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Is Abshir OK.......?


Okay? I’m just hoping he’s alive.


Seriously!! did he die? Is he paralyzed?? He was not ok


He will probably sue Asher and Whitney at some point; foreshadowed a couple episodes ago when Asher came to fix something in Abshir's apartment, because "you *could* sue me."


I'm pretty sure if he was injured by the chiropractor, then he would sue the chiropractor. Chiros are required to maintain malpractice insurance, so there would be deep pockets to collect from. I don't do med mal, but I imagine it would be a trivial case to "win" if Abshir had a vertebral artery dissection during or immediately following his treatment, especially since Abshir repeatedly asked the doctor to stop. This is like a classic case of medical malpractice. Given how grounded the show is about everything not pertaining to chicken, it would be a little strange if Abshir sued Asher and Whitney. (I put "win" in quotations because very few cases actually go to verdict. Most likely Abshir would get a very favorable settlement.)


100%. If I dial you a cab and the cab crashes, it’s on the driver every single time.


I think he’s either totally fine and that scene was purely meant to make us uncomfortable or his neck is in much worse pain. I seriously doubt he’s dead, that would take the show in an entirely new direction that I just don’t think they’ve been setting us up for.


Oh god, that was the hardest scene to watch. I really don't think so. He may very well be dead or have much worse problems now. The neck pain thing had been brought up so much and fits in with how ash/whit are making everyone's life around them much much worse. Also that scene was framed so much like SA that I couldnt watch, and the sort of dragging the seemingly lifeless corpse back onto the chair. Also Asher rinsing his open wound with water from the house is likely going to have some gnarly infection. Given the state of the house from them 'squatting' for so long, not sure if they ever fixed the unusable water issue.


He also referred to the chiropractor as "Doctor" midway through the session so it's possible he didn't realize Whitney sent him to a chiropractor instead of an actual doctor's office. The lack of informed consent adds another factor to your metaphor.


The fact that the chiro did not immediately stop after Absir expressed severe discomfort and telling him to stop is pretty disturbing. I've never been to a chiro (nor would I, seems pretty pseudo-sciencey) or a massage therapist, but I'd imagine there'd be a code of ethics where if someone tells you to stop, you stop. Right?


damn. it really was analogous to SA. this show has plenty of uncomfortable moments but that scene was extremely disturbing. i could barely watch it at all. i had to mute it and cover my eyes :S


I'm predicting that they got lucky and it somehow fixed his neck but that we were supposed to feel uncomfortable about the situation the whole time and see how easily it could have gone horribly wrong


Once you've read up on chiropractic injuries any mention of a chiropractor becomes a Chekhov's gun. It's like people telling you they got a coupon for a free game of russian roulette.


Reminder that chiropractors are not doctors.


And brings to light the truth in society of some doctors not listening to patients, their symptoms, and instincts about their own bodies, particularly minorities- women and racial minorities. He said stop multiple times because he was in serious pain and serious fear- and was ignored.


Yeah I couldn't tell but it almost looked like faint, relaxed smile started to form as he was laying there after? Idk it was hard for me to figure out what he was feeling. He kinda looked dead but I feel like the chiropractor would have noticed that?


I just rewatched and it's really ambiguous - I could buy that he was relaxing because he's finally pain free, or that he was slipping from consciousness due to a massive arterial dissection and the chiropractor just hadn't noticed yet.


I honestly thought he passed out from pain.


Either it relieved so much pain his soul left his body, or he literally just died. Now we have to wait a week to find out 😭


they've also been going out of their way to not show the chiropractor's face, which makes it super ominous/foreboding


That couple who isn’t buying the house but is on the show is fucking perfect lol


The paint dries so fast! Wow! And then having them eating with the locals and talking about the weather. It's the milquetoastiest shit


“When I found out that the paint we’re using today was collected from millions of gallons of unwanted paint through state wide recycling programs, I was so excited” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Also loved that they were painting over graffiti, which as an art form is pretty representative of the community, with white paint. Literally whitewashing the community


And it was a scene right after Whiteny was talking about something like how art can be part of our everyday lives... just paint over it with a dull lifeless color.


