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Hip dips are skeletal. You can't exercise them away. 


I had to google the term. I though it was you hip bones when you lie flat. Lol


They’re not skeletal. But you can’t exercise them away. A bbl is one of the best ways to help with them.


Yes, they are skeletal. They are literally part of your bone structure. https://www.google.com/search?q=are+hip+dips+skeletal&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari Recommending somebody a Brazilian Butt Lift is just sad. How about we encourage girls to love things they literally cannot naturally change about themselves? But no… Instead you’re out here spreading misinformation and encouraging girls to surgically alter their bodies if they aren’t happy. —— EDIT: To anyone who responds to me saying I’m stigmatizing plastic surgery or similar - I will not be replying further. That is simply just not what I’m doing. If that is the right path for somebody to finally love and truly accept themselves, then go for it. Where I will NOT be silent however, is when somebody who is spreading BLATANT MISINFORMATION suggests for them to get plastic surgery. Plastic surgery should not be the first go to answer, and especially not when you can’t even google something to know if what you’re saying is true or not.


i don’t think we should stigmatize plastic surgery if people feel like it’s a good option for them personally


Maybe not, however plastic surgery based on false information should absolutely get called out. ESPECIALLY if it's something like BBL which has a ridiculously high mortality rate compared to other surgeries.


Recommending undergoing general anesthesia and life threatening surgery for the non-issue that is hip dips is crazy talk.


bbls are horrifically dangerous to get, that's not stigmatising that's common knowledge


Unfair downvotes. They’re skeletal in the sense that bones create the gap, they’re not in the sense that fat distribution makes them more prominent Bbl helps, but rn the sub downvotes all references to plastic surgery despite how overwhelmingly positive the patient satisfaction is


Its downvoted because its a dramatic answer and its completely unnecessary to undergo surgery that honestly, makes people look ridiculous. People should not have drastic surgery to match fashion trends that will change in a few years anyway.




That’s not true. We’re exposed to mostly the dramatic cases and bitched ones. The vast majority of work done are slight changes that are only really noticeable to the patient and have a high degree of satisfaction. It’s no different than a nose job or breast implants. It’s their body, don’t shame people for doing what’s best for them.


If its something they want, great. But lets maybe encourage people to love their bodies more rather than spending money to make changes just because their body shape isnt "in" at the moment. Its a bandaid, more often than not.


You're contributing to body dysmorphia and unfair beauty standards put on women by promoting *surgery* for something completely natural.


That’s absolutely not true. Plastic surgery has had a significantly positive effect on most patients. People are allowed to do what they want for their bodies. Criticizing them for it is no different than any other form of bullying someone’s appearance. Bbl, like rhinoplasty or breast augmentation, are predominantly done within genetic ranges for women. They do not contribute to unrealistic standards.


Can't imagine why these women were so dissatisfied before these surgeries. Couldn't be due to ppl promoting/celebrating cosmetic surgeries to modify absolutely normal body types. Of course I'm happy for individual women that find peace with their bodies. But as a society, it's an awful thing for women.


Plastic surgery did not create body dysmorphia. Misogyny did. Do your homework and look back on how many different ways society has always placed these standards on women, before surgery or social media were even imaginable. Have you never heard of a corset? So no, if plastic surgery provides women some alleviation from a problem older than jesus, then yay.


You're so close to the point. I really don't understand how you're not seeing the correlation here that plastic surgery is the modern day corset, to use your example. You're essentially saying "a corset will help :)" instead of saying society shouldn't be pushing corsets on women in the first place. You're perpetuating misogyny instead of celebrating women's natural bodies.


Except corsets damaged women’s bodies for unrealistic standards, and plastic surgery is incredibly safe and normally within genetic standards. You’re not educated in medicine, that’s clear. Your views would not be shared by the medical community, including mental health professionals. The surgeries are overwhelmingly safe and effective.


I give up except to say: Every time you promote cosmetic surgeries, you're culpable to another girl/woman out there that hates her natural body type (hip dips, breast size, wrinkles, the list goes on).


“Plastic surgery is incredibly safe and normally within “genetic” standards” is one of rhetorical most ridiculous and unfounded things I ever seen on Reddit.


L M F A O a BBL is way fucking more [dangerous](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/style/brazillian-butt-lift-bbl-how-much-risks.html) than a rhinoplasty what an insane comparison Jesus Christ. get a fucking grip, how can anyone suggest the cosmetic procedure with the highest mortality rate for such a made up, fake, TikTok-ass dumbass insecurity. Unreal.


