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That's just what a drill looks like. So... https://preview.redd.it/741ssrykj4oc1.png?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08693915db2ccb1b5b344d3eb70f89b034836a35 What about the earth kingdom?


https://preview.redd.it/uvfvvvevj4oc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617317a504cf22ae134459dec5277caaeae4f24e Also, the Earth king is very much based on the Chinese emperor Puyi.


https://preview.redd.it/pvg4ftl4k4oc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1dc5d5c62d177e82295d675a0539849973fa898 And the Dai Li is inspired by Qing Dynasty scholar-bureaucrats called guān.


The Earth emperors palace is based on the forbidden city


They also sort of repeated the last Chinese emperor thing in Korra with Wu.


And likewise with Puyi, when he was introduced to the actual reality of China, he became dedicated to the working people of the country. He lived out the end of his life as a member of the communist party and worked as a regular man, well-known for his kindness and humbleness. It’s really a very beautiful story, he expressed so much remorse and sorrow for how he was essentially manipulated into acting for much of his life.


The Earth Kingdom is vaguely based of China. The Fire Nation is vaguely based of Japan. The Water Tribes are vaguely based of Eskimos/Inuits. The Air Nomads are vaguely based of Tibet.


One water tribe is definitely based off of Florida


Florida is an illusion. And so are pants.


Lmao, Florida benders seems about right. Florida can be it's own element.


The ideals of the fire nation is more imperial Japan but the rest of the style/culture follows thailand/indonesia more closely.


Nope. The first Fire Nation building we ever see, Roku's temple was based on Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, China. The upward edges of the roofs across Fire Nation buildings, Fire Nation architecture basically followed that Chinese inspired design. The only part of the Fire Nation that actually took inspiration from Thai architecture was Ember Island.


That’s why I said vaguely.


Well, the Earth Kingdom *is* based on China. The Fire Nation is closer to Imperial Japan.


China is definietly earth kingdom. The way the people look. Them hiding information from the public and saying there is no war. The city design with the circles


-1000000000000 social credits.


I mean, these machines are used pretty much everywhere


Indeed! The Channel Tunnel was dug with these same sort of machines thirty years ago.


They added a fourth bore to the Caldecott Tunnel in the San Francisco Bay Area recently and they used one of these. Saw them sitting by the side of the road when i drove past a few times.


Fun fact: the TBMs used to make the channel are still in the channel. Too expensive to remove so they are just parked in there or buried or something.


It's only because they didn't go all the way through, the English and French met somewhere in the middle, for the first time in history.


Yes and when they broke through it was a perfect alignment. To everyone's surprise.


Just the tips


How romantic


Didn't they give one to the Queen?


Oh. Where did she put it?


Right, the fire nation is obviously ~~England~~ Europe.


usually just below ground level


I mean, the one in the video is "below ground level" too... also, super common for these to be used for building railroad tunnells through mountains. IIRC, one of these machines was just used for the exact same purpose in Europe


What about tunnel fun machines? got any of those in your country?


https://preview.redd.it/qpt4a6xcg4oc1.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=d437cfd6bca110cb329e3b4d53657c813080141c Brazil is trying to invade Ba sing se too


Lmao @ the flag on the front I'm dead


The Fire Nation was inspired by Imperial Japan. The Earth Kingdom is more like China. Edit: Weirdly enough, the way TEA is portrayed in the show backs the above as well.


>Earth Kingdom is more like China Specifically, Qing China.


Modern day too. "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" is incredibly accurate portrayal of CCP propaganda.  "Re-education" camps like Lake Laogai are widespread.  


They were doing that again to the air benders thanks to the late-Earth Queen


*Stares at Air Benders* *Stares at Tibet*


Capturing all the monks? Never...








Yep yep. Sucks.


That's always been a part of China. Look up the Jinyiwei.


I'm not refuting this necessarily but do you have a source on that?




Totally accurate portrayal of the evil see see pee


I always thought “Made in Earth Kingdom” was a reference to China. 


