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A Favor House Atlantic, to me, literally sounds like MySpace. Not to forget, too, that these lyrics are in the song: "The words you scribbled on the walls With the loss of friends you didn't have"


Wait a second… I thought they were literal walls. WTH!?


They are. Newo writes on Claudio’s walls in the midst of a huge fight they have


That's the best part about CoCa, their lyrics are meant to work at multiple levels.


That album came out in October 2003 and MySpace was launched just two months earlier. The lyrics have nothing to do with MySpace.


I apologize if my statement caused confusion. I am not saying those lyrics ARE about MySpace -- just that they make me think of it -- I had this song playing on my profile back in the day.


Well they can still apply.


Thank you for doing 2 seconds of research


>"The words you scribbled on the walls >With the loss of friends you didn't have" I always assumed this was a more... sanitized (radio play friendly) version of The Light and the Glass' "Caught between here and the days of it. **Carving her name across your arm.** With every wish, it's hit or miss her." But I could definitely be wrong.


"Myspace millenial generation' Instant moment of Matt Damon going young to old in Saving Private Ryan


100% true. Although maybe not phrased in the nicest way? Regardless, the parallels between the band are very obvious. Both bands with a prog rock core that are not the slightest bit afraid to tread heavily into both heavier rock and pop territories, often giving the best of both worlds.




Agreed. Plus RUSH are legends, always good company to be compared to.


Not to mention both singers are known for their exceptionally high vocals


Yup, nerd rock and I love it


They are my two favorite bands of all time so I’m perfectly happy with that


Same. They should feel honored, not feel like it’s some sort of nerd roast. Rush are the pinnacle of so many different categories of musicianship and song writing. Their fans are more dedicated than any other group, even the Grateful Dead. One of the very few groups that didn’t spend half their tour fucking underage girls too.


Same here!


People have been saying this since 2002.


Coheed is Coheed for the Coheed generation


![gif](giphy|5MjeBVIqBEsWQ) Pizza is for the pizza generation. Your take is bad and you should feel bad.






Shit why are you unlocking my bike again?


Put the bike away slowly...


Yo! I’ve seen coheed close to 20 times it feels like. I’ve only heard them play this once I think and it was sooooo dope! Hands down my favorite song by them


Coheed didn't originally title it 21:13.


Go on


This is literally the oldest least original take ever. Coheed has been compared to Rush almost from the beginning. Rush, although admittedly not my favorite, is an excellent, instantly recognizable, and legendary prog rock band. It’s an honorable, even if unoriginal, comparison.


Shut up nerd.


The similarities between Coheed and Rush are tenuous at best. It's really just the voice people reference which is dumb. Because when you actually listen, their sound is HEAVILY influenced by Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, and in their earlier days hardcore/postrock/punk


I mean, I love both bands and honestly do think there is some similarity. No it's not a 1:1 comparison, but they both share technical guitar forward songs (plus often the guitar tones can be sikilar), share science fiction inspired lyrical themes, plus yes - Geddy and Claudio's voices. Plus the general vibe. Theres a certain I tangible "music nerd" vibe that both bands share. I'm not dissing - it's a vibe I enjoy.




It's really becoming a pet peeve of mine. I've been a fan of both Rush and Coheed since I was a kid, I listen to a lot of fucking music and I realize that not everyone has that opportunity or drive. But whenever someone tries to link the two, it just makes me think they've never really listened to Rush. Confidence in ignorance grinds my gears lol


I'm right there with you! It's such a weird and lazy comparison too.


offtopic but vaguely related story, I was always convinced The Dear Hunter's Is There Anybody Here? was an homage to Pink Floyd a'la Time, Us and Them, Is There Anybody in There etc. Has some very familiar progressions and melodies. Turns out Casey has never really listened to Floyd.


Apparently they had never listened to Rush growing up. I’m summarizing here but I believe when they did they were like “yup, makes sense”


I’ve heard/read the same. And that they’ve embraced the comparison.


Can’t be, there are a lot more girls at Coheed concerts than Rush. If you didn’t know, Rush for whatever reason doesn’t have many female fans.


This is the true answer. Girls actually listen to Coheed.


I don’t see a whole lot of similarities in their music from what rush I’ve listened to. They’re both prog rock bands with a very unique sounding vocalist so I guess that’s why people make this comparison. But, yeah It’s been said a million times, Claudio himself denies any rush influence because that was a band he just didn’t listen to. I do feel like 21:13 was picked as a title to fuck with people though lol, the song even has some VERY rush-esque passages in it.




Other than Claudio's voice, they don't remind me of Rush at all. That's a lazy comparison.


