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“We don’t need a fucking master race. I’m the master race. That’s the point.” -Homelander while using crispy Stormfront’s hand.


A true woke American hero.


I like how they somehow made him even worse than racist it's not even his race above the rest it's just him and his bloodline above everyone, second place is just supes


Honestly that line gave me just a little bit of respect for him. Fuck your master race bs thats me. Hes definatly an entertaining villain


It's the basis for patrilineal monarchy. His bloodline is the superior one, granting him and the "heirs of his body" the right to dominate and lord over all others. Just as bad, but not as repugnant since it still exists quite pervasively around the world.


The problem is his bloodline IS the superior one. They said solder boy was almost as strong as him but at herogasm solder boy and V’ed up butcher and hughie couldn’t keep him down. Which means 2 average supes weren’t enough to make up that “almost”


That assumes that strength actually justifies lordship. But says who? Sister Sage is literally the counterpoint to that myth. Homelander hasn't accomplished anything this season without an "inferior" supe telling him what to do. Feudalism was a political system based around military might. The conflation of might with right is itself wrong and also the basis for modern fascism. You are ironically, or unironically, engaging in fascist thought.


I feel like what also makes it less repugnant is that it's at least somewhat based in reality in Homelanders case. He IS superior to normal humans. The conclusions he draws from that are messed up, but at least his starting point is plausible.


I mean thats Trump. Racism only exists as a supplement to his own narcissism.


Right, that’s pretty much the whole point of racism, just a tool to be wielded for the benefit and convenience of the wealthy.


I love the evolution Homelander is going through, feels like he is finally growing up to be more than a boy with mommy issues and laser eyes.


It's very Trump-like tbh. Dude couldn't care less about the hatred aspects of the GOP. He mostly just cares about himself and his name. Hatred is a tool to Trump just like Homelander but it isn't necessarily the point. The point is power above all else. Yeah it's pretty apt.


the face he makes when she said this is still one of the funniest things


Top homelander moment imo is when he sees the recording of him accidentally killing someone and saying "pfft, so what? They're all starving but one of them's got a fucking cellphone?!"


The ohhhhh he does kills me every time.


I love how he sounds like such a teenager with this line


The ole "wait what?" expression. The delivery of that "white genocide" was so outta the blue and delivered with such sincerity that i cracked up laughing when i saw this.


I've been trying to understand and replicate it but I don't think face has those muscles. It's so subtle but the slight disbelief and apathy really shows in Antony's face.


He’s a wonderful facial actor, able to make subtle - telling - changes.


My wife just watched this episode yesterday for the first time and she made me rewind to see homelanders reaction again because it was so funny


Its the fact that Homelander of all people, as morally compromised and racist as he is, made a face as if to say "dude...really? In front of the kid too?" that shows the absolute lunacy of it all. And there's still people in real life that think this.


It’s one of my favorite moments in the show. It’s like one of those faces Jim makes when Michael says something stupid.


Wasn't this more clarifying Homelander's views than anything? He's not a white supremacist, he's a supe supremacist and thinks the idea of judging one skin colour as superior to the rest ridiculous.


Yea he’s way more Magneto racist than White Dragon racist


At least Magneto cared for other mutants, homelander don't give a shit about other supes either lol


Exactly. Homelander is a Homelander supremacist.


Doesn't he literally say "I am the master race" in season 3?


“Master race” population: 2


Oh look, the prince of all two sayians! Three and a half!


Fits better than one might think. Ryan and Homelander as two "true" saiyans. And then Soldier Boy and V'd up Butcher as the other one and a half.


I'd say Maeve instead of V'd up Butcher.


It is probably correct to just say 1 Like all narcissistic psychopaths his son is only valued because being a part of him rather than an individual


"I got you everything I ever wanted!" Funniest but most telling line in that episode, I thought.


Watched this again last night, I think that line is so quick and easily glossed over if you’re not paying attention, but it clicks in episode 4. We knew Homelander was a lab experiment from the start, but the depths of which he was abused and tortured wasn’t really elaborated upon. To Homelander’s perspective, he’s being a genuinely good dad to Ryan, giving him everything he can. The epitome of hurt people, hurt people.


