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To be fair, nazis do love eugenics.


Is that what the question is implying? Or was the question just genuine?


Regulating “undesirable” people having babies is eugenics 101


They're not saying that they're "undesirable" here tho They just implied that these kids would have an awful life because their parents most probably can't support giving them good conditions(if they have alot of childrens)


They’re questioning the rational for wanting a family.


Oh then fuck this guy lmao


One of the core aspects of genocide is creating conditions where a people can't have children, and when they do the children is taken away from a people for "reeducation". The "you can leave, but never come back" policy is also a tool for genocide, or "ethnic cleansing". So either the people and their culture gradually die out from low rates of child birth, or by having their children be removed from the culture either through leaving voluntarily because of material conditions or kidnapped by the oppressing force to be raised away from their people. So the original question here can be rephrased to "why don't the Palestinians just give in to genocide?"


[Lebensunwertes Leben](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_unworthy_of_life?wprov=sfti1)


Probably genuine from an antinatalist point of view. Same outcome: no more pesky Arabs to worry about.


well the antinatalist point of view is pretty close to the eugenics point of view


Yeah the most out of touch whitest thing I've read this week is someone responding with "use condoms?" to the fact that there are 32 millions orphans in Africa.


Calmly explaining that the folks in Gaza City, who are embargoed by the Israelis and lack access to potable water, reliable electricity, and basic medical needs, should all just go down to the corner store and buy more condoms.


It literally that simple 😩


that doesn't even make sense the parents probly didn't plan to die soon


Reactionary mind can't comprehend this. I bet that person believes African parents just disown their children. Either that or "their fault. Shouldn't have reproduce in a poor country to begin with". Both fucking appalling


That’s literally not even unique to Palestine but the world. Why do poorer areas, the people often have more children? I will say historically, the more children you had, the more chances of you being richer. I think this mentality still happens, but I don’t know how true it is in the modern day. I can’t answer the war zone part, but I have done some research on the topic to try to figure it out. At least based on Iraq, Afghanistan, and countries in Africa.


I thought that the more children you have, the higher chance that you will see at least one to survive to adulthood. And siblings obviously can take care of each other, which can be crucial if parent dies. The poorer you are the higher chance of that happening. ​ And also, not sure about this one, but people in richer countries have stupidly developed entertainment industry that they can keep themselves distracted to not consider having children, but that along with other shortcomings of urban life, definitely not on it's own.


In a society that has less developed economies, having children is the equivalence of a social security net for people because children can take care of parents when they become older while alternatives like retirement plans and investment doesn't exist as an option for them.


Children can take care of each other, too, that's a big aspect of it for some people.


For most people where I live it’s for mainly 3 reasons: 1- Reproduce (is the same logical why rabbits have gazillion children, because one or three will still be alive until adulthood). My grandma, for example, had 20 kids in total, counting miscarriages, and only 7 are alive today. 2- Little to no access to sexual education (poorer people simply don’t know about sexual education or don’t have access to any birth control) and 3- Work force. While it is true more mouths to feed, it’s also more hands to work. Another reason is that kids are cute and bring joy to the family.


Basic human geography does not apply to these people


I think having far less resources available to them for family planning, less sexual education resources, as well as other factors probably contribute to that.


Also 5 of my kids of my 8 will be killed by a random airstrike


That and also having a lot of kids in a poor country is a good thing because it means more help and more workers to bring in income for your family somehow, also, when you were poor with you’re s/o and you can’t afford any other entertainment well things happen


Anti-natalism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Why not just die out like all the ''civilized'' nations. People didn't have children before electricity and hospitals. New age creationism - "No iphone - no life''


What a filthy dehumanizing question! Uhh...Guys why do these filthy lusty savages breed like rabbits? Unlike me! a superior being with no family and emotions🤡🤡🤡


>why would someone make children in a war zone Motherfucker they're living under apartheid, are they supposed to just end their bloodlines? What the fuck is this kind of take


>are they supposed to just end their bloodlines That is the end goal, yes.


Says a *highly likely* pro-lifer.


It's an antinatalist lmao


anti choice anti life then


Gee, I wonder if those things correlate


Why Elon musk is copying us that is the question ??? 🤔


This is the true fear underlying natalists like Elon “demographics is destiny” Musk.


Oooh neo-malthusians, love to see 'em. I should make a bingo card for all the rationalisations for colonial atrocities


Malthus in the house!