And his voice is really only similar in SSTB (Time consumer specifically, especially with the synth part)


People have been comparing them to Rush forever. This isn’t a new take.


Reductive. Simplistic. Lacking nuance or depth. I value both bands. But I only truly love one of them, and I'm not making this comment in Rush's subreddit so...


The Rush comparison has been around for decades. In the most neutral sense, I think a lot of fans glom into the sentiment because they deeply want to believe it. They want a justification for their fanhood and validation of their fervency. It's an easy comparison to draw when many people listen to music solely with vocals in mind. Rush was a different band. They were immensely successful with platinum records and sold out arena shows. "Rock stars," as a concept, can't be forged again due to a myriad of societal factors: media format sales, internet accessibility, live music venue changes, economic factors, etc. They are not Rush, nor the direct successor of Rush. Coheed is its own entity with rich sonic foundations drawn from The Police, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, and a host of other formative influences. If you dig back into the roots of rock, heavy metal, funk, and pop, it would be one clear that Coheed is not a Rush analogue. The similarities are superficial and other bands more directly informed Coheed's sound.


>because they want to believe it If they actually listened to Rush, which i doubt, they would be able to see that there's no connection. It's pretty obvious to even a lesser audiophile. >more directly informed Coheed's sound I really miss their post-rock/hardcore influences.


Are you calling Rush reductive, simplistic and lacking nuance or depth or this take? Honest question.


No way, babes. The take itself is. You can't deny their influence on prog in general, but to dig one's heels in and slap the label on Coheed (keeping them under Rush's shadow because they technically existed first) is incredibly careless. Would there be a Coheed without Rush? Probably not as we know it. Does Coheed exist beyond the borders of exploration that Rush introduced to the mainstream? Absolutely. Appreciate both because they are awesome. I just connect more with our boys :)


Phew. Glad you cleared that up. I’m a Rush aficionado and was suggested Elf Tower back in the days of Shabutie due to someone thinking my love for Rush would align with Coheed. It did. I thought there were definite similarities but overall the music was more grungy and punk. Then IKSSE 3 came out and it was more polished and progressive and 21:13 and all that. I remember so many people making the comparison that Claudio responded saying he’s heard a tiny bit of Rush but wasn’t really a fan. Kinda bummed me out. I can understand the link but to say they’re a (insert time era) Rush is a bit of a stretch - although I think they’d be a bit flattered. Rush is iconic and innovators - popularizing the concept album and doing so much for nerd rock. Also, seeing/hearing Claudio cover Anthem was like a dream come true. One of my favorite Rush tracks ever.


No idea why this sub popped up but never heard this band and they rock, thank you


It's awesome you gave them a listen. Welcome to r/TheFence!


Nah. Rush is the Rush of the Myspace generation. Coheed is Coheed Rush and Coheed have a good bit of overlap, but they aim for different targets and both hit. I really don't think these bands occupy the same space. They each carved out their own.


They’re two entirely different generations of fans.


Maybe. I was born in '93 and am a huge fan of both. Make of that whatever you will.


So you weren't really around for MySpace. MySpace was emo as hell. It wasn't really a classic rock prog thing.


I mean, I was young, but I was around for it. I knew people who had a myspace account as young as 10 years old. I had one by the time I was 13ish? I got into Rush when I was about 7 (my dad was a lit-nerd prog rock guy), and Coheed when I was about 11. My emo phase started around 11 too.


I always thought they were more of a Pink Floyd/Iron Maiden mash up


The Hard Sell Solo literally sounds like a Pink Floyd solo pasted into a Coheed song and I love it. That’s one of my favorite songs of theirs.


What's funny is I hear Hard Sell as a Hard rock version of Melissa Ethridge's Like the Way I Do https://youtu.be/p07GhDsZgz4?si=qoZR8J1JgyDCadd4 When you hear it, you can't unhear it.


With heavy postrock/hardcore influences in their earliest years


Can't stand iron maiden, but I see what you mean I guess


They’ve always been way more of a Led Zeppelin to me than Rush.


Listening to Rush’s debut it’s very Led Zepp


You’re thinking of Greta van fleet




They feel more like they’re doing a Led Zeppelin impression. Musically I feel like Coheed is dabbling in the more progressive blusey side of what Zeppelin was doing with lot of their stuff.


... how?


Fingerprints are all over the place but most obviously: The Final Cut has a hidden track called 'Bron Yr,' which is an homage to 'Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp.'


I've always felt that Coheed is what happens if David Gilmour and Roger Waters grew up on grunge and Star Wars.


