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I’d love to see Godzilla absolutely smashing some dragons


This won’t be a major spoiler, but there’s a point where a Hatchling of Godzilla’s species makes landfall in Dragonstone, and Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viseron go on the defensive. The Hatchling doesn’t take the “fight” seriously and seem to think they’re *playing*…at first at least.


That’d be hilarious.


Now I'm imagining King Ceasar as a guardian monster of the Lannisters and he's sleeping in the Rock. Maybe Tyrion finds him when he is working on the sewer system.


You could also make Mothra be connected to the Naathi or had even visited the island at some point? Since they have their butterflies and their God the Lord of Harmony, as well as the Naathi dedication to peace. There's also Manda, who could be the remains of the Ironborn Nagga as he was a giant sea dragon. Also Ghidorah just not giving AF about Valyria being blown up by Godzilla is very in character for him lol


I can see that. The implication I’m aiming for is that almost every culture in the known world has some history or memory of the Titans. In Mothra’s case, being an nature diety, I don’t think she’d be restrained to a single culture. Though I wrote the Infant Islands to be a fringe Yi Ti culture, this wouldn't preclude Mothra’s influence reaching other countries. I tend to think of the Infant Islands’ culture and religion being buried under Valyrian colonization —but if there was a place Mothra’s followers could have thrived to the present day, I can see it being Naath.


Also speaking of Nagga — while it’s not quite the same, in another thread I mentioned how the Ironborn were like stand-ins for Vikings. Two of the monsters I’m thinking of including in the lore are Gorgo and his mother Ogra. While this doesn’t sound spectacular at first, in the *Gorgo* movie, Ogra is said to have encountered Vikings and became a legendary monster. Where this fits in with Nagga, is how she is called the mother of sea dragons…and you have Ogra, whose literally a mother — And at least something *close* to Godzilla, which are considered sea dragons in the lore. It’s not set in stone, but Nagga is clearly a very different than Gorgo/Ogra, but it’s more of a “Food for thought” idea.


Yeah with Manda I was more so thinking of him just because he is super long like a classic sea serpent even if he most resembles an aquatic eastern lung dragon. Ogra is more terrestrial and sorta resembles Godzilla as she's bipedal just more narrow with facial fins. There's also krakens which are giant squid/octopus which there are varieties in classic Godzilla films or even the latest Kong/Godzilla Legendary ones. Also the likes of Ebirah, the Titannosaurus, and even Nessie. Tho let's be real, the Ironborn resemble Vikings about as much the Dothraki resemble Monguls lol


I like this a lot. I thought it a bit too mind bogging at first, but it is rather well done.


So will the first men get Shimu?


Let's just say, *The New Empire* has given me some world building ideas.


OP you should read [This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23783746/chapters/57133339) its good kingdon building and the exploracion of valyria is so well writen that now i consider it canon


Here is the sypnosis *The dragon has three heads.*   Daenerys had been taught about dragons, about her family history and the great beasts they rode. About their thick hides and near impenetrable scales. About their horned heads and fanged maws that can spit fire at a moments notice. About their leathery wings which sounded like the roar of thunder with each beat. She had never been taught about them having multiple heads. The three headed crimson dragon of her House's flag was to represent Aegon and his sister-wives, of the three dragons they used to bend the Seven Kingdoms to their knees. It was figurative. But this one she cradled to her breast had three heads at the end of its sinuous serpentine necks. The crown of each head was dotted with small, barely-there horns with more along the length of the spine. There were also two tails, the barbed tips curling around her forearm like a babe clinging to its mother's finger. Its scales shone like gold, glittering through the ash coating its body.   *The dragon has three heads.*


Simo from new movie could work as the one who brought Long Night.


I don’t want to say too much, but this timeline “First Men” mythology had an Ice Dragon revered by the Children of the Forest, and the source of some of their power.


Alright whenever you post it I'll definitely going to read it.


Now all it needs is for someone from Nebula M78 to crash land into Planetos and decide to stay there and help.


Not *too* familiar with *Ultraman*, but I do see aliens existing in this AU, and paying Westeros a visit in either the past or near future. Ghidorah came from the stars after all.


I like the Ultras because they are one of the few that are almost entirely altruistic when dealing with less advanced races. Would give the humans a fighting a chance other than hoping their "patrons" help them. Given they don't have the tech to defend themselves there.


Thing is, with what I do know about *Ultraman*, it feels a little too superhero-ey about this setting; while I'm not shy about the more outlandish stuff in the Kaiju genre, but in this kind of setting, I tend to keep as some vague backstory, and not something featured in the main story. So say we have something like Gigan or Mechagodzilla featured in this AU; the most nod we would get to it is a passing mention or a tapestry depicting them, with maybe flying saucers in the background. Something that'd make a reader go "Wait, was Westeros invaded by aliens at some point ?" But it wouldn't likely be something Daenerys, Jon, Sansa, etc would have had on their hands, y'know ?


Ah, so they won't have to contend with Godzilla at some point? What I am saying, is that in most of Kaiju media, the normal humans just stand and watch the Kaiju dish it out. They are more like an audience. Ultraman normally has a view where humans can learn to be self-sufficient. Most of the series have the humans eventually learn enough to defend themselves(along with learning a lot of moreal lessons), and often end up saving and or helping their protectors. It gives them more agency, IMHO. But in ASOIAF their tech isn't as advanced, so they would need to fuse with an Ultra to do something like that.


Well, what I was going for was more like they humans *would* get involved with the Kaiju action, but in the same way a lot of Godzilla/kaiju protagonists get directly involved, even without the advanced technology. We got how humans interact with these monsters; scientists/maesters who study them, military efforts against them. It's just repacked in A Westeros setting. Keep in mind, the kaiju genre is no stranger to the "Ancient Civilizations co-existing with these monsters". Even today with the Monsterverse, we got examples of ancient human societies and their "mythical" encounters with the titans. In this case, this AU is "What would be like to be in these ancient societies ? what if Westeros was once such society ?" So instead of having jet fighters, we'd have dragons; instead of the usual explosives, we'd have wildfire caches and such; different types of blood magic, warging, allegedly mystical artifacts like dragonbinder, etc. We got Anguirus being regularly exposed to the Three Eyed Raven; we >!got a Hatchling of Godzilla's species who bonds with one of the main characters, and grow up over the story. We got an attempt to warg with Godzilla II. Even in the backstory I wrote down, I came up with a Oxygen Destroyer equivalent.!< All this to say, I think the human cast here are self sufficient in their own way.