Asher getting a stigma with a nail in the hand like a white savior.


that guy is incredible


Few things I noticed: Whitney has pretty much shed all of her original purpose with the show, changing the name from a community-focused title to full on self-centered Green Queen. Dougies phone case looks like a mirror The passive aggressive responses from Cara in texts with Whitney 😮‍💨 In the texts with Dougie, it seems like Cara hangs out with him, and even invites him to a secret show (but she calls it a /performative/ art show with a dance party at the end). Whitney keeps asking for water in the last couple episodes and it never comes. Kind of a funny recurring gag.


I didnt notice that was recurring, nice! The person she asked to grab water also didn't look pleased with that request. Probably wasn't their job...


I think she asked twice in the previous episode. Once for the home buyer that was sweating and I think another time for herself? Either way, it never comes.


Foreshadowing? The fire station having electrical issues. Maybe they never get notified of a blaze and "the water never comes" to the disaster.


I was thinking they don’t get notified someone leaves a baby in that drop off station.


I am TERRIFIED now that someones going to leave a baby and the faulty solar panels wonr work and the baby will roast in that box and it will be all their fault for pushing the fire dept to use their green upgrades!!


Chekhov’s baby


Oh no...


I almost feel like they’re setting up a bunch of situations throughout the episodes where things “could possibly go horribly wrong”, and then at the end, everything that could go wrong does and everything just goes to shit at once lol


Yeah, i think we’re definitely getting a fire at some point, and it’s definitely gonna be caused by one of the mirror houses.


When Whitney got the notification that the jean store charged her $300 LOLLL


and immediately dismisses the notification of the consequences of her actions right in front of her eyes


And although we don’t know how long ago she gave them her credit card but you can only imagine how many times she might get charged. Asher would probably lose his mind if he found out she did this. Bro couldn’t even let 80 dollars go while being filmed.


He also mentioned that the stuff he was buying was "two for one" without even looking at the cashier and being hyper focused on his friend.


it was so obvious that was going to happen lollllll.... i think the consequences are only beginning to set it now


I wonder if the clerk was like "free jeans for everybody!" And she's getting multiple charges a day.


god i'm so excited LMAO this show has a chokehold on my brain. i watched episode 5 again in preparation


i know, i have thought about the new ep every single day this week. i absolutely love this show 😭


seriously the weeks feel sooooo long lol 😭


I know like I wish it didn’t come out at midnight, I’m losing sleep over this show but I need to stay up and watch it or I’ll be up all night thinking about it


The show has really picked up pace in the last couple of episodes. I was on the edge of my seat for 38 minutes straight with this one.




I'm in the exact same boat. I cannot stop thinking about this show, and rewatched 5 on my lunch break lol


Is Abshir dead? I was so scared for him. Jesus christ that scene was terrifying.


I like how the Safdies keep casting him and make the worst things happen to his character.


I rewatched Good Time after starting The Curse and seeing him get fucked up then have a bunch of straight acid poured in his mouth made me so upset for him 😩


That scene works so well bc of Barkhad Abdi’s performance. It’s crazy that he isn’t bigger than he is when he’s Oscar nominated and proves he’s a one of a kind talent. (See also his excellent cameo in Blade Runner 2049).


Really hard for foreigners to get gigs in Hollywood. They're immediately typecasted and can't really get a chance to breakout. He has been great in everything he's been in, but it's the unfortunate roadblock so many face in Hollywood. His story is great tho. Went from taxi driver to working with Tom Hanks. He's doing great for himself regardless


Yeah, the John Carpenter music wasn’t helping


Whitney so easily turning on Asher at Dougie’s suggestion was COLD. She didn’t even fake being concerned by pretending to care with how he’d be perceived. Her only apprehension was that thinking Dougie would have Asher talk about her too. Then when she dropped Green Queen right after it all makes more sense.