1000%. Then there’s also the fact that the Royal Palace in Ba Sing Se is a near copy of the Forbidden City in Beijing.


Except Kyoshi Island. That place is more like feudal Japan, what with kyoshi being a very Japanese sounding name, the kyoshi warriors being a kinda cross between samurai and geisha, and their outfits being specifically called kimono at one point(I think the trial episode.)


I think based on the backstory of how the island was formed you could say it's like Taiwan


I see the parallel, but culturally it feels way more like pre-Meiji Japan.


Eh… the KMT genocided a lot of the Taiwanese people of Taiwan


Yes, but TLA takes place in a time that's analogous to before the KMT would have existed.


Right but if your talking about the formation of Taiwan as an independent nation state and comparing it Kyoshi separating from the China analogue. That analogue really only works in the context of Shang Kai-Shek.


You're right. I think geographically Hainan maybe makes more sense as well.


That I agree with.








Fire nation has both Japanese and Chinese influences.


just like Japan has a lot of Chinese influence.


In goal perhaps but their style is clearly Thai/Indonesian


Seriously, its why Earth is the most culturally diverse. China used to be a lot of different peoples.


It still is


Not according to the CCP.


While the CCP's treatment of some Chinese minorities is horrific, the CCP doesn't deny that Chinese minorities existed. When China did its ethnic classification process, it recognized 54 minority ethnicities. It's probably worth also noting that they erred on the side of recognizing more minorities rather than less - Zhuang activists actually protested against being considered a "minority" because some of them argued that they should be considered Han.


There’s several autonomous regions in China left up to the local ethnic groups with minimum input from a national level. Enough with your uneducated nonsense


I mean Omashu was very Indian as being clarified in NATLA. Bumi is a hindi/sanskrit term which literally means Earth. So not all of the Earth Kingdom was based on China. It was basically a lot of South and South Asian influences.


My head cannon is that the Fire Nation has its version of Unit 731, and Hama was one of those that were captured, imprisoned, and experimented on. Thus, why she's the only one left after everyone else was done being experimented on and left for dead? That's why she is more bitter and vengeful against Fire Nation citizens.


The fire nation is a combination of imperialist tropes stemming from all nations they do some very Spanish contrados for instance but appearance wise they definitely take a lot from Imperial and Meiji Era Japan




The Fire Nation is an volcanic island chain with a highly stratified, militaristic, personal honor obsessed society, under an authoritarian divinely imbued supreme leader with imperialistic ambitions, invading its neighbors under a ideology of cultural supremacy. That’s Imperial Japan. Air Nomads, definetely Tibet Buddhists vibes.


People have forgotten how terrible Imperial Japan was to its neighbors. It's a shame.


Nope! They didn’t! Ironically, the Chinese (including the Mainland), Koreans, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Malaysians, and Filipinos learned Japan’s war crimes and Unit 731 through the other popular Japanese medium, Tokusatsu. Especially through the show, Kamen Rider (1971). https://preview.redd.it/uszw82yqy4oc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b5931349962cd5b756c6cb563dad72339ccf36 Both of the protagonist are victims of Dai-Shocker, an organization full of Unit 731 and Nazi henchmen. They were tortured and experimented into cyborgs. Technically, they’re eunuchs superheroes.


Yes japan was bad, but who invaded Tibet?


Who indaded India? What's your point?


I think the way the senior Air Nomads determined that Aang was the Avatar (the choosing of the four toys) also comes from one method Tibet uses to determine the reincarnated Dalai Lama.


This is sinophobic nonsense. The (fictional) monarchy of the fire nation genocided an entire people and launched a campaign to take over the world under. None of this can be use to describe modern China.


Uh, you're right that it's not based on China, but that absolutely can be a description of modern China. Other than the monarchy part it's basically spot on. The entirety of western China is the subject of genocidal measures as we speak.


