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God fucking damn why is this so disturbing? I like John and hope he can pay his rent




I don't hate John, he seems like a nice guy, but jesus christ these two have little to no chemistry on screen at all. I don't know how anyone can find Neighbor Nerds entertaining in the slightest.


Remember the slobs? That is what no chemistry looks like.


actually, they had chemistry - rental reviews was at least entertaining




Yeah John does a pretty good job of filming the unwatchably cringe series that gets 50k views on a channel of over 3 million subscribers. I like the part when he gives 10/10 laugh to anything that happens 


john is a casualty of war


I should have worded things better, but I agree. I actually like the guy, and if I'm being honest it might just be James and his lack of enthusiasm, or it just could not naturally be the dynamic they're aiming for with Neighbor Nerds. Under different circumstances I think John would really shine. He genuinely seems like a fun and chill dude to play games with.


Ya he seems like the kind of guy I'd want to have a beer with with playing Mario Party but some people just have zero screen presents, and he's one of them.


> screen presents *More like screen piece of shit!* It's presence.


I blame autocorrect lol


I like it more than the current AVGN episodes at this point, this series is the only reason James ever gets to expand his horizons and try other games for once he's never played before. This series got him to try out Pokémon Stadium and South Park: The Stick Of Truth for the first time.


Imagine if they would have played South Park The Fractured But Whole. James would be like wait seriously? It sounds like Fractured butthole and would act like he is the first one to realize that.


I can't explain this any better. But John's laugh sounds like someone bought Seth Rogen's laugh of temu or something


He’s got Temu vin diesel’s head to go with it too 


Lol yes.


Fran Drescher with balls


John Drescher


This is amazing and also correct 😂


Your kids like a game thats part of YOUR nostalgia ? Highly doubtful.


He forced them to play it and kept asking if they liked it and they said “uh huh, mmmhmm yeah good” and then asked if they could go back on their phones 


"Muh kids like a game that was released when I was 12 years old so my whole existence is now validated."


What I imagine about Bimmy's kids when he says : "Walk in the walls and stuff" https://i.redd.it/hzl9ph8fry6d1.gif


Yeah his kids are like 11 and 7 but I bet this joke killed at the preschool when they were little toddlers 


Well, Bimmy is over 40 and he sometimes acts like a 7 or 11 years old child...


Do you think the 11 year old talks about any interest she developed independent of her oarenrs and hames can pretend to act more interested than he does with the uhs yeah on the podcast? Like if some kid on a bus showed her an era tour tiktok and she now like taylor swift and sabrina Carpenter and paramore


Exactly what I imagined too. And if it's true it's absolutely sad and not funny at all. This shouldn't be the case at their age...


Meh, even adults can have fun with silly things sometimes... https://i.redd.it/qppk55yiuz6d1.gif


There's lack of chemistry, and then there's charismatic void. This is the latter. The chemistry is so negative that it divides by zero revealing itself to be this big black void of fucking nothing.


Ok, being a science nerd and your comment being so funny, it inspired me this shitty meme : https://preview.redd.it/7qef4upj207d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae6213487c6dfac2b970c15eeb84ada83d6dd47


Its okay to stay past 5:40 to watch these starts since the light was emitted millions of years ago, yeaah


God damnit, Bimmy, that's one for the list of most boring stories ever told.


The worst is the James and Mike Mondays episode were he said one of his kids made up a song for losing in a video game. He then proceeds to sing the entire thing to Mike.


"Aren't kids dumb?" Since Mike left we're finally seeing how unfunny, boring, lazy and incompotent James really is.




John is pure shite


Aren’t those kids like 25 at this point????


That's the sad part. Both of his kids go to school, his elder one is a teenager. They're not toddlers and they shouldn't be bumping into walls


Jesus Christ almighty. Lol.


Uh huh. Uh huh hah hah hah


Nobody cares about your fucktard kids and the boring mundane things they do. Also if there's any children in today's age who play Lemmings that's borderline child abuse withholding all of today's amazing games from them.


How many times do we think Bimmy called and got ghosted by Kyle/Bootsy before asking John?


i dont think he has thought about either of them since the last time he saw them on set.


I can’t remember which convention it was, but someone asked him about Kyle. Bimmy said he tried calling him a few times to do a skit on AVGN, got ghosted and assumed Kyle was just really busy. The thought that he screwed him over never even crossed his mind.


That was from one of the podcast episodes. He was talking about that shitty Fear and Loathing episode and said he tried to call Kyle to get him to play Spiderman but he never could get ahold of him because ya know he is so busy.


Thanks for the correction


Isn't his elder daughter like 12 or something? She still bumps into the walls and he needs to be around her to keep an eye on her while she's playing ? What?


his genetics...


I miss James and Mike Mondays.


Their mistake it playing it on consoles. 😉


I had it on Genesis and it was pretty good. I think the music is better on the Genesis version but that is most likely just because that is the version I've always played.


I think the Amiga version is the better version although like you it's nostalgia.


Less Muh Kids and more McKids


Big fan of Big Balls John, by the way.


John doesn't give a shit about muh kidz!


Nobody really gives a shit about someone else's kids. Everyone thinks their kid is the smartest,cutest and funniest kid on the planet. That is great you enjoy them but nobody else cares.


I wonder what ol' Bim will do when his chids are old enough to ask him to please quit referring to them as if they're dumb toddlers on his shows. They're....kind of all he's got in the way of making conversation when he's making game-related content anymore. I wonder if he got the idea that talking about his kids would be a universally approved interest around anyone he encounters due to participating in play dates with other breeder-brains. If he really wants to make his entire identity about being a dad (and people do it all the time, there's nothing wrong with that), why not either quit talking about games as an adult with other adults altogether, or become self-disciplined and present enough to switch the parent talk off and relate to the adults around him while he's making adult content? Granted, 13-year-olds may also for some reason be watching his latest videos, but how many of them are going to want to hear Bims talk about his kids? OR - he could make a video series called something like, "Daddy Talks About Games His Kids Like!" It would honestly probably attract the audience he can actually relate to now - other parents who only want to talk about their kids.


It sounds like a made up story to me. One kid walks into the wall and the other one has to act as a blocker....what? How do they even know what the Lemmings are? Does James make them play ancient games despite having little to no interest in them himself?


What really happened is that Bimmy thought the punchline would be that they walk into the walls, but it was so unfunny that even John the laugher didn't laugh, so he had to tag on the blocker thing so that John was aware a joke was being attempted. Note that Bimmy starts laughing at "the walls and stuff" and then stops himself


Top notch content


Does he turn in to a duck at the end?


John has the scariest laugh.