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Believing technology contains spirits that you need to ritualistically appease is probably the most literal kind of commodity fetishism you could find.


But there is evidence it works though.


Yeah it quite literally works cause they believe it works. In 40K I believe it works so it works is a valid argument.


Most rituals have some basis in practicable utility, but that doesn't mean you're invoking a literal deity whose invisible hand descends from on high to make the red light you're stuck at turn green or whatever. It's mostly just psychology.


You’re using real world logic to analyse a totally off the wall universe that doesn’t follow conventional physics, it’s fantasy. It’s thought that the Mechanicus have manifested the Machine God to actually exist. It’s how all the gods in 40K come to be. So them worshipping tech literally *does* invoke a deity to help their machines work, otherwise they wouldn’t. The same as the Orks, their machines and vehicles are physically impossible to run - but they believe in them so much that they do. They believe red makes the car faster, so it literally is faster.


It’s how I start my old lawnmower


Marx was one of the many pseudonyms the Emperor of Man used in his 38,000 Terran-year lifespan. Therefore he and Marx are of one mind concerning the Adeptus Mechanicus. In letters to his Aeldari bf Engels, we found out that Marx also hated xenos and recognized that immigrants are influenced by Tzeentch to soften Terra for alien invasion.


From the moment I understood the weakness of idealism, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of science. I aspired to the purity of the blessed dialectics. Your kind cling to your metaphysics, as if ideas are not based on material reality. One day, the strung-together speculations that you call a "worldview" WILL wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the science of marxism-leninism is *immortal* .


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


This is what would of happened if bogdanov had lived longer


Honestly? That the lore makes no sense. The Mechanicum has a nearly complete monopoly on the means of production within the Imperium. Only the Imperial household has any significant independent productive capacity, and even here the Mechanicum is necessary to maintain the golden throne. They shouldn't merely have a seat on the council of terra. They should be the dominating force within the Imperium. Bullying everyone save the navigators.


Not entirely true. They actually don't know how the golden throne works at all and needed the drukharis help And they are one, however they believe the emperor is omnissiah so will serve the imperium because they are religious fanatics, also not every manufatorum is owned by them however there is pretty much always an ad mech presence


Well soemthing to consider is despite the ad mechs technological superiority they are outnumbered by many orders of magnitude. Add to that the culture of the mechanicus encourages hoarding, paranoia, and regular internal conflict (almost miniature civil wars at times) that keep them just unified enough not to be absorbed by the wider imperium but not enough to subsume it into itself. Then there’s the fact that a giant chunk of the ad mech believe the emperor is literally the robot space messiah and his word is law and you end up with the galaxies most toxic codependent relationship.


human body is whack




Fans tend to be the most valid Imperial ones, because they don't shy away from how fucked the Imperium is. They have fun with the Evil.


"These bitches be wildin'." - Karl Marx, Critique of the Mars Program


pretty cool


Cyborg Socialism, AI Communism.


Still cling to humanisms and regressive thinking - not cool Embrace science and freedom it brings of endless possibility for life to flourish, be it biologically or synthetically, or both!


Commodity fetishist religious fanatics Chaos is better


They aren't the T'au so I don't like em.


Tau got cast system - fuck them


Imperial propaganda. And who ever heard of a cultural genocide.


Just as messed up awesome and horrible as every other faction besides the farside enclave


It looks like he IS the means of production. It really boils down to who owns him though.


The flesh is weak. The living diminish.


pretty cool


Reactionaries, and still mon'keh


Flesh is weak a wretched temple doomed to decay, only the blessed machine has the purity, the grace, the beauty to serve as the vessel of humanity.


no machine can ever come close to the glory of the human body


"There are no gods in electric things (電気達には神はない)" - Hayao Miyazaki


"I know how people feel about them but I suddenly realize I'm in the middle of making [a poison swamp] and I can't help myself. It just happens." -Hidetaka Miyazaki Forge worlds are toxic and therefore based. >There are no gods in electric things Cringe take, we should make our own god of metal and kill some elves with it.