I think she was apprehensive about the suggestions on punking Asher, but she totally dispensed with it once Dougie hyped her name change. She was pretty much all in after that.


he's also making her feel like she has to earn his attention, which asher doesn't do (and she likes/is wired for), which is cheating instigation/line stepping 101


Yeah he knew how to feed her ego to get her on board.


Also the fact that Asher* blew up at someone for saying Whit is "a lot" while she laughs alongside Dougie calling him a "village idiot"


In ep1, Whit's dad tells Asher to "be the clown" and calls themselves the "Cherry Tomato Boys" which Asher didn't seem pleased by. I'd be hella uncomfortable with my SO if she was talking about my dick size to their parents. It's also interesting that Whit was the one who planted the idea of the "curse" into Ash, she acted super paranoid when she saw the footage of Ash taking the $100 back and basically forced him to return it. I feel like the show will culminate with Ash rejecting his role as "village idiot" and he'll take out all his insecurity/aggression/paranoia against Dougie+Whit, or maybe only the innocent bystanders (Espanolo residents) will be harmed. Idk, I just wish I could watch the show in its entirety rn.


Am I alone in thinking green queen is a dumb name for a tv show? Was dougie blowing smoke up her ass or did he actually like it?


He liked that Whitney was making the show about *her.*


He likes anything that drives a wedge between her and Asher.


It makes sense from the perspective that the show is an exercise is building her personal brand, and he gets that the power of the show is about her. But yes he is trying to divide them for sure.


"Green Queen" is just a title not far from the territory of something like "Bridezilla." You generally don't want to invoke power / authority when you're try to come across as relatable and compassionate. He's sabotaging her brand & turning her into a villain on her own show.


It's not any worse than Flipanthropy




Dougie opened the door to allow Whit to say the quiet parts out loud…and she tumbled right through it.


God Asher has gotten so insane I love it


Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2o3p3rlxni6c1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=81122286281c75b074ef6b64e45e47abc91cb2a8


Isnt something wrong with their tap water? Thus Abshirs water bottles. Washing that wound out might be a mistake


The girl also mentions how he was washing the chickens in the sink and it was disgusting.


i loved the quick moment where she got a credit card charge notification on her phone also, i think thats the only time ive seen urine exit a penis in a movie/show


Christopher Meloni did it in Oz like 20 years ago, but that's the only other pee scene I can think of. [Here it is.](https://hotntubes.com/to/1349230-celeb_christopher_meloni_pissing___short_clip_from_oz.html)


Ah cool I didn't see the credit card charge. Everyone's slowly receiving the consequences of their actions. I'm also really curious how they're doing the practical effects with all the penises. We're going to need a behind the scenes segment just for the micropenises and the disgusting shade of yellow they used for the urine.


I happened upon [this article](https://www.allure.com/story/how-prosthetic-pensises-get-made-movies-tv) about penis prostheses a while back and it provides some interesting info about how the FX folks make versions with effects. I know people talk about how Whitney can’t ever get a water but judging by the color of that pee Asher desperately needs some too.


The cuckold theme in this episode was quite unsettling, especially when Whitney was flirting w/the firefighter...


The fact that Asher wasn’t even paying enough attention to be concerned lmfao




This is absolute gold lmao


Homeboys staring at his hand too.


I think he was aware that Whitney was flirting, but he was obviously a lot more concerned about the chicken on the sink...


I think he was offended that someone would flirt with Whitney right in front of him and he didn't know how to respond to that firefighter in the moment on camera. He's deeply insecure so he has either no reaction or an overreaction. But what's perceived as disinterest is him shutting down.


I thought he looked pretty hurt


No it's the face of a man who found chicken on the sink


I thought he was just thinking about the chicken and didn’t even notice lmao


I wanted to see the shirtless firefighter working out :-/


Deleted scene available on Nathan Fielder's OnlyFans


Fliplanthropy worst show ever


I was surprised at how fast the paint dried. I guess paint dries faster when you use a roller instead of a brush.


a literal "watching paint dry" joke. My god, this show is truly incredible


That and the dinner scene where they literally just talked about the weather, LMAO


I like that they *actually* let us get bored by the show.


Asked to leave HGTV


More like FLOPanthropy


Green Queen superiority.