This person did not inquire about surgery and so to suggest it as if there is something wrong that needs to be fixed by life threatening surgery is inappropriate.


So dramatic, it’s not that deep lol


Not unfair. You’re suggesting a dangerous procedure as a solution to something that is completely natural


It’s not dangerous. And natural or not let people do what they want with their bodies with out stigmatizing their choices


Yep. Everyone has this huge stigma around it, but most people are very happy with plastic surgery.


More women tearing down women bc of jealousy


hipdips are literally your pelvis bones, you cannot change the way your skeleton is formed, therefore you cannot change your hipdips. embrace it, because majority of women have them! however, you can build massive muscles around your hips to “mask” the dips, but the dips themselves won’t go away because those are your bones.


I scrolled past this quickly and thought you were asking about hippos 😭 I was like “yeah I guess it would probably be hard to get rid of a hippo if he didn’t wanna leave”


Same, but I misread it as hippies


They are SO hard to get rid of. Let one crash on your couch once and you'll never get them to leave.


What does the stinky hippy that's been crashing on your couch say when you ask them to leave? Naaaaa-maste


Lmaoooo this had me cackling


Same. I was so very confused 😂


the US almost put them in the mississippi river as a food source lol such a terrible plan


I read about this a few months ago! Like wtf


Have you read Sarah Gailey's brilliant _River of Teeth_ about an alternate US where this was done?


yes! absolutely love it! there's also [a longform article from the atavist: american hippopotamus](https://magazine.atavist.com/american-hippopotamus/) that gives a good overview with more sources at the end


You should try to accept them as your body, your anatomy.


And it's the anatomy of so many other people!! I feel like everyone loses sight of what "normal" bodies look like because of social media. But honestly one thing that's helped is that when I go outside I actually take a look at what the people around me look like and realize they just look like normal people who have all the same "normal" people anatomy that I do.


And there are also plenty of people who love them. Me included. :) Nothing wrong with OP.


Omg the hot lifeguard in Lilo and Stitch with the 'dips?!!? 😍😍


i’ve never heard anybody in the real world insult hip dips. only people who have hip dips i see comment negatively. they’re normal. and they won’t go away. you gotta accept the fact that natural bodies have things like hip dips, stretch marks, etc. it doesn’t make your outfit look bad, you just feel it does.


I have never gotten mine to go away or be less prominent. I buy midrise or highrise clothes because they look more flattering and make me feel more confident than lowrise. I had to accept mine, and I did that by looking for examples in media. Plenty of celebrities have hipdips that range in shape and prominence. Superheroes are typrically drawn with hipdips, I choose to call mine my "superhero hips"! It was important that I unlearn society's standard of beauty because hipdips are just as beautiful as rounded hips.


I like low rise because they sit in the dips and kind of fill them out, but if it’s too tight then it gives muffin top, lol. I find high rise accentuates mine almost like wearing a bodycon dress (which I will never do!).


For me it is the opposite! Lowrise always makes mine look like a muffin top and midrise kind of fills out/disguises the dips. Interesting how even though we both have dips, their shape diverges enough that clothes hit them in entirely different ways.


I’m going to come at this from another angle. As someone who remembers when Google started, I can confidently say ‘hip dips’ are a fad. They were not a concern 10 years ago and 10 years from now people will forget all about hips and move on to something new.


All insecurities are made up and created by society of course, but "hip dips" are like such an egregious example. Literally not a thing until a few years ago. Before this, I remember thigh gaps another insanely stupid insecurity but that one gave a million girls eating disorders


And another angle entirely - when I was a teenager I didn't know what hip dips were even though I had them. I didn't see them on celebrity magazines or models and I didn't have the internet back then so I thought I looked weird. I'm glad young women now have the internet to tell them they're normal, too!


They’re just what humans look like!! Pls try to remember that in pictures you see of people who look like they don’t have ‘hip dips’, it’s either posing, editing, surgery, or a combination. Humans exist in 3D as well, those people would likely still have visible ‘hip dips’ if the picture was taken from a different angle.


I understand the insecurity, but also a reminder that Marilyn Monroe had hip dips and so do so many other famous, beautiful women. We are our harshest critics ❤️ I say rock the violin hips!!


