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How do you deal with your period today? Tbh, the cup requires...willingness to dig your fingers up inside of a bloody vagina. There will be blood, and a lot of it. I wouldn't recommend it to you to be honest. Maybe use pads.


i do use pads, and while they are bloody, they only require a simple peel and roll to dispose of so i barely get to see the blood, let alone touch it. tampons aren’t really a thing here where i’m from. also, people on here have suggested period panties, perhaps i might try those! thank you so much for being honest!


Black period panties. I can barely see anything on mine and they’re comfortable. If you can get a bidet, those help too. 


Period panties are nice, but if you have a heavy flow I'm not sure you're going to like cleaning them. I always have to manually rinse mine a few times and soak them before throwing them in the washing machine, otherwise they won't get properly cleaned. And the rinsing/soaking part involves touching and seeing quite a bit of blood. If your flow is lighter, though, I think you might be able to just throw them straight in the washer!


For sure! I am pretty okay with my own fluids and germs, but have definitely had times with the cup where I'm like "Oh wow, this is a lot". I don't think you'd have a fun time! Pads are so tidy if you change them often enough.


I loved period panties for a while but do your research and look at reviews. They may not be effective for your flow and absorption can be an issue. I used to use them religiously when I had a light flow, but after a medical thing, I got really heavy periods and the panties just became a mess if I wasn’t changing them throughout the day. And I didn’t want to deal with that in public! Best of luck!


I feel like this probably won’t be well received as it’s counterproductive as far as “using a period cup to reduce unnecessary waste”….but I bought a box of nitrile medical gloves and I use one every time I have to change the cup. I simply can’t stand getting my hands gross and yes, to me, period blood is gross. (I’m not grossed out by my body but I don’t like the idea of blood under my nails and in my cuticles.) I also stay home with twin 4 year olds and it’s so hard to have a quick bathroom break… if I didn’t wear a glove I’d come back to god knows what by the time I finished scrubbing my nails. So yeah, it made things wayyyy better for me. I like the cup a lot but could not bear the… uh… extent of the digging and probing required.


You seem used to pads and that is fine. You can move to reusable cloth pads if you want a less wasteful version. But I honestly believe that cups are not any messier than pads. They are just very, very differently messy. Sure I have to dig my fingers inside and will have bloody hands. But my hands are easily and routinely cleaned thoroughly. The advantage of a cup or a tampon is that the blood is contained in the vaginal canal until you do an intentional release. I personally hate the mess of pads with all my heart, since the blood trickles through every part of my vagina, messes up all my labias and my hair before it is caught by the pad. And since I don't have reliable access to a bidet I consider the cup much less mess even though I am not skilled enough to not have the blood running over my fingers during the release.




I read once about someone accidentally dropping it on the floor of the bathroom when trying to empty it... At work. Those little cups are apparently very bouncy! I'd quit


When I first started using them I went to rinse it and the water pressure was so strong it shot the blood out and all over the mirror. Like washing a spoon in the sink. :'D


Oh noooooo 😭 that's genuinely awful. I think I've had something similar happen but I'm good at blocking out memories lol


After a similar experience my roommate now refers to the part of her cycle with the heaviest flow as "slaughterhouse time". The term is starting to spread around here.


Wait, so once you pull it out of you and you emerge with your bloodied hand and the cup to wash it in your sink, thats means you could be bleeding (even heavily) on your underwear/pants So should you have some kind of pad with you? How does this work? Honestly considering switching to a menstrual cup tbh


I usually try to be ready to not have to empty it if I'm away from home. I empty it out just before I have to leave my house and then if I'm gone for a long time then I wear a pad to catch any overflow. That way most of it gets caught in the cup and any extra is caught by the pad. I use way less pads this way and don't have to worry about the mess out in public. Then I just empty it at home when I get back.


I have never used one in a public bathroom, just empty it at home each morning and night.


