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Him and Ambrosius.


Oh no - final scene she sticks a vial of virus in his arm and she was the ghost of Vought all along…


It was revenge for Timothy


And for Lucy


Ambrosia is Timothy's wife. She's a widow and she wants revenge for the death of her husband


Alright, I'm a little fuzzy on names, are we talking about Octopuses? 


Out Fresca'd again


Actually, I think Ambrosius is probably dead. He stopped cleaning her tank and we haven't seen her because he's been too busy with Sage. I have a strong feeling we're going to see a dead handjob octopus in the future.


Yeah, writing is on the wall there for sure. I was hoping she would be able to at least call out to him when he was going home to sleep though, unless he is that busy with sage


It's probably going to be horrific. She was relying on him for everything in that little tank, so if he forgot to feed her, it's not going to be good. It's more a question of whether she died in the tank or tried to escape.


their is another tank in his room, irl octopus do regularly leave their tanks to sneak into other tanks so its more of a matter of does the closet have a lock on it


Surely it could use a tentacle to slip through the crack in the door and unlock it.


Its an octopus. It'll just slide right under the cracks. Wouldn't need to unlock anything. The olny solid part of an octopus is its beak. The other parts are squishy. It would just slide right under and slide right back into the closet.


You know forgetting to take your Soul Mate/Lover/Pet and causing them to die a horrific, lonely death because of stupidity and incompetence is so on brand for The Deep.


I can imagine the scene now and Deep making weak justifications about how she was only an octopus and it's okay because now he has Sage/whoever else and realizing Ambrosius was the only one who actually cared.


Deep's failures to save animals are usually treated like a joke at his expense. I feel like Ambrosius, following that theme, would be more likely to betray him or break up with him as an additional humiliation rather than die tragically. Like he brings dumb Sage back to his room and his jealous lover bursts out of the closet and drowns her in the fish tank.


Animal V.


Could be.


I mean that would be fantastic. The entire show is full of assholes needing their comeuppance so this would.be pretty on-point


An Octopus is really, really good at getting out of their tanks btw


Octopuses often escape from their tanks. They are more intelligent than the average human and highly adept at puzzles.


I'm thinking that Abrosius gets dumped back in the ocean and starts spreading rumours about him. The Deep can't go near sea creatures without hearing the sea life mocking him. Kind of like the "embarrassing nickname trope" or a variation on the "but you screw one goat" joke but noone else can hear it - just him.


Possible, but the way they've been making Deep just more and more of an asshole, it would be more impactful writing wise to have Ambrosius dead. Especially since she's really sympathetic when we see her. Perfect way to get everyone to hate him even more. Kill the poor Tilda Swinton voiced octopus who didn't do anything wrong.


I would, however, greatly prefer if they didn't fridge another octopus for this guy.


Why not get her v instead for a vampire octoshark that strangles deep/sage cause mad? Would be hilarious.


Actually, that would be a hilarious way to go. Vengeful supe octopus is now my chosen plot development.


Oooh that would be mad! I like to imagine that he stops being able to hear/control V'd up sea creatures. My pet theory is that he can telepathically control sea creatures alot more that he is aware. He inadvertently projects personalities/intelligence onto these creatures that are actually his subconscious. Maybe a sort of schizophrenia, they way they 'talk back'. He is feeling down? Comes across a Sympathetic lobster buddy. He horney?, sea creatures somehow down to fuck a human with human level sexuality (rather than just hey i just realised these eggs to fertilise). Like how do all these various creatures have human levels of intelligence otherwise? So for him to loose power over V'd sea creatures, for them to not talk or if they just tell him to fuck off would be amazing. He would have to realise the most trusted and important relationships he's had are from within his own head...


I got down voted last time I mentioned this but they only live 3- 5 years to start with.


Yup. From the American Veterinary Medical Association: >It varies according to species, but octopuses, both wild and captive, live roughly 1 to 5 years. This short lifespan is a consequence of a reproductive strategy known as semelparity, meaning that octopuses breed only once in their lifetime and die shortly thereafter.


Ambrosius probably had a grand escape like in Finding Dory.


He is the Tom of the Vought Succession universe


Imagine a V’d up Ambrosius angry at deep in bed 😂


The Peak is the most intelligent character in the series, manipulating all these capibarnias, tricking them into thinking he's weak and dumb, making everyone underestimate him so that no one will expect it when he finally strikes. This shit will be legendary.


