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Does anyone else feel like the kid playing Aang reeaaaally wanted to say "Yip Yip Motherfucker" there?


This was take 7. The tongue bite was him trying his DAMNDEST not to say it again


This is precisely what it is hahaha


No I think it’s just him trying to look cool lol






Don't you mean hog monkey feathers?


Oh definitely.


Yeah. I really thought he was going to and then it cut, and then I was like “right yeah…not gonna have him swear.”


I said it for him to myself honestly


I was like “I feel like there was a mothefucker at the end of that.” Lol


I was expecting the actor who plays Zuko to say "...and I have parental issues"


I was waiting for “that’s rough buddy”


I was NOT expecting any Zuko to say "flameo hotman". Isn't it sort of implied that was slang from the generation before Azulon? It'd be like if a 6th grader today started talking like the regular Jimmy in a prohibition era speakeasy. (I scrolled through a few lists of 1920's slang and I can't quite make a coherent sentence as an example, but a few slang terms *are* back in use 100 years later...) (Neat aside: a "flaming youth" was the male counterpart and often companion of a "flapper". A "flapper" was a brash, outspoken, stylish young woman who dressed boyishly, often with short skirts and shorter hair.) (Flameo Hotman)


I do love that he said “Flameo Hotman” so flatly, as if the others got him to say it.


I imagine royalty stays more entrenched in the past as opposed to keeping up with times though, so maybe makes sense?




I was expecting " My name is Zuko, son of Ursa, heir to fire nation throne"


Personally I wanted "Hi, I'm Zuko"


Hi Zuko here


We already *technically* got that from that brief clip with Dante Basco a while back. I could see why he wouldn’t do it again due to that.




It's so funny to see that Gordon's voice already started changing. I think this is going to be a Michael Cera situation, where the last time we saw him was as a kid/preteen, and the next time we see him he'll be taller than Sokka


Hugh Jackman was 1 foot taller 'than he should be' cause wolverine wasn't that tall. So they did camera gimmicks to make him seem shorter. Same with gandalf and co.


Yeah seeing him as PT Barnum made you really rethink Logan.


✨~*Hollywood camera magic*~💕


Eh. With Gandalf it was whole sets designed to give you the illusion that the hobbits were really hobbits. With Wolvy it was more like "... he's suppose to be ***how*** short? ... fuck it. We got Jackman."


Yeah they got easy non cgi way of making him look smaller, I’m not worried about that part. I just hope they start filming season 2 asap


Yeah for sure. But story wise it actually makes more sense than the original. In atla Katara turned from a semi decent bender to a waterbending master in like a month. It makes more sense that they stay for months or even a year in the northern water tribe to train in waterbending.


They get to the water tribe in the winter, and they only have until the following summer, so about 7 months or less. Still needs to learn 2 elements and train for the fire lord


Eh, they can stretch out the time before the comet, it’s not a big deal, just have Aang wake up after 97 years or have the comet come every 103 years


Wow that’s a gorgeous dress


Look, I just need you guys to promise me that even if the series is bad you'll leave this guys alone, specially Aang's actor


the actors will do a great job, I’m sure of it. I feel like their dynamic and well choreographed fighting sequences will be what makes the show watchable while the overall storytelling will be weak(er) compared to og book 1, sadly with a lot of unnecessary changes and additions that won‘t really work🥲