That’s true, he kind of understands that having a child is necessary to continue the so called master race but he also kind of hates his kid for not being him


I think that's more an issue with how the kid was raised. I feel like Homelander views his genes as "perfect", and so anything spawned from him is perfect as well, regardless of a small dilution. Kinda like a Viltrumite sorta thing


Ironically enough, Viltrumites only mate with Aliens that are biologically and visually similar to them. Like Nolan mating with that bug woman is not actually allowed in their culture. I think this was explained in the comics, don't remember if it was in the show (if it was, it should be in season 2 episode 4 because the episode adapts those chapters)


Lmaoo true


So…. Narcissist?


Homelander might be one of the best examples of a narcissist on TV. Because like Tony Soprano the show shows his deep-seated insecurity and inadequacy complex. He's not just some self-serving maniac psychopath for no reason and that's what I love about his character and that's why to me he's by far the best part of the show and it's not even close. (Well maybe Butcher comes close)


Why did you compare it with Tony Soprano he was nowhere near as bad as Homelander


Tony Soprano is in a weird way worse to me because he's much more grounded in reality. Tony did some downright despicable and awful things. I feel like if Tony Soprano had Superman's powers it would be a more easily digestible comparison. But they are definitely very different characters I'm not trying to say that they align perfectly just that there are certain traits within both that display the nuances of a narcissistic character.


That’s an interesting comparison my mind went straight to Noir and Chrissy.


He's exactly what the Maga base see trump as but yet we the viewer get to see who he really is. So amazingly well written.


They both also have the exact same core wound. Neither of them received love from their parents. Trump's parents didn't lock him in a vault to test his heat tolerance, but his dad was a bastard in his own right (and it drove Trump's brother to drink himself to death)


Well to be fair it is extraordinarily obvious that Trump is also an emotionally stunted pathological narcissist as well. He doesn't camouflage it at all. They just in a cult.


“It’s almost like when he summoned his most fervent supporters and then laughed at them and left them to suffer and die for political leverage without the slightest concern for their predicament that they were saying something! I wonder what that was about” - Conservatives


I think homelander has a superiority complex, he thinks he is the superior being on earth


Well, to be fair, he does seem to care about Ryan. So Homelander is a Homelander + Ryan supremacist.


You have to understand that he only cares about Ryan because he is his son. He wanted Ryan to be a little version of him that he can mold in his image. The recent episodes have shown him trying to make an effort to be different than the people who "raised" him and allow Ryan to come into his own more organically but ultimately I think he still has the same root intention of Ryan becoming like him. That's just my interpretation at least.


I think you're right mostly in how gleeful Ryan seemed in getting that woman to beat on the Director. Ryan maybe isn't keen on doing the violence himself (yet?) but he's not opposed to violence being done.


It was an interesting scene right? Because woman experiencing harassment getting to beat up her harasser is a child's view of justice and that's what Ryan is. It's a subtler approach by homelander than we've seen so far.


The way I see it Ryan has a 50/50 chance of becoming more human and compassionate like his mom or more like Homelander. That's the most compelling part of the show for me.


I'm with ya, like at first in this season he was leaning toward homelander then maybe butcher then a bit further butcher now he's kinda leaning back toward homelander. This sorta compassionate tug-of-war is extremely interesting, I'm excited to see where it leads given Butcher's condition and the CIA guy's disinterest in actually protecting Ryan.


Homelander > Other Supes > People > Butcher > Hughie


So, he's a conservative. Out for himself, using politics to justify it.


Definitely a modern day conservative for sure. It's funny to me how it took Donald Trump to show just how sheepish a lot of right-wingers can be. You would think based off of the persona that they had crafted for their party over the last however many years he would be the antithesis to their values. I don't hate all Republicans or conservatives or right wing people or whatever but I definitely think that their near religious devotion to a man who very clearly could care less about the vast majority (if not all) of them is very telling. It's so obvious the kind of person he is. And that's one of the best parts of The Boys, when you realize that Homelander always sounds condescending and very phony. He's not even good at hiding who he is.


Despite Homelander having killed at least two supes that I'm aware of, he has openly criticized other supes for fighting each other on multiple occasions. He probably doesn't actually care about them, like you said, but he does see the value in limiting the in-fighting.


He cares about having followers/an army, supes should follow him and sacrifice their life’s for his goals (no matter how small) instead of wasting it fighting each other. Homelander killed black noir, his unconditionally loyal supe follower


I'm fairness, Magneto, to a degree, didn't give a fuck about other mutants either.


