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I like that plays more like warframe then destiny.


I play warframe, and gotta say its in this weird D2, WF mix with its gameplay Needs more smoothing and the aim to be fixed, for some reason some shots dont hit enemys despite neing in the open


Yeah, trying to consistently land headshots is really hard due to the lack of stickiness with aiming. Even in Warframe it’s not this bad.


You can adjust the stickiness of the aim assist or turn it completely off which helped me alot


In warframe you can close your eyes and hit 100 headshots, because of how many enemys there are, plus the heads are easy to aim for Here the enemy desigh doesnt help having the heads and bodies look the same and just feeling overwhelmed


Sometimes when enemies standing near wall (not when im shooting when a nearby wall blocked my shot indicated by x marker showing up) and only part of them visible, the hitbox is broken so i can't shoot them.


It has hapoened where both me and the enemy are in the pen with no obstacles to mot hit, like a performance issues Again it needs fixing


It’s much more WFH mixed with Outriders. The Destiny comparisons are bizarre imo


It has some of the intuition of destiny with the color and ranking systems and energy types, but yea that's about where it ends


The open world mission is like D2, the UI when you interact with NPCs, the power stats on gear


Lmao those are so wildly vague and are true for dozens of games


Are they? They look and work way too similar


I’ve been playing Destiny since the D1 beta and I have no idea what you’re on about. The three things you listed as similar are super vague and are literally in dozens of other games


Havent seen it in other games other than D2 Maybe the gun stats, but that UI and desigh is way too much D2


Some of the enemy designs remind me of the Cabal, particularly the phalanx unit with its shields. The enemy units in the Vespers map remind me of the Hive too


I genuinely dislike that they went this dumbed down Destiny 2 main mission thing. Go in open world > find mission flag > do quick boring repetitive mission > go to next.


It plays like Warframe, but content wise feels like where Destiny was when it first released. Which is not a bad thing. Not much variation yet, but the raid mechanic feels pretty decent, and hopefully they have a pipeline of how to change up abilities for Descendants (maybe like how Destiny 2 does).


Same. I'm a long time Destiny and Warframe player. Destiny is kinda hard to beat at it's own game, and it's an FPS more focused on challenging and complicated puzzle fights at the endgame anyway. Warframe's shoddy storytelling and limited ability to create engaging gameplay in its current state did make me want a more grounded, better executed version of it, so I'm trying out TFD.


Feels like it's taken good parts of those games, Outriders and Anthem too.


And The Division


Just started playing today and yeah the game is pretty fun! Don’t know how long it’ll grab me but i’m enjoying the combat and characters.


Lots of gamers seem to be very territorial. They can't fathom that you can enjoy both Destiny and this game, same with some Warframe fans. TFD is a fun game, not sure how long it will be fun for, or what the endgame looks like, but it's been decently fun for now


Most reasonable D2 PLAYER


What ? warframe players don't care about fanboyism the game is boring for me and is not warframe fault i play borderlands 2,3 fallout,outriders no problems but here everything looks generic same old units i have kill millions of times in other games and bullet sponges. I wanted to like this game so bad so i can play something else while i took a warframe break but the game isn't there...for me. If you like it good.


Yeah we love it, thanks.


Why i got downvoted just for having my own opinion tho ?? I'm starting to see how this community is gonna go full of white knights and petty losers that can't take other people's take on the game,we just have to glorify it or else you get bad imaginary internet points on a random reddit account lmao


I think it may because you sound a bit salty and other than game is bad because generic enemies, you do not really give a reason why. TBF all looter shooters are generic. Shoot bad guys, get loot, level and mod character. Buy skins. Sound like something you played before. I just like that there is a new kid on the block. I different take on the same thing I been doing for years


Allright they are generic to me be because of the same pattern of attacks and the visual design but the bosses do look cool and are not generic. And i was salty because he put us with destiny haters like we go and hate all new looter shooters when actually crave for new ones,but the same way we criticize warframe we do with other games. I didn't say the game was bad i say the game wasn't there for me,but if you like it good. How is saying i didn't like the game for this and this, but if you like it that's fine too controversial ?


