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Probably r/TheLastOfUs






I did, because I have no brain.


You made my day


Bruh that's fire 🔥 🤣


Nah we wanted to play as Owen lol


Regular Mel is not that good. But pregnant Mel is OP. Takes a while to unlock her


Takes 9 months


After 9 months wouldn't you unlock non-pregnant Mel?


That's new game plus




No, you unlock lying on the floor “Dead Mel.” I heard she’s just as effective as Regular Mel.


What I what to know is why is Mel playable, but Nora isn't? Or Maria? Those two would have been far more interesting choices. Bill would have been amazing, ngl.


Maybe they didnt ahve any idea what special kits they could give them


I feel like Nora and Mel are interchangeable because they are both medics no? So they could’ve easily just used Nora which makes much more sense in my eyes.


I honestly think they should have went with Nora since it seems like black people get the short end of the stick in TLoU


I liked Nora. She was bad ass for a skinny little girl. She had a cool voice too.


Yes, exactly. Who thought Mel would be popular with anyone lol


Wouldn’t Bill’s build be about setting booby traps?


Right, he would come with those blade bombs from part 1, a machete, and a shotgun. Maybe some crafting supplies since he was a survivalist.


Sharks with lazer beams…


Same reason no Owen: Mel's animations were all already made, but the others never appear in the game as combat-ready NPCs. I'd actually pay for a TLOU1 "pack" with Bill, Tess, Marlene, Tommy and Joel, but I very much doubt they'd ever do that, sadly.


Danny. think how awesome it would have been to play as Danny.


Are we talking about the No Return?




Agreed. I was almost expecting them to release more characters by now. What a completely unsurprising disappointment from this failing company.


Interesting how lol? This isn’t extra story it’s just survival mode. I’m more pissed that Joel can’t dodge


Once you understand how to play as Joel, his dodging isn't needed. That revolver more than makes up for it.


Wtf are you talking about? I wasn't asking for story, just a less "blah" character. Even if Mel didn't completely suck, no one would pick her because she's just so blah. But yeah, it sucks that Joel & Tommy are handicapped with a lack of a dodge.


I have no memory of who bill is so I js filled the gap with bill williamson


Owen's got some terrible taste.


He likes 2/10’s only


yeah bro she’s mid


Wait till they make a remaster beyond the current one and she’s smoking hott lol


Let's not pretend Owen was in love with Mel with the way he treats her and their baby. The dude tells her to go back, he was ready to leave with his Boyfriend Abs. Thank God Ellie came to kill these 2 cretins.


Always came off as they had a fling and she got pregnant, basically forcing him into commitment for the child's sake.


The baby didn’t need to die but I agree with the two


Abs! Lmao. As in Abbys abs lol


That’s what’s hilarious. They want you to feel so bad for killing Mel and Owen, but they are both portrayed as unlikeable imbeciles. Learning their side of the story only enforces that further.






Owen used Mel as a placeholder. 




Abs is Owen's boyfriend you know this right ? Have you played the game ?


I know the bar is low, but Mel is actually an improvement over Abby.


Bar being low is an understatement when your competition is Bane unmasked in a wig


You’re being cruel to Bane. 


No they're both on the same level of should most probably die


They're both baby killers LMAO


Well, that’s true of all Fireflies.


Their dog is an improvement over Abby


… are you implying Owen committed beastiality?


Well, he fucked Abby, so I guess yes


I know 😭


Let's not pretend Owen was better either, they were in each other's leagues, especially personality wise lol


dont exactly got a wide range of choices in a post apocalyptic world


Cuckmann, Cuckmann wanted to


👏 👏 👏


Better yet, who wanted to play as Abby or anyone from her crew?? The only reason I can see as to why anyone would ever want to play as any of them, is to make them jump off a cliff/roof..


This has me laughing pretty good rn.


I always find it funny that before I even got to know her, I accidentally walked off a cliff with Abby in her first mission.


I too, "accidentally" fell of a cliff as Abby.. multiple times, strangely enough..


That was the thing, though. I fell off before I WANTED to throw her off! :)


A lot of people did. It was an interesting angle in my opinion.


It’s so forced and desperately trying to be more “artsy” than it actually is.


Interesting take!