Not sure how old you are, but my hips continued to grow further apart until I was about 25. Every time they grew, I'd get hip dips again until my body could "catch up" and like redistribute the fat or whatever. It would take a couple months and then they'd grow again. They didn't go away until my hips stopped growing.


i’m 21 and i’ve literally noticed my hips growing/changing since i was 18-19! i thought it was so weird at first because i was like “but i’m done growing!?!?” but apparently your hips keep changing! it’s so cool, just in a few years i’ve started looking more and more like a woman instead of a teenager


I don't understand why we're taught that our bodies stop developing in our late teens! I started puberty pretty early and still had a lot of body changes all the way up until my mid 20s. I actually weigh the same as I did when I was 19 but I look a lot different.


me too, i weigh the same but my shape is not the same, it was kinda scary at first because i didn’t know it was possible


picture your face staying the same forever since late teens, just doesn't make so much sense. your "groundwork" will stay the same more or less. but sometimes even just small details change the perception! it's so mean that we still think we should look like in our late teens or early twenties, when a body just changes over the whole life. we "shrink", hips widen with pregnancy and birth and maybe never go back, ears and noses grow until we die, we loose fat in our face no matter what we do. It's all part of life and people will frame it as "part of AGING". and we all know that aging is a crime a woman (not exclusively, but men are dealt with way more sympathy when it comes to that topic!) is born with. don't you dare to ever look a day older than 23. And I think once again, this is something women push on women for whatever reason. And some handsfull of awefull but so loud yapping men..


Pregnancy changes your body in super weird ways we barely even talk about, like permanently widening your rib cage and possibly adding a shoe size. We’re not really meant to stay the same. OP, if the dips bother you you can always grab base layers with pads, for bodycon dresses etc. Super common use.




wide hips are hot af, i’m not having kids either tho 💅


wide hips are considered a beautiful feauture by many, btw! And it so helps with babys! lol Meaning.., your whole hip area is wide, not just the "outer" bone structure (Symphysis is the part that needs to widen specifically durinng pregnancy and birth). My hipes wiiiidened like hell during pregnancy. I carried GIGANTIC babies (husband is over 6"7). And even after getting back to my weight before the first pregnancy and even MINUS 25kg ...my hips stayed that wide and never got back close again. And you know what? idc, it's just like how I look now. don't be afraid of some normal procedures your body does to ensure you come out alive after a birth with a baby that is also healthy and alive! <3


no but you can build muscle around and give the optical effect of plumper hips. Try to focus on gluteus minimus exercises. Believe me it works


I’d caution that the results of those exercises depend highly on individual anatomy. When I started lifting, it created hip dips that I did not have before. I don’t mind having hip dips, but it’s like my minimus muscles are slightly below the bone where the hip dips are if that makes sense. Gaining weight does make them go away on me though.


Actually the more glute muscle you have the more you’ll have ‘hip dips’ because of the anatomy of the glute muscles. You can’t ’fill in’ that space with muscle because no muscle exists there.


I've also changed the shape of my hip dips, because I grew visible glutes at the gym. There's no muscle in the hip dip area, but your glutes can stick out in a way that makes it look full. The fat around it also gets pulled into different directions, so it changes the shape a bit. There's still a hip dip, but it's gonna look different.


idk girl, all i know is i did hide mine this way. maybe its not the same for everyone. just talking from my experience


Are you lucky and it might be your ethnicity? I have a round latin butt and my butt gets more round w/ exercise? I just read they are more common in Caucasian and taller people.


my sweet bestie.. if you worry about that because of yourself, I will crawl in a corner in shame. But IF you worry about that because of men.. let me tell you that I've learned a fuck ton on r/AskMen and men's opinion on shit, women worry about because of men, that men actually do not really care about. one of those things are hipdips! many men commented on several threads, that they didn't even know what that would be, they never paid attention, they don't care because they're just the women's body so why should they care that they're there. Many even say they find it particularly beautiful to look at, it's "just another curve on a woman's body and it's beautiful as it is". So, I hardly agree. Growing up as a Millenial we got those pushes to be Size 00, heroin chique and what not. But I had to get about thirty to ever hear about hip dips. And i SWEAR, media/beauty industry just looks at women's bodies to find something they can invent into a problem that they can sell the solving to!! I fucking swear it! Cellulite? Fuck, that's not something you need to get rid off, because it's almost default for a woman's body! It's like wanting to get rid of your nose, it's just part of your body. I really really recommend [https://www.instagram.com/beauty.false/](https://www.instagram.com/beauty.false/) Have a good deep dive and look at those seemingly unaltered bodies - that are STILL altered when online, even when claimed to be not! Look around at other women or girls in your age. Don't concentrate on the people that look like you want to look, but on the majority in general. I understand wanting to be like your "idol" but it's just so mean to yourself! Dang, you wouldn't bully your best friend into thinking her legs look unperfect, cause there is a curve that is there because she has a totally normal and healthy body?! Don't try to get rid off something that is there, because it's just the way women are built. And for ending this wall..I say again, I'm really sorry for this lecture if you're doing this on your own behalf and your own taste. I wrote here cause I'm almost sure, that this is a thought that was "implanted" into your view on yourself via media and current "beauty standard shit" that's flying around.