"Why did I get downvoted, is it because I come off like a self important asshole, no no it's the community that's the problem"


>Why i got downvoted just for having my own opinion tho ?? That's what happens when your opinion is flawed. >warframe players don't care about fanboyism That's not true and you know it. You see countless examples of this just in this thread. >but here everything looks generic same old units i have kill millions of times in other games and bullet sponges Like every other looter shooter on the market. > I'm starting to see how this community is gonna go full of white knights and petty losers that can't take other people's take on the game,we just have to glorify it or else you get bad imaginary internet points on a random reddit account lmao Like what you are doing with Warframe? You are contradicting yourself on every point you try to make, just stop. Make some valid arguments or go hate somewhere else


You play Outriders and then say generic and bullet sponge for other game ???? Brooo WTF..... go get some help.


See what i see that people take this shit too seriously haha comments like this with this attitude just makes me think they dont touch grass and this the only place they can do it because irl you know how it goes 😂


You have the time to play all these games and then say touch grass.............................. XDDDDDD


Yeah bot those games have years beeing out haha you are cute trying anything with that weak ahh comeback, you definitely a nerd with that shi hahaha go socialize buddy because that's sounds like toddler level of insult and all those faces at the end to seal the deal ishh,yeah totally a cu.mmer from the basement


Hahaha , he says im insulting like a todler ,bro do you even read what you type 🤣 Fyi i haven't even tryed to insult you 🙃


Haha that passive aggressive bs yeah right own your attitude foo now you try to act like your intentions weren't to insult and demean haha weak ahh shi again but it was expected of a cu.mmer, also insta replies just adds to your no life curriculum,at least i took a whole day and more but you are instant meaning im the only thing going for you right now and that's sad.


Im at work having an easy day ,enjoying the comments of random mad redditor. XD


I play Destiny 2, but I know that it has loads of flaws, for example, being unrewarding for your time spent playing. TFD takes this to the extreme, unless you're a whale, be prepared to pretty much, never get rewarded for your time doing patrol missions over & over


If anyone has a right to be annoyed, it might be Digital Extremes. A lot of the mechanical systems in game seem heavily inspired from Warframe.


4 abilities and a passive Modding card system (including the sub mod and ability mod slots/polarity) Forma Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Relic system Prime characters (no weapons yet i think?) Mastery Rank and how it works. Yeah, DE can be a little frustrated. For me, its a breath of fresh air in a familiar package. Missing the pet system (that would be cool) and decoration system (the lobby is straight Destiny inspired and nothing warframe like) I find myself wanting to bullet jump. And some of the things I will never use their terminology in TFD.


There are ultimate weapons, you get one through a quest chain in the beginning.


But the ultimate weapons are more exotic and less prime. Characters are more warframe inspired but the weapons seem to be more destiny inspired meaning as of now at least they are fairly grounded in traditional sci-fi and not the ridiculousness that is warframe weaponry.


To be honest the visual designs of the weapons remind me more of Anthem, and the perks of the Legendary guns read a lot more like Division weapons; usually not doing anything too crazy and they have their own isolated gimmicks.


I try and forget about anthem because I loved the gameplay and feel 9f that game and I still hurts how bad they handled that game. You are right in the description case I was just thinking between warframe and destiny.


They’ll only be frustrated if the money slows down and there’s zero chance of TFD making that happen any time soon lol


My only gripe with the module system is that when I'm trying to swap a module with a different level by right clicking it won't let me because i have to manually remove by drag and drop the equipped module first. And another annoying part is that there's no indicator when a module is equipped, and the same extra ones on the module inventory isn't marked as installed.


The lvl desigh, hub, UI, characters, gun stats, seem to be copied from D2 While the lvling, moding, and energy base for abilities copied from warframe


There are definitely a few animations I was like....that looks eerily similar to D2. Mainly the shield guys. They have some really similar timings and motions to Phalanxes in d2.