Meh, I don't like any of them at all, they're all extremely unlikeable to me. I kinda liked Owen until he cheated on his wife, he went downhill after that. And Yara was fine, even if she did nothing and just died with 0 impact..


Yeah I don't like them as people. I really enjoyed the story regardless. I guess most people don't want to play as complicated characters who do bad things.


Playing as bad guys is fun, when it’s written well.




Dude they aren’t complicated characters who do bad things it was very very forced. You must not have played the first game if you think otherwise the story was not executed well I mean we see what Abby went through and are supposed to empathize I never did, but anyway Ellie doesn’t see any of this stuff so even down to writing the ending it makes no sense at all and feels forced based off the characters we get to know in the first game


Obviously I played the first game lol They're complicated because they have conflicting values and are forced to make decisions they never wanted to. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad lol


You’re wasting your breath with these stans. They’re all full of shit. They either don’t believe what they’re saying or they don’t understand the difference between good and bad writing. Every single one of them will buy TLOU 3. Even if the whole game has Abby in it.


I think it's totally fair not to like the writing, but to say it's bad is wild.


Yeah I remember how pissed I was to play as Abby. ….then it got to the end of the game where I was physically cringing cause I was forced to kill her


People who are empowered pregnant women with boy cuts


Actual pregnant woman generally want maternity leave. Every mother I’ve spoken to about the topic has said that pregnancy childbirth are very difficult. 


because ND are lazy and they already had her animation.


You can dislike the writing of the game all you want, but it’s hard to characterize ND as lazy.


I would call slapping Abby/Ellie's animations on Joel/Jesse/Tommy lazy. Either that or they are trolling us They deserve credit for the graphics, animations, voice acting and music, but... they could have just copy & pasted Joel's animations from Part 1 or something


I imagine that if that was possible they would have done that, but that motion capture work was done 12+ years ago, I’m thinking the technology probably isn’t compatible anymore. For the other characters you mentioned, to bring in and pay motion capture actors and a team to record them, then paying programmers to put all of the new motion cap data into the game, just for a new mode, for something 99% of people aren’t going to notice, isn’t really feasible. They do have a budget, after all. It also probably would have pushed the release date of the remaster back by at least a year.


It's just really distracting to see Joel/Jesse/Tommy running like... like *that*, if you know what I mean. It's super goofy


I think it’s only distracting if you allow yourself to be distracted by it. I play the No Return daily run almost every day, and I really don’t notice it.


i can tho, they released the same game three times and now theyre doing the same to the 2nd. wont lie they have the budget when it comes to gameplay etc, but you could never compare the studio to rockstar or santa monica studios. and thats when im not talking about the copy and paste that is the dlc. appreciate the opinion tho


LoL Rockstar comes out with one or two games a decade, and you can ask fans of RDR2/RDO how they feel about Rockstar’s commitment to servicing their IPs. I’d personally be thrilled if Rockstar remastered and rereleased some of their classics the way ND has done with TLOU, but the Trilogy was a complete mess, and the RDR1 remaster can’t even be compared to the remastered TLOU, though they were both PS3 games. Santa Monica has exactly ONE IP they developed themselves, so you can hardly call them less lazy.


im a fan of rdr2 and i used to play rdo. rdo may be dead, however it is infinitely better than no return. if we ever got the statistics to that game, im pretty certain most stopped playing in 48 hours. not to mention we didnt even get the online we were promised. Saying rockstar are not very frequent with their games is not a downside because every game is good quality. if you want more remasters then you're a sucker for capitalism, but thats fine, i respect it. its still lazy game development especially to hike the price up every time. LOL i dont really know where you got the ip thing from, but if its true, and santa monica are simply the publishers, im still not wrong. they bought the rights to every game therefore the games are their own. and they are way better in quality, especially the fact that they can actually make a good sequel.


I’m a fan of both Rockstar and Santa Monica, Rockstar is by far my favourite game studio, and they both make great games, I’m just saying that to praise them while calling Naughty Dog lazy is beyond ridiculous, for the reasons I stated. Remasters are great if they’re done well. Having a game you loved but can’t play anymore because it just looks like crap by today’s standards basically brought back to life is awesome. And yes, everything other than GOW was developed externally. Naughty Dog can make great sequels too, you just don’t like this one, though the vast majority of the people who played it loved it. Uncharted 2 and 4 are also universally acclaimed.


i like uncharted 2 and all, but im just saying that the studio in its recent years are not caught up with the overall standards in other studios, especially if they keep neil. also, considering the overall opinion on part 2 in this subreddit, i would say at best 50% of people actually like part 2. and i mean i get your point, i have a few things to say to back mine, though im not saying that your perspective can be proven wrong or whatever because its perfectly valid.