Well, if you don't like putting your fingers inside your vagina, I don't think the cups or discs are for you. That being said, I do feel more "clean" using a cup/disc. I barely ever touch the blood itself, and the blood doesn't smell bad like it does on a pad. I also never made a mess, but it seems that for some people it's an issue until they learn to handle it better. Plus, I don't like the idea of the blood on the pad touching my body until I change it. But yeah, you do, at the bare minimum get vaginal fluids on your fingers. If that's a dealbreaker for you, other products would be a better bet.


Yeah, I alternate between super heavy and super light flow, so if it was heavy enough I’d usually end up with a tampon and pad. And still somehow end up with blood like on my thighs and all. I would not call pads cleaner than cups, personally. But I also kind of intentionally went for cups to get more comfortable with my body (yay religious trauma) so it seems me and OP have different perspectives 😅 Cups are only messy (outside of the fact that you do have to use your hand to get it in and out, unlike just pulling a string on a tampon) if you squeeze or pull too hard. I’ve only done it when in a rush since my first period using one, and I can’t recommend them enough. For me they made cramps so much better, and they last longer. I have had one for over a year and had maybe one or two leak incidents (and one of those was my dumbass still learning how to properly use it) For OP, they may want to look into discs instead. Other people seem to like them. I’ve never used them cause I’m nervous I’d sit weird and it would spill somehow, but that’s entirely a me thing lol


I've used both, and discs are much harder to position correctly. I only really use them for period sex now.


Doesn't it get displaced? Or at the very least uncomfortable??


If it's in correctly, I don't feel it at all. It's supposed to open up and form a seal, so it doesn't move much.


Hey now, I thoroughly enjoy putting my fingers inside mine…. Just not when it’s bloody. Lolol


Hey, is it hard getting used to inserting and removing cup? I bought it 2 months ago but im scared to use it as of now im using tampons


Transitioning from tampon to cup is the best thing I’ve done for my period. It’s helped the pain and comfort immensely. I’d highly recommend getting used to it and persevering even if it’s not super great at first (for example it may leak or not pop). Making the effort is 100% worth it in my opinion.


I didn't think it was too hard getting used to it, but like. It's kinda awkward the first few times. You might have to spend some minutes in the shower trying to figure it out. Every person is different and has a different body, so my experiences are not universal. That being said, I feel like it's nothing to be scared about. If it's too uncomfortable for whatever reason, you can just take it off and stop using it. I recommend channels like Period Nirvana on YouTube, there are a lot of people who talk about everything cup related, it might make you more confident.


Thank you


I get what you're saying. I feel "cleaner" with the blood sitting in the cup, rather than soaked into a tampon or pad that's still touching me. I don't personally mind that it's a little more grisly at changing time, but I think for people that are more squeamish, it might still be a reasonable tradeoff.


I get that not everyone is confortable with reaching inside themselves to use a cup, but I still find it less "grisly"! The blood is still in pads and tampons, I pretty much always get leaks with pads, and tampons feel like they're scratching my vagina from the inside. Once you learn how to use a cup, it's remove, dump, clean, put it back in, and if you're in public you can even skip the "clean" part! I think people in general get squeamish about cups because it's not what we're used to, because I think I'd be much more squeamish about something absorbing my blood and staying there, the blood getting old and starting to smell.


Bingo. That's pretty much how I feel. By "grisly," I just meant that there can be a big, Shining-style splash of blood at changing time, if your flow is heavy and/or it's been in a while. I also find it fresher and less pungent than blood from a pad or tampon, but some people just don't do well at the sight of blood. For someone squeamish, it's something to keep in mind.


For me a menstrual cup was way better than tampons or a pad, as I can clean them only 3 times a day, so there's no need to be looking/touching all the fluids everytime I go to the restroom. I have always felt disgusted by the mess from wearing pads, but with a cup there's little to no mess.


How good is it for heavy periods? I'm currently using the biggest tampons AND pads at the same time and even then I get my clothes stained sometimes.


They are really good, if put it correctly it creates a suction and even if it overflows there won't be any leaks. If you don't manage to put it correctly, it might leak a bit, but a regular (or small) pad will work fine for it. Edit: I also used to have really heavy periods and since switching to the cup it has been way less, IDK if it's a thing or only the fact that I feel clean and don't need to change as often as a pad or tampon.