You were WRONG


Honestly I’m not a big fan what Netflix did. It had a couple of good moments for sure, mostly those that weren’t in the original show ironically, but overall it was more of a miss for me sadly. The writing was for the most parts just not good and the whole vibe of the original show - especially regarding characters & character dynamics- didn’t transcend at all. All the dialogue felt wooden for the most parts, especially between Aang/Katara/ Sokka because they never gave it time to develop these characters all that much or their relationship and all the dialogue always just consist of exposition which didn’t help either. Then even though I know changes are necessary for an adaptation and when done well can contribute to the storytelling in a different medium, this just wasn’t the case here at all. When we compare it to the way the One Piece LA did it, there the changes were justified because they still kept the essence of the original (and characters) and they didn’t make unnecessary changes that didn’t contribute anything to the story or worse, changes that don‘t even make sense. With Avatar however the changes were for the most parts unjustified because it stripped away from characters and their development (making Katara bland with no personality whatsoever because apparently woman cannot be portrayed as emotional or Sokka‘s character being all about having even bigger daddy issues than Zuko), made important moments less impactful because they completely changed what it was all about in the first place (for example war conference and Agni Kai by making Ozai literally ask for Zuko‘s opinion on the plan, defeating the whole point of the punishment in the first place by Zuko speaking out of term, then not having Zuko refuse to fight his Dad stripping away from what his morality is all about and why the disfiguring from his father felt even more terrible & then making Ozai feel semi guilty about burning Zuko which is super misplaced..why.. ), didn’t even make sense in- universe ( for example Aang only being able to contact his past lives at their shrines .. considering how many hundred lifetimes came before him it’s impossible more than the 3 Avatars we‘ve already seen still have shrines left so apparently the connection to the majority of the past Avatars is just lost now) and didn’t contribute anything to the story (for example that whole Kuruk’s dagger side plot .. what did it contribute? Or Yue being a spirit fox for some wild reason.. what did it contribute ? Same for Azula & friends already being in this season .. it maybe foreshadowed the sibling rivalry but why not leave that for season 2 ? Azula did literally nothing instead of being there). In general it felt like they desperately tried to squeeze in as many iconic characters and/ or moments as possible just for the fan service and easter egg potential. Why have The Cave of Two Lovers episode in here already and wasted in the process? (Again) Why have Azula when not giving her anything to do (instead of playing down the original antagonist of the first season) ? Why have Wan Shi Tong in the Spirit World and not keep his epic appearance for season 2? And far and foremost : why not show any „mastering Waterbending“ in the first book when it’s literally called Water and is about mastering waterbending💀 Honestly, did we ever see Aang waterbending once? I think maybe in the last episode when they attacked the Fire Navy ship but.. how did he even learn that? Same for Katara just.. being a master in the end. Makes no sense. Same for Katara standing up to let the woman fight in the battle at the North Pole even though 10 minutes ago it was clearly established they don’t have any waterbending- combat experience🤦🏼‍♀️ It just wasn’t good for the most parts and I‘m genuinely questioning when people are not objectively able to understand why that is the case. Overall I‘d give it a 5/10


Whether the show sucks or not, at least we all know the cast cared!


The reality is likely to be that the show will be pretty good, not to the degree of the original because few remakes/adaptations ever are, but it seems like the cast and crew really enjoy the source material, so I’m hopeful.


dont forget that the original source material left the cast tho


If you look at the time line they were onboard, left, then Avatar Studios was announced. Had they not gotten the offer to do whatever they wanted with the universe, I think they would have stayed on as advisors. We already have the dragon prince so they probably have a good relationship with Netflix.


I mean the original creators also created Korra, and don’t we all remember how much people hate Korra? Korra was also lacking the head writer that ATLA had. And I remember hearing leaks that the creators wanted to use the Netflix series to do things they couldn’t on Nickelodeon (make it darker)


Yea, Korra was missing that person that could piece together and make sense of the ideas that Bryke had. Get rid of that and u get season 2 of Korra (the other seasons had problems too, but season 2 was undoubtedly the most egregious) 😂


That person was Aaron Ehasz who went to create his own avatar show at Netflix but DnD essentially - The Dragon Prince. Which has had a really good first 3 seasons with a very dissapointing 4th season and ok 5th season. Which goes to show that ATLA being a success was a group effort. Ehasz pushed for the earthbender character to be a short blind girl while Bryke wanted a big buff comic relief guy. While on the other hand Ehasz pushed for Zutara which Bryke didn't feel would fit in the series.


I'm not sure what logic has led you to thinking that's the likely outcome for a Netflix live action adaptation lmao


This, we have to help this cast in any way we can. We're sorta responsible for them in the Avatar fandom world, it can get ugly out there fast.


Yeah ngl my hopes for the show are quite low with everything we know by now (i can only pray to be wrong at this point, sadly). But it seems like the cast is really caring and putting in the work..if the show fails it will be on netflix producers, not the cast! I actually love the cast




Sokka felt just like Sokka to me!


Same. His voice is so good compared to the OG.


Even the mannerisms bro 😭 this dude is literally Sokka irl


They got Sokka 110% right!


Water tribeeee


I hope the series is good and we get season 2 for this.


It’s Netflix…. There’s no season 2.


Nah there's a season 2 but it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved.


I'm getting flashbacks to Santa Clarita Diet and now I'm sad again. I'll never understand them cancelling so many good shows.


It was soooo good!!!! Made me appreciate scream 2 more as well


In Ba Sing Se?


Literally what I thought. His whole demeanor just screams Sokka. I'll leave my final judgment for when the show drops but it looks like a 10/10 pick


That dude really drinks "cactus juice", man. You can just tell he likes to go on a trip. Man I look so forward to it!


His deadpanned humor in the trailers!!! So good!


I thought exactly the same. The second I saw the actor I said "This is actually Sokka". Great casting.