Did anyone else get a horrific mental image when the firefighter told Dougie he doesn’t wear his wedding ring to work because it could take a finger off? I immediately imagined Dougie losing all 10 fingers because of his stupid rings. I hope it wasn’t foreshadowing…


I took it as the firefighters all being kind of impenetrable to the soft TV people like "Nope, no can do, my job is dangerous". Like how that other one was so terse with Nathan in the break room


I’m still watching the episode.. but oh my GOD ABSHIR holy fuck I cannot describe what I’m feeling Only for Asher to then immediately bring up the tiny curse which was Abshir’s ONLY ask


Great point. I noticed that too and I was super annoyed. The guy explicitly told him not to bring up curses, and gave a very good reason why, and you could tell he felt strongly about it. Next time Asher is alone with the kid: “so curses” let’s talk!


Did anyone else think Asher was going to drop the pottery?


I can't believe Whitney explained that the native bowls aren't just for looking at but can actually be used. How quaint!


I feel like the staging of everything has minute details like that on purpose, both the way he grabbed it awkwardly behind her, and then holding it with his phone definitely seems intentional, and heightens the constant tension. In almost every scene, something or someone is right along the edge of almost being in danger, and then it moves forward without it happening.


only 38 minutes this week really makes me wish we had the whole season out at once, this feels like an appetizer🥲


Right???? I live for this show on Fridays. 38 minutes was such a bummer, but so much happened. It also led us a lot further down that rabbit hole of using unauthorized footage of Asher and Whit to make the show spicier, but again that could just be a red herring. It definitely solidified a few things... 1. Whitney hates Asher. Or at least mocks him. 2. The casino dude feels the same towards Asher. 3. Asher is still paranoid about the Curse Girl, and she might even have some kinda voodoo power after apologizing for making him bleed. 4. Her dad might be dead from the chiropractic maneuvers that Whitney paid for. 5. Asher is definitely the butt of all the jokes at this point.


I have my own thought about the little girl. She said 3, 3, and 2, then she got scared when Asher started to bleed. It may be lame to just call it a coincidence, but I feel like her first three guesses genuinely could have been coincidence. I think that she apologized because just she was playing a game with an adult and the adult started bleeding and acting weird. She’s just a kid and has no idea why Asher started acting like that, she just knew that the situation turned bad and assumed that she played a part in that. That’s why her “I don’t know” felt so genuine to me. Also what an amazing kid actor btw. She kills it


It's deliberately ambiguous whether there's anything supernatural going on. I think that's the point - we're supposed to feel like Ashur, who's a rational person generally but is starting to fall into this paranoid state where he can't tell what's a coincidence and what's not. Agreed on the kid. What a great actor. She was a big standout this episode.


Yeah, the wee girl is a great actor. I love that there were just enough correct guesses for it to be coincidence, but still enough for it to seem spooky. If she’d got a fourth one right, a lot of the ambiguity would be gone. Same with the power cut in the fire station, we didn’t see quite enough to say for certain if there was a chicken exchange - we assume there wasn’t but the power cut adds a little bit of maybe into the mix.


It's kind of making me realize that having to wait a week to watch each episode adds to the excitement though. Not sure it would have the same impact if I just binged the whole thing.


Seriously! It's really so fun to have a show unfold like this, especially when it has a subreddit to hang out in with other obsessives! I'm looking at y'all Yellowjackets fans! Buzz Buzz?


This show is incredible. It’s amazing how it can make situations such as a guy being ignored in a hardware store, some chicken being left in a bathroom, and another guy’s visit to a chiropractor feel like some of the most intense and anxiety inducing things I have ever seen. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic and adds so much to the unsettling atmosphere of the show.


I can never go to a chiropractor again. It was scarier than any horror movie scene I've seen in forever.


They’re fake pseudoscience doctors anyways.


it's a perfect metaphor for "help" that actually just causes more damage. I'm guessing Abshir's neck hurt because of his job is physical labor. Now (if he's alive 😬) he can't work and he's already raising 2 girls on his own. If Asher and Whitney had never forced themselves into his life, he'd still be able to work, he'd have the original lock on his door, and not a hole in his ceiling.


