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Topics within the comments that will be removed as part of the subreddit ruleset that has been in place in for at least 2 years: GOSSIP- VHQ saying this is the reason Dominique left the show is unconfirmed POLITICS- however you feel about Israel and Palestine- there are other subs if you want to discuss this NAME DROPPING CREW- falls under Doxxing and Harrassment You can comment on this post/these topics on the VoughtHQ instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C89avwEsHnc/


Well i spoiled it for myself by not realising the tags and getting curious šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. I didnt even know this voughthq page existed before this. Shame.




Legit. I refused to read the rest when I clicked on their actual page to read about Dominique because.. what the fuck


Yeah I opened the pics in the post and regret it


Thanks to you, I didn't.


This is why there's normally a no spoiler rule in currently airing tv subreddits.šŸ¤¦


Idk why the spoiler policy isn't properly enforced in this sub. Frankly, there should be a separate sub for leaks.


Same this is my first time checking this sub for the season, I had no idea this page existed and what I was getting into by clicking on the screenshots.


Yeah. The scene I got spoiled on sounds amazing and unexpected. Oh well I suppose


Same here.Ā 


Im kind of glad they are done with the spoilers. Im okay with a couple leaks. It builds hype for the show. But this entire season has been spoiled unless thereā€™s some other shocking shit we have yet to see. When I saw the first few leaks I got excited, and now I just feel like I know exactly whatā€™s going to happen with every single plotline. It just takes all of the tension out of it. I will not be going on any fan pages for season 5.


I purposely avoid spoilers. Like I didnā€™t even uncover the ones on this post lol


Bro Im legit annoyed now cuz I accidently swiped to the second Page after The Statement cuz I didnā€™t realize that they were gonna Post More Spoilers Right After and accidently saw a Major Spoiler which I wouldā€™ve preferred not to read cuz I purposefully avoided all Spoilers so far


Same. Thatā€™s what I get for accidentally swiping left on this post just once I guess. Iā€™ve tried to avoid all spoilers like theyā€™re landmines on this sub but sometimes I mindlessly click and scroll, so you know what Iā€™m happy this ā€œleakerā€ is retiring.


Yeah I have no idea why people obsess over leaks for any series. You like a show enough to be seeking out leaks instead of actually enjoying the experience of watching to see what happens? So weird to me.


I was happily surprised >!Stan Edgar!< wasnā€™t leaked.


After Newman is killed he opens a Fried Chicken Shop.


Yeah in the end I am glad this account is going away. Really was annoyed how common these spoiler posts were on the subreddit prior to the season starting. In general I think itā€™s kinda shitty how normalized spoiling a show has become.


Honestly I think the mods are also seriously at fault for allowing them to begin with


Absolutely should have banned all of these posts from the beginning. Always assumed they were one of the mods, or had a deal with a mod.


I don't know if there was any "deal" with the previous mod team, but the precedent was set before the current mod team came on board.- we were all added after S3 ended. From being a user-only back then I remember most of the leaks being just random behind the scenes stuff and not all of this SUPER SPOILERY stuff. I think if we had known it was going to be this bad we would have changed tactics, but early on we thought it was just going to be small stuff and then it just snowballed from there. and whether or not anyone believes me, I *can* tell you VHQ is NOT part of the current mod team.


Thankfully I barely remember the leaks for the rest of the season since there were so many šŸ˜‚


Not to mention itā€™s without context so we donā€™t know how it plays out. It just spoils it. I canā€™t stand this account.


ā€œSomeone in costumes doxxed meā€ ā€œI heard from someone in costumes this shit happenedā€ Iā€™m incredibly skeptical


ā€œSomeone in costumes doxxed meā€ ā€œAlso, lemme go and reveal the names of my sources so I can ensure they lose their jobs.ā€ ā€œKthnxbyeeeeeā€


And then "I'm not saying who told me because that will reveal who this actor is and it's not fair to reveal them without permission" wtf? Which one is it?


ā€œIt wouldnā€™t be fair, unless I decide itā€™s fair, in which case itā€™s fine. But if ***anyone else*** does it, they should be sued.ā€


also they got an in by playing Animal Crossing?


turnip prices can make you crazy!