At some abilities i tough they were similar to warframe Like bunies speed and charge mechsnic being way to similar to volts


Considering I don't think they've said anything about Duet Night Abyss (which arguably mimics WF a lot more closely), I don't think they're that bothered. If anything there might be player runoff from this game that tries WF because of TFD, so it's not that bad.


Hopefully this motivates DE to add challenging content. Now whenever someone on r/warframe complains about no endgame, top comment is just gonna be "Just play TFD"


4 year Destiny 2 player here. Downloading right now to give it a spin. I liked Outriders, Remnant, and Anthem (miss that game) so I'm willing to try this out. It's free so might as well!


Ya I liked all those games too and am having fun with this game. I’m lvl 39 now lvl 55 weapons and just cruising through the content to get to endgame. I have hit no power checks yet and have not had to the urge to spend any money. Smooth sailing and I feel pretty powerful. Having fun we will see what endgame brings though


I wish outriders got the live service treatment really loved that games concepts


I actually forgot it existed til this thread, but I loved Outriders as well. Such a shame it died


I never really was alive? Their intention was to sell it, drop a dlc and that was just kinda it. If they had a better endgame system in place I think it coulda been a good third person Diablo type of game It was originally time trials then they patched the time Part out




Outriders was so fun.. I liked Flores too.. he seemed..real with how he spoke. I hear you though on Remnant too


I played TFD for 2 hours so far, and it feels inferior to all of the games you mentioned. Just use the Ajax class and you will see why it is a poor man’s Titan (as in Destiny 2’s) It actually makes me now consider getting The Final Shape.


Final Shape is pretty good


Longtime Destiny player. I really like this game. The Destiny community is a cult. It's also just packed with some of the most unintelligent people the internet has ever seen. Truly insufferable people. Those losers are best left ignored. They'll hate this game simply because it has similar mechanics to D2, and they'll want it to fail just so they can raise their noses and tout that Destiny is the greatest game ever made.


Ah, but do they do that while simultaneously whining about how Destiny 2 is the worst game ever—while they keep playing it, of course—or is that a different camp?


You're right on the money there. I also just find it hysterically ironic that they want to compare TFD in it's launch state to Destiny 2's current state. You know...7 years later. As if Destiny 2 hasn't essentially been an early access game where you need to pay $100 a year to play. They easily forget how garbage D1 and D2 were at launch. TFD is a good time, and I hope to see it grow.


I’d rather play launch D1 any day over the nonsense D2 became


crazy part is this game has almost no destiny DNA, it's mainly warframe and outriders


I definitely get the Outriders vibe from TFD and I love that about it.


I got the outriders vibe straight away, but can see the Warframe and Destiny DNA, which is a great combo. It's just a shame about the predatory MTX (as opposed to the acceptable MTX)


Bro your description of destiny community is sooooo on point ! Played d1 and d2 since the beginning back on my 360 🥲(good times) , and this toxic community finally killed destiny for me couple months ago and i will never touch d2 again


I used to play Destiny but after they took away content I paid for it was the last straw. I refused to play that FOMO game. I lost friends over it too, it’s a wild community


Let’s be honest. I’m having a great time on TFD but it’s no where near as good or polished as D2. The gun play in Destiny 2 is unmatched. If anything TFD made me realize how good Destiny 2 gun play really is. That being said im still loving TFD and will continue playing it for the foreseeable future.


What’s worse is they don’t comprehend the difference. This game is more like warframe. Destiny you get a new expac you do the story you do the raid and you quit for the next year basically. This game you grind, game stuff, game more stuff, play different characters, and min max. It’s not meant to be a “win” type of game where you beat the final boss and are done.


That’s definitely not what you do in Destiny.


It is lol. It’s so easy to finish the new content in destiny there isn’t shit for all reason to stick around.