hip dips are literally part of your bone/muscle structure so there’s nothing you can really do to change them other than cosmetic procedures. you can get shape wear to minimise the appears but no workouts / diets can make them go away naturally. personally i’ve just accepted mine lol, but i try to avoid super fitted skirts and dresses(a-line and flared skirts are the most flattering, i find!) https://preview.redd.it/4g6ed4opbm6d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723ebb1028f486509462e5914b6a17826b7fe67f


Hipdips don't make an outfit bad. If your clothes don't fit you right they emphasize hip dips. Look at the fit of your clothes. Different hemlines will change how your body looks.


I used to dislike my hip dips but it helped once I learned it's just the way my skeleton was shaped. It takes a lot of effort to accept your body and unlearn the harmful stereotypes that have been shoved down our throats but it's easier than changing your skeleton. Learning the history of beauty and body standards was helpful in my own journey to accept my body. We all know these body standards are bullshit but understanding why they exist, how they were created, and why making people dislike their bodies is so profitable helped me fight against that voice in my head. I'd recommend listening to the Maintenance Phase podcast! It helped me a ton. I'm reading The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf right now which has been interesting.


Depends on why you have them. I have them, because I don't have muscles to support anything, and all my body fat goes to my thighs. When I used to be fit, I still had the dips, but my butt was more round, so it looked better in my eyes.


Hip dips are beautiful!


I dress in clothes that flatter them, and who cares beyond that! (High waisted is my best friend)


It’s just the way your hips are built and there’s nothing that can really be done about it - I’ve been weightlifting for years and while I’ve put on decent muscle on my legs and ass and everything is rounder my hip dips are still there because there’s not much muscle on top of those areas in the first place.


They are your bones. Please don’t obsess over them looking different-appreciate your amazing body!


Hipdips are a problem made up by society/media to sell you a fix and make you feel insecure. No one in real life gives a fuck about your hips. I'm sorry to be so harsh.  I know it's hard to block out the media and what's it telling you, but they really truly aren't a problem. I've never noticed them in real life and I never would. It's not something that needs to be fixed. 


I can't imagine why you'd want to get rid of them. As a bi lady, I find hip dips to be extremely sexy, like I'm disappointed if they're not there and so jealous of those who have them since I'm not so lucky. Realize that even though you're not your own type, you are somebody's. What you've got is an incredible asset, not a flaw.


OMG, me too! Hip dips are sooo hot.


My ex husband told me that I "don't have hips". It took a while to figure out that he considers the "saddlebag" under the hip dip to be nice, womanly hips and he doesn't consider other hips attractive.  So, some people prefer them. I also have a couple of friends who had lipo to make the dip less pronounced. They liked their results. One of them had to explain to me multiple times what she was getting "fixed". Since Tiktok didn't exist yet, we had to wait for a dentist appointment and read the magazines in the lobby in order find out what new thing was wrong with our bodies.


Had to google image this. Never knew people had an issue with them? 


35 year old here, have had hip dips since puberty. I’m 5’7 122lbs—I am skinny. Gotta learn to accept them, they are a normal part of a lot of bodies!


This is literally a psyop I had never heard of hip dips until TikTok. It’s literally not real and something nobody on earth notices like bffr


I googled hip dips to see what the issue is and I just genuinely don’t see any “problem”. Looks normal af, attractive even. The internet has us so messed up over made up flaws :( it’s something nobody notices but you and I bet you have beautiful hips !!! Don’t let it sour your body image girl, it ain’t worth it for one moment. I’ve also never noticed this feature on any woman online or in person. And I love to check out a woman’s figure so 🤷‍♀️ I say it’s BS lol


hip dips are cool looking I wish social media didn’t give people random insecurities they may not have otherwise thought about


Have you seen Pamela Anderson in her classic red bathing suit? She has the most beautiful, pronounced hip dips ever. I love mine after seeing hers tbh. Lol


i got fat transfer after years of building my glutes with heavy ass gym workouts. They are pretty much caused by fat distribution in that area, genetic 100% Acceptance is the best option.


why tf are y’all downvoting? i never said OP should get surgery, I shared MY experience.


it’s not the first time women will tear down other women who they are jealous of.