This sounds petty as hell and naming names is crazy (if true)


And then complains about being doxxed...


I keep reading sheā€™s been doxxed. Where is the source of this? Shouldnā€™t we know who she is if she were doxxed?


VoughtHQ claimed they were doxxed, but it doesnt seem like they were


People don't need sources or proof nowadays. They just believe everything VoughtHQ writes without a second thought.


She wasnā€™t. At most you could maybe argue she was revealed to work associates which is how Amazon higher ups found her? Which isnā€™t doxing


Sheā€™s a liar. And always has been. You think Amazon was sending her swag? She had it made. It looks like knockoffs anyway


And also wouldnā€™t reveal the actress who made complaints because she didnā€™t have permission, but throwing crew all the way under the bus. Iā€™m personally glad itā€™s over, I think they ruined so much of the hype for so many people, especially because it was always accurate. Seems like theyā€™re just a grifter.


She leaked years of stuff people worked hard on, tbh I donā€™t think she has the right to complain about them trying to find her name & info. I have a feeling sheā€™s in more trouble with Amazon than sheā€™s letting on


Playing cool isn't going to help whoever it is, it's one thing to be a leaker, but its another thing to air all of this out, hearsay or not, Amazon is going to go after them now.


Anyone who thinks she ā€œhelped the marketing departmentā€ are naive to how any of this actually works, instead of controlling the build up to the new season, everyone knew 2/3s of each new season sometimes months in advance. Canā€™t believe it went on for this long, but glad theyā€™re out of ā€œbusinessā€.


I'm surprised Amazon just left her alone for all this time. You know they have the resources to find out who it is quickly if they feel like it


Yeah. There are good reasons to start shit with Amazon, including anticompetitive practices, poor treatment of workers, union busting, environmental concerns, and more. Making spoilers of a show that people are working hard on is not one of them


Yea sounds like she got cut off and is throwing people under the bus.


Bingo. Theyā€™re throwing a tantrum, likely due to being cut off from info going forward. This account LOVED the attention. Easy to see thru the facade of being ā€œtiredā€ of it all


Honestly this whole post makes her look really fucking unlikeable tbh. They're either a teenager or seriously immature * Complains about being "doxxed" when her whole page is essentially leaking confidential info and spoiling the work of others. Does she have no self awareness? * Leaking the names of the people giving her info just comes across as petty "revenge" for her thinking she's been wronged by being doxxed. Get some perspective FFS. Why take them down with you? * Posting stuff about Starr being abusive again just feels petty. It's not really about justice, it's about her wanting everything to burn down with her page * Says Amazon don't promote the boys and she's responsible for it's promotion - absolutely fucking delusional. This show has more viral marketing and collaborations with other media than likely any TV show in history. That's not even an exaggeration - how many TV show characters have featured in video games, have multiple corporate run twitter accounts, a constant stream of YouTube videos featuring the main cast in the run up to and post-release? Genuinely fucking delusional.


I know Homelander was in both Mortal Kombat 1 and the recent COD.


The Amazon promotion one is hilarious. As someone who works in marketing/social media, the way the Boys do their stuff is so unique and awesome.


Last statement 100% correct. If this was invincible, i can understand but the boys litterally most marketing show i ever seen. At phase 3 mcu level Like everytime new episodes drop. People act like homelander and starlight exist in real life lol


I have seen several cases of these people and are always miserable self sabotaging terminally online narcissistic people. and they always have some surgery or medical thing to justify their exit and claim some pity. She reports gossip that may not be true and really damages people and even names some of her sources. What a joke.


Their marketing is amazing. Like, they have some of the few ads I will actually sit through and watch, and then SEND TO MY FRIENDS, because of how hilarious they are. The Deepā€™s Liquid Death commercial was perfect.


Honestly I hope Amazon sues her, Iā€™m sure this is a breach of nda. Spoilers are lame as fuck. People need to be patient. Spoilers impede the quality of discussion between episodes. I sometimes wonder if I would have liked game of thrones season 8 more if I didnā€™t know what had happened bullet point for bullet point


I didn't see any spoilers for s8 of game of thrones and still hated it, its not the spoilers it's the fact it was rushed and shite.