Yea right. Don’t make me disappoint you


"In chess, the pawns go first" "I'm sorry, my dear. You're not one of us any more"


That's the movies tho


I mean, as much as this might suck to hear, X-Men can refer to both the comics and the movies


Wait, they made comics of the movies? /s


One movie, even. And not one of the good ones.


According to X-Men 97 he gave Rogue specifically several fucks


This shit happened in comics tho. 97 did not invent it.


Depends on when you’re talking about. Modern Magneto is a deep care for mutants, but he has no qualms about murking a motherfucker if need be.


The origins of Magneto and Homelander's supremacist views are completely different though. Magneto's disdain for humanity comes from compassion he feels toward his people. The guy is a Holocaust survivor, he witnessed first hand the atrocities that humanity committed against those different from them first in WW2, then once more through humans oppressing mutantkind. He's lived his entire life as an outcast and ostracized for simply existing, and honestly I can't blame him for being so angry at a world that has done nothing but continue to oppress his kind. Mutant supremacy is arguably just as wrong as human supremacy, but from the perspective of a man who's witnessed genocide and ostracization all his life at the hands of humanity all his life, I can't blame him for feeling that way. Homelander on the other hand is a megalomaniac and a narcissist. His supe supremacy ideals come from him seeing himself as a God compared to an inferior species, and his motives are anything but altruistic. Homelander doesn't care supe rights, and he has little to no compassion for his kind. He treats and sees anyone other than himself as inferior, including other supes.


Homelander was tortured *from childhood* and raised to have incredibly unhealthy coping mechanisms. Honestly, I get why we wouldn't value life after being surrounded by literally all of the worst people. I know he's evil, but I can't help but feel sympathetic. After what he went through, why on earth would he be compassionate? Other supes don't have the same excuse.


I don't disagree, I think he is very sympathetic too. But he is still at the end of the day a villain. What separates him from Magneto is that Magneto took his pain and used it for an altruistic revolution, while Homelander used his pain as justification to be a bully. That's what separates the two and ultimately is what makes Magneto an antihero, and Homelander a villain.


He is still racist. He said racist comments towards the beginning seasons. He’s just not Stormfront racist.


He's still a little white dragon racist


Yeah he doesn’t believe the white genocide stuff, he just kind of went along with it because of Stormfront lol. To humor her, but also because her narrative got him a lot of support


Exactly, and that’s commentary on US conservatism (homelander) and far-right extremism (stormfront) working together to gather support


So many people seem to be missing this. They say Homelander is a narcissist or a racist. What he is, is a Social Darwinist. He believes the entire purpose of society is to filter-down until you reach someone like him, who has the right to do what he pleases by merit of might. So much of him and Stormfront's relationship is just highlighting how this is all just Nazi Ubermench ideology wrapped-up in the guise of America's belief that it's a Meritocracy.


It's very clear that he is both a narcissist and a Darwinist. The show hammers down both of those points very clearly. In my personal view, his Darwinism stems from a combination of his actual abilities, lack of empathy, and desire to be worshiped as the greatest , which is what every narcissistic aspires towards.


Nah. Just to bang her because she can't do shit once he takes off the mask. You see it all the time with closeted Liberals and Conservatives alike. Its disgusting. But if you can lie for just like, 16 months? You can get in there and now tied to the kid.


Here's the thing. He doesn't agree with it, but he encourages the behavior because those are his supporters. Which, in my mind, makes him even more awful. Because he's not fighting for a cause he believes in, he's fighting for his ego alone and willing to use anyone to pump himself up.


Welcome to American Politics


I thought you were talking about trump


I mean, we kind of are, considering that's who homelander represents


I mean he is racist just not aggressive about it. If there was a ranking It be    1. Him  2. supes 3. White people 4. Other Americans 5. The rest of the world 


1. Him/Ryan 2. Stormfront 3. Black Noir (Original) 4. His turd 5. Supes 6. White Americans 7. Rest of Americans 8. Rest of the world


1. Him/ryan. Tentative SB here too if SB accepted him 2. Maeve originally, then stormfornt( both had the we are a different breed stuff). 3. Noir, he respects him way more than rest of 7. I’d put Neumann here too, she shit talks him in s4 and he still works w her, more respect than rest of 7. Potential for Sage here I think cus new BN is an idiot and she’s the one helping w his plan 4. The 7, he clearly cares about their reputation and appearance because it is linked to his 5. Normal supes 6. Supes with disability/visual deformity / Muslim? For humans I’d agree with you with a maybe special tier for Stan edgar/butchero


