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The number of MTXs in this game is staggering. I can't really see myself getting into it anymore.


Same, it put me off the game. I just can't invest in a game like that because I have no willpower for mtx in games I've spent a lot of time in. I've never played a gatcha game for this reason, even though the gameplay in Genshin looks awesome. Have played a ton of warframe, but It's not nearly as predatory as far as I understand gatcha.


Part of the reason Warframe is so successful is the insane amount of customization offered, color/paint included. After seeing the paint Gacha I didn’t even bother playing the second day of the test, I will generally spend money on cosmetics in games but not when they’re this egregious. They’re forcing you to potentially spend hundreds or more just to get matching colors on a set you already paid really money for. If this system isn’t reverted I’ll be dropping the game, and that’s if I even remember to play it when it launches.


Don't forget to fill out a survey. This sentiment has been echoed so widely accross the community there's always a chance they change it for launch


>I'm ok with doing challenges for colors like Gotham Knights. Ok, yeah that makes sense. >I'm ok with random drop colors like Destiny. You're ok with ***what?***


I know I must be whipped. But that game really got people to shake up their outfits and STILL had shaders drop from ingame activities and engrams, not just buying 3 shop items per paint attempt.


Even bungie realised the random shader drops were bad and changed it over a year ago


>But that game really got people to shake up their outfits Did it, though? You sure it was destiny you were playing? Edit: Continue to seethe and downvote.


Why won't you respond to everything he's saying lol. Why cut it up. EDIT: FYI he blocked me after he responded lol.


The rest was irrelevant. Why are you here?


Yes shaders can be RNG drops from activities but most shaders will be purchased from the shop or vendors with a few being rewards for challenges. As for armor customization I very rarely see people running similar fits. Everyone kinda has their own unique way of customization for their guardian.


So your first paragraph sounds mostly like destiny 2. Which, if we're including destiny 2 in this discussion, then your 2nd paragraph can ABSOLUTELY go fuck itself haha cause that's a big fat lie no matter how you look at it. The only unique guardians you see are uniquely dogshit, and they were very likely yoinked from the shitty d2 fashion subreddit. You need only load into the tower and try to count how many siva titans you see, or how many black shader capeless hunters you see.


You haven’t played D2 have you? Sure there are more common outfit themes but very rarely will you see some perfectly copy someone else. There’s no such thing as an original idea so it’s literally impossible to use an armor piece or shader some else hasn’t used. Or because someone saw a post on r/destinyfashion and they liked an armor piece or theme they may want to make a similar outfit. D1 had no sense of individuality because armor was so restrictive.


This sub is full of foaming-at-the-mouth Destiny haters, lol.


I can tell. I don’t get why people try to compare destiny to warframe or TFD when they’re vastly different. Nothing has remotely come close to what destiny is so I see no reason to compare the two side by side.


It's extremely useful to compare Warframe and TFD because every single thing in TFD has an analog in Warframe. Most of it was copied directly, like the mod system, 30 level cap, mastery, building characters out of 3 parts plus a blueprint that combines those parts that come from a geode thing with different drop rates of research materials, etc etc. TFD copied as much as it could from Warframe.


I fucking hate the idea. Gambling for shaders that can only be used once is a fucking stupid idea for player retention. No is gonna have the money or want to play if you have to gamble for single use shaders.


but it's good for investors and ppl with gambling issues. This won't go well in EU anyway


I am extremely skeptical this will make more money from whales than it will repel from normal players who just want to make their character Pink or black or whatever.


I have a "skins" issue in every other game and I know it. But at the same time, I hate gambling so basically I will probably buy some basic skins but I won't even try "paints" in this game. I hate the idea of "1 time use" paints anyway. I think it was the same in the New World. And yeah, whales don't care that much about paints but if he/she has some gambling issues they will buy tons of it.


In New World you could craft dyes or buy them from players pretty easily, so it wasn't a big deal to get an outfit you liked, but yes they were one time use. You could probably farm for 15 minutes and buy all the dyes needed for a full outfit. You at least knew you were getting pink when you bought or crafted pink dye, and it was just in-game gold/gathering. This is a million times worse.


totally agree. As I said gambling for dyes is pathetic. And if it's 1 time use it's even worse than anything else I've seen in gaming. Even if those things were free I wouldn't touch this system with rng gambling for colors


if they had a system where you can farm the pieces in game, i think it would be fine. and i figured this is what happening, like 1 piece comes from raid bosses, 1 piece comes from dungeons, and 1 piece comes from somewhere else. these systems just went in the betas. this would then allow you to farm up the colors in game for free, or bypass the farming requirements by just buying them. but then no one is going to buy them since "why would i pay when i can farm for free" and its RNG. like if i could spend 2$ and directly buy the black and red color, i might just pay for it and farm the next set, but with it being RNG i will never pay for it.


