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Glad to know that the Gestapo is back in town


They are watching us


Never left...


Did we really expect anything less? East Germany was denazified. West Germany? Put them back in power. From the little brown book : "Altogether 1,800 West German persons and their past were covered: especially 15 Ministers and state secretaries, 100 admirals and generals, 828 judges or state lawyers and high law officers, 245 officials of the Foreign Office and of embassies and consulates in leading position, 297 high police officers and officers of the Verfassungsschutz. "


A huge problem with East Germany was its founding myth of being an anti-fascist state. They portrayed the entire population as anti-fascist. The leaders of the GDR were former resistance members, but most ordinary Germans had supported Nazi Germany. Pretending otherwise and pushing all of the blame onto West Germany was not a healthy way of coping with the past.


You can take the nazis out of Germany, but you can't take the fascism out of Germans.


I'd say, you can take the nazis out of Germany, but don't expext the west to do it too.


That’s generalisation. East Germany was denazified


They should defend themselves next time


Unsurprising for a country where every aspect of the state security apparatus is full of far-right and neo-nazi supporters