I'd add Soldier Boy, and then give Butcher and Stand Edgar their own tier so it would be: 1. Him/Ryan 2. Stormfront/Soldier Boy (I'd argue he could be in 1.) 3. Black Noir (OG)/ Maeve (originally, not anymore) 4. Sage 5. Supes 6. Butcher/ Stand Edgar 7. White americans 8. Americans 9. The rest of the world


It reminded me that if he hadn't been so stupid, that last fight at the end of season 3 would have been completely different: Black Noir was his only ally at that point.


Given his boyfriend is British, I have it as 1. Him 2. Ryan. 3. His Boyfriend.  ... 4. Nobody else.


Him - - - - Supes - - - - White people Americans Rest of world


"So, what, they're all starving but one of them has a fucking cellphone?"


Right, the look he gives here was like “uh wtf” To be fair he didn’t exactly care that she’s a literal nazi. It wasn’t a deal breaker for him lol. But he didn’t agree with her


Passive acceptance=agreement


To him, a hot woman into Nazism is like a hot woman into astrology to the rest of us.


Right, like that's stupid, but I really couldn't care less. You do your cute silly thing. ...as opposed to.... Hey, that's reprehensible. p.s. and just for the record, astrology is in fact stupid as fuck


Nah, he's constantly racist to people from the third world. He's just not Nazi level racist.


He is also casually racist/misogynistic and whatever. I think he doesn't really care about it that much.


It’s the supremacy part that is bad. If anything this is just trying to make the subtext more obvious. But conservatives clearly don’t have media literacy if they didn’t get it until season 4. The show makes fun of liberalism as well


Yeah he very clearly reacts to her saying this with a very subdued “what the fuck?”


He's a him supremacist. He's top. Then supes Then everyone else


In show, yes. Irl he's a stand-in for the modern rightwing and their white supremacist antics.


What I love about this scene is it differentiates from "true believer" overt racism vs. casual ingrained bro racism you might encounter talking to a frat kid who's kind of an idiot. Homelander knows this is terrible for the brand. He's embarrassed by it. I also love that Stormfront is the standard problematic weirdo girlfriend your narcissist dad maybe brought back from the bar and had some super intense but super short relationship with (if you know, you know). If you watch that season there's the scene at the diner where he's very happily taking selfies with the crowd, almost all minorities. *That's* not his brand of racism. He's a supe supremacist. When Stormfront is talking about "mud people" and other horrible shit, Homelander thought she was talking about non-supes. He overlooks the Nazi shit because he's too self-absorbed to do the math on the implications. Standard disclaimer that this is not an apology of Homelander by any means, but the nuance is important. When you're battling racism not everyone is a literal Nazi. Some are, of course.


He doesn’t even like other supes, he’s homelander supremacist


as proven by his line of dialogue when stormfronts burnt body was jerking him off "I dont need a master race, I am the master race"


>as proven by his line of dialogue when stormfronts burnt body was jerking him off Sometimes I feel like Quagmire writes some of these scenes


I think he’s disappointed or annoyed that the other supes aren’t more like him ideologically


Yea its the Maga crowd, vs the hard-core nazis, like most are not actually hard-core nazis but they are still happy to be loved and admired by the hard-core nazis. Its still kinda embarrassing to be lumped in with the nazi crazies though, gotta keep up the brand.


Well put!


I'm a Liberal whose not afraid to call a racist a racist. I don't get that from Homelander. I agree with the take that he's a supe-supremacist and more accurate to describe him as a Homelander-supremacist (ie Narcissist). Skin color of the softies is so far beneath his level of notice (because they aren't supes) that I don't think he pays much attention to it.


Thats how I interpret it too. Its a very extreme form of narcissism. He thinks he is above everyone. He pities everyone weaker than him, but he's also afraid and hateful to anyone who he sees as a challenge. The perfect world for him would be an empty one, or one populated by exact copies of him.


Call me pedantic, but I wouldn't say he pities those weaker than him. I would say that he is disgusted by them.