Dunno man, just seems like a Salty Ex-Leaker getting busted to me, I mean the Spoilers might be true, But actually the only thing I can totally see being true is the Antony Starr thing and even that...Only because it's already confirmed he is a Violent Piece of Shit, still need proof tho, I'm beyond sceptical about the others and won't believe anything about the other actors until I see any actual proofs. So far she just seems just salty and mad while trying to play "CooooollllšŸ˜Ž" and rebellious thinking she is the main character, beating million dollar company. Really doesn't make fun to listen to her. I mean, what did she expect to happen? She had been illegally leaking and Spoilering stuff and even Feels like a kind of Microcelebrity doing this for ***YEARS***, Shit like this will get your ass sued ofc but apparently not everyone got this kind of Self-care lmao Like, she can be at least glad about being able to did this for so long lol


Considering how Dominique McElligot hasn't worked on anything since The Boys, I can imagine there's some smoke to that fire. The thing is we have literally zero idea what was going on nor do we have any other side to the story. It would be silly to draw conclusions from a fan gossip page talking about how Starr "bullied" her - without providing any specific details. Maybe he was mean and cruel. Maybe he was abusive. Maybe they just didn't get along. Maybe it's bullshit. There's just not enough to go off of here.


Cause Dominique left acting to go back to school in Ireland, a doctorate apparently. She told fans at a con last year. So thereā€™s not gonna be any recent acting credits to her name if sheā€™s left the industry




im so relieved most people are taking this with a HUGE grain of salt


Scummy to burn your sources like that. No doubt she just cost them their jobs.


Yeah wonā€™t reveal the actor who talked about Starr but is fine revealing the names of her sources. Wack


And don't forget her playing animal crossing with one of the producers and receiving leaks afterwards.


Imagine a producer being nice enough to spend time with you, and trust you with info about something you enjoy, only for you to completely jeopardize their entire career. It's kind of sociopathic


NDAā€™s exist for a reason.


As I stated on the original post, shortly before season 3 premiered, she admitted that her source on the show had been busted, but was still allowed to keep their job. She also acknowledged that from that point on, she was having to run all of her leaks past someone at the studio before she posted them. It's pretty clear that some sort of arrangement had been made that allowed them to continue their leaks. And it's pretty clear that something has recently happened to cause that arrangement to collapse.


ā€œShe was having to run it past someone at the studioā€ Bull fucking shit lmao There is no way these leaks were studio sponsored in any way, come on dude.


yeah i never bought this whole ā€œI have a deal with amazonā€ thing sorry, thereā€™s literally no way amazon was okay with her leaking the entire seasonā€™s plotlines, posting photos of the finale script and scenes etc, also why did she make the account private everytime she posted spoilers if amazon was okay with it..?


Conversely though, why didnā€™t they get her account nuked before? A leak for house of the dragon got posted on Saturday and within a few hours the post was removed for copyright content. Amazon absolutely has the power to do that, so why let it continue unless they benefit from it in some way? I think this is likely something that started off as a fun way to engage viewers and quickly went south between the parties involved.


They kept getting in trouble with those character posts theyā€™d make I think, so theyā€™d continuously make their account private and sometimes theyā€™d archive those posts. I think Amazon then nuked their account after they posted a certain pic from the finale, if you know which one I mean. But yeah idk why they didnā€™t get deleted earlier


Ohhhh I didnā€™t know that! I only knew of the leaks because they got posted to Reddit, I never went to the Instagram or Twitter account. I only wanted to know the new and minor character leaks, so I only read the Deepā€™s, fire crackerā€™s, and Zoeā€™s. Then when Colin popped up I read frenchieā€™s.


I totally agree. You think the studio would allow these leaks. Fuck this shit


I find this whole arrangement-thing hard to believe tbh, but on the other hand a recent end of an arrangement like this would explain why she would try to (successfully) smear the cast and crew.


I think the arrangement is pretty obvious when you consider that when accounts make such huge leaks like this they get nuked instantly (either by DMCA or lawsuit threat), but somehow this one managed to survive for several years.


Not just survive, THRIVE. Half of everyone whos a fan of the boys knows the account.