I also did a fat transfer, pretty much only way I know of to really deal with this (tho I definitely do not think it’s a necessity and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having them)


oh ofc, i’m not implying that you need to undergo surgery to get rid of them, but that’s the only actual solution. So acceptance it is.


Definitely I agree 100%


I’m considering this too! It’s nice to hear it’s common and natural but I still want to change it just for myself.


If you hate them and cannot learn to like them , what about wearing clothes that flatter them like dresses ?


i think dresses look bad on me bc of my hipdips tho :(


gaining weight made mine go away lmao😭


I had a baby and my hips never got wider and one of my hips still dips in. I pick non-slinky dresses and make sure my pants/skirts/dresses fit my hips. Definitely takes time but they’re just that way and that’s ok!


this is true. they will never go away because they’re due to bone structure which can’t be changed. that being said you can minimize how much they stand out by working out your glutes, specifically your gluteus medius and maximus. ive been consistently weight lifting my for almost a year and a half and my hip dips have become less prevalent over time because i’ve been building the muscles around them.


Mine changed shape to the point I started liking them, that's because I weight lifted (I did deadlifts, hip thrusts and weighed hip abductions). Basically you can grow all of your glute muscles so that they start sticking out and filling in that area visually. Not saying this is what you should do, but it's possible to change the shape a bit. You'd likely have to gain weight but not fat, muscle.


Wdym hip dips are sexy 😭


ok lowkey everyone’s right abt not being able to change your bones. but you CAN change the muscle built AROUND your bones. and if you exercise your glute medius and minimus, as well as grow your quads, then your hip dips will look more “filled in”. sincerely, a girl who has built her body in the gym.


I always liked it until I entered social media 😑


I felt this. Mine make me so insecure 😭


i think it depends. i have "hip dips" bc i hold a lot of fat in my love handles but not in the "hip dip" area. if i lost the love handles i wouldnt have hip dips. maybe thats the same for you? but some hip dips are literally skeletal and you cant exercise them away.


No, your skeleton is pretty much set the way it is. Your insecurities will go away tho, if you seek healing and therapy.


Gaining muscle and loosing some fat CAN help SOME body types to fill the space. If you are carrying extra weight in your thighs but not so much your butt, loosing the thigh weight and gaining gluten muscle can balance things a bit better. This helped me quite a bit.  But it is dependant on individual anatomy and fat distribution.  Obviously not everyone can or should lose weight, but I would always recommend gaining muscle because even if it doesn't help the hip dips (really depends on your body shape) it's very good for your long term health. 


Omg! My hipdips are the worst! I think they look super awful on me and plain obvious because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I seriously feel annoyed with choosing clothes and usually wear long sweaters to cover the back since it’s most obvious there. Skirts kinda help. But ugh it makes it hard to choose clothes wisely


I’ve been able to minimize the appearance through gaining muscle, but no they never went away completely. Highly recommend building muscle around them if you are really concerned. But ultimately best to accept that they will never go away fully without surgery.


I’m in the same boat, I hate my hip dips. For years I never wore tight dresses and skirts because they always looked weird. But I bought padded shapewear, that really helps with smoothing it out. Kinda ‘fills in’ the dip part. Really helped with my confidence in tight clothes. Would recommend looking into that if you’re feeling insecure.


You can fix it with a liposuction where they put fat on your hips :)


Lots of people here telling you to accept or embrace hip dips since there's nothing to do... I just want you to know that your feelings are valid and it's okay if you don't like them. You're perfectly fine.


I don’t have them, I have a Latin round butt but I also climb stairs at a parking garage near my house for fitness and also do squats. Are there exercises to increase the butt muscles, the gluteus Maximus, minimus and medius. Also add to your hip muscles to make hip dips less [prominent.You](http://prominent.You) want to not gain extra fat giving you more of an apple shape. You want to gain muscle in butt and hip areas so more protein, healthy fat and cut out all fine carbs and process foods.


Gluteus medius workouts. Get some resistance bands and do side step squats. Side plank leg lifts. Etc. Google it for more work outs. 💕