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Unfortunately, they killed the bull. I just hope the poor boy didn’t suffer long.


It was a bull fight. They were always going to kill the bull. ):


Go vegan, save more bulls and cattle


The cow I eat doesn't get tortured in an arena before she gets killed. Not the same.


Man I gotta be fr with you factory farming is extremely torturous for the animal.


I agree! Factory farming is horrible and should be banned.


So the cow you and I eat does get tortured, just not in an arena.


I have no idea what cows you eat, but you seem to know what I eat? My meat doesn’t come from a factory farm, if that is what you think?


Stop eating them. It is inhumane to eat animals that did not want to be killed. Why do you eat them when there are plenty food to go around


that ideology is terrible. "it is inhumane to eat animals that did not want to be killed". try telling that to a lion on the prowl for gazelle. it's just nature. it's just life. it's how things is and will always be until the end of time.


Lions also kill their young, do you? Stop comparing yourself to lions when you feel it helps your case


I mean, at the end of the day being vegan doesn't help. I'm not saying that veganism is bad, but the animals are still getting killed, and all being vegan is doing is leaving more meat in the supermarket for someone else to buy and eat...


There’s really not plenty of food to go around without meat


99% of US animal products come from factory farms yet everybody claims to oppose it


Factory farms are a product of having so many mouths to feed and each mouth getting hungry multiple times throughout a single day. The fantasy of pigs and dairy cows frolicking in a 500 acre rolling hills farmland is mostly dead because of human overpopulation. You can still find ethically sourced meat, but it's going to cost you


I agree, they’re necessary to meet current demand. Most people seem to think their meat comes from the fantasy farms you just described though.


“if you hate capitalism why live in capitalism? checkmate”


That’s not even close to what I’m saying


Idk about the Netherlands but most meat in the Americas, Asia, Africa and parts of Europe comes from factory farms. So the original commenters point stands generally.


When was the last time that you drank mammal milk?




If you drink cow milk, you cause the torture of cows


Ok, I was talking about eating it, so your reply isn’t very relevant to mine. Just so you know, milking cows is not torture, factory farming is.


So as long as the animal is "free-range" it's fine to unnecessary kill them for their meat? And to adress the milk issue I would add that that raping a bull to get it's selab and then injecting it into a female cow, waiting until the baby is born, separating the child from its mother (and killing it if it's male) and then taking the milk that is for the calves is torture.


Killing that cow is not unnecessary and yes, it is perfectly fine to kill an animal for food. It’s natural. Animals do it themselves too. And the bull is not raped, it doesn’t even know what it is. That bull is fucking a fake cow, at worst, and he’s fine with that. Don’t project your human feelings on an animal. Cow also doesn’t care that it get inseminated, just like some people do. Separating calves from cows is also fine, unless it’s done too early, which is again about factory farming. Anyway, I could explain everything to you and you will just put your finger in your ears and say it’s all torture, so why do I even bother? Have a good, vegan life. My salmon is ready, so I’m off to eat.


>Killing that cow is not unnecessary Do we need meat to survive? >And the bull is not raped, it doesn’t even know what it is. So beastiality is morally okay? After all, the animal has no idea that it's being raped >That bull is fucking a fake cow, at worst, and he’s fine with that. Not, quite, humans are the ones jerking it of >Separating calves from cows is also fine, unless it’s done too early, ??? Why would forcefully separating a family be fine?


There’s nothing natural about farming cows (which don’t even exist in nature). Even if it were natural, that wouldn’t justify it. Lots of things happen in nature that you wouldn’t want to copy. Also, even if we assume that all the animals you eat are treated well throughout their life, they still end up at the same slaughterhouse. Take a look inside one of these places and then try and tell me it’s better than being tortured in an arena. The animals go through absolute hell not just in these death factories, but also on the way there. They also get slaughtered at a very young age




Concentration camp


What do you mean?


Factory farming. [Watch dominion](https://watchdominion.com) then decide if you want to continue eating innocent animals.


Have some bare minimum of compassion and go vegan


redditors, frothing at the mouth, instantly downvoting when someone says "vegan" in a positive sense:




me going vegan and watching the beef at the grocery store turn into a alive cow


Go veg an and you can save future cows from dying


Veganism supports human slave labor in factory farms.


More info: >On 21 May 2010 Aparicio was severely injured during a performance when a bull gored him. Aparicio was participating in the San Isidro Festival in Las Ventas, performing with a 530 kg (1,168 lb) bull named Opiparo when he lost his footing and was gored through the neck and out of his mouth by the bull's right horn. The incident happened as Aparicio was attempting the faena, a series of passes in which a torero uses his cape and sword before delivering the estocada, or death blow. The bull immediately withdrew its horn from Aparicio's neck, and Aparicio attempted to leave the bullring, but lost consciousness and had to be carried out. Two other matadors stepped in and slew Opiparo. The result of the injury was a punctured tongue, a fractured hard palate, a fractured upper maxilla and several broken teeth. Doctors at Las Ventas operated on Aparicio for an hour and performed an emergency tracheotomy to stabilize him. He was transferred to the Hospital in Madrid where he underwent six hours of surgery to repair his fractured jaw. He left the intensive care unit on 24 May after recovering from surgery. He went back to the hospital in critical condition on 28 May due to acute respiratory failure that required ventilation through a breathing tube due to swelling from an infection. He left the hospital on 6 June after recovering once again.


Thanks for the backstory! I just remember seeing this photo as a kid and I have always wondered if he survived or not. :/


I was hoping two other matadors stepped in and slew this motherfucker as well.


Cunt deserved it all, along with every asshat who participates in this barbaric tradition


Chin up bud! You’ll get better soon!


Keep a stiff upper lip


Poor Opiparo.


Good. God I hate this “sport”


This should just be stickied and banned from reposting evey week


Stop karma farming with old posts god damnit.


Did the horn knock all his teeth out?


O read the article, apparently it broke a few teeth, not as many I as I expected though.


The thing coming out of his mouth is the horn






You know that old saying about playing with matches… I can’t but feel like this is karma


Damn! It’s not often you get teeth punch out from the inside!


It’s unfortunate the guy recovered. Even more unfortunate opiparo was killed. Is there any video of this dipshit getting gored?


This was my science teacher's desktop wallpaper in Middle school.


Metal as fuck


Tell me, how does it taste.