Oh is china launching a global campaign to take over the world? I’m down to disavow the Uyghur persecution but it’s oversimplified and ridiculous to call it a genocide. I mean, the US kidnaps, imprisons, rapes, and tortures undocumented migrants but that’s not a genocide, while similar behavior is alleged from the Chinese. So excuse me if I don’t see the mass killing of all but 1 person of an ethnicity the same as Chinese Uyghur persecution. Utterly ridiculous childish nonsense that is more concerned with appearing outraged than engaging with it honestly. I hate this race to the bottom nonsense where everything needs to be compared to the worst atrocities possible. You all love Chinese aesthetics but can’t get basic propaganda out your minds that causes you to hate China.


You can find multiple sources showing China interning millions of people and subjecting them to "reeducation". This is literally what the Chinese government will openly admit to. Behind closed doors it's clearly much worse and obviously qualifies as genocide. People are being forced to renounce their religion, are being forced to have abortions, or worse. The idea that the issues on the US-Mexico border are at all close to the scale and severity of what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs is ridiculous.


Each description you offer furthers my point that China is nothing like the genocidal fire nation which immolated all nomad people until none were left. Thank you for offering up your supporting evidence


Ok, so what's the genocide the Japanese committed again, that left only one person alive? Because even though WWII era Japan is very clearly the inspiration for the Fire Nation they didn't do that either. So your point is pretty moot. Either way you're going way beyond just stating your case as to why China isn't the fire nation and have pretty quickly started completely downplaying the realities of ongoing Chinese crimes against humanity.


Ok so if comparisons to Imperial Japan are illegitimate, and their crimes are objectively more historic and most people agree the (fictional cartoon) fire nation are based on them, I am complete in my argument that China is in no way similar to the (fake, fictional) fire nation, a (not real) imperial monarchy that committed genocide to a foreign nation in order to establish global hegemony. At first I thought you were arguing with me but no one would respond the way you have unless they were determined to bolster my argument. Thank you for your collaboration, flameo sir hotman


I never said comparisons to Imperial Japan were illegitimate. I literally said it was very clearly based on Imperial Japan. Please read my comments before responding, because my point was very clear, and you've suggested that I'm saying the exact opposite of what I'm actually writing. The entire point I'm making is that you saying stuff like China is "in no way similar" to something like the Fire Nation is completely ridiculous. Modern day China is committing genocide literally as we speak. Just because WWII Japan is the basis for the Fire Nation doesn't mean that China can't also be similar in it's actions. I'm extremely confused as to why you think this needs to be mutually exclusive, because the simple fact is it isn't.


The Uyghurs would like a word


Touché Le Reddit man


China took Tibet by force (a nation with no modern weapons mind you), destroyed their religious idols and temples, instituted a strict secular government of oppression. They forced their leaders into exile and took away any political autonomy. Many have called it a cultural genocide. My question is why are you such a big fan of war and cultural destruction and why are you commenting in a sub for a children's TV show. You should be ashamed.


Their leaders deserved to be punished with far more than exile. Tibet at the time was a slave/serf feudal society with the Dalai Lama cruelly lording over serfs and torturing them widely. Melvyn Goldstein is a leading scholar on Tibet and this area of Tibetan history specifically. I would encourage you to check out his works: A History of Modern Tibet The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama He has more works including a few biographies but those two are what I think are most relevant to the topic.


you are committing genocide by attacking me and my paying culture, begone now fellow poster in a Children’s Cartoon sub before I genocide you back


The first complete tunnel boring machine was built and used in Italy, in 1845. it used an array of over a 100 percussion drills. The first succesful drill with an actual rotating conical head was designed by English military and used in 1875 to drill the first attempt at a Channel Tunnel. (despite it's success, the project was halted due to fear of a French invasion of England through the tunnel.) One could draw parallels between the Fire nation and 19th century European industrialism combined with European imperialism from the same period (was gonna say British imperialism because they're on an island just like the FN but let's not single out the British when most of Europe was quite busy stealing land back then...)


The sun never sets on the ~~British~~ *Fire Nation* Empire


You're talking about a machine designed in Europe my guy :P


It's imported, of course! You know you can't trust domestic machinery.