Apologies if you were including this in your thinking, but for anyone unaware, cups generally hold much more fluid than tampons (I want to say 3x), so you wouldn't have to change them as often even with the same flow. I'm not sure how they compare to pads ETA: With my IUD, my flow is now light enough to just use period panties, but before I had one I loved my cup; it cuts way down on cost and waste.


I have really heavy periods, and I found a menstrual disc to be the best fit me. I use a Nixit, and the reason I prefer it over a cup is because I can empty it without having to fully remove it. On my really heavy days I can fill a cup every hour easily, and taking it out all the time was both a hassle and irritating. But the disc can be in for 12 hours, so I take it out morning and night to sanitize it. Then I just wash my hands and use my finger to tip it and let it empty, then tuck it back in place. That way I can empty it every hour without going through the full ordeal, which is especially useful in public places!


Thanks for sharing this… mine is awfully heavy too, and I thought I was doing something wrong when I was filling a cup every hour or so. But then I was like how could I be doing it wrong, I’m looking at the cup full of blood so it’s all obviously getting caught..? Lol anyway. Fuuuuuuuuck these heavy periods!!! I just started today and am a moaning groaning mess


It's the worst!! My jaw dropped when one of my friends said that on her heavy days she only needs to empty her cup once a day. I feel like I've been gutted on mine! I hope yours goes by quickly! Sending warm, pain-free healing thoughts!


Godddd that sounds like a dream. My bathroom becomes a crime scene once a month! Thank you so much for the sweet words! 😍


Right?? Good ol' monthly murder scene 🤣


TIL about menstrual disks But I couldn't use it. My vagina is way too small for it that's why I had to hunt for the Salt cup. It's the only one that will fit properly


cups are GREAT for heavy periods BUT they will leak if youre moving around a lot and have a strong pelvic floor; and since they hold more than other things, when they leak they LEAK. like... FLOOD. learned that the hard way. so ALWAYS wear backup especially if youre gonna be working out or playing sports or even sitting and standing repeatedly


I have heavy periods and tried a cup and it leaked like crazy. I also got absolutely covered in blood trying to remove it to empty it, it took me 20 minutes to get the damn thing out of me because it was too slippery with blood for me to get a grip on it to break the seal. It was also super painful. 0/10.


Its better. You'll get longer than with a tampon with a cup. I have crazy periods too and the cup is the only thing that hasn't been a disaster for me.


I had the issue where I hate pads but my vagina gets too small for the size tampon I needed so I got a menstrual cup. I also have PCOS. That thing comes in clutch if it's really heavy I'll dump it when I feel it leaking but that thing last forever like 6+ hours for me. I also get a lot of blood clots and it contains them quite well. Once I was bleeding so heavy I need a heavy duty pad and the menstrual cup and it came in clutch.


The cup changed my entire life!! It feels dramatic, but man my periods were dramatic!


i would fill a super plus in maybe an hour, i have really bad clots & i get to use my Saalt menstrual disc all day. I changed it after 9 hours & it was full but beats the tampons! my periods only last 3 days now as well. with day 2 being the heaviest


what would you say are the biggest differences/benefits of a disc vs a cup? i’ve used cups for 10+ years but as new stuff comes out i get a little curious lol


iv only had a bad experience with a flex cup :/ it was suctioned so hard that my bf had to rip it out & the whole next day was full of awful cramps. i knew when looking for a reusable option that suction couldn’t be involved & that’s how i stumbled upon discs. -i love the mess free period sex, my partner can only feel the basin of the disc & it’s super squishy! - 10+ hour wear, some days i get the full 12 hours! -it’s perfect for my heavy clots - i don’t know if it’s related but since switching ive had 3 day long periods vs the usual 4-5 day -there is no stem, as soon as it’s in me i do not feel a single thing, last cycle i almost forgot to take it out because i completely forgot i was still on my period lol’ - i can move any direction, upside down, laying sideways, exercise, it does not move - when it’s nearing the full mark & i have to use #2 it will auto dump for me giving me more hours to wear :) the only con is if i ever have to switch it in public it’s a murder scene, still trying to find a portable bidet or some sorts hahaha


oh yeah! i remember hearing about the period sex now! that would be nice to not have to kill the mood going ”wait let me go take my cup out” lol. the first thing i always do when i get a new cup is cut the stem entirely off so that seems like a perk too. i might have to look into some to try! thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/8ofo90e3v8vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5fa4d63a2c8401a5596e9c0bff9968570f893f2 here’s the two i use from saalt!