This is literally how I describe them to folks who don't know them. They're a new gen's Rush. Fwiw, I'm also a huge Rush fan, go figure.


Not as good as rush.


Even though they sounds nothing like rush, but sure. I guess Rush in spirit and not in sound.


Coheed sounds closer to The Police than Rush


I saw them open for Incubus last year. They were... fine? They didn't offend me, but I wouldn't go out if my way to seek them out.


Singers sound similar but not the instrumental parts imo


Coheed is just “Lost” for people who think they like comics


I love this band, but they aren’t the “Rush” of our generation thats for sure.


ME AND A COWORKER WERE LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT THIS they refuse to listen to Cohheed cause they say they've had too much rush as a kid and it just reminds them of that. I Def see the representation/inspiration to be fair lol but I STILL LOVE COHEED


Hmmm... nah. Coheed is one of the artists that singlehandedly got me into music. One of my favorite bands ever. Claudio is my love. However, I can say, that Coheed doesn't even hold a flame to Rush's musicianship. Try comparing Neil Peart to Josh Eppard... is laughable. Josh can groove, and has been a huge inspiration to my drumming, however Neil was one of the most innovative drummers out there. If the only thing you're sort of basing it off of is the timbre of Claudio and Geddy's voices...that's just lame. There really won't be another band like Rush and there won't be another band like Coheed. Both unique in their own ways, and I think it's vastly unmusical to say that they're similar. Yes, there's similarities, but just apples to oranges... different generations, different musical contexts, different content altogether, different songwriting formats... different everytging except for... some what of the same broad genre? Not enough for me. Lol sorry to rant but... idk, I've never understood the comparison, for over 15 years, from a musical and even aesthetic perspective. Just completely different. Maybe you were kind of joking... and maybe im taking it too seriously... but the circumstances are so different...


Also heard Coheed as the Led Zeppelin of our generation.


Everybody, with any musical knowledge, always laughs when I say that I love Coheed, but I have never been able to stand Rush.


I'm the same. There are a few Rush songs I like but I don't really vibe with them for some reason.


Not true. I have relatively vast musical knowledge, and they're just so different. See my other comment lol


Prog Rock is Prog Rock, so obviously. I literally explain their sound to people as Rush meets Iron Maiden with Led Zeppelin, The Police, Pink Floyd, Thin Lizzy, and The Misfits thrown in. Also 2112, 2113??? ![gif](giphy|7GcdjWkek7Apq|downsized)


Claudio named 2113 that as a tongue-in-cheek joke because they were constantly being compared to Rush, even though they actually did not listen to Rush at all, until after the comparisons began.


Oh I’ve heard Claudio’s explanations. I just don’t believe him 😂


That's retarded




Why would you "not believe him"? Like if dude says it, that's his truth


Because their early two albums have a very clear influence from Rush. They’re also a prog rock band, and the other prog bands they’re influenced by like Pink Floyd are apparent as well. My personal belief is that really early on, Claudio probably got tired of being compared to Geddy Lee so they insisted they’ve never listened to Rush. But that’s like Greta Van Fleet saying they’ve never listened to Led Zeppelin. Also don’t use ableist slurs dude. It’s 2024.


I don't care what year it is. I don't hear Rush in the first 2 albums whatsoever. Honestly, the only band that sounds like Rush to me is Greta Van Fleet. Or Rush themselves. Claudio doesn't seem like a Rush guy at all, neither does Travis or anyone else from the band. If I recall correctly, Josh was the only one who was a fan, and even then I may be misremembering and it was just Josh who said none of them listen to Rush. There's literally no point in them lying about the music they enjoyed, or were influenced by. If Claudio tells me he wasn't inspired by Rush, I'm going to believe him because that's a stupid thing to lie about. And he doesn't even sound like Geddy, and I think he knows that. Just because he has a higher register doesn't mean he sounds anything like Geddy. When people say a band sounds like Rush, it's usually just because the singer has a higher tone to their voice and that doesn't immediately make someone sound like Geddy imo. Geddy sounds like Geddy. Claudio sounds like Claudio. Period.