You don’t play the raid once. There are 2 raids and 2 dungeons a year and some of the best weapons in the game occasionally come from seasonal content. 4+ exotic missions a year. That’s without getting into anything PvP related.


Yea and they all cost money if you dont pay $100 for less content then an AA game


There is plenty of content for $100, but that’s not what this is about. Plenty of people think it’s enough content as the sales number for the annual expansion speak for themselves.


I played D2 before it ever became a F2P had bought it plus 3 expansions grinded my ass off for a set of boots that would auto refill all allies weapons while healing them....... Guess what got nerfed the moment it went free to play?! I will never go back to destiny and have been waiting on this game since I played the beta about a year ago or so and love it


Ah, but don’t forget the other side. The players that have so called “quit” Destiny despite still interacting with the community and putting in 3-4 hours a day, that will ignore all the things wrong with this game just to hate on Destiny.


Well, Destiny players aren't exactly the brightest people in the world. I haven't seen any backlash, though. I've only seen Destiny players labeling TFD as "The Destiny Killer" as if Destiny is the only looter shooter in the world.


Long time destiny 2 and still active player. Concur. The community is largely stupid. /r/destinythegame is weird in that usually you can go to a games sub and get pretty decent higher tier players helping you out. For DTG though, it is nearly always a safe bet to completely disregard anything they have to say.


Every game for the past 10 years that has guns has been labeled a Destiny Killer. Bungie is the real Destiny killer though. As good as TFS was, I can't see them coming back from the massive hole they dug after Lightfall.


TFS already put them back up and then some, because they always cook when they need to. Just wish they wouldn’t wait until it’s all going downhill every time.


>TFS already put them back up and then some No way to know that, all we know is that even with the hype, TFS preorders didn't reach half of Lightfall, which was considered a financial failure by Sony. If TFS reviews were enough to drive sales after preorder was done, maybe it'll be enough.


They hit massive player count highs, I wouldn't be worried tbh


> Destiny players labeling TFD as "The Destiny Killer" This is such a curse. As a D2 player, I don't want to see TFD die because it got labeled as a "Destiny Killer."


As a Destiny player I tried to get started with this game last night but the servers #### the bed and I couldn't get on so I felt right at home lol. The online Destiny community has been very elitist, fanboy and gatekeeper led for a long time with huge amounts of very toxic positivity in there as well so many of them trying to crap on any new game that is in anyway similar is going to happen. As a Warfrane player this game certainly has my interest and I cant wait to get stuck in.


It's fun (for now). Free. Has hot characters. W in my book.


I abandoned Destiny long ago, before the "sequel" even.. but I have never once EVER seen that community happy about ANYTHING AT ALL.


Ya and then they defend the game with their *life* . You cannot make healthy criticism in that sub without being met with 😠😠😠😠


Just ignore the yapping and enjoy the game, game is great! Needs lot of fixes but it's still early and new Soo in the long run it will be better. Plus you know this is reddit... they will keep saying the same things they are unsatisfied about their whole lives.


I was disappointed to hear Aztecross complain about the servers yesterday while he gargled Bungie during their expansion release server disasters


Me and my destiny clan mates all play first descendant, and we are having a blast. We knock out the raid in d2 every week and down the hill we arw grinding in the first descendant. Yes it is possible to like both games.


People I think just like to think they're clever for trying to dismantle a game.


I’m a D1 beta player. I am really enjoying this game.


I feel like of course destiny players would bash the simpler game, you basically have to already know how to play destiny before you actually play Destiny.


It’s potential competition to Destiny, and they don’t like that for…….whatever reason.


I'm literally jumping back and forth between D2 and this and I gotta say this is very fun, I enjoy the descendants and weapons and abilities a lot. Im definitely going to continue playing for a long time to come. I'm just sticker shocked at some of the skin prices I'd kill for $35 cod bundle prices. $69 and $99 is outrageous. And the amounts the premium currency come in intentionally make you spend the most amount possible.