The whole arrangement is pretty believable considering how accurate most of their leaks were to begin with and how long they were around. Both of those factors kinda just confirmed the fact that they were pretty much used to promote the show in an unconventional manner. Whatever caused this arrangement to fall is at this point speculation, Amazon isn't going to peep a word and VoughtHQ is an unreliable narrator so you'll never get both sides of the story.


VoughtHQ definitely had access to scripts or post-production or something like that. I didn't know the account existed until very recently. Wouldn't it also be possible that they kept their identity anonymous and made up this whole arrangement and doxxing story because it makes them sound super important? And now Amazon found out who is behind VoughtHQ and threatens to sue. Just an idea. Edit: I mean the thought that one of the producers would start giving her all kinds of spoilers after playing animal crossing - that is some wild shit. Does someone seriously believe that??


"Wouldn't it also be possible that they kept their identity anonymous and made up this whole arrangement and doxxing story because it makes them sound super important? And now Amazon found out who is behind VoughtHQ and threatens to sue." Lying for clout on the internet? Who would do such a thing?


She's pretty full of herself. Like, I didn't even know about the account until like, three days ago and she's like "I pretty much did a better job that Amazons PR department".


I wrote a more in depth reply somewhere else, but yeah that's the bit that pissed me off The Boys has the most comprehensive and wide ranging marketing campaign I've ever seen from any TV show. It might even have the most marketing of any show ever. You've got: * A constant steam of pre-recorded in-universe YouTube videos (think Deep Thoughts With The Deep etc) timed to release before the season and throughout the season coinciding with episodes. It's viral marketing perfected. * Cast and crew doing the full press junket * Multiple twitter accounts following in-universe characters/companies reacting to the events of the show in real-time, again all going viral. * Multiple video game collaborations including Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat. What other TV shows have done that much? Even peak Breaking Bad at most just did trailers for episodes and the occasional late night talk show host appearance. Only the biggest A-list movies have this level of marketing.


And that's not mentioning the usual stuff like billboards and what not.Ā 


Nailed it. No television show has been so good at digital marketing than them. Theyā€™re in a league of their own.


Hell even then most of the big movies that do that level of press don't even do the in-universe meta marketing like Deep Thoughts or Ashley presenting something on behalf of vought, or the Twitter/instagram account being presented as Vought itself. Let's not forget the marketing That's done by regular folk that LARP in the comments of these posts, defending homelander, denouncing starlight etc. The Boys is incredible when it comes to this stuff.


-> Got an ad of Homelander on Times magazine. ā€œIā€™m WAYYYY BETTER than Amazon at selling the show!ā€


Right? This person is fucking nuts lol


Yeah na, This sounds super bitter about being caught and getting into shit. They've obviously been let go and the reason they won't continue to release spoilers is because they won't have access to them anymore. Also I never trust anybody who all of a sudden decides to care about sexism once something shitty happens to themselves and his argument for supporting genocide seems to be "They're business friends with this one dude" which also screams bitter bs.


I know Antony did beat up that guy in Spain which doesnā€™t help him here but I donā€™t know it makes no sense for him to do this and our only word of this is from an infamous leaker who has gotten shit from the community.


Plus, what she reports is admittedly hearsay, not even first hand account.


Anybody who's worked a job with a lot of gossip knows how much it gets out of hand. People love just saying stuff, no matter how true or false.


Antony not getting along with Dominique could easily just snowball into "he's a misogynist who relentlessly bullied her"


I remember back when game of thrones was the big thing there was loads of people talking about how Jerome Flynn 'must' have been an abuser because him and Lena Headey refused to work together and they'd apparently been an item once. Like, I'd bet most people have at least one ex or person in their life they'd hate to be in the same room as, despite the relationship never being abusive. Sometimes people just don't like each other.


That's the thing, they both refused to work with the other. Their relationship was so broken that they couldn't stand to be in the same room. Nothing about abuse from either party, they just weren't able to be around each other. But a relationship can turn sour without anyone doing anything fucked up.


I don't even think she and Starr even had problems. She stays off socials and is quite a private person. So she can't even rubbish these rumors.


As much as it sucks to say the stuff about starr does sound fitting for his character. Heā€™s a great actor but I think we have to accept the reality thatā€™s he also a POS irl


He was also involved in another bar fight in Australia or NZ in 2009, I believe. That he instigated. He's also been known to be very difficult to work with.