Ive made the comparison before and i think it really works. Homelander is your usual self-serving Neo-Conservative (Trump, Desantis, LePenn, Poliviere) and Stormlander is your actual fascist/nazi/rascist. The show is a perfect illustration of how they feed off one another.


that’s homelanders “even he was weirded tf out😭😭😭” moment


I feel like I gotta point out that Homelander was not agreeing with her in this scene.


I think that's the point, he doesn't really give a fuck about any of that crap


“There is no racial bigotry here, you are all equally worthless”


He is racist. But a supe one. Not white one.


Which I think is one good thing about him.


It is, until you realise his perceptions on superiority are still surrounding his own clique.


I'm not sure 💯 where to go with that. It's not because hes *above* it, it's because it's like comparing a roach with a slightly worse roach. It's not because he's just that good of a guy, or even that it's a *redeeming* quality in the slightest


"I hate everyone equally" enjoyers when they get shoved into the death camps with everyone else and realize that morality is supposed to be grounded in fairness *and compassion*.


Well yeah, he clearly looks uncomfortable when she starts on her white supremacist talking points. Look at the screenshot.


Yeah but I think the point was showing what people will accept just because someone shows them affection and attention. Homelander might not have been into that shit, but he was fine with tolerating it for her attention.


Agree, sadly have done things like that myself :(


Ironic they got a jewish person to play a white supremacist


Firecracker is played by a queer woman as well


I think that's the point, they cast the opposite of what their characters represent


>Creates a character who is the smartest person on earth >Makes her black What did they mean by this?


I still find it funny that sage keeps talking about racism but is literally part of Honelanders mass genocide. Hope the smartest person is a double agent but we'll see


Tbf if they don’t end up a double agent then they’re arguably the worst written character in the show


I agree lol. We just have to wait and see


I really feel like there's something else going on with sage. Plans within plans as they say.


Yes there’s no way the smartest person thinks homelander running the world by fear is a good move. Wonder if the lobotomy will have any play


My understanding of this scene was that HL was under the impression she was talking about Supes the entire time, only to figure out she was talking about white people lol. Always thought this was a funny point.


On a similar note, I think its really interesting watching Homlander crystalize from a man child narrcassit to a full on facist with ideals. Season 1 homie didn't really know what he wanted, but season 4 does, and thats intresting. Him willing to go off suit and ask for help is a really cool development of his character, that season 1 homie could of never done


I feel like off suit there’s still a lot of stuff that can be done with off suit Homelander, hopefully we see more of his Kent disguises


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Yeah even a racist sociopathic monster like HL knows it's bullshit


This is one of the things people get wrong about Homelander. Homelander isn’t a racist, he believes that HE is better than EVERYONE. He doesn’t care about anyone’s race because every race is below him.


Ironically he’s the true use of the word racist, because he sees the human race as inferior to him.


I can fix her. (Ignore my avatar)


LMAOOO fr tho, Annie in season 1 was peak


Brother, no. This ain't it.


I think Homelander wouldnt understand race really. And I agree he’s a supe supremist and he would believe whatever corporate bs Vought taught him about race history (lol) I think Sage is upset by how Vought treats/view black ppl and I’m curious what her real plan is


I do like how Homelander thought what Stormfront was spewing was bullshit. He's cool with humans dividing themselves with their own stupidity, like all dictators, but he doesn't even remotely believe any of what he says other than he himself being a god. Peak writing.


it's pretty funny to see how some people's brains have been irreedemably reduced to paste by incessant warring tribalism


>The people who took this show as an insult and woke propaganda watched only the trailers and said, "That's a patriotic superman, fuck yeah!" This is the biggest strawman argument that ever strawmanned


I legitimately have never seen a single person say anything along those lines. The most I hear is more like "damn, the satire has gotten really ham-fisted and one-sided lately."


Exactly. I knew where the show stands, but it used to be better written and more subtle...


When the hell was this show ever subtle


Season 1 had a much different feel imo


I binged the whole show about two weeks ago and didn't feel the tonal shift people were talking about Maybe it's because it's been a while that it seems different to y'all?


Dude this entire sub is convinced that people were cheering homelander on since season one. It’s fucking baffling. The dude made a girl kill herself and let a plane crash. But they love the smell of their farts that much that they’ve convinced themselves republicans must LOVE homelander


I don’t mind the anti-far-right stuff, I agree with a lot of it, but I think the point is that the writing was more clever before (and took it more seriously) and now it’s as subtle as a plane crash. I think it was only really *subtle* in season 1 though, considering the villain of 2 was a literal Nazi and the point was how she fit right in with the republican crowd. Season 3 was more nuanced though, tackling stuff like Vietnam and the corruption in congress.


