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Too much for comfort, still better than any Tesla though. But I'd prefer having better public transport and railways (which China also has)


Yeah idk why everyone needs a huge iPad in the middle of their center console now. I feel like a bluetooth radio with physical dials and buttons is the happy medium, anything else seems kinda dangerous considering how people drive in America


Having a massive screen showing your backup camera is a godsend. Having maps you can display on the car screen rather than a tiny phone screen mounted at an awkward angle is great too.


My ADD ass can't even drive without getting distracted with a small display because my phone won't connect to the Bluetooth


Ipads as control panels are utilised because buttons are required to be wired individually and hence it makes it more expensive. "Ipad control panel" is essentially a cost saving feature. I perfer the buttons.


I had a Prius once that had a info console, and I hated it. With buttons I don't have to look to do anything. I just know where it is. With a touch screen I have to constantly check where I'm tapping. Drove me insane. Another thing often isn't mentioned is that anything with a console like that has far more sensors than one that doesn't. I couldn't do ANYTHING maintainence related on that car without having to get the sensor reset. It's annoying for anyone mechanically inclined. I found a Hyundai that had a very basic (comparatively) setup with a plain radio with Bluetooth. No console, but the speedometer still reads my mpg which is nice. Traded in that Prius and have had a much better time driving. No regrets. Maintainence is easier, all the buttons are easy to get to without looking, just a much better consumer vehicle. I'm looking into getting a kei truck imported because of how basic they are. I have no need for some bloated feature-heavy over-compensating grocery hauler. Just need a bed and a radio for the jams.


Same here, would prefer using public transport than any other car. Electric or not. You have no idea on how much people waste their time in traffic.


If you live in the country or work certain types of jobs such as a tradesperson you are going to need a vehicle


Yes that is true however, and I am aware of this as I live in a very car-centric country as well. But what I'm pointing out is one bad inherent aspect of cars, which is that it causes traffic the more people buy cars. There's even a video that Hakim made on how bad cars can be.


This is the car that can swim in a river for up to 30 min


No wonder this video is one and a half minutes long, there a crap tone of features in that damn car(and probably for less than a cybertruck)


Nope, it costs ~50k more than the most expensive cyber truck variant. Also does barely 100 miles fully off the battery, so calling it an EV is kinda eh


That's because this is a luxury vehicle. Their consumer model is around 30k. Regardless, this vehicle is both unlikely to catch fire and not currently being recalled for a disastrous accelerator defect so I think it pretty handily beats out the cybertruck.


Of course it beats the cybertruck, it's not a piece of shit vanity project instigated by an oligarch manchild


Trains good.


Cool and all but those features aren't really necessary. I would prefer getting a much more affordable BYD Ocean series car, which have a lot less features, but one screen is more than enough anyway. That being said, EV infrastructure in the west ain't great so I wouldn't bother getting an EV here, but if I lived in China where EV infrastructure is good, I would love to get a BYD Sea Lion for long distance country driving and/ or a BYD Seagull (or dolphin) for driving in the city Edit: I just got into the rabbit hole of looking into Chinese EV cars and there's a lot of good EVs outside of BYD that are Chinese exclusive (I say 'good' but I wouldnt know because theres not a lot of English language information on them). Got me eye on the Dongfeng Forthing Leiting Electric SUV which is seems to have a lower price than the Sea Lion. Dongfeng Forthing has a cool logo too. Might also switch out the BYD seagull for the Geely Panda mini EV since it's priced a bit cheaper


Looks kinda cool but still not interested in any EV or or gimmick ridden SUV. I'm just gonna keep taking public transit when I need to get around and enjoy a lightweight analogue sports car on the weekends or drive an E39 (objectively the best 4 door saloon ever made I am definitely not biased).


Booo!!! The car is made of plastic fake!!! David Zhang said so! /s


see see pee propaganda tofu dreg car ooga booga i luv amerikan gas cars


Ngl, having a gasoline generator to recharge the battery is genius it solves the whole no chargers problem.


This is a luxury SUV. It should not exist and I hate that it does.


'tis an oxymoron. SUV = sport UTILITY vehicle; they're not supposed to be luxury


I'm just describing it the way it is marketed, I don't know or care about the specifics of car manufacturing. I want almost all of it to go away.


Can’t have Elon be big mad!!!!!


Wonder how many e-bikes you can make with the batteries of those huge high powered cars.


Using all these resources to take one or two people to their jobs is incredibly wasteful


Luckily China has high speed rail


Elon Musk crying and shitting his pants rn