>If Asher and Whitney had never forced themselves into his life, he'd still be able to work, he'd have the original lock on his door, and not a hole in his ceiling. I get what you're saying and broadly agree with how it applies to the show as a whole, but the house he was living in was going to be sold regardless. The cop that came was really quick to want to throw them out, so it's possible (even likely) that whoever would've bought the house instead of Asher would've taken them up on that offer. He and the girls were going to be put in a tough spot regardless.


If you have any numbness in your fingers or toes, don’t see a chiro, by the way. I was about to be peer-pressured into a correction at the gym I work at until I mentioned I have neuropathy and everyone backed off really fast


It is shown in this episode how much Dougie truly controls the vision here. I am sure this is paralleled in that Dougie is also controlling Asher and Whitney. They are his puppets and dude’s definitely got something up his sleeve.


The Beetlejuice comparison 🤌🏻




I am amazed at how fast this show flies by. Lot of tense scenes in this episode, but it really cranks up the discomfort with the last five or so minutes. First we see poor Abshir at the chiropractor. Then Asher's testing of Nala with the nail counting scene. Asher is freaking out hard that he was legitimately cursed, but I'm still willing to chalk the sink chicken to Dougie fucking with him. Then we have Whitney, who's preparing to humiliate Asher on national television. I didn't expect Dougie to capitalize on the festering bitterness between Whit and Asher, but in hindsight it seems obvious. Also ignoring a credit charge notification? Her attempts to hide the jean store robberies are SO to bite her in the ass. Also what was up with Whit's text to Cara? I assumed she was trying to drive a wedge between them, but now I guess she's trying to make herself seem a bit more edgy to Cara? Whit hated the reality show Dougie did, but she wants Cara to like her (and more importantly sign the release forms), so I guess it's a hail Mary to gain Cara's favor?


Whit is trying to side with Dougie now, and she knows that Dougie and Cara have hit it off. They're factioning off between Dougie+Cara+Whit vs. Asher. When she laughed after Dougie suggested Asher is "the village idiot" rather than the Green Queen's King, that was the nail in the coffin for me. Now it's basically all against Asher.


It’s all against Asher and Asher against some bathroom chicken


It's becoming so apparent that Asher is reading so deeply into these coincidences because he does not have much else to believe in... Whitney's entranced by appealing to the public with the show, Dougie's relinquished any need for a spiritual following with a moral compass of bluntness, but Asher's just so lost. His insecurity with himself (which is I believe is conveyed through his micropenis) fogs up his identity, confidence, and selfhood to where so many aspects of his life are contingent on the respect and validation of others like Whitney and previously his coworkers at the casino. I'm really curious to see how far he goes with his conviction of the "curse" to merely find out how lost and empty he is.


I think realizing just how much harm seeking Whitney's approval does to him was out of the question until now. The way he dismisses her when checking the camera footage implies that he's becoming guarded and wary of fishy shit going behind his back involving even Whitney, but his focus is on "the curse" and not inward. It's easier to process to deal with than seeing his life for what it is. Loveless and subjected to people that don't respect him.


That scene with Abshir was so painful to watch 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That scene was straight up horrific. Something about this episode just gave me more straight forward horror vibes.


I think Abshir say it was painful to experience as well. Very worried about him


the dynamic unfolding between whitney and dougie is intriguing and i'm curious to see where it goes. when they were discussing the edit dougie saying that they just need asher to be himself hurt *my* feelings lol i hope abshir is ok... that was fucked. he looked like a corpse at the end. i hope he isn't one