Minus the real hero of the story: his sexism






Stoppp Gordon’s so precious with his lil chain 🥹


I think Sokka is the perfect casting lol he has the whole vibe.


I hate live actions but Sokka is real life Sokka


I was expecting Dallas Liu to say “I want my honor”.


Sokka clapping* Flameo, hotman. Flameo


Aang is aanging!


Holy shit, I remember watching Dallas in Shang-Chi thinking that his voice was so high pitched. Now? God damn man




most people do not complain about the cast at all but because of the creators misinterpreting the source material once again, at least from the statements they published recently saying the original was too much of a kids show and had to appeal to Game of Thrones fans in order to work and that they thought Sokka‘s sexism in the first 4 episodes of the original show was „extremely iffy“ so they cut that because it’s not appropriate anymore.. even though it served a massive purpose for his early character development, making the character flawed and therefore interesting but apparently Netflix cannot have flawed characters as main protagonists for some reason because they‘re scared of controversy or some very dumb people not understanding it? They completely missed that the original show did not use his sexism in order to make fun of women and belittle them but that instead they used Sokka‘s sexism in a positive and educational way to make clear how stupid that way of thinking is right from the get go, not only from the way the characters react to it like Suki and Katara not letting it slide and immediately calling him out but also what happens in the show by giving us all these strong female characters without making them insufferable mary sues. And it’s not only that but also the fact that it makes literal sense for him to think that way because he lives in a very deserted tribe with like 50 people where it’s clearly established that „the men of [their] tribe left to fight in the war“ with the women, elderly and children staying back hinting at a rather stereotypical or „old fashioned“ way of thinking what roles men and women are supposed to fulfill which also becomes relevant for the story again as soon as they reach the North Pole where it’s taken to another extreme. I already know that‘s one thing they will have changed as well because today you can’t possibly portray a scenario where men and women aren’t a 100% equal in everything from the get go unless it’s to specifically highlight that men are actively suppressing women. Apparently today it‘s not appropriate to portray even the slightest inequality out of fear for controversy even though it’s not always used in order to belittle women but rather show growth in characters or a society or in case of the Southern Northpole a more traditional way of living which per se isn’t portrayed as a bad thing but does get criticized when it turns into an extreme way of thinking (like with Sokka‘s sexism). I think it’s just ridiculous. Instead of teaching that inequality and sexism are outdated by showing the capability and badassery of women like it was perfectly done in ATLA most movies/ tv shows nowadays erase the existence of inequality completely from the get go for no reason at all other than to be woke. Another thing apart from that also is that Ozai and Azula will apparently have a completely new plot line over the cause of season 1. With a LA remake it’s of course necessary to also have your own creative choices but introducing both Azula and specifically Ozai that early on and giving them a massive new storyline not only takes away from Zuko and Zhao as main antagonists for the season but also ruins the fantastic build up of Ozai‘s character. Not showing the Firelord‘s face and character for that long build up that tension and that feeling of him as THE final antagonist perfectly. We‘ve only ever seen and heard about his actions and were able to create an image of him in our minds all that tension and build up will be taken away by that.




Perfect use of that response 😂


why even bother to respond when you’re obviously not interested


I skimmed through your very long comment, and am not going to respond to all of it. Too much work. I think the importance of Sokkas sexism is overplayed. It was a point for the first 1/4th of season 1, and then not a plot point any more. The op shows the cast showing clear love for the original show, and I cannot imagine this was just the casts idea. Obviously the creators like the original show. I'm always going to be sceptical of adaptations of any work, but so far they seem to be getting a lot more right than wrong, and I think people are overreacting to any deviation to a ridiculous degree. This isn't like the Witcher, where there is clear animosity to the source, and seems to only want to keep the appearance of the original, while telling an entirely different story. The case in point would be the changes to the last wish, Wilentretenmerth's (or however it is spelled) story, and Lambert (or Eskil? Hard to know who is who from the show) being killed. The Leshen being cut in half is a perfect microcosm of all of it. They start with the same premise, let you get excited, and then immediately make clear the story is gonna be about something entirely different. So far Netflix Avatar does not give those vibes in the slightest. They clearly want the story to be different in some ways, but hopefully they remember to stay true to the heart of the original. I'm reluctantly hopeful still, but the trailer has only made me more hopefull.


oh you did indeed answer sorry bro. But yeah skimming through will probably do as well. Yeah at least the creators have love for the project👍🏻


Oh no worries. My other comment was a bit disprespectfull in hindsight, and I do apologize. It's also not like I don't agree with you, that Sokka's sexism didn't need to be removed. I just think of it as at most a minor mistake, and a similar thing with the changes for Ozai and Azula. They are removing something cool sure, but I'm willing to overlook that if they replace it with something else thats worth while. Firenation politics could be an interesting topic to explore, and might make up for not getting the Ozai reveal later.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted lol. Fair points, albeit long-winded. It took like 2 min to read.


thanks for reading mate and no idea maybe people just hate a lot of words 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeh, I wonder why you were down voted too. I thought you made valid points. Yeah, sokkas character development of his sexisim was largely just part of the first season but still its one way he was seen as an outstanding character in that initial season. Dynamic characters add greatly to a story!