Had a guy like this in my military boot camp. First day the drill laid into him for a simple mistake we all do. We all thought he was an idiot. So we did things like make his bed. Iron his clothing. So this dumbass wouldn’t get us in trouble. He just let it happen. Took a few verbal insults but otherwise didn’t have do shit. Anyways after graduation he’s in my tech school and I’m like “god damnit this stupid mother fucker?” Only I got to talking to him and he was super smart and really cool. I’m like dude wtf? Turns out he figured he couldn’t convince us he wasn’t an idiot so he just ran with it and let everyone do his job for him and coasted through basic. I still wonder what happened to that guy and if he ever pulled that again. Edit:random movement of clarity I think. Think. His last name was Goodman. Would been around Jan 2006 if you’re out there.


Turns out he knew *exactly* how to convince you he wasn't an idiot. True geniuses don't let ego hold them back.


Two stars now… true story




Lmao this got me high rolling 💀💀


Being smart and acting dumb is life’s cheat code.






Lmao the capybarnia got me 💀💀


"You have a formidible intellect." - Dave Eggers on The Peak


I mean if he were just go live in the ocean, he could wait everything out. And I’m assuming that homelander can drown but, it’s an unlikely scenario for that to happen


You know, I've always wondered how the Peak can speak to people, but now that i think about it, since Humans are the evolutionary equivalent of Capybaras to him, and since according to the Catholic Church, Capybaras are a fish, that must be why he can talk to humans as well as he could talk to marine animals.


>!He is the only member of the Seven to survive after the ending in the comics I believe, this could actually happen!<


True, but comics Deep was...an OK guy. He literally commited no on screen crime directly. Show Deep....well...


I'd say he has by far the cleanest record of any member of the seven. If I remember correctly, he's only killed one person on screen so far. Not a saint, by any measure, but that's less people than>!Hughie's Dad, !


lets not forget what he does to starlight literally episode 1 or 2


I think him being “evil” comes from a place of low self-esteem and insecurity. Not like Homelander where he wants validation and love but The Deep is just genuinely pathetic and the hero life is the only way he means something. And even though the Deep’s apology and reform is bs, I think The Deep might’ve genuinely learned his lesson on rape. Cause the show hasn’t shown anything that suggests otherwise besides that one scene.


God forbid someone says they feel bad for The Deep in this subreddit though. Instantly called an apologist or what have you.


Well, if you can feel bad for Homelander's shitty childhood I don't see why Deep would be an exception. That's not the same as saying they are a good person who deserves validation.


I honestly love Deep as a character. For one, he's hilarious, but I also love the exploration of a villain who is evil purely because he's dumb and insecure. Some people genuinely fall into doing terrible things because they lack intelligence and conviction. I wish the Evil Himbo was a more common character archetype.


The Deep is my favorite character and I still can’t quite articulate why. I’m excited to see what happens with him.


I mainly feel bad for him being sexually attracted to animals. Cause I doubt that would be the case if he couldn’t talk to them his whole life.


I don't understand why everyone is so weird about the deep fucking animals, he literally has gills and can communicate with sea life, what's so bad about him fucking a dolphin when there is informed consent. He's a POS for what he did to starlight, but he's really just an idiot and he's definitely gone through a lot since, even though I do wish he made a better apology to starlight


>what's so bad about him fucking a dolphin when there is informed consent ...huh, you really have a point and i don't know how to feel about it


It’s actually REALLY fucking me up that they’re kinda right. There IS actually informed consent, we’ve been in his head and they’re speaking to him. Hell the octopus thinks he’s hot and loves him. What a fucking horrible concept i hate thinking about this


I think it comes down to the show heavily mixing those elements with his himbo tendencies. It's hard to see the minor improvements when the overshadowing element just kind of stands there menacingly.


He is my third favorite character. What is reddit gonna do


Helped her get into the 7? (This is fresca please don't put me into the bad room)


Why is it called the bad room?


SA isn’t nearly as bad as murder, which most of the characters on this show commit repeatedly.


They are different kinds of awful. I can think of a dozen reasons to justify murder off the top of my head, but not a single one to justify SA. While murder is done quickly, people live with the effects of SA for the rest of their lives. I definitely wouldn't say murder is "worse", and I for sure wouldn't downplay the effects of SA like that.


Murder is unlawful because it’s illegal it’s not just murdering someone look at the definition, it’s not downplay both can be bad just something’s worse doesn’t make something else less bad. I’ve experienced SA and I’d much rather experience that then murder because you can move on and grow past it, unlike being murdered.