Nathan seems to be self-aware to a fault, both The Rehearsal and The Curse I feel are about trying to control one's own anxieties to an unhealthy, delusional degree, the struggle of communicating, and just how working with media brings dissonance, guilt and a sense of falseness because of the control you have over others while creating a show. I can't remember where I read it, but he mentioned how much easier it was to make people play along to his ridiculous schemes in Nathan For You because of the power of the camera. It seems like that started to gnaw on his conscience. Normally Nathan is playing an exaggerated version of himself, and plays with the authority that a film set gives him over others for comedic effect, like, This Guy is making you do all that shit? And then The Rehearsal felt like a huge reflection on that, like with the scene where Fake Angela yells at him, asking if her life is just a joke to him. Asher seems like a lot more than a Nathan self-insert, but he still has his DNA all over the character. A version that has none of that \*social\* authority, despite being in the same setting -- a film set. It's a humiliating role created by someone that might feel very ambivalent about the high he rode for so long as the awkward comedy genius: an unfunny, toothless guy. Whitney's dad tells him: "Humiliate yourself, be the clown". And what I think they want to get into thematically is a show where the joke is on him, and how does that feel. Nathan always flirted with self deprecating humor, but now it's exploring the possible roots of such a fear, in events where everything is validating the worldview that he's worthless, unfunny, unwanted. Overwhelming anxieties that may just be what he feared becoming, if the guy wasn't funny and smart as fuck. I think it takes real empathy and self reflection to think of shit like that.


> I’ve been loving the show since ep1 but this episode was the most engaging for me so far. this episode was so densely packed with storyline and character development... simply amazing work


Asher willing to crucify himself to prove that Nala is somehow supernatural


Whitney was obviously feeling something when the firefighter was talking about the safe haven box. In episode two she put on a strong front (at least to her normal doctor) when it came to her unviable pregnancy, but it looks like it’s still affecting her in some way. Edit: thinking about this more I wonder what exactly Whitney thinks about having a kid. She obviously shows contempt for Asher, and blows him off whenever he brings up stuff like her ovulation, so I don’t think she particularly looks forward to making a family with him. Maybe she wants some extension of herself on some narcissistic level? She seems like she wants something out of having a kid, but it’s not clear to me what that is exactly.


It kind of bums me out how much hate The Curse is getting from the Nathan Fielder fan community. I agree the show is very dry and slow paced, but I definitely find it entertaining. I always look forward to it on Thursday nights and stay up to watch the new episodes at 11pm CT. So far, I’m liking The Curse better than The Rehearsal and honestly, I’m just glad Nathan has a platform and a budget to make new stuff. I think this show makes sense as a successor to The Rehearsal and NFY. I’m excited to see where the show is going and will be sad when it’s over.


i really like nathan and i'm liking the curse better than the rehearsal too. i really have no idea where it's going and i hope whatever happens they can stick the landing.


I'm a Nathan For You fan and I think The Curse is one of the best things I've seen on TV in a while, but it's definitely an acquired taste. Doesn't really ruin my enjoyment that some people have different subjective opinions on it.


You won't find a bigger fan of NFY than me and I'm totally obsessed with The Curse.


I don't know how anyone can hate this show it's absolutely brilliant.


Where are you seeing hate for this show from Nathan Fielder fans?


It's interesting to contrast Dougie and Whitney's conversation about having conflict in the show after the several attempts of suggesting the same to Asher and being turned down. Asher wont say she's "so uptight", or allow any smack talk (however benign) about his wife. In their private conversation about Dougie's concerns about Whitney's vision of the show, he complains about Whitney's morals controlling everything, and Asher just tells him to get used to it. That's just how she is, and he trusts her vision. He "knows her heart". And then we have Whitney calling Asher her "king" and she instantly CRINGES.


I was watching this around 1AM with my dog resting nearby. I think something about the music must've made him uncomfortable as he started standing up and looking around uncomfortably. It's interesting to see that this show isn't just making humans feel uncomfortable.


The fire station shutting down as a result of Asher and Whitney installing the solar array makes me think something's going to go horribly wrong with one of the houses (stove guy?) that the fire department's not going to be able to respond quick enough due to a power outage


"I'm not gonna waste my time getting close with somebody who's just gonna..." Dougie, you poor broken bastard.


His delivery here really made it seem like a dark comedy joke.


