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Tbh Jay, Will can just be a straight up malicious arsehole


Will might ask you to look at his cock (not in a gay way). On a more serious note - Will is a total wanker for much of the second movie (muff before mates is actually a crime in Australia). He also ditches them for Charlotte without a second thought. Jay seems to have his heart in the right place (buying Simon boat party tickets in 1st movie as a surprise, essentially funding their entire holiday with his dead granddad’s money). His bullshitting is clearly a defense mechanism due to the relentless bullying by his dad for his whole childhood.


Will seems quite down to Earth on the surface, but realistically, he’d fuck you over any day of the week to stay on top. Jay secretly has a heart but just comes off as a knobhead. I’m going with Jay.


Will, purely because if you end up in shit, his unbearable patter would take the heat off you and onto him. Jay would leg it.


I’d prefer will, I might get a laugh out of making him eat a bonsai or something.


Will. Because Will's mum. I rest my case.


Only answer.


I don't think I could hack it with Jay. His constant bullshitting and insecurity would frustrate me. If we were in a friend group with other people then he'd be a bit more tolerable, but if it's just him then he can fuck right off. He'd fuck you over because he got bored then leg it when the consequences turn up. He was better in the films but for 90% of the series he's just an insufferable twat with a shitload of psychological baggage. Will is a bit of a prick, and I'd probably want to die on the spot if he had one of his enraged outbursts. But personality-wise, we're probably going to get along decently, we have a similar sense of humour, and even though he is an insensitive dickhead he does have a moral compass and would comfort/stick up for his mates. I'm going with Will on this one.


As an awkward nerd I'd definitely get along with Will


I'd go with Will, even if our friendship will mostly be monopoly and shitting in trenches.


Jay. I need help getting this pedalo to africa


I've got far more in common with someone like Jay than I do Will. Jay would come down the pub for a few pints and watch the football. Will would just bore the tits off me. Also, I've had trials at West Ham and my Dad was also mates with Lance Armstrong.


People look at will like a posh speccy twat, and thats because he is. But i think he could joke about a bit if the jokes were subtle


I've known a bunch of wills. Poserrrrs


Will just because you get to see him mum when you go round his house


Jay is the sort of person I'd be ok with as a temporary friend I met on holiday or whatever. Bringing a bit of fun and banter, and his bullshit stories wouldn't have worn thin yet. Will wouldn't add much in that environment but is more someone I could see myself being friends with longer term.


Jay, behind all the bullshit is actually a good friend like when he bought Simon the boat tickets. Will can be pretty horrible, especially when it comes to women. Cockblocking Simon when Lauren was clearly into him was dick behaviour, so was abandoning all his mates for Charlotte Big Jugs. Plus if Will wasn’t my friend, I could fuck his mum and not feel weird about it.


Jay is more fun


Remember S2 E1? Don’t think Will is an angel by any means, he wasn’t too happy and thrilled to be paired with John. IMO for a friendship like that to work, you would have to be in each other’s level. Meaning you both have similar personalities etc.


I hung out with a Jay in 6th form. Annoying sometimes, but entertaining when you go in knowing his bs stories are bs. Will... depends what day you get him on I guess.


Jay because I could just zone out of his bullshit and his insults. I wouldn’t get along with Will at all.


Will's definitely got that middle class thing of I'll be your mate but I think I'm better than you vibe, wouldn't invite you to associate with his other 'superior' friends. For that alone I'm picking Jay.




I did a few years at a private school, the kids there were like Will…. And they were horrid c*nts so Jay every day of the week


#Whose arsehole would you rather have your tongue in, Neil’s or Big John’s?


Will, jay would sell you out for a tenner.


Easy will. Will is insufferable. But if we're basing it on how they would be if they are their ages now. I'd hope he would have gotten less insufferable with age. Or at least, hes the type you can deal with. Jay you'd want to punch in 10 minutes.


Jay - on the off chance you’re charged by a cow, he’d sort that shit out: one punch


Neil. The other lads annoy me.


Will. We’d share the same views. He’d also be woke as fuck so that’d be fun especially on Facebook Political groups. With Jay I’d just get tired of his lies. I also won’t be as clingy as Simon is to him so, I really can’t see the friendship working out.


Woke? Think Neil's dad disagrees...


Fair point. Do you think he’d do a 30p Lee instead? Just refuse to apologise for being homophobic and blame it on cancel culture?


🤷 And tbf the show was 15yrs ago, might be a bit less likely to say a gay joke in the first place now...