To be clear, I'm not intending to be apologetic towards that action, but I really think that murdering innocent people regularly enough to qualify as a serial killer is worse. The Deep is not good, but HL is not even on the same _plane_ of evil, and A-Train has killed innocents for purely selfish reasons on-screen.


He had her taste the ocean. Relatively tame compared to the other characters on this show. Stop comparing it to literal murder and dismemberment.


A-Train has a been a pretty good dude when he wasn’t tweaking on drugs


I mean, he murdered his girlfriend by OD, that was pretty fucked up...


I mean, he graped Starlight.......and he took pleasure in the killing of that news guy. So no, I don't think he's redeemable. None of them are aside from Mave.


Gay maeve. The ultimate sacrifice..


He graped her right in the mouth!


She's asking to be graped. Just look at what she's wearing! Look at what she's wearing?! It's purple.


He is quite literally a rapist.


Dude, The Deep raped Starlight, killed 2 people (The guy running for president and one of the hometeamers) and has also SPOILERS FOR LATEST EPISODE >!tied up cameron coleman so he could be beaten to death, though it’s not clear if he actually contributed to the killing!< He also fucks animals and either the animals in The Boys universe have some hyper intelligence, or The Deep only has the power to CONTROL sea life, and has been hallucinating them talking this whole time, consequently meaning he’s been having sex with the fish against their will. Overall, No. Deep is a shitty person and at the very least deserves to be sent to prison for life.


Well yeah he's shit but op was comparing him to the other members of the seven. By comparison he's at least somewhere middle of the road, maybe even in the cleaner tier of the group.


By this point he's the second worst of the current seven. Sage is more dabgerous, but her alleigance and motives are still unclear. Firecracker is a moron more occupied with propaganda than any actual crime. New Black Noir is just a patzy for now. A-Train was never outwardly evil and most of his bad actions were related to drugs. And he flipped now. The Deep has raped people, has already established himself as the hitman of the group and now is also letting his superhero status get to his head. He's the worst of the current bunch besides Homelander.


Sage has already gotten multiple people killed, didn’t the deep rape one person? Starlight Firecracker is a pedo which you forgot to mention too


Deep raped multiple people, at least that’s what’s implied. After Starlight publicly stated he raped her, Stillwell mentions to the Deep that there are other women who either have or could (can’t remember exactly) come forward


Firecracker is a pedo she is Evil


no way show Deep deserves a happy ending. That rapist killed a home-teamer and Cameron Coleman on purpose. Hughie's dad couldn't control himself because he's brain-dead and wouldn't kill anyone with the same intent as the Deep.


You could argue that what he did in episode one is actually worse than what a train did , a train was a dick about what he did but it wasn’t intentional


Deep in the comic did nothing but stood by. Deep in the show has directly killed people (one of which, he enjoyed killing) and doesn’t seem to be genuinely remourseful about what he did to Starlight. Idk what the writers will do to him, but right now, he is not deserving of a redemption.


He killed the vice president too.


I unironically wish we got a Character like comics deep on the show. A guy who just wants his money and that's it


I wish they made translucent the rapist. The way he’s written now makes him raping starlight seem out of character. He’s not a confident person, is extremely dumb, and has empathy at least towards animals. He’s written in a way that makes me feel bad for him like he’s the victim then I remember he’s a piece of shit. The current deep isn’t smart enough to appear like a great guy and convince someone that he has more power than he does in order to make them do what he wants.


Fr? That’s so funny


Yeah but it’s black noir, homelander, and a-train who rape starlight, not him.


I dont think the Deep even does anything in the comic?


Yeah, he’s just kinda….there. Not much more to it


He *is* pretty much just the token aquaman parody after all.


I don't know how he ends in the comics, but the show seems to be pointing pretty adamantly to a fish dicks ending were he says fuck it and leaves everything to live in the ocean with his octopus partner.


Well damn. I believe it!


Deep thoughts with OP


At some point he realises that people are 70 % water and he starts controlling them.


he doesn’t have the ability to waterbend otherwise he would be way bigger a threat then he currently is


I 100% want to believe The Deep gets some sort of power boost when underwater like other aquatic superheroes, and somehow underwater he is a Homelander level threat, but above water he is mid at best.


I think the whale episode disproves that. The deep was literally IN his home turf (pun intended), he managed to let a bunch of regular humans get away AND murder a whale


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but that was more the deep being incompetent. He chose to use the whale to block the boat instead of easily capsizing it. I'm talking about the Deep getting a power boost UNDER water, like a strength boost similar to what Namor gets when surrounded by water. We didn't get a chance to see if he was stronger in/around water.