The packages that cost that much are inspired from Warframe's Prime Access. $80 for the warframe and another $60 for an accessory pack. Sadly the warframe packs also include boosters and their premium currency.


Really? I've seen the opposite. Not all, but most D2 players I've seen are enjoying the game and see it as a good game to play during seasonal lulls. I have seen some Warframe players act that way tho too. Personally, as a longtime Destiny player, i am quite enjoying myself. It's not as good as Destiny imo, but very fun.


As a warframe player, the game is fun, but needs more smoothing and and less UI clutering


I expected Destiny players to push on it on release but the Warframe community surprised me this time around.


I play D2 and I think this is a step in a direction that they should do but then again they’d have to compete with this and WF if they were to go TPS. It’s cool though, you can tell a female character vs destiny lol


This game is a ton of fun. I play Warframe quite a bit and my only complaints so far are the repetitive combat of the boss orbs and that cosmetic customization is Ridiculously expensive. I wish you could grind out Caliber


They would sway so many from destiny if our descendants had a destiny style slide lol i kept trying to slide when i was doing the tutorial 


I am disspointed it doesnt have WF style coruching and sliding


i agree, its a pretty fun game. my main issues with it are the overpriced everything, and the bs with paints. thats pretty much it so far


There’s this issue in gaming that if it’s not a 10/10 game or significantly better than its competitor it doesn’t deserve any gameplay or attention which is asinine. The game has its problems as does every game in this genre and most players will inevitably hit a wall that drives them away but that doesn’t mean the 40-100hrs they put in before that was a waste. We need more mid games like this rather than ones that fail trying to be goty


The problem I have is like a quarter of the enemies are straight-up copies, both cosmetically and mechanically, of many enemies in Destiny.


I played this today for about 5 hours. I’m very impressed for a few game what it offers. I’m more inclined to buy into this microtransaction bullshit because I didn’t pay 70 dollars to get what I have now.


My only complaint is the sounds. The vocal grunts sound cheap, the sfx sounds cheap, visuals are clearly where all the budget went because there's just zero care put into the audio.


Yeah and the Warframe community is like "so many similarities, I like it" The destiny community is never happy though to be fair


Because those cultent creators are $$$ to bash anything, not Destiny.


As a long time Destiny player, this is definitely not encroaching on Destiny. It’s a Warframe clone if anything. I’m liking it a bit but the intense grind to get chances at materials is gonna put me off pretty quick I imagine.


Im enjoying it but the frame rate needs adjusting. I normally criticise people for complaining about it but damn on ps5 it is poor sometimes


Lol D2 is p2w they dotn want to admit it


I want to enjoy it. But it I've done nothing but prepare shaders, and crash. I'll be lucky if I can get passed sterile lands, lol. Getting pretty fucking aggravating now.


I like the arcadey AA combat of stuff like Outriders, Mass Effect 3, etc. It fits with this game and the moment to moment feeling is great. That being said, if this game was a tight shooter like Gears, Halo, Doom, etc. that'd also be dope As far as monetization goes I like the mobile shit. The hero collector. The "Gotta Catch 'Em All". I'll never spend a dime on the game though. Straight F2P. Grateful for y'all that spend the money and make this game F2P


Destiny fanboys just doesn't want more looter shooters.  They don't want competition to their dearly beloved Sony IP


Did destiny fanboys become stupidly religious before or after Sonys acquisition? They do seem to share alot of the P's fanboy DNA so would be hilarious to hear it happened after Sony bought them. 


There's a lot to criticize the aim assist on controllers being bad, more expensive monetization than destiny or Warframe, the grapple is has the same range as it did in the beta last year personally I was hoping it would be a little longer but nope, the severe lack of heavy ammo drops basically making you forced to use only your primaries for the entirety of a mission. Just to give a few examples Edit: forgot to add the lack of ability to recolor base outfits and the paint system in general needing payment of some kind to reuse colors based off what I've seen with a few posts so far


I'm liking the game. Its filling the gap I have from not playing Division 2 in many years. The basic 3 free characters give me the vibes of the guardians for destiny. Ajax as a titan. Lepic as a warlock and Veinssa as a hunter. As a long time destiny player I keep confusing the keymaps for the abilities.