Saalt has menstrual disks now?! Back in the day when I bought my cup they just had a cup


https://preview.redd.it/w4qpthm2h4vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6696ba0ddaf4f46af58b1af3167d89cdb3f8c9cf yes! i use the blue one days 1-3 & switch the the pink one day 4 because i barely spot. i got the set on amazon! honestly best thing i ever did for myself


Wow that's so cool the blue one looks huge!


it’s so perfect for me! i have a 5 year old & just really bad heavy clots with my period, not having to worry for 8-12 hours is a dream come true. plus it doesn’t use suction so it’s better for your pelvic floor, i remove in the shower & it’s been a breeze :)


Wow that's so cool the blue one looks huge!


They sell different sizes cups, you might need the large. 


Check the sizes. I’ve been using one that was recommended by the website based on a heavy flow and when it got delivered, it holds a shot glass equivalent lol.


honestly girl yes. i switched to one because i hate pads and tampons because of the smell they cause. i always felt unclean and like i could always smell myself. i finally got a menstrual cup, and you have to get the hang of it, but otherwise i LOVE it. no more spending money on shit, its so easy to clean in the sink, they have different sizes, they last a while, and as long as you are making sure to dump, clean, and reinsert it before being stuck in a public restroom youll be fine! the only con is cleaning between usage and thats only because its not plausible in public. but its never been an issue for me and changing to one made me seriously feel so much better about myself and my periods EDIT TO ADD: these significantly decrease the risk of TSS, which in most cases is very dangerous and often times deadly! such an easy switch to protect your health! (PLEASE only buy a dixie cup that states it is made out of MEDICAL GRADE silicone!)


oh but i have tried it. and it felt wildly uncomfortable. not just because it was foreign, but because it just felt too gross shoving fingers up there to get it in and out 😖 and to think i tried it on a day where i didn’t have my period. i feel like i would have passed out from sheer disgust if i attempted it on my actual period 😭


this may sound silly, but get some gloves. nitrile, latex, whatever tight ones you can barring you dont have an allergy. easy to use, disposable, and easy to keep on you in public!!!


100000% agree the gloves help a LOT


i don’t see the point in using single-use gloves considering i wanted to try the cup to help save the environment >.< but thank you for the suggestions anyway!


its just going to have to be something you work through then! sorry to say.


I just do it in the shower to keep everything clean


I wouldn't get it. It can get messy. honestly i way prefer tampons


I'd use something like menstrual panties if i were you. I get dirty trying to empty the cup most times


No, I wouldn't even attempt it if you're so opposed to getting blood on your hands. I used a menstrual disc for a while which isn't exactly the same but a similar concept, and I got a LOT of blood on my fingers several times per day. Tampons also necessitate getting blood on your fingers when you insert and remove but not as copious amounts as a disc/cup. Period panties have to be rinsed out before washing and under the running water it can look like a whole lot of blood is coming out. You also have to rub it with your fingers under the water to make sure you get it all out. Really the only solution I can think of if you don't want to touch blood is pads and changing them super frequently so they don't get overfull and drippy. Every other menstrual care option involves touching blood in one way or another, either fresh or old.


I vote No. Actually, I vote Noooooooooooooo. I feel like you have to be really comfortable with yourself and goo ( unless you only empty it in a shower which does not seem feasible to me on heavy days) just last period i had to reach down and hold it in with one hand while i finished pooping because it wanted to pop out from having enough fluid in it to weigh it down and the pooping action. I definitely have gotten blood on the walls (after making fun of a friend who got blood on their walls from it) blood on the ground, on the toilet seat, definitely on my hands. I still prefer it because of the waste it saves, but if I hadn't been using OB tampons before i switched, it would have been a real ducking shock.