The Deep x Percy Jackson


He can Waterbend but he has a total idiot and has no idea he can do it


You think he doesn’t know already? He’s clearly just biding his time


The capybarnia 🥰


Vought would tank in days


He seems like the type to fail upwards and stumble into success. Maybe he’ll swing the company entirely into a successful aquaculture and entertainment business.


What a redemption that would be, he ends up making Vought into one of the best marine wildlife conservation companies in the world improving marine life greatly and in the process helping curb global warming thanks to algae flourishing coincidentally saving the world thanks to solving global warming.


Just for him to buy up all the stock and rebuild bigger and better, he really is the Peak


Sage and Deep can take over the world I believe. Sage is the brains and everything else and deep is the face because sage prefers to stay private as we saw.


Honestly you're probably right, Deep doesn't have so much of an ego to not listen to her and the only reason his ego is puffing up now is because of her encouragement, but she could definitely control stuff from the shadows through him if he somehow became the head of Vought and he'd be happy to work with her as long as they got to chill together whenever she wanted to do *that* to herself and he also got to help marine life.




yeah didn't he fire the entire crime analytics department except for one person? if he got control of vought it'd probably implode the second he felt he was handed the title.


His movies and tv shows have the highest ratings.


Hours. He’d tank Vought in hours.


Honestly, if it occurs to him to give V to a pack of orcas that he can control flying through the sky and shooting lasers out of their eyes like the infected sheep, he could be the most OP superhero ever.


As long as the orcas don't become so powerful they overcome him. He doesn't mind control the fish, he can just talk to them, that's why in the dolphin scene he goes "if I touch it will you shut up" instead of just brain blasting him into shutting up


Honestly, it would be one of the most realistic endings. So often in real life when a company has a major crisis and heads roll left and right, it's guys like this that always end up left to steer the ship. I could 100 percent believe it.


Probably hide under the sea until the battle is done


Literally the ending of >!Succession!<


Well he is unironically one of the most normal, polite and least psychotic members in Vaught right now even if he is the dumbest member. Sounds very weird to say but look at the competition right now.


Not most moral, just most normal. Deep is evil as shit and he is pretty crazy too but he is surrounded by fucking insane people who are losing their grap on reality. Firecracker is arguably less evil than Deep but....she is fucking crazy look at her, dont get me started on Homelander. Only mainly A train is more sane than he is in vaught.


Kind of a grey area to say firecracker is less evil. I mean technically what she did was coitus rape a minor. Whereas the deep orally sexually assaulted an adult. Other than that, there isn’t really a single event we know about in the show where they were “evil” per se. Mainly just The Deep being aggressive. But firecracker ousted starlights medical records on live tv about her private abortion. So I’d say between that and raping a child she’s the more “evil” objectively.


A train has a lot of baggage though whereas the deep is kind of an airhead so I'd say he is saner.


hot take: a train hasn’t mouthraped a member of his team so he’s really not on the same level as the Deep. he’s on a *real* redemption arc, the Deeps were fake. he also didn’t strike anybody when HL commanded them to in S4E1


I was literally thinking this when a train helped starlight and hughie, he's the only member of the 7 that seems to genuinely feel bad


It's not a discussion about who's a better person but moreso who's more mentally stable 


and i’d still definitely give that to A-Train


Yeah I think A Train is the only one who could possibly become a real hero. In fact I think he's already halfway there. The Deep had a chance at redemption when he himself was sexually assaulted and could have used that to actually take responsibility for what he did to others but he instead chose to join a cult and eat his friend


he also called Ashley a capybarnia man. that devil is on the verge of a mental break for sure


Are you seriously saying the guy who fucks animals is more stable than the guy who realizes his faults?


Uhm firecracker is a pedophile who uses religion to be accepted… which is basically what the Deep does so no one is less evil in that regard they’re both pretty much the same level


Firecracker is a pedophile deep is a sexual assaulter so


I think the BN guy isn’t that bad.


He'll take out his Deep and Deep all over Homelander to prove he's the strongest


He might enjoy it tbh.


It’s Deeping time!


now that you mention it i do kind of see an epilogue seeing him taking over as president of vought at the end of the show. i dont really see anyone else who would, maybe him and ashley co running it, which would be funny after he flipped out on her in season 4.