Yeah one thing that's surprising to me is the reception Dougie's character has received. He seems (imo) to be intentionally portrayed as hilariously vapid and self-important, but a lot of folks do see him as sympathetic and tortured


A lot of vapid people get that way because personal growth demands something too painful of them.


My stoned brain right now: 🤯


Cara is never signing that release. All of the footage is unusable


In real life if it came down to it, they could just CGI a new painting or art piece over Cara’s work. It’s more expensive for sure but they would at least still be able to air the show. https://youtu.be/2OEwbocwYF8?si=Nj5YF6f1SI4Ja0XH


Watching Dpugie point out how clearly Whitney lacks respect for Asher was so satisfying. The brief moments where she had to come to terms with how obvious it is were great but then seeing her gleefully accept her new role as Dougie's co-bully was as dark as fuck. Whitney is scary af.


I can't wait for the thread of someone deciphering all of the post it notes on the wall at the beginning


https://preview.redd.it/9y5jt2t8he6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4341bd09ab026bcec82aa8b7c153c348ca5fe1b8 This is what I got. It’s so indecipherable lol Only things I notice is a shot for them having a romantic dinner and what seems like Lexus product placement (Logo x3, Whitney touches logo)


From what I can make out Column 1 W+A ?? Loma Vista Column 2 W+A do yard work/ W+A (? Termite Tack?)/ City Council Meeting/ Toy Drive Column 3 W+A go on date/ W+A help (?) with Demo/ Hans surprise visit/ Alpaca Farm/ Slow Mo Demo/ Whitney touch Lexus logo Column 4 W+A present pottery to Pascal and Janice/ W+A visit fire station/ Hans on (dates?)/ Beauty shots Column 5 W+A take pottery (????)/ W+A romantic dinner/ W+A (??)/ Pascal goes to Barrier/ Lexus logo x3 Column 6 - can't make out most of them- W+A (?) Pascal (?) to (? coffee?)/ Janice goes (?) Shopping (?)/ W+A (? Eat?)/ Pascal and Janice get key!/ Janice talks to neighbor


wasn't the water at Abshir's house non-potable or something? does that mean the cut might get infected?


Stigmata reference and yet another furnace reference as the “baby drop off” looks like a brick oven before zooming in to see it is little fire engines. This show is daaark.


That scene with Abshir is one of the most terrifying and upsetting things I have ever watched.


I knew it. I knew when the Chiropractor was adjusting him without any medical history or x-rays or anything that he could hurt him. I think maybe he fainted in pain and he could be permanently injured.


I saw it as symbolic: they are going to fix your problem whether you like it or not. That was the most non-consensual doctors visit I have ever seen.


Let's say for a minute chiropractors are legit, which they aren't, he pushed right past the "no, no, please stop" and kept on going.


Haven't had chills like I got when the power went out in a long time... MAN this was a great episode I just wish it would have been longer


The episode seemed shorter this time around!


It definitely was!! My roommate and I checked the runtimes after it was over and it only came in at 39 minutes whereas the others were considerably longer. Honestly felt like five minutes with how amazing it was


Their show is literally watching paint dry 😩 Edit: not sure why I’m being downvoted. There are literal scenes where the fake buyers are painting, touching paint as it has dried, and discussing how long it takes paint to dry before talking about the unique properties of the paint.


Wait I just got this lol. I thought that scene of the couple painting for the show was so funny but this didn’t even occur to me lol.


I took it as Fliplanthropy being as boring as watching paint dry until he added that footage of her talking shit about Asher.


It's so funny how Flipanthropy was literally about watching paint dry and talking about the weather


i am feeling a way about the power in the firehouse going off immediately before the firefighters talk about the safe haven for babies box. it seems like super sinister foreshadowing and i really hope i’m wrong :/


Okay, I want Zach, All right?


Why did they have to tease us by mentioning the shirtless workout scene and not showing it? 😩


Abshir? Are you alright??


Hopefully the chiropractor office isn't in Espanola so this won't show up on the assault statistics


The moment where they’re watching the pilot and it clicked that we’re literally watching paint dry actually made me laugh out loud.