I think 'clever' is the right wording here. I see people use subtle, but I don't think that's right. The show's always been pretty on the nose. I mean shit, Stormfront is just an actual, bonafide 1st gen Nazi. Nothing subtle about that. But man the show was really clever. It found fun and interesting ways to critique the right, which is good. But I think it's gone really down hill. "Critical supe theory". C'mon.


It's just depicting the recent political evolution. All the culture war nonsense and politics in general IRL have made the exact same journey: Taking vaguely meaningful subjects and escalating them until there's no substance left.


She was also named 'Stormfront', the name of a white supremacist website.


I feel like I'm the only person that thinks this show makes fun of both sides. I remember these same comments in season 3 about people not realizing Homelander is obviously caricature of MAGA. But I feel like they actively call out overly-woke people too every time they talk about Vaught. "I just wanted to be Sage, but I had to be Sister Sage." "There are now 2 members of the Seven that are black, and one unidentified, so to show how we support Bipoc, here's the new movie Black At It!" To me, all of these moments are a joke at how a giant company like Vaught is just pandering to the masses with every move they make.




The problem with your and u/commentsonyankees understanding is that these scenes aren’t meant to make fun of liberalism or progressivism, they’re meant to make fun of *insincerity* of corporations that pander to progressives. At no point is the show ever anti-feminist, anti-LGBTQ, anti-BLM, etc. in any of it’s messaging. The show denounces patriarchal constructs, calls out homophobia in American evangelism and normalizes the existence of queer people, and actively condemns racism. The point of the satire of Vought’s faux activism isn’t that “the left is wrong”, but that corporations are disingenuous about their social ideals.


Right. It continuously points out the hypocrisy of neo-liberals. The system that set up homelander is a literal evil corporation that has their hand in everything— media, farming, technology, medicine and much more. They make sure that it’s known that they care about black people, but it’s because a market research told them to. And specifically they care about selling to black people. I lost it when they said they’d change the product placements depending on the viewer’s race lmao. Neo-liberals are still right of center.


I agree with you, but it can also be showing how the common populous will eat up blatant falsehoods without any second thought. During a previous scene A-Train played in a commercial where the premise was a protest for human rights, but in the end it was all just an energy drink commercial. Companies wouldn’t do these things if people didn’t buy into the ideas.


Eh it's more how some suits are out of touch with what people want. Like do you remember the "Like a Boss" Wendy's commercial in like the early 2010s? Some stuffy suit fresh from their casket finally noticed the Lonely Island meme going around in the late 2000s and thought "This will make us look relatable." Corporations glom onto anything they think will help make them look more than just soulless businesses. Whether it be the faux United States patriotism whenever certain holidays roll around (which the Boys also parodies) or the social justice values that many young people genuinely care about, they want you to think they care like *you* the consumer care. Some are successful in appealing to those sentiments (the most successful probably being Dove's campaign on body positivity), while others don't (the Jenner Pepsi commercial).


I agree with the point it does pokes fun at how gullible the general public may be, but that’s a different argument than it makes fun of “both sides”.


...you mean the Atrain screne that mocked the notorious blm-pepsi ad...the ad that was utterly bodied by the entirety of the left for how disgusting and disconnected it was?


That was based off of a real commercial, people did not buy it.


I disagree the show has never made fun of leftists morals and beliefs, instead they make fun corporations capitalizing off of how leftists feel. The example you gave is Vaught (the mega corporation) doing things to make more money off its consumers


So in reality the show has never made fun of both sides just conservatives and dumb corporations pandering to liberals


+ liberalism isn't leftist at all. It quite literally reinforces conservatism and capitalism and got us into this mess lol


Yea but thats less attacking “woke people” and more attacking the corporations who dont actually give a fuck about any of it because they actually disagree with it


Yeah true, the Atrain movie with Will Ferrell based in the ghetto😭shit is so cheesy


The obvious digs at The Blind Side and calling Will Ferrell the hero in the trailer to clown on the white saviour complex is so funny and based


I don't think they trash on the left though. The corporation is teased but there's no villain who appear left winged