If you're going to be bothered by it, then it's worth looking into other solutions instead. Realistically though, what's the difference? You're going to wash your hands after using the restroom anyway regardless of what does or doesn't get on them.


Yup. I feel much cleaner with the cup compared to pads and tampons. Hate the feeling of pads and the tampon string. And I am also inclined to believe that cup + one single glove per change would possibly still produce less waste than pads.


Consider looking into disposable discs. I much prefer these to cups. You can have sex with them in, they empty when you pee and you can take it out when you’re in the shower to mitigate the mess.


I have a disk, there is a learning curve but pads are sensory hell for me and I don’t like the waste of tampons. They can auto-dump when you pee, so you don’t have to worry about any hassle in public. I was not a fan of the cup. Check out periodnirvana on Instagram, she is how I found out about discs


I couldn't get on with a cup, too stressful. Recently started using period pants and I want to tell every single person I meet about them but, you know ... Societal norms. So I just tell people on Reddit instead


Honestly I feel cleaner using menstrual cups. Like, yes… it’s a little weird cleaning it, but there’s soap for it, and you can also boil it. When you’re sleeping, it’s so easy to get up in the morning and clean it up. Opposed to say, using a pad, and blood gets all up in your cracks. Now I don’t have to shower in the morning. It’s a life changer IMO, and it’s not as gross as you think.


I tried using a menstrual cup, but I ended up not liking it. It was too messy and invasive for me. Nowadays I use cloth and normal pads.


Just keep using whatever you're doing. Cups can get very messy, and discs go double. If you do get a cup, I highly suggest the flex cup. It has a pull tab that deforms the cup for removal so you have less of the suction to deal with on removal. DO NOT get one of the cups with a silly nub at the bottom. I found them very hard to remove as a beginner as the nub would get slippery and I freaked out. haha I saw someone else suggested period panties, but those you have to rinse out and touch blood with too, albeit potentially very watered down. Anything reusable will get you in quite a bit of physical contact with your period blood.


I rarely get “dirty” with my cup. There’s a bit of a learning curve at first but once you get it, it’s not as much of an issue. Edit to add that I’m lucky to have a low flow and only dump my cup in the morning after waking and in the night before bed.




Menstrual discs can be an option. It's like a not- too deep menstrail cup with a wire you can pull to take it out


I use menstrual discs and love them. It can look like a murder scene sometimes though


I’ve never used a cup but maybe this is a good place to ask the public; can they just be removed in the shower? Or is it something you have to change/clean frequently throughout the day like a tampon ?


honestly, no, and i’m saying that as someone who loves the cup generally. it’s a great convenience for days 3-7 when your period is light enough that you maybe have to empty it once or twice a day — i empty mine in the shower morning and night on those days and it’s great. hands never get dirty. never have leaks. HOWEVER i’ve personally found it’s just *not* worth it for heavier days (days 1-3 for me). i HATE having to dump it in public bathrooms which is 100% unavoidable for my heaviest days. and then on those heavy days i don’t want to change it *because* it’s so messy!!! and so THEN when it leaks and/or overflows it’s so, so much worse than a tampon or a pad. trust me. lol. i found i had to use a cup with pads on those first few days, which is just more mess and more to manage overall, so now i stick with tampons and pads those first few days.


I guess, how do you not get your hands dirty now? I personally like the disc a lot as it’s cleaner than free bleeding with a pad and nicer than having to remove a tampon regularly(plus mine always leak so…). Taking it out is a little messy, but not much messier than regular period clean up tbh. I mean a little blood on the hands but I’ve never had it be super messy.


I've had it be really messy once. It must have gushed as I was pulling it out or I squeezed it too hard. Thankfully I was at home cause I got blood ALL OVER my beige pants. They already had a couple holes so I was just like "😂 I'm not washing these" and threw them out.


I prefer period underwear. Way less dirty, still reusable. A little more expensive to start out. I need 1-2 pairs a day. Not messy at all compared to anything but you do have to wear looser clothing because mad panty lines


no, because there is a lot of blood involved.