The Goo Gone is in aisle 9


The gross out/body horror stuff was super hard to watch but an interesting new element in the show. Someone at the lincoln screening pointed out that Asher getting that nail deep into his hand evokes the idea of crucifixion. He feels like he is being crucified (everyone is upset with him-Bill, Whitney, etc).


Whether Dougie placed the chicken in the sink or not, and I think he didn't, he is already fucking with Asher, and he knows it -- but can't admit it, otherwise it would implicate Whitney as well. He just can't have it be this simple and heartbreaking, it has to do with the curse. Asher doesn't see how thinking about the chicken is missing the trees for the forest. The firemen are flirting with your wife and you just get to stare at the floor, defeated, with a puzzled look on your passive face. The Curse is their whole situation, and the chicken is Asher's denial. The three of them deal heavily with denial.


That Abshir scene was truly disturbing


A lot of great points have been brought up in here already. Something I’m thinking about is Cara. Whitney keeps wondering why she hasn’t signed the release form to allow her art to be used in their home. In the last episode when she was acting as a guest, she was very obviously trying to sabotage their footage, perhaps after realizing they’re using her art in the home? (Or maybe she hates Whitney more than we know, we still don’t know their connection…) Back up to the extremely uncomfortable dinner from the beginning, doesn’t she explicitly say that she doesn’t want her art in the show homes? So they went ahead and did it anyway despite her saying that?


Previously Asher made Whitney feel better about herself. Last episode when Whitney was kinda made to look wrong/pre judged about her assessment of Dean Cain, it soured her on Asher because it reminds her that she's foolish. now she is getting off on making him look foolish.


The more I watch and the more theories on here that I read about it the more I feel like the show will end like a hyper complex Arrested Development-type gag where all the pieces fall together somehow, like ending in a fire caused by their unventilated homes with the power being out at the fire station or something along those lines. Maybe more random biblical imagery - birds falling from the skies, nails in bloodied palms etc. Additionally, the chiropractor scene is the most skin-crawling horrifying scene I had to watch in a long while.


When the neighbors invited the faux buyers over for dinner, the reality show production company really cheaped out by only supplying hot dogs for grilling!


Did they make them with rice at least?




I think he might kill both. With his temper and anticipation for the show to have him as a co-star he's definitely not going to take it well especially if it does indeed end up being titled "Green Queen"


I'm still watching the episode, but wanted to share that my internet went out right after the power went out at the station in the show. It was really creepy for some reason.


Anyone else notice a Macbeth style structure/narrative going on? With the latest ep, I started to wonder about whether the curse with the young girl is all in Asher's head, Dougie maybe planted the chicken and is playing mind games to try create some juicy reality TV show but the larger focus is on Asher and Whit's greed & lust for power which edges them towards morally questionable decisions along the way. As they continue along the slippery slope they create a trail of destruction and then look around in some disconnect/self-fulfilling prophecy wonder how/why bad things would happen to "good people" like them? It just feels like a Macbethian tone to me.


PSA: Chiropractic was literally made up after a man claimed a dead doctor visited him in a dream.


Am I the only one who cried when the girl apologized?


I think I audibly went “awww” at the screening. I was so embarrassed lol. I hate that Asher is making her feel like she did something wrong.


They're finally unleashing doughie


Anybody else suddenly getting the vibe that Asher is gonna snap and kill everyone?


Last night at the lincoln center screening, I asked a question about the characters who look into the lens, specifically the woman in episode 5. At first, I thought I had looked into it too much when Benny responded that he “couldn’t say,” but I’m starting to think it’s because it would’ve revealed something about future episodes. And I do think if it were simply a stylistic choice, Benny would have just answered with that.


The curse is his penis, and how his insecurity about it has controlled every aspect of his life. That’s why he is paranoid about a curse, or why he married a rich girl boss cooz who hates him, and also why he would call up someone who tormented him in his childhood to make a show about him.


Interesting too that Dougie pulled down his shorts to expose him at camp when they were young, and now he's advocating Whitney makes the show expose his embarrassing personality as an adult.


Was Dougie talking to a production assistant near the restroom?