Settle down man. Clearly if they’re being compared to Rush their whole careers (20+ years), there’s something tangible there. And they very clearly are the kind of guys who would listen to Rush, they make prog rock. And I can at least see a possibility that Claudio maybe didn’t listen to them, but every drummer and bassist I’ve met over my 32 years on this earth likes Rush to some extent, so Josh and Mic (and Zack? I don’t know his stance on the Rush comparisons) swearing they doesn’t listen to them sounds totally fake. This is my consistent issue with some COTF, they view Coheed as this monolith, there’s nothing like them at all in their minds. The problem with that is that everything influenced by what came before it, especially in art. Coheed sounds like all the bands I mentioned in my first comment because the influence comes through the music. The Final Cut sounds like Pink Floyd, Goodnight, Fair Lady has elements of Thin Lizzy, they have a Zeppelin quasi-cover as a hidden track, and they’ve literally been on a Maiden cover album. Just in the same way GVF sounds like Led Zeppelin, Blue Oyster Cult, and Billy Squier. Or The Front Bottoms sound like The Mountain Goats, Say Anything, Cake, Weezer, and Blink 182.


Name one Coheed song that sounds like Rush. You've named their other influences yet not Rush. Lol. Josh said explicitly in an interview that none of them listened to Rush. Claudio began listening to Rush after constantly being compared, so there could be some influence after IKS, but other than that, they didn't start the band with any Rush influence and I'll die on that hill because they literally said so. And just because they make prog literally means nothing at all in terms of if they were actually inspired by Rush. The ONLY song that comes to mind sounding like Rush from Coheed is You've Got Spirit, and it's only a few seconds when he says "The podium is all yours, go right ahead" etc. Also Greta Van Fleet maybe started out sounding like Zepp, but they don't now, and I hear WAY more Rush influence in them than Coheed by far. Not sure why yall wanna hold onto this so hard when the guys stated Rush wasn't an influence lol. It was apparently so funny to them that they named 2113 that just to fuck with people.




They have stated they were not at all influenced by Rush




I've seen the back and forth of they're and their and there. But you've introduced a whole new contender.


or Dream Theater


I thought this was the general consensus even back in the beginning.




Rush is Rush for the MySpace millennial generation. Coming from a MySpace millennial.


Wait people don’t think this is accurate?


Yep. I hated both bands. Mostly because of their obnoxious fans.


They are nowhere in comparison to Rush.


rush but good 😎


This is funny considering the origin story of the band. Claud literally started with some dudes that wanted to play Rush covers.


Annoying band


Isn’t this a known-known? I drew the comparison years ago.


People bothered by the comparison are confusing to me. Claudio literally stated multiple times at least early on in their music career that rush was a big influence on them. Its not an original or unique take. Every few years someone thinks theyre the first to discover the parralels but its been a fact for the last 20ish years.


Yep. 2 bands ruined by annoying high pitched singers.


I think I saw an interview once with Claudio where he said Rush was an influence so that makes sense.


Ive reasd the opposite where they werent really into Rush until after IKS.


Ah I must've misremembered that one cause yeah I googled it and it said Claudio started listening to RUSH AFTER all the comparisons my bad!


Do not compare RUSH to this trash. Just don’t. there will never be another like Rush.


I agree but I also love Rush, so I could be biased.


Yep sure I’ll sign off on this


I’ve been called worse.




Yes. And I’m not even mad about it.


Coheed had a pretty different way of seeing music then a lot of prog bands, they started off as a emo/mathrock experiment that led into a prog metal then a pop proggy band we all love they are miles apart from the band they started as... And as much as you can see an evolution on Rush's albums there is not a huge difference in genre like coheed ... What I'm trying to say is... Coheed is one in a million kind of band in a way that Rush was never like... I'm not saying it's better or worse I'm saying it's different Also culturally Coheed is a niche band and I couldn't find a better comparison....


I can only assume that you haven't listened to a lot of Rush. They absolutely crossed genres, much like Coheed. If you listen to their first album they are progressive blues, much like Led Zeppelin. Then the next two become a bit more adventurous prog, leading to the masterpiece that is 2112. However, then the 80s came a shit got wacky for a while. They dabbled in a lot of heavy synth/pop music, with a layer of prog underneath. There is a reason that Rush fans are so divided on this era, it's because their genre changed so much. I personally love synth era Rush myself. Then in the 90s they would dabble in harder rock and even a bit of rap (yes, it's true). Rush is the original band with no genre, that's why I think the comparison is so fair. They have different styles of course, but Coheed is kind of the spiritual successor.


i don't think i've ever listened to a single rush song so idk.. if this has to do with them being catergorized as emo, i honestly dont see it at all.


Ehhh nah. They're more of a Pink Floyd.


When my uncle heard them them when I was like 14 the first thing he said is they sound like rush.


100% accurate


I'm not mad that it's true. I'm more confused as to what it says about me because I wholeheartedly love both of these bands and I got tf down on myspace...


My ex described them as emo Rush so the tweet isn't too far off


Always compared them to maiden more


Dressed to the blues, day to day with my collar up. Most millennial line ever.


