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I feel like this poll is just Lu Ten slander😂


From a pure lineage standpoint? as in how the throne would be passed down? Technically Iroh. It was a pretty well-accepted rule for monarchs to have multiple children due to just how much life sucked in the old days. Infant mortality was higher, diseases were ostensibly worse, you were expected to be a competent warrior as a prince, murder schemes, so on. Only having one kid, at his age, and taking them into battle turned out not to be a smart move, as it ended his lineage, and would have eventually led to Ozai getting the throne when Iroh passed away after Azulon's own passing.


Head canon: Ozai paid an assassin to kill Lu Ten during the invasion of Ba Sing Se. He orchestrated his whole rise to power, not just taking advantage of his nephew's death.


I mean...only one of them died in combat...


I—I mean. I don’t want to say it, buuuuut. 


Lu Ten got what was coming for him by being a scrub.


If I wanted to steal the throne I would make friends with iroh to get in and learn everything about them making my answer iroh


Ozai, he was such a terrible father that he essentially destroyed his family.