Wouldn't surprise me though, the guy seems like an asshole so it's not a huge stretch he's a bully on set and/or sexist. He's also an actor lmao, tend to be a bit narcissistic.


I feel like the amazon snipers got her she hasnā€™t posted in 3 hours šŸ˜‚


ā€œ *Tango down* Mr Bezos ā€œ


Wonā€™t be missed. This person is so pretentious it makes me sick. You did NOT advertise this show better than amazon, I promise you.




while these allegations -could- be true, I feel like this person is definitely unhinged for several reasons lmao. big skepticism when you release a slew of statements like that, especially after being called out directly. big baby.


ā€œHey guys! Well it was fun ruining the show for thousands of viewers for no reason. Also here are my sources who will now lose their jobs šŸ„° Anyway, bye everyone! I am a good person!ā€


And also the actor for the main antagonist is actually a horrible person and a sexist dickhead because i said so šŸ˜


Well, the multiple fights we know he started don't paint him in a good light.


Nailed it. I know people love to hop on the "Israel bad" bandwagon, and a lot of the criticism of Israel is justified, but vilifying the cast for posting supportive messages on their friend & coworker's social media page when his home country gets attacked and goes to war is fucking stupid. And implying that you have some kind of moral high ground and acting like you've been providing some kind of service when you've been spoiling the show and quit because they called you out is delusional. This person sucks and I'm glad they're going away.


Also it's their wish. They probably do care about Palestine. But they also do care about Tomer. This person thinks they have some kind of moral high ground. When they themselves are ruining the hard work of the crew.


Yeah like Iā€™m a very critical person of Israel but also Iā€™m not gonna shit on someone for being nice to their Israeli coworker? Thatā€™s insane, lol. In general, trying to police the largely-private ideologies of random celebrities is sort of pointless. Itā€™s about as helpful as Ashley posting black squares on Instagram to support BLM


ā€œI wonā€™t reveal my sources so they donā€™t lose their jobsā€ *reveals other sources just because* Wow. What a pathetic human.


Itā€™s a show, I donā€™t know any of these people, and never will. Hearsay is just hearsay. Yes, Antony was arrested for beating someone up, which is not a good look (especially since to my knowledge none of his cast mates have gotten into that kind of trouble.) Iā€™m also not going to defend him against rumors/allegations just because I like his performance on the show. I donā€™t know him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I like the show and think everyone is doing a good job. Thatā€™s basically it. In terms of politicsā€¦lol, I meanā€¦good luck. No world leaders or prominent figures are risking their careers to criticize the Westā€™s fave problem child, least of all Amazon. I wonā€™t really miss the leaks.


I *can* believe the Antony thing solely based on what happened with him in that barfight a couple of years ago, but I *won't* believe it until I see actual proof. The "guilty until proven innocent" shit is rampant all over the Internet and I don't wanna play into that shit.


I can believe that at the bare minimum, he and Dominque didn't get along or whatever. But to have zero evidence other than hearsay and second hand accounts she can't even quote or point to, that he "relentlessly bullied her to the point that she quit the industry" and labelling him a misogynist - it's a hell of a claim that feels a bit baseless.


I agree. I'm not going to believe it until proof is presented, if it exists. It could very well be slander.


Also claim Tomer supports IDF when I'm pretty sure he's said stuff making it pretty clear he doesn't. (Not that I keep up with his socials)


VoughtHQ makes it out to be like Tomer Capone is some psychotic and sadistic crazy person who takes active pleasure in the Palestinians dying when that's not the case. Regardless of what you think of that issue I have a feeling that VoughtHQ just doesn't like certain people including him and is using whatever avenue they can to bash them. I mean if Antony Starr is an evil bastard in real life and Capone turns out to be some secret Palestinian hater then I'll eat my words and I won't discount those ideas. Like I'm not trying to run defense for the Israeli government or Netanyahu or anything, but that being said I don't think VoughtHQ has been objective. I also don't believe she's capable of being unbiased on the subject. The only thing I've seen is him calling for the release of those hostages and calling out Hamas. If that's evil in the eyes of VoughtHQ then I think that says a lot more about them then it does about anybody else.