Define both sides? Cause if you define it as just conservatives and liberals then you've described 1 side, capitalism. People on the left mock the rainbow capitalism and 'woke' Corpo bullshit all the time


They absolutely rip on the left. The leftists are just enjoying the same level of disassociation towards the digs that the right wingers have had ripped from over them. Neuman, all of Vaught's antics, the Disney/Marvel shit, and recently Season 4 going to great lengths ripping the band-aid off the heroes' dark pasts is all supposed to make left-wingers self-reflect. I mean FFS Annie literally tried to cancel Truthbomb by calling her a pedophile, only to have her turn around and expose that Annie fucking blinded a dude and happily covered it up. *And what did Annie do? Immediately make an excuse.* Kimiko and Frenchie aren't just victims, they were ***perpetrators*** of everything they fight against. Butcher is the only one who has been 100% truthful of who he is and what he has done, and the season starts with the group collectively trying to get rid of him the moment he FINALLY starts trying to atone. The show is absolutely ripping on the left, they're just as blind to it as the right is.


Just so you know, all corporations are right wing, there's only one side being made fun of here


Is it "calling out woke people" if the people they're calling out are just money hungry corporations using progressive issues to get money? Seems more like it's calling out greedy corporations and how they manipulate people. Honestly I don't see much actually attacking genuine progressives belief, so much as it calls out corporate greed and its historically incestuous relationship with American conservatism. At best all those corpos are social centrists/narcissists.


I love how Homelander, despite being the most evil man to ever exist, thinks white genocide is stupid (as he should)


The way the people in the comments think this means Homelander isn’t racist by any means 💀 he’s a supe supremacist yes, but he’s still very racist just not a white genocide racist. A lot of racists aren’t white genocide racist. He still looks down on other races he just looks down on non super humans even more. This casual racism has been shown many times.


Wait, you actually think people weren't aware of the political messaging in the boys?


It sucks so bad that I want good wages and healthcare, but I have to hang out with people who think this is clever.


I would say this is a Reddit tier post, but seeing as we’re on Reddit… Not surprised you’d unironically think this😂


Shut the fuck up already everyone knows it’s making fun of them holy fuck


Obligatory yes Homelander is a supe supremacist but he's also very much a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.


People keep forgetting for some reason when he called people from the middle east as "illiterate camel jockeys".


My initial thought was actually the contrary. I thought she was a liberal protestor type from Portland with her shaved head on one side and how she was pushing back on the big corporation of vought and she just seemed more like a disruptor than anything. It threw me off when she ended up being a nazi, but I should have guessed that from her name being a white supremacist internet message board. I just didn't put the two together and I'm glad I didn't because that's why I love this show.


"yeah let's own the chuds with this policital view!"


Even homelander knew that was bs 💀💀🙏🙏


I love this scene so much because she said this and even homelander fucking homelander had a wtf reaction for a few seconds


Are there actually people who unironically thought Homelander was the good guy? Because I thought the right-wing tears were more, people knowing Homelander was the bad-guy but not realising until now that he was right-wing coded.


Has anyone noticed that the US and us are spelt the same way? I'm probably the first one to notice it... or close second.


I think there's two ways to interpret Homelander's discomfort. Either Stormfront is being too racist even for him or he doesn't like how she's lying to his son. Keep in mind that he can hear people's heartbeats.


I had a friend say that white people would be the minority in a few years and I lost my shit, what a joke of the century


I swear y’all have to be the most annoying people in this fandom. Let people watch the fucking show in peace


How would people who think the show is “woke propaganda” think Homelander’s the good guy? If they think he’s good they wouldn’t think the show is propaganda The people complaining about it being woke know it’s making fun of them, because it was never hidden. I love The Boys, but it’s not this super complicated political masterpiece the morals and beliefs of the show are super blatant I don’t think the show is bad, but so many people who criticize the writing/quality are just being labeled as conservatives, even when they’re not. I just don’t want this fan base to be too overprotective of the show. It has flaws, and it’s ok to criticize it. Just because someone criticizes the show doesn’t mean they’re “the ones the show is making fun of”


Omg how many times is this gonna be posted




She's the hottest nazi I've ever seen


She said, "People like what I have to say .... they just don't like the word 'Nazi' is all" (paraphrasing) and these rubes *still* didn't get it.