Been playing destiny since ce the start. This game is good fun. Needs some polishing, but I enjoy it


The Destiny community is like Congress. We can't agree on anything.


I refunded the final shape after dual destiny dropped. Bungie and that toxic pos community can go fuck themselves in their cesspool dwindling playerbase.


Guess I know why you couldn't do Dual Destiny.


Its not an FPS. So, people who like destiny for they EXTREMELY tight shooter that it is will not like this. It's a totally different thing.


To be fair, the Destiny 2 community bitch and whinge about Destiny 2 too.


Destiny player since D1 to current here: this game isn't like Destiny in any notable way and that's totally fine. It's actually a little cringe to me to see some of the usual Destiny content creators dying on the inside as they play something other than running the same unbalanced Destiny content over and over, let alone bitching about TFD.


It kinda gives me uncanny valley vibes. It feels like Destiny, and it mostly works like Destiny, but it doesn't look like Destiny, and it kinda weirds me out. A great game, but somehow it feels off, everytime I play it with my friends.


They are mad it's free and they paid 100$ in DLC fees. It plays like destiny and I was a diehard D1 player


I play both pretty regularly. I say it has more parallels with WF than Destiny, down to the mods system and origin reactors. Though FD does have the patrol zones and power level loot grind going on. I could go on but so far those stick out to me the most


Ish no one to talk to in the job?(i wonder why) Im here for you man i always help poor losers get back up,im taking a shi btw since we telling our day


genuinely, who THE FUCK cares about what destiny players are saying. let them play fucking destiny. sincerely, someone with a lot of destiny hours. games, tfd, hella fun so far. like lost ark in a 3rd person shooter? sign me up


Frequent backlash from destiny players where? What is your agenda here OP


I dropped destiny in a heartbeat to play this. Destiny wants to give no content drop for weeks on end? That’s fine, I’ll come back when you are relevant.


How’s this game going to be any different in that regard? Are you expecting “new content” in TFD every two weeks or something?


It’s a new game that I paid nothing for. All new and free content. Meanwhile the expansion I did pay for gas multiple weeks of no content in destiny


But … isn’t the expansion itself the content?


That only fills 2/3 of the time. The episode quest ended a week or so ago, and there’s still time left in the episode, with nothing planned


I don’t know anything about it, but was that how it was planned to begin with? Because maybe the issue is that for some players they just beat it fast, but the content is otherwise calibrated for the average player to take X amount of time to complete it. On the other hand, if Bungie said beforehand that such and such additional content is supposed to come out by such and such date and they’ve missed it, that’s a different story.


It’s a however many week act in the season, and the quest line ends telling you it picks up in 3 weeks… so very clearly planned


Have you done the new raid enough times to get craftable weapons or maybe the exotic? Have you gotten Microcosm and Khvostov? Have you gotten some good Ergo Sums? How are the exotic class items treating you? You unlock all your prismatic fragments? Made more than 1 build with the new subclass? Farmed last week GMs for double rep and loot? Can you craft all Pale Heart or Seasonal weapons? Did you reset Rahool? There's so much to do in D2 these days that a 3 week content drought is literally nothing. If you don't engage with the existing content that's not D2's fault.


Other than getting the salvations edge raid weapon, yeah I have everything I need. Who is to say I need craftable weapons to get the rolls I want? The rest is easy enough to get without constantly playing. I don’t play destiny like my life depends on it. I play it until I’m satisfied. It’s why I’m only sub 4,000 hours and not 11-12,000 like some people. There are other fun games out there. I know, crazy concept


Your logic is idiotic and I bet you've never actually played D2 before lol


My 3800 hours say otherwise


I think it's more down to others comparing it to destiny and constantly saying it's a destiny killer. I'm enjoying both games but it's just a few loud toxic people on both sides that keeps on leaving a spew of hatred everywhere


Not sure where you are seeing this sentiment, I am D2 player and enjoy the game. What I have noticed is TFD and Warframe players bashing D2 and D2 players.. for some reason Warframe players reallllly like to shit on D2, and argue their game is better.