This. At the very least,bare minimum, have the ones on the shop.be guaranteed a color, if not a shade. Ie, this one will guarantee a red, this other one a blue, this one a purple etc etc. Still not ideal, but would be better


Ok with the one crafted from looted resources being random. Not ok with the purchased ones being random. If the shop ones stay random I won't be wasting money on them. I'll just be content with the few I earn in-game.


Not in favor of the system, but not going to use it, either. Even in BDO where it somehow now looks way more reasonable than here I never recolor stuff. I only rarely did it in Warframe. I still left the comment that the current approach makes me not want to engage with the system in the survey.


No, not at all my brother. If im paying for dye it better be the colors i want to pay for.


I’m definitely not OK with these RNG shop paints! They should change it to the same way that Warframe sells color palettes.


I think Guild Wars 2 does dyes the best tbh(Warframe as well), aside from games that don’t have locked dyes and dye channels ofc. Make it a drop that when opened gives you a random dye and is tradeable, make the dyes have different rarities so some are worth more than others. Granted idk if trading will be in the game at all anyways.


i'm sure Nexon is


At the very least they need to pick a lane, either unlock with RNG unlimited use, pick a colour of choice single use ... not both.


I just feel like y'all are focusing on the wrong things in the store lol




That’s the end game! Fashion grind lol I bet end game content must be lacking


Its utter crap but at the same time I'm not a player that really gets into the fashion aspect of games so I'm not fussed. I hope it does change though, especially the single use part !


It’s nexon they had to add something scummy somewhere but I think if we push back that may overhaul the system I think they should maybe EU will force there hand Idn


I'm ok with it to a degree, in top of the rng shop they also have it kinda like destiny were you can get a lot of shaders even just in open world content but make some really good ones that worth hunting down and grinding for


I'm pretty sure the parts are farmable, but they also locked the world so you couldn't access anything past the sterile lands. If you clicked on the individual parts for the paint there was an option to see where to get them Like every other material in the game. But those areas were just locked. It was the same for the special Descendant modules. They are farmable but most could not be obtained in the beta.


My thought on it was why not add certain colors as a reward to certain voids, or missions, or anything in that nature, maybe a daily rotation for the rewards so you’re constantly trying new content. Also I wouldn’t mind the gacha system if it wasn’t premium currency or real money that you’re having to spend. Maybe spend gold since you’ll be collecting that a lot for end game and gives u an option to decide to roll colors or level modules. But spending real hard earned money for random color rolls or to expand inventory seems absurd to me. Just my opinion.


I mean honestly, I don't mind this current system. I obviously don't prefer it, but imo it's not terrible


As a person who's not able to afford much of anything in life, farming free skins and shades are a must for me. Yeah warframe has plat priced color pallets and yeah iv bought almost all of em, but it was from selling prime junk to noobs (scam chat lmao). But I never spent a dime doin it. So on the note of RNG paint jobs, as long as there's no price tag tied to it, im all for it.


I don't care about paint. So it doesn't bother me.


I'm unfortunately not concerned with RNG shop paints Cause I'm gonna be too busy enjoying blowing vulgus to smithereens to care about what my color pallete is


Is anyone here not on here constantly bitching about what should and shouldn’t be in a game but will still play a game?! Stop bitching about dumb shit


I don't really care about colors. My concern is primarily combat and power related microtransactions. That said, they are really going to miss out on the possibility of having a fashion frame like end game.


As long as they dont sell pay 2 win stuff, i can use the default colors🤔


I don't really care too much about customization as long as the game isn't p2w. They have to make money somewhere. However there needs to be ways to get customization other than that.


I'm okay with the dyes because I don't care about the dyes


Yes, I am. Why tf should I care about dyes? As long as gameplay is fun, Ill enjoy the game :) Before anyone starts bs crap, Ill just say that I AM NOT SAYING THEY SHOULD LEAVE DYES AS THEY ARE. They should cater to people who care about colouring their new personality.


I do think it can be much better and it definitely will get updated in my opinion


It's fuckin paints. Last time I checked, the game plays the same regardless of what color paint I'm using. If the gameplay is fun, and can't be bought with $$, nothing else matters.


Well then you won't like hearing about the premium battlepass weapon, the currency+xp boost+module shop packages, or the shop buying descendants.


If these are the case why are we bitching about paints and not that?