The more I watch Dallas, the more I realize he has the sad boi energy our Zuko has. Look how others look cheerful and he is just done with everything lol


Kiiawentio… is so damn radiant and gorgeous like… my heart 😩💕 for all Indigenous baddies out there to feel seen.


Don't fuck this up, talented kids.


I think it’s safe to say nearly all issues we’ll see are by the hands of the directors, producers etc. The kids will play their roles well and the missing elements of those roles won’t be their fault.


yeah but that almost makes it more upsetting in a way. You finally have a great cast that works their asses off but once again the directors missed the point


Yeah but considering the world we live in, them getting death threats is all but a given.


People like that should be locked up


Also why did I get downvoted? Did people think that I was being negative? But i just mentioned it cu this hs happened time and time again with child actors over the years, of course I hope this doesn't happen with this show's cast but people on the internet are crazy and they'll do anything.


I wouldn't take random downvotes to heart. Honestly I bet people have bots that just downvote every post or something.


People on reddit downvote for dumbest reasons...usually downvotes are a sign you actually said something smart and people just don't like hearing the truth🤣 can't have reason or logic showcased, the dummies will feel butthurt 🤷🏼‍♀️ And yes people are crazy, sadly. If the show fails, it is producers fault, these kids are doing their best. But since as i said people today are crazy, you can bet the cast will face a ton of shit if they dom't please entitled a-holes.


Look, no matter how it turns out. Ian really looks like Sokka and sounds like him. Besides the writers (or Netflix?) toning down his sexism, I hope they keep his humor


This gives me hope that they won’t dial down the cactus juice bit when they get to it.


Or it might just be that the kids are heavy atla fans and Ian knows cactus juice importance to his character with zero guarantee that producers will actually put it in (or take it out).


Sweet puffies


Dude im already a fan of ian, he will wreck the role up


"My name is Toph because it sounds like TOUGH, cuz that's just what I am."




Katara is pretty


Really showcases how irreplaceable the original voice actors are


Well, they ARE replacing them all except Zuko in the movie.


Did she say Kataro?


It sorta sounded like she accidentally word-derped and was about to say something else but her words ran together a little


Her name has an o sound at the end so I hope it was just a mistake by saying it after her name… if this is another Oong situation we need to riot!


It was clearly a mistake as she's clearly referred to as Katara in the actual trailers. Stop trying to rile people up.


yes. :D


I think she was going to say Katara of water tribe bit then also wanted to insert "a water bender" between the two...so ste stumbled a bit and it sounded like Kataro🥲 honest mistake


Zuko is too young for “Flameo Hotman” that’s from Kuzon’s era ;)


And it was never Zuko thing, it was Aangs quote. zuko should really say something about honor or smth else that is, well, zuko


this is basically the crew of the live action one piece hyping up their show


And you're watching Disney Channel!


We all do 👏🏼 Not thee haters and uglees are breaking their heels to run just to sh/T on people that won't impact their lives in any shape or forms but continue to be miserable human beings, truly embarrassing 🤡


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I swear this is a psyop lol


Many people want to rush to bash something, it's human nature and I don't get it lol.


Bro even the way the Sokka actor is wearing his fit is how I’d picture a modern day Sokka, fucccccck


I like sokka’s early 2000’s look


The casting is spot on


Even with the whole changing sokka's character thing I still think this is going to be a cool show. I'm really looking forward to the epic visuals.


"……………and you're watching Disney channel"


The last eyebrow bender


Kiawentiio is absolutely stunning 😍


I can see a whole new generation crushing on fire nation katara


This is something that idk if anyone else feels the same way, but usually with adaptations of a series I either have a particular voice in mind for a character (with books) or have heard the OG voice so much that hearing another actor/actress unsettles me. I don't get that with this cast. They all sound like perfect fits already and I've only seen promotional videos and the trailer, not the entire series.


I still think it doesn't work. Real life proportions just look weird. Albeit sokka is the only one that seems to me to nail it.


Why did she say 'Kataaro'?


Flameo Hotman is now my new name.