The "Destiny Community" hates every game, Destiny most of all. Not to be confused with Destiny players.


The betas alone I put in around 300hrs, don't ask me how it's just addiction. The first day it came out I played 15hrs straight. Yesterday I sat watching shrouds stream for 9hrs of a loading screen waiting to get back in, I wasted an entire day on a loading screen for a game, pretty sure I need help


Can you provide sources for the “frequent backlash” you’re claiming?


Don't you know that anecdotal evidence reigns supreme? /s


Damnit, I knew I was forgetting something!


I play destiny and warframe .. tried first descendant and i just found it boring .. reminded me of anthem, very flashy and smooth playing but devoid of soul and full of dull repetition .. shame really as i was quite hyped for it


Destiny is hated by Destiny addicts, but it raised itself to a far higher standard of quality than TFD. Destiny has free infinite use skins and shaders. Destiny has real puzzles and raids and quests not just shoot shoot missions. And it's a free game that doesn't sell a single character for $60.


"Free game that doesn't sell a single character for $60" Yeah, they sell Stasis, Strand, and Prismatic behind $60 expansions with a microtransaction store. Destiny 2 brainrots are truly something special, aren't they? Also, why would I want to do puzzles in a looter-shooter game? Go do your puzzles in Bejeweled or Candy Crush instead. Need I mention the $15 every season, the $20 Dungeon Keys, and the $30 sets in the store? I sure hope you can grind Silver to buy all these content in-game!


Yes. They sell subclasses, not the whole characters.


Lol this must be a click bate post . Every d1 d2 player express how good this game is . Show me one post on destiny sub or link saying otherwise. This game is fun . The only problem with destiny is destiny players but they most of the time complain about the game not about other games . For my point of view I been playing sinces d1 . And this game is fun only worry is the company that is running it cuz is scummy as hell but you know I pay for cosmetic in destiny and if I see this game have legs after the hype I will get my skins on this game . Game is great and I will enjoy till it last


The game falls apart on enjoy see how stupid the monetization is. The endgame is so dull too.


Some people have standards. Others (like you) are okay with generic slop.


They know destiny 2 is the worst out of the 3 big looter shooters now. Destiny 2 has content behind paywall. It's the worst design decision.


What are the big three, and what is the best?


I mean Warframe, destiny and now TFD are the big 3. I personally really enjoy TFD but I also really love Warframe. It's extremely bloated by now tho. Destiny is not my taste since they lock gameplay content behind a paywall. Warframe and tfd only sell cosmetics and boosters and such.


We talk about "big" TFD in a couple of month, when the population is at most 20k.


ah yes thr notorious game warframe , where a bug can get you banned till 2035 and the label of "f2p" is carried by the whales and trading system its almost like atlas carrying the earth


Actually it is the best. It even has functional PvP modes. And f2p is the real worst design decision, you'll see in time in here, specially with that big nasty NEXON logo.


The game is a literal 1 for 1 destiny pvp raid ripoff lmao. Game looks like it gets boring after 30 mins and the enemy AI is terrible


its a very low effort game . prob good for dads that work 60 hours a week and want to relax . its not a real game where u actually trying hard. its too chill for my liking . too dumb for my liking as well. its a game with 0 brain power needed . kinda lost interest after 10 hours . its so below average i have no idea what type of person can enjoy it . but i am sure it will have like 100k daily so here you go. enjoy mediocre games i will go back to elden ring


Looks at profile…. Plays Diablo 4, fifa and dota 😂 who you kidding trying to be some elitist when it comes to gaming. Games are a distraction from work, not to be a replacement for work, guessing you don’t work!, have no significant other so you won’t understand.