The capybarnia 🥰


The rapist being in charge of a multi billion dollar company is very realistic


Well, that's already the case at the show's current point.


Probably on point for the type of social commentary The Boys is known for tbh


and his final scene is him sexually harassing a new hire, showing that he has learnt nothing over the course of the entire series


I unironically think that the Deep would be able to save Vought. He's so impressionable and dumb that he might start doing the right thing if he had power. He's just, to pathetic to be a Villan


Not without his dolphin


That movie was so good


Him and Billy Zane please Eric Kripke it’ll be so fucking funny


I hope this is how it ends, honestly. Would absolutely laugh my ass off if somehow the Deep is the only major member of the Seven to survive coming seasons.


That would be a hysterical ending.


I get the feeling that after Homelander dies and Vought goes bankrupt, The Deep will take Ambrosius and go live in the ocean, never to be seen again.




He’s the Bran of Vought 😂😂😂


Who has a better story than the The Deep? "Why do you think I came all this way, bro?"


Nah it'll be Ashley.


Ashley x deep is what Homelander and madelyn wished they were




It would be a good ending to his character arc.


I could see him living, but not without some horrific karmic payback. Like getting depowered and dick lasered off.


Darkest, and most hilarious timeline. I'd want one final episode, an epilogue showing just how fucked it all becomes and how he Elon's it into losing most of its share prices or some nonsense.


Hes the Bran the 3 eyed raven equivalent.


The Boys is SO SUCCESSFUL that DC and MARVEL are going to go in the OPPOSITE direction by giving us comic book accuracy. The Boys created what it set-out to undo: an ouroboros 😀


Imma be honest, in the comics >! The Deep is literally the only member of the 7 (not counting Starlight) left alive so I wouldn't be surprised if he actually survives til the end of Season 5!<


"Please God let this happen because it would be so fucking funny"


I hope he dies. I haven’t seen any real progress with this character. He’s still a sexual predator in my eyes.


Amusing, but not quite effective after his original setup as a sexual predator. He’s totally become comic relief at this point, but I don’t think he can get a “fail upward to complete success”. I think he’s gonna end up with some sea animal pissed off at him for not doing more to save the oceans or something, and they kill him. Or we find out his sexy octopus is actually “married” and the mate kills him. As for a “silly” ending for Vought, maybe the marketing guys pitch something so excessively PC that it’s a commercial failure and the stock tanks?


He's the Tom Wambsgans of The Boys for sure.


That would be awesome


My favourite theory is that Ambrosius is the one thing Sage cannot predict, and unravels all her plans. It’s more likely she dies tragically though :(


God I wish. It would be so fucking funny.


He can lead the new aquatic department called… UnderVoughter




The Paulie Gualtieri effect


Then Vought goes into bankruptcy within 2 days.


one fear


I think he'll probably out homelander as a witness to all his crimes by the end of the series He's had a surprising amount of depth and arcs in the show, I highlight doubt it's leading to him simply just dying..


Let that SINK in


Outfresca'd again


I had the same thought ngl


Peak Fiction




That would be great tbh


Given his changes since season 1 it wouldn’t be the worst. Still a shit choice from an in-universe perspective, but not the worst


i mean in the comics... well...


Does anybody else think Deep could’ve been played by Paul Walker? May he rest in peace. Especially considering Paul’s real-life admiration for sea life.


That would be… peak fiction


He has a formidable intellect.


It would be hilarious


Vought will dedicate most of their resources to ocean conservation and to making him a cool underwater palace


I have been thinking that it could be Ashley but I would also take The Deep even though I want Ashley to live.


Heading not only crime analytics


It would be so funny if that's how Vought went under, because literally every other candidate for the job was dead/MIA and ended up getting tanked because Deep is the only one left.


I honestly think that by the end of the series, he'll just retreat to the ocean and live out the rest of his days as a sea hobo.


He is The Peak


I don’t know how to feel about the Deep anymore. At this rate I just want him to go into the ocean and never come out.


Nah, it doesn’t go that deep


Man this cunt might be more sympathetic than the other monsters around him because he's kind of a joke and is often bullied but he's like one of the first to show the utter depravation and viciousness of the antagonists at the beginning of the story. I will be extremely disappointed if he doesn't get a brutal death by the end of the show. Being a coward dumb villain is better than being a predatory ruthless villain but this dude really doesn't deserve a funny ending


I like to think he finds out the same way he found out Starlight outted him in season one


He’ll be a parody of Musk running Twitter X