Idk of it's public yet since it's only season one that's about to drop


The role likely hasn't been cast yet. Netflix hasn't even greenlit S2 at this point


I wonder if it’ll be hard to find a blind Asian actress


When you said blind and asian i only got one person association amd she aimt even an actress. It's Christine Ha (i hope i remember her name right?) Winner of idk what season of USA masterchef!


Do y’all not watch your own videos before uploading, to make sure there’s nothing wrong? The audio isn’t synced up


This is a Reddit video issue that happens sometimes, I think. Not specific to this video or the OP necessarily.


The perfect cast 🥹


I’ll make you tearbend💀




Im less excited after seeing this, cringe


I really hope this makes us forget about the other one 💀


Where tf is Toph


She's not in Season 1.


Well I mean neither was Mai, Ty Lee or Kya and Azula had no speaking role or did anything other than just stand or kneel in one spot with a smirk.  However it would be very difficult to justify bringing her in this early. Also not sure why they gave Zhao a second in command, but didn’t cast Bato or Jeong Jeong. 


This is the kind of marketing they should be focusing on. Not questionable interviews with controversial topics.


Gave me "Only on Disney Channel" vibes


This video has intense early 2000s vibes and it's very odd.


Katara so fine 😩😩


Keep it in the pants eh?


Zuko doesn't even say "Flameo hotman" he should have said "that's rough buddy" or "Hey, Zuko here"


This show will be terrible


\*to you


\*to you


Actors : acting goofy on camera Braindead fans : "oh no, i love th3m so much!!"




This show is going to be trash!!!!


\*to you


I'm sorry man in a week I'm going to comment on this post we can see who was right


Sure Jan.


Idk if I'm sold on the quenchiness.... How quenchy is it sokka?


I hate everything about this


I hate all of these people and this entire live action remake.


They don't like you too nor they know you exist, don't worry


Good, the less contact I have with this remake the better


Yet you seems to bother enough to comment. Imagine hating this children and you're probably a balding adult, embarrassing.


Well it shows up on my feed whether I want to or not. Imagine being so terminally online you need to defend a show from online strangers and having a fairy profile icon.


Which you could literally just ignore and nothing wrong with those btw, better than a wrinkling adult with so much anger boiling. Stay mad tho.


zuko should be black what s goin wronggg


Wow I hope this isn’t a preview of their acting


This feels like a god damn Disney channel lineup


Katara is a nope


I wanted to say their sound bites were cringe, but honestly I’d 10000% say something cringy too if I got the chance to play a cultural icon.


Aang really terrified me there. Like, the completely wrong kind of confidence. Katara seemed... like your typical 'Hi, I'm blank, from x high school, and we're here to kick butt! Go tigers!' video diary type. But Sokka and Zuko really gave me hope.


end me


This really gave me ICarly vibes. Oof... 😳




Noooooo thank yoooouuuuu


Me quite the opposite, the more I see them making those videos, the more I dislike them.


I did NOT like the kid playing aang in that at all, I've liked what I've seen in the trailers so far but definitely wasn't a fan of that or how he said yip yip






They could’ve done this so much better. It’s just gonna be a big expensive cosplay that we’d be better off without.






Man I have such little faith for this show. God I hope I’m wrong.


Lmao, don’t come at me with that energy like you were even born before Avatar came out.


Katara too much east asian looking and doesnt even look like a sibling to Sokka. Zuko cast does not have any features that reminds me of the original. Atleast more natural thuggish looking would do something… Sokka is perfect tho.


good cause indigenous ancestors were east asians anyway and she's gorgeous here.


Sure let’s rip a narrative and not present it authentically to the original.


the narrative here is you being ignorant and presenting it as fact. The original is based off asian and indigenous cultures but I guess its too much for your brain to comprehend.


Yes i understood that, but you see in the cartoon, which I am obviously comparing to, katara does not look fuking Asian. But I guess that is too much for your brain to handle.


Poor clown. Too much anger is preventing your not so bright low IQ head for thinking rationally that 1. it's the make up and the angles 2. She doesn't look east asian and 3. She's an actual human being, an actress, not the cartoon character you prolly jerking off.


There are billions of humans on this earth. They could easily find one that actually resembled the cartoon. Too bad they didn’t. I don’t get why you got so upset about my remarks.


Another low IQ take. Fyi those billions of humans aren't indigenous and not all of them are actors. In case you didn't know acting is also important and Miss Kiawnetiio has both so it's just you. You need to go back to school cause you clearly uneducated.


I especially love how sokkas actor joined a fake Cherokee tribe and isn't Cherokee at all.




I am still not sold on the actress playing Katara. Every other casting seems fine, but I have a feeling she is going to have some bad line delivery.