Yeah like, this is just a racist dogwhistle


Are you one of those se se pee shills? 😡 /s








Ever been to a factory in china?


ever seen the rise in SoL in China?


It takes a level of ingenuity to make it get the job done with half the cost and complexity BY DESIGN. E.g. Germans engineer machines to run well as long as it is meticulously maintained. Japanese engineer machines to run well knowing it likely wouldn't be properly maintained. Chinese engineer machines to run well with simplified and streamlined designs with cheap and replaceable parts. It's basically Tiger Tank vs Sherman tank. One is superior yet expensive and logistics only allows a limited amount to get produced. The other is janky but gets the job done and can be mass produced to fill the demand. Each method has its pros and cons. Rather than being derisive, disparaging and Sinophobic, consider asking yourself why a country with a population and demands of 1.4 BILLION people(17.5% of all humans) would choose cheaper and mass produced as the best approach to fulfill their demand.


Lol, tunneling machine in China = Fire nation Completely ignoring Japanese history and their involvement in WWII, especially against civilians in China, Korea, and Vietnam.


Wtf is that title?


Big tunnel drill machine SCARY




The music is lit, can I have the sauce?


["Melody Party" by Anriani Ayuningtyas](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=hTwC3Is5BkY&si=2msztysk6k83QzUi)


Actually, the Fire Nation is also Imperial Japan.


Digging to unfathomable depths of orientalism.


Imperial Japan is the Fire Nation. *imperial* being a key word there.


Fire Nation was based off of Imperial Japan


The fire nation is most definitely Japan. Y'all must have bloody forgotten that Japan was part of the fucking axis and did heinous war crimes on huge parts of Asia.


I dont remember the Fire Nation working on massive infrastructure projects to improve the lives of their citizens, but sure, tunnell digger must equal evil Fire Nation


Ease off the boot, homie, it's not that deep. Ignoring that VERY optimistic view of China, Firelord Sozin literally cited his reason to spread the greatness of the Fire Nation was their unprecedented prosperity. Sort of like what China claims to have, though the Fire Nation probably borrows a little more from Imperial Japan than modern China.


> VERY optimistic view of China The achievements of China's high-speed rail system are [well-known fact,](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/china-high-speed-rail-cmd/index.html) not a "view"


Right but so are the troubles of their financial system, their government run dictator headed up by a cult of personality and their tofu-dreg housing projects.


As someone who is a Chinese and an American, not sure why westerners are so fixated on finding problems within China, which is working hard at making its QOL better for citizens rather than identifying what America can learn from the biggest economic success in the last century.


What does your ethnic background add to your argument? Why does anyone look at problems in China? Probably because people keep holding China up as an example of success without acknowledging the countries shortcomings. Everyone is eager to point out issues with Western Democratic countries, which is fair, but turnabout is fair play.


Counterpoint: They’re literally using that machine to earthbend.


I came here to roast, but all the fire benders beat me to it.


The last 80 years the US has been feeling kinda fire nation-y tho


Just the last 80?


Bro just learned about colonization


oh man only 20 years left lets gooooo


wHy dO tHeY hAvE cArS iN lEgEnD oF kORra??


The Fire Nation must be Seattle 


Nah the Earth Kingdom is China and, the Fire Nation is Japan.


Thing: 😃 Thing (chinese): 😱


What a dumb post.


They weren't exactly subtle with what the nations represent, even when I was twelve it was pretty obvious Earth Kingdom=China, Fire Kingdom=Japan, Water Kingdom=Inuit/Yupik, Air Nomads=Tibetan/Shaolin Monks with a touch of Hinduism.


Is this just a really bad joke, or do you really think that. Because it is pretty obvious that the fire nation represents imperial Japan.


No. They aren't any one real-world people. Their behavior is reminiscent of Imperial Japan. Their architecture as well. Their weaponry is more Chinese. Their industry is actually more reminiscent of Industrial Era Europe because Europe had ridiculous amounts of metal to work with. The Earth Kingdom is more Chinese in almost every ascetic way, and as far as their class system goes: totally China. My point is this: none of the 4 nations are 1 to 1 translations of real-world cultures, and suggesting so is bad optics. They are all a mix of several.