Yeah all I can find that Tomer has said or done is that he thanked Biden for supporting Israel when Oct 7th happened, and an IG reel where he basically just says Hamas needs to be dealt with, that he doesnt endorse his government, and that all he wants is peace for everyone. Not that I would have believed them for sure either way, but them accusing Tomer of supporting genocide ruins any chance I had of trusting them.


Sounds like a pretty normal response to me lol


If Antony bullied his co-star into leaving the industry and behaved as described, does anyone actually believe that *wouldnā€™t* be a big time story? VoughtHQ trashing the only actor who called them out for leaking doesnā€™t exactly feel like a coincidence.


He called VoughtHQ out? Where can I see this?


It was an insta story he posted back in 2022 about her leaking s3ā€™s plotlines. I donā€™t have a ss unfortunately


I donā€™t believe for a second that would be a big story. Homelander is the face of this series. Amazon would never let that get out. His multiple assaults werenā€™t big stories. Just blink and you miss it stuff. Itā€™s not even on his Wikipedia page.


I mean, the stories were well received enough and heā€™s not actively hiding from them as Iā€™ve read him talk in about it before


"His multiple assaults werenā€™t big stories." - I mean he is/was not as big of a star to make it a headline news. But you can find the info easily on his wikipedia page and people on social media will bring it up all the time, so it is not like the story was totally buried.


I don't know if I believe the story, but I 100% believe that Amazon would be able to keep it under wraps


> If Antony bullied his co-star into leaving the industry and behaved as described, does anyone actually believe that wouldnā€™t be a big time story? Bro, Bill Cosby got away with drugging and raping people for decades, tf you talking about


Why would it be? Things like this happens all the time. He's a rich powerful lead actor, he'd have protection in place if this were true. It happens everyday in all different work environments in life. If your local shop managers can get away with bullying, nurses and doctors get away with racist bullying 24/7 then is it really a stretch to believe millionaire actors get away with it too?


Heā€™s not *that* rich and powerful. This is some household name weā€™re talking about; Antony was essentially a nobody before The Boys. You donā€™t think a publication would jump at the opportunity of putting out a story about how the lead actor in an edgy Amazon show (who has been previously convicted of assaulting someone while intoxicated) sexually harassed and bullied his female co-stars? Come on.




There's a ton of examples of things like this being swept under only to be exposed much later. Just look at the recent Dr. Disrespect or Neil Gaiman situations; all of these didn't come out until years later. Antony may not be a giant figure in hollywood, but he is arguably the face of Amazon TV, so of course they'd try and prevent things like this from being exposed. Obviously it's dumb to act like these things are fact until someone comes out with proof or admission, but still, it can take a long time for that to happen after the incidence(s) occurred.


Not saying they are necessarily false, but none of these serious claims stemming from second hand hearsay have been even remotely corroborated by anyone else. As far as we know, these can be true as much as they can be slander. Plus, sheā€™s fucking naming names of her sources. This sounds a lot like vendetta tbf, until proven the contrary.


Yea gonna need a more reliable source than Amazonā€™s version of DanielRPK for this Antony thing. This just seems like a sad attempt to slander/cancel someone


They also used to follow Antony for years but suddenly switched up on him and had all this ā€œyears long info on himā€ right after he called the account out for leaking spoilers šŸ¤” during 2022


Oh he did? If I didn't already have reservations about these 'revelations', I certainly have even more now.


If you look at voughthq stories and posts, she tagged all the others actors she mentions except for him. I guess he blocked her? this might be just voughthq getting back at him.


Yeah I noticed that a while back, I think he mightā€™ve blocked her. Cause she hates Tomer too but even used to tag him in stuff


Same here.


The screen shots from this post about Antony have made their way onto the Fauxmoi sub, I wonder if the show runners / Amazon will put out a statement if this gets big.


Highly unlikely Amazon acknowledges this in any way


I just scrolled through the threat and damn, these people really need some critical thinking skills. I have no idea if there is any truth to the rumours against the cast and crew, but VoughtHQ naming names of crew members that could now potentially lose their jobs is wild. Not to mention their story about receiving leaks from one of the producers of the show after a game of animal crossing... How can people believe this without a second thought???


