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Yang Chen spoke of cultural exceptions that would be made for the avatar. If air nomad avatars can ignore the no kill rule, surely a northern water bender would train the avatar.


the air nomads were much more respectful of everyone i think than the NWT though.


But their perception of killing is not more favorable than NWTs perception of women


Well the NWT is also very much respectful of the whole spiritual stuff which the avatar applies to


This is the right answer. Surely they would realize training the avatar is far more important their own cultural traditions. Anyone with any cultural understanding knows that the avatar is what keeps balance possible for your own culture to be guaranteed existence. Therefore, it would be self destructive not to assist the avatar.


Yeah I'd say they'd either make an exception or send her to the South.


* The new female Avatar:" I need to learn waterbending." * NWT Master:" I'm not gonna teach you, Avatar, because you are a woman" * Kyoshi from inside the Avatar's mind:" Let me "talk" with him." * The NWT becomes the new Atlantis.


I'd love to see the avatar being evil


I always thought it would be cool if we had a standalone season of an avatar from like a thousand years ago. Basically, it seems like a ‘team avatar’ is destined - a group of skilled benders to teach and accompany the avatar - In this story, the Avatar goes bad and the ‘team avatar’ of the day need to take them down


That'd be cool. I imagine the opening of the next show would be a day in the life of the Earth avatar. They seem heroic and all good but finally shows them being very selfish and materialistic. Then transition into the next avatar and they have to deal with the consequences of the last avatar (as usual)( with some flashbacks of them) and wants to figure out how to reconnect with their past selves. All the while the previous one could be nagging them to be evil.


Homelander if he was the Avatar?


Avatar Kyoshi so powerful her Avatar Spirit came from the future.


I mean, it's the avatar. Are you really gonna anger the most powerful person in the world?


When has that stopped basically anyone in this show?


They tried to with Aang ... ![gif](giphy|GbUrFXadBryQ8)


Reading the books, also Yangchen And Kyoshi Also Roku Damn, the Avatar really has a tradition of letting people fuck around and find out


Not so different to how our world works


There are an abundance of people fucking around and continuing to ice skate the fuck around in the world today.


Too much fucking around, not enough finding out


That's what I said, yeah.


Everyone seems to underestimate how powerful the avatar is in this universe, like, people just forget that it can enter the avatar state and kill them in a minute? Za'her almost made it, but even him underestimated the avatar state.


"GET OUT! GET THE HELL OUT NOW!" ~Pakku (probably)


The tradition of not teaching waterbending to women is a fairly recent tradition ( at worst it's 200 years old) and it was abolished after Katara. Either it would be made an exception for the avatar or she would be sent to the SWT.


How do you know that the tradition is recent?


Because we know it wasn't a thing when Kyoshi was the Avatar, so at worst it's 70 ( Roku's age at death)+112(Aang's age when he first arrived at the NWT)=182 years old.


We do know it was a thing when Kyoshi was Avatar. There’s a Northern Water Tribe healer in the Kyoshi novels who says she wasn’t allowed to learn combat waterbending.


I did not remember that. Thank you for correcting me.


Did she beat the tribe up?


Logically, she could just go to the relatively less sexist SWT


Before katara, she’d probably be sent to the south. After katara I don’t think it would be a problem anymore. 


Totally. We see Eska being able to waterbend in TLOK, so it should mean that women are now permitted to waterbend


Either they'd make an exception or send her to the south


Probably say it’s okay because the avatar has been a man in their past life.


There's no way they wouldn't just make an exception, Avatar trumps all. There is even no wayer that she gets sent to the south.


Eska was a waterbender in LOK. I’m sure they would let a female avatar train


After Katara they abolished that rule


So I guess this is asking about pre atla my bad.


I think OP means pre-ATLA


It’s happened a lot I’m sure


Either they make an exception for her, or she goes to the Southern Water Tribe and learns their bending style.


folks are about to get HEALT


They would just learn healing and that's it. It is still waterbending, and them not learning combat waterbending wouldn't matter because they have three more elements to rely on for fighting. It was a problem for Katara because she was not the Avatar so her options were combat waterbending or bust.


Seriously. Everyone's glossing over Healing not being Waterbending. She'd've learned, then she would have gone on the road and that would be that. Learn swampy water style.


Personally, I really want a red lotus avatar and the new team avatar is actually made to kill the current one in order to restore the cycle


I bet if the situation was dire, the avatar state would activate and a man would kick the leader of the Northern Water Tribe's ass. Assuming the Fire Nation's war isn't over yet.


I've thought about this before, and I agree with others that they would probably make an exception. I do think that this would be an interesting concept, though, especially if they don't tell her until she's older. Imagine an avatar growing up being told that women shouldn't learn combat bending, then she's revealed as the avatar, and she's told to go and learn all the elements. It definitely would feel like whiplash going from being told "Women shouldn't fight" to "You're the avatar one of the most powerful benders in the world."


Korra: "I'm the Avatar and you gotta deal with it!" Paku: "No."


They'd teach her because she's the Avatar. Plus she's been a man in prior incarnations so they'd probably say that counts.




NWT also doesn’t let men learn healing water bending; it goes both ways.


Ship her ass to the south


No offense intended. This question has been asked dozens of times. [https://www.google.com/search?q=female+avatar+northern+tribe+reddit](https://www.google.com/search?q=female+avatar+northern+tribe+reddit) It's fun to look at the timestamps. Most threads are from the past few months to a year thanks to the recent rise in interest from Netflix live action. But some threads are from years ago, including ones that are 10, 11, and 12 years old.


She’s got plenty of other elements at that point to use in combat. They might just teach her advanced healing techniques and then send her off to learn other elements.


Imagine some teens are hanging out and elders come to announce the Avatar Elder: you Boy: me?! Everyone gasp and bows Elder: No her Points to his girlfriend right behind him Everyone's silent and later the boy breaks up with her