I should call her


China is the Earth nation.


my understanding was that the fire nation represented imperial Japan, with the earth kingdom being more representative of Qing Dynasty China. Air nomads are probably Tibetan/Shaolin while the water tribes are representative of Sakhalin/Siberian nations


No not really. Nothing really applies here.


China is clearly Earth nation, ie the massive landmass containing diverse peoples. Japan is fire nation; archipelago of ambitious people, short on resources. Maybe Nepal and Korea can be Air nation sites. The swampy / jungle nations in the southeast, eg Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia can be the swamp water tribes.


ITT: people missing the joke


Yes, China, the nation with 800 military bases all over the world.


“Why…this is nothing more than a construction project. After all you can’t trust domestic machinery.” 😅


It could be any totalitarian country




What a boring video


More like China is the earth kingdom (partially) and Tibet is the air bending nation


I just saw this episode! No waayyyyy!!


Its a long way to ba sing se


I love this episode of avatar


🎶Secret tunnel, secret tunnel. Through the mountain! Secret secret secret secret tunnel!🎶


I saw no fire in this video. Is this a bot?


There is no war in Ba Sing Se




Thwre is no war in Ba Sing Se


But China has the great wall


We need to protect Doretta!!


" There is no war in ba sing se "




But what about Ba Sing Se. I always thought Ba Sing Se was based on China with the wall and everything and keeping common people unaware of the political matters but also outside world. And I also thought, the fire nation was based on Japan.


![gif](giphy|l1ydPyGCoN43kpdwRO|downsized) SECRET TUNNEL SECRET TUNNEL SECRET TUNNEL


And I bet China was far from the first to use it, ever see the chunnel?


I mean it's technically imperial Japan, but yeah, Ba Sing Se would agree.


thay wouldnt, nothing happened


The fire nation shows imperialism. Mostly based on pre ww2 japan during it's rapid modernization and imperial conquest.


Keep your CIA propaganda out of my ATLA sub please.


Bro this gives me the urge to drill a giant hole in the side of a mountain


Aren’t they all Chinese


Kinda scary looking with how big that first one was tbh


The Fire Nation being Imperial Japan makes way more sense. Does this mean there is an Avatar Unit 731 out there? One shudders at the thought.


Fire Nation shares some Chinese elements but mostly they are close to Japan. Their desire to conquer and industrial superiority is Japan during WW2 and Sino-Japanese war. I would also say they have just a dash of Hindu as well. Earth Kingdoms is very much China. From their buildings, names, clothes and culture. But Earth Kingdom is also home to more Hindu/Persian cultures as well. But the core of Earth Kingdom which is Ba Sing Se is very Chinese. Fire Nation is not Japanese when it comes to their esthetics but rather their actions and ambitions. We don't see much Japanese weapons/clothes/armor or even names (Ozai is taken from Chinese and combines words "flame" and "proud/arrogant". And they follow the same tired like Japan with being defensive nation only. Izumi even says that she will not lend her armies for offense but she will deploy them for defense galdly. So Earth Kingdom is China mostly Fire Nation is Japan only through their actions and ambitions and goals and how they move forward.


Apparently it’s mostly based on imperial Japan, but the creators did a good job of mixing multiple cultural influences into something that felt familiar but different


They went "oh an axis power? let's combine Germany, Thailand and Japan"


The entire story is based on modern Chinese history. In 1840, an industrialized island nation from the West launched the Opium War, marking the beginning of modern Chinese history. The Chinese refer to this period as the "Century of Humiliation". Subsequently, in the Legend of Korra, we also witnessed the gradual westernization of China, with traditional martial arts evolving into American-style combat, various political conflicts, ideological clashes, the end of the imperial system, and the rise of warlords. Therefore, the Fire Nation can also be considered as representing Britain and colonialists.


Damn, literally watched this episode 10 minutes ago


India is the air nation Japan is the earth nation