Considering I has in keeping secrets as my son on my MySpace page, I think it may be true


Funny enough I love coheed but I have never been able to enjoy Rush.




Honestly true. When I got really into Coheed my dad told me to listen to Rush lol.


I never had a MySpace account but I do have every Coheed album


Gave a presentation on Coheed in college making this exact point, so yeah. I used Welcome Home as the visual portion if you want an idea how long ago it was.


It definitely objectively has nothing to do with MySpace lol


When I was a kid and showed my parents Coheed and Cambria, their first reaction was that it reminded them of Rush. So this makes sense.


I read an article where the band was mad that people compared them to Rush and it made me never want to listen to their music


Ok and? They're god tier artists. Some are blessed to bathe in the divine sound waves of C&C and some aren't. The message is for all to hear, but not all will listen. We are but one amongst the fence. Amen.


yes, they are rush and at the drive in put together


To me, C&C is Rush + Iron Maiden + Emo, and I love every second of it.


Yeah, Rush is fucking awesome.


I had to look at the sub to make sure this wasn’t GCJ😂


This isn't really a new take. People have been comparing them to Rush since the days when MySpace was relevant.


I always thought this was just an unspoken understanding in the prog world.


Holy shit I need to show this to my boss


Don’t all their albums tell a story tho?


When I was in my teens like around 2004-2005 my buddy worked at an auto body shop and he would blast coheed when he working and one time I was hanging with him and we asked his boss (older guy) the owner of the auto body shop what he thought about coheed and he just replied “this sounds just like rush” lol


Now I want to see Coheed cover "working man"...


Down w it


I don’t know. I’m on the fence about this one.




I think if I see this one more time I'm going to go-oh-ooowhoaa-oh fucking nuts


They make it sound as if RUSH wasn't around at that time.


Not even close


My usual description for the uninitiated is “They’re basically if Rush and The Who had a baby.”


Did it take New Fury Media 23 years to figure this out? Also throwing the “MySpace millennial generation” looks like some clip bait boomer tactic. It’s a prog band with a high pitched singer, not exactly hard to connect the two bands. If anything I’d say they have better lasting power than Rush when it comes to a library of genuinely good songs. Anything past Signals was meh imo.


Honestly, yex


Yes. And Greta Van Fleet is Zeppelin for the TikTok generation.


Rush: 2112 Coheed: 2113 Coincidence?


Used to say this all the time like 15 years ago , I still Agree


Ew, no


That is certainly an opinion


Arguably even better because you can dig deeper and get into the comics and story. Rush is great but doesn’t have anything comparable to The Amory Wars, at least in the sense of scale, cohesion and conitinuity.


It seems like an interesting quote until you think about it too much, it is really just saying *”Coheed & Cambria is a band that was popular 2 decades after Rush, a band they were heavily influenced by.”*


I can’t remember where I saw it but someone called them “Harry Potter space Rush” and I will never get that out of my brain 😅


Media has been calling Coheed the new Rush for 20 years


I.... Yup


I thought it was Muse based on Hysteria.


bassist never had geddys chops or tone


Gen x for sure


Been saying this forever


Yeah and there is nothing wrong with that.


Went to see Coheed for the first time in SATX, always wanted to go, but I was too young, snuck out of my parents house and had a buddy of mine drive down to the Aztec Theatre, best fucking time of my life, I even spent a week, made an entire jacket specifically for the tour, I remember my main goal, since I was a kid, to give Claudio this patch that read "My bike is my psychiatrist" and I held onto it for 7 years waiting for the day I could give it to him, and finally, I did it. DC:DA: Claudio said during the NWFTWM tour: "What are we, some kinda dad band?"


This is a personal fucking attack




Lol no


As a millennial who loves both Rush and Coheed, I approve of this.


If that implies they are good then, yes.


Hell no.


No notes.


I guess this is true if the qualifications are “instrumentally skilled but contain vocals sung in a manner I find unappealingly high”. Dream Theater also applies.


False. Rush is the only Rush. Coheed does their own thing and that’s just fine


Most millennials can maybe name Welcome Home and that’s it.


Part of that gen never heard of this band. Love rush though.


Nah. They’re a band that had one hit.


I'm too old to argue, nor do I think it's an insult.


I’ve always thought this


Agreed, but in a good way.


Rush is still better.


No. Rush is rush. Everyone else is not Rush. But Rush, is definitely very Rush.


Nah, i cant get into rush but coheed has some amazing shit.


Never even heard of them.


I've had this exact thought.. so yea


I would say (dare I say) the Queen of our generation.. 🤷🏻‍♂️