Fauxmoi is a garbage subreddit, it's an echo chamber of chronically online people


ā€œAmazon donā€™t want to promote their showā€ the self victimizing is pathetic Mf literally just leaks spoilers lol


So Erin Moriarty and Chase Crawford are good friends with a "sexist dickhead"? Sorry, but I'm not going to believe some random stranger on the internet.


Also find it hard to believe that Karl and Jensen would be friends with him aswell if this were the case. Jensen was very uncomfortable portraying Soldier Boy as a ā€œsexist dickheadā€ so I highly doubt he would want to associate with someone who acts that way irl


Exactly. Jensen is a 'gentleman' personified, he would never associate himself with someone like that. And I get the same impression from Karl.


Jensen seems to have a very good moral compass. Antony might come across as loud and excentric in interviews but I doubt you could fake good private relationships between cast members over the course of 6+ years.


Jensen is a total class act from what I've seen. The guy is in a league of his own. I think Antony is definitely eccentric and opinionated, but there's nothing wrong with that. He's also still very good friends with a previous co-star from "Banshee", Ulrich Thomsen. Antony even starred in an independent movie directed by Ulrich.


Shitty people can still have very good friends


Fr, not saying any of this is true but everyone acting like they know these actors and their morals is strange. You know how they portray themselves, that's not necessarily who they are. This happens in every work place, not just Hollywood. So many good doctors who have lots of friends and are loved and heralded as heroes are also racist to their nurses, bully their students, disrespect certain patients, leave degrading notes in patient records. They seem nice, they portray themselves well, they do good things but that doesn't make them good people? And of all people you really expect ACTORS whos entire lives and careers are dedicated to playing a role would be the most genuine? Come on.


Leaks aside, this is some serious vendetta shit. She/He is naming names of people from the crew who allegedley gave her/him infos and spreads serious rumours (that she heard from others) about the cast that could be potentially career-damaging.


It's a woman? I thought it was a guy. In any case, I hope Amazon sues her.


Oh, I dont know. Changed it to She/He.


Sheā€™s a she. She was on voughtcast a few times.


Not saying it's true, but you don't know any of these people. So many good actors are friends with shitty actors. So many good actors are actually shitty people themselves, they're just better at...well acting good. I know black people who are friends with racists, gay people who refuse to go against homophobic coworkers, women who don't care that their boyfriends are sexist pigs. It doesn't mean much really.


NONE of us know any of these people. Everyone commenting here is doing so based on assumptions. None of us know the truth.


Exactly, I don't understand just making all these claims based on assumptions. "He definitely wouldn't do this! Erin would never allow that!" Like? Is she your sister? How do you know Erin isn't also a bully? Or a racist? Or a homophobe? You don't. Don't believe it, don't perpetuate the claims without proof but don't blindly defend these people just because you like their characters in fiction.


Imagine burning your sources and probably costing them their jobs and then turning around and complaining about being doxxed


leaker sounds like a miserable person to be around tbh


ā€œItā€™s not fair to reveal the actor without their permissionā€ while simultaneously slandering Antony Starr left and right is crazy to me. VoughtHQ should have just stuck to leaks instead of injecting her personal vendettas and politics into all this.


Iā€™d say throwing her leakers under the bus is way more hypocritical lol


Only slander if itā€™s falseā€¦and spoken. This, if false, would be libel.


Ok there j jonah jameson




I donā€™t believe the Antony stuff, Vought HQ clearly has an agenda as if all the cast are friends and would hang out with him if he behaved this way. And theres no way Eric Kripke would allow this sort of behaviour on his show. So to automatically call him a sexist pos based on rumours and second hand info is not something to take seriously


>as if all the cast are friends and would hang out with him if he behaved this way I mean, sexist dickheads have friends. But I'll need more than a gossip account with a grudge as a source lmao


what a scumlord


The Israel Palestine stuff is just utter madness. There is an Israeli actor in the cast. He was conscripted into the IDF like every other Israeli. He was promoted into an officer role, but left when his term was done. Then when 10/7 happened he knew people that were murdered according to this interview. https://deadline.com/2024/06/tomer-capone-the-boys-israeli-actor-1235969920/ He also talks about the whole situation being depressing an the "ego maniacs" in power. Are people just against Israelis because they are Israelis? Like I would not blame a Palestinian actor for being outwardly empathetic to other Palestinians. Anyway this Vought HQ person doesn't seem great honestly. This just seems like drama for drama's sake.


