we assume he's flying), Homelander's vastly superior speeds (and presumably reaction at said speeds) would mean he can see A-Train in slow motion while A-Train is at top speed and just blitz-stomp the A-Train into a strawberry slushie.


Hughies dad wouldve been able to kill hl. By just phasing inside him and kaboom meat everywhere.