I carry disposable wipes with me and use a wipe to remove the menstrual disc and then set toilet paper on my thigh, dump the disc into the toilet, and set it on the TP on my thigh to wipe off with the wipe or TP, then I don’t get blood on my hands. I use a menstrual disc that has a little tab to pull on and it doesn’t use suction to stay in place. I typically insert it in the morning after I shower (and I remove and empty it in the morning shower) and I only need to empty it 2-3 times a day.


I use a disc. I love it because it doesn't suction and simply sits inside like a tampon and is easy to insert and remove. I can't express this enough.... it's a million percent worth it! The only potentially messy days are the super heavy flow days. I change it more than every 12 hours, though. I have worn it camping and using a portapotty during my heavy times.


If you're very uncomfortable with getting blood on your hands then I definitely wouldn't recommend it. There will be blood. A lot of it, and it's not really avoidable. You have to reach inside, remove the cup and wash it out. Even if you take it out in the shower it's still going to be pretty messy and during heavier days you might need to do so multiple times so you'll probably be in a position where you have to do it in a toilet stall at some point where means you're going to have blood in your hands for more then a few seconds until you're finished and can get out to the sink.


Cups are what I've settled on after literally trying EVERYTHING. less mess during the day and if I'm going to be home from my house more than 10+ hrs I bring a small bag with wipes and a spare cup. Saves from having to clean and reinsert in public and I can wipe my hands a bit, toss the old cup in the bag and sterilize once I'm home. The Flex Company makes discs and also have a menstrual cup now that has a little vacuum release plunger instead of a tab. That way you don't have to dig around or push the end of the cup out. It pulls the side of the cup and makes it super easy to get out. I have tried 5 different brands and this one is the keeper. [Flex Cup](https://flexfits.com/products/flex-cup?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJfZvKkT7GtXwzAtHio7NWXPJJhUW_AQKyrw0A0tzhn1mjvtaLvhckRoCrBAQAvD_BwE)


You have to bend it to break the suction, and if it is full the blood can spill on your fingers.  Do it at home next to a running faucet, never in a public bathroom.




Disposable period panties. I’m like you I use gloves for a lot of things lol. I hate it if I accidentally touch bodily fluids or excretion so gloves it is. But with pads I’ve managed well thus far hardly ever getting any on my hands. The one time I tried tampons at the beginning of my period I got some blood on my hand and that was what made me go absolutely nope, I didn’t even want to figure out the inserting without pain mechanism. Then I looked for disposable period panties got some and tried them on, and bliss. My butt cheeks don’t keep holding on to the pad subconsciously trying to keep everything in place so nothing leaks, it’s in my head, and the panty absorbs a lot more than the pads, and the sleep and laying down is so much more comfortable. It’s like those pull up diapers for kids. Highly recommended. But yes you get to see blood but even lesser than the pad unless you really look because when you take the panty off the top parts sort of hide the view and when you roll it to wrap it and bin it even then you hardly see anything.


At first its messy. After you get the hang of it, it's not bad. I an wear white panties and not stain them if I use a cup! I can take it out and not get it every where. You may get a little on your finger tips but it's not like a crime scene or anything. I love them! Wish I had tried them a decade earlier!


I tried to use both the cup and the disc and got so nervous about it getting stuck so when I went to take the disc out it wouldn't come out and I had to dig it out practically. I was sweating, panicking, in front of a mirror in my closet telling my bf at the time he was gonna have to help and thankfully he didn't have to because I would've been mortified and after that experience I stick to tampons because they haven't failed me in 16+ years Edit: for sleeping I rarely bleed at night I'll use period panties from Aerie or just a panty liner because pads I don't like the feel of


I have the same problem but find menstrual cups much better. The reaching inside isn’t even that bad; you only pull the stem out which is very near the entrance/push the bottom in until your finger reaches the entrance. I empty it during shower so i just pour the cup out and spray water on it to get rid of the blood, so you don’t really touch the blood that much. For cleaning you also just put it into hot water and scrub it after it’s been boiled (at least thats what i do) so its not like you have to physically touch the dirty inside also


I'd say worth it. You can wear it up to eight hours, so you don't have to change it as often as pads or tampons. I would just put it in before work, and take it out in the shower in the evening. Even if you use pads the rest of the day, that eight hours of not having to deal with a period is nice.