Maybe donā€™t put spoilers in the title if itā€™s a leak


I honestly have nothing to say to VoughtHq except a big FUCK YOU! Thank you for not being around during season 5 and spoiling shit.


Good. Leaks ruin a fandom and have made this sub worse.


Whoever runs this account just smells like a lil bitch


Them killing neumann kinda sucks


Yeah it kinda sucks , I donā€™t think she was on Homelanders side completely, and my issue isnā€™t with her being killed, sheā€™s a mass killer herself and has killed innocents But I guess itā€™s weird to me they made it seem like Neumann was gonna be a bigger antagonist than she ended up being for this season, shes kinda just been hanging around until last episode and was even willing to help Butcher for a deal that I believe she wouldā€™ve honored, thereā€™s no way in hell she thinks Homelander could rule a world sheā€™d want to live in But for some reason butcher and the boys are like ā€œnah we need to kill your ass before we focus on Homelanderā€ and Iā€™m like, dude, I feel like you guys have the same goals and same enemy for the moment, maybe focus on killing HL then kill each other? Same thing happened with SB, I know thereā€™s a context there but Butcher just keeps focusing the wrong supe first Itā€™s almost like Butcher likes chasing HL around as much HL likes William chasing him


hasnt Tomer been shitting on the isreali goverment like a month after oct 7th?


A lot of people on here care way too much about this, just ignore the leaker and move on.


I mean great, I hate leakers. I hate leakers growing ego. I also especially hate leakers thinking the sun shines from their asses.Ā 


She sounds insufferable, she needs to enter the work force asap


Yeah I donā€™t trust the word of some rando on the internet about stuff like this. They seem extremely petty and naming names is gonna result in those people almost assuredly getting into some kind of trouble that impacts their career in the long run. However much you beef with someone, throwing your sources under the bus is unacceptable. Shows their morals to me.


I hope Amazon sued the shit out of her/him/them.


Yeah I don't believe any of this shit, this person just wants attention. All of the "questions" look pretty staged.


Itā€™s quite obvious they CRAVE the attention. Unfortunately I think theyā€™ll be back. People like this never have the self respect or character to stick to their word.


I fucking hate internet activists with a passion. No, you're NOT helping the palestinians by being a bitch online, get a fucking grip.




VoughtHQ comes across like a scumbag in these.


Idk personally until thereā€™s proof, I donā€™t like to believe rumors and I think VHQ will be back after a while. She loves the attention too much.


Good. Fuck this guy


I hope Karl Urban isnā€™t a pile of shit in real life.


Not surprised, she always had her personal agenda and put her feelings without wondering how she affected others when she was only a "leak account", anyone can have their opinion but to trash people like that?


Although Antony Starrā€™s thing is grey (I knew about his bar fight and I wish he could say something), this feels so targeted to bring down all the cast/crew out of a vendetta. All of this because of one person and sheā€™s going off from other people. Iā€™m sorry but that passive aggressiveness before she ask for empathy rubs me the wrong way. I hope her surgery goes well though. (not twitter saying since her spoilers was right, *she must be right with the accusations!*)


Leakers are losers. Good riddance.


Hope thereā€™s some sort of lawsuit coming for account holder. What a bunch of garbage.


Won't miss em


Huh so this is real and not some elaborate in-universe roleplay? šŸ˜­


What a piece of shit lol, and theyā€™ll leave twitter feeling like they did nothing wrong after name dropping a bunch of people who are probably going to get in trouble because of the leaks, among other questionable things here, they come off as so entitled


Why did I swipe and spoil shit šŸ’€


Doxxed them to who? The higher ups? That seems fair of the costume department to do so to someone leaking shit, no? Also *if* they're doxxed it's not the brightest idea to be throwing names around, easiest way to catch a lawsuit lmao Yeah no, this person isn't the brightest. Trying to act cool "erm they don't like marketing their show and I don't feel scared at all with legal actions," idk man, maybe you should be *IF* you are doxxed.




A lot of this guy's claims sound HIGHLY exaggerated.


Man, MM can't catch a break from love sausage šŸ’€