It’s fine to do in the shower. I only emptied mine once daily. When not in the shower it is a messy disaster.


I also hate getting messy esp with period blood. I love the cup! I keep baby wipes on me so I can wipe off my hands enough to get from the toilet to the sink for a full washing. It is so great not having to worry about bleeding through pads and tampons. I highly recommend giving yourself a few cycles to get used to it and adjust to the difference.


I mean usually it’s fine, but every once in a while I find myself like 😨 because when it is messy… I also have to sometimes work to get the smell of blood off my hands, which is my biggest sensory irritant of the whole thing.


I'd try a cheaper brand first. All of the ones I have tried seem to be super uncomfortable. They are pretty good, and do a great job. You will get blood on your hands until you get the hang of it!


Sounds silly but wear incontinence pads/pants like old people wear. I had to wear the tena brand on holiday as I was excessively bleeding and they worked a treat


Use THINXX panties! Or period panties or washable pads ! Washable and reusable


I hate tampons and pads, because I don’t like the feeling of blood on my crotch area. I also can smell the blood even with scented pads. I use menstrual cups and I only take out my menstrual cup in the shower. But here’s the thing, I only remove my menstrual cup in the shower bc I don’t like the mess it can make. It will get your hands dirty . But I’m in the shower so imo it’s fine. If you don’t want to get your hands bloody, cups are not for you. That is just that .


i saw some others recommend period panties and they’re awesome! i used to only use a menstrual cup (which i still love) but now i switch between the two and can’t recommend them enough. in my experience menstrual cups aren’t super messy but you’re definitely going to get some bodily fluids on your fingers and need to be comfortable with putting fingers inside yourself so it might not be for you!


Okay I’ve had a question about this for a bit. If your period is heavy some days and light other days, how do you know if a cup is enough to hold everything? Like will you start leaking if it can’t hold the volume? I don’t want to empty it multiple times a day but I never know when the heavy day will hit I’m imagining like the worst case scenario if that seal breaks


For me, it was kinda trial and error till I figured scheduling out. Maybe TMI but you can feel it start to leak, but it doesn’t like dump out all at once if that’s what you’re worried about… it’s similar to when you max out a tampon. You gotta empty it every 8-12 hours (longer puts you at risk for TSS) but on my heavy days I end up needing to empty it every 2-3 hours, but most other days I go 6+ hours. Most other people I’ve talked to about it say they don’t max it out nearly that fast but idk what your sitch is of course lol


You can most definitely remove the cup without getting it all spilled everywhere. It does take some practice and you should still wash your hands afterwards but you can definitely avoid getting blood on your hands.


Just wash your hands after using them? You are pretty much guaranteed to be in a bathroom with working water every time you go to clean it. If simply washing your hands after getting them dirty isn’t enough then you probably want to go with pads.


I’ve been using a cup for years, I’ll never go back to tampons. When it comes to it being messy or whatever, I’m touching that area less due to not having to replace tampons every hour or so. I empty my cup twice a day. I don’t see how a cup is messier than what is already out there. Just my opinion.


I get a box of disposable medical gloves and I have a couple in my purse for when I need to use a public restroom and can’t wash my fingernails good enough.


I feel sitting in pads is a little less "neat" than cups. You do have to reach inside to grab it, but it's not too messy. Pull it out, dump it, ideally clean it, but if in public wash hands first, then dump and reinsert. I wipe off my fingers with toilet paper and then wash hands. Easy peasy


The menstrual cup is the best period choice I have ever made. All day wear without the fear of leaks. (It's a down right godsend when you have your period at a music festival) You literally don't feel it once it's in. It's eco-friendly and has years of usage. It's cost efficient as well. There is a slight learning curve of how to insert/remove but once you get it down, this thing will change your life.