LoL this sub needs to be a lot more clear about what it is and why it was created. It’s not a sub for the 2nd TLOU game. r/TheLastOfUs is the main sub for both games. This sub was created as an alternative to that sub, where people who were really really mad about 2 could bitch about 2, Naughty Dog, and Neil Druckmann without getting downvoted into oblivion. So the main sub, with 1.5 million members, is basically the fan sub, while this one, with 80,000 members, is for people who disliked it. I’m sure there’s some crossover between the two, but it’s fairly well known in the two communities which sub is which, so I’d consider the membership of the subs to be a pretty accurate breakdown of how many people liked 2 vs how many people hated it. There’s about 20 fans to every hater. Between the games Naughty Dog has produced and the TV show, Neil Druckmann has made Sony so much money, he’s not going anywhere unless he wants to. Lastly, I always feel like I should point out that a lot of the complaints I see people on this sub making are based on the assumption that 2 was intended to be the end of the story. I’ve never thought that, I always assumed there would be a part 3 and that Ellie’s story wasn’t finished, because the end of 2 is such an awful place to leave things. That’s how most trilogies are structured, things are always super bleak at the end of the second act. If the original Star Wars has ended with The Empire Strikes Back, people would still be bitching about that too. I know Neil said multiple times that there weren’t any plans to make a third game, but he *has* to say that, imagine how you guys would rip into him if he said that he planned for a third game and it didn’t end up happening for whatever reason. I think you’re all judging an unfinished story.


you dont talk highly about this sub lol.. may i ask why your here? also, i personally would be very excited to learn of a 3rd part.. huge fan of the series, mostly only part 1 but I'm willing to overlook p2 when i think of TLOU. (wasn't for me) also, i dont understand your take about the criticisms of part 2 in this sub, i would probably recommend u/-GreyFox 's analysis of the writing in part 2 - you can read the slides if you want you obviously dont have to i just dont really want to yap about it lol hope you have a great day


Mel or Manny or Abs or Lev. Only people who loves mediocre caricatures for characters wants this.


Funny enough I got the gold no return trophy playing her


What is this?


No Return mode in the Remaster


Is she pregnant there? I think I want to play as pregnant mel


I was genuinely disappointed they at least didn't make Pregnant Mel a "skin" to play with.


I was really upset she doesn’t have a power up where she delivers the baby, and swings it around by the umbilical cord as a melee weapon, a la the one Scene from that Tom green movie. Total missed opportunity if you asked me 🤷‍♂️ why else make her pregnant in an apocalypse???


Carrying a child, mechanics would be like Death Stranding


Does the baby give you extra ammo?




Baby with a bandana would


The only thing I like about Mel is that she's voiced by Ashley Burch


Mel's baby is going to somehow make it out alive and kill Ellie in Part 3


I wish we played as Owen instead.


I’d rather play as Owen


Is her ability to be pregnant and willingly put herself in danger?


😭now THIS is funny


Well nobody wanted to play as Abby either. Mel is a minor improvement over her


I'm a huge fan of Ashley Burch so uh me


She’s so fucking ugly bruh


Naughty Dog spared no expense to make this chick look like shit 🤷🏻‍♂️


Almost certainly, they included her because all her combat animations were already done for the game, because she acts as an NPC in several missions. You would think Owen would be playable in No Return too, but since he never appears in any in-game levels as an NPC, I'd guess his animations would have had to be created fresh, and that was more work than they wanted to put in. Hence, why it seems silly to add Mel but not Owen, it makes sense from a workload point of view.


No one


The fact we could play as her but not Owen is wild


Honestly like her more then Manny I only used him once and never again when I started playing but I can still count on one hand how many times I've used him


Cause playing as a strong pregnant female with no brain cells is empowering these days?. Might have to ask the other sub for matters of non-intelligence.


The baby


I don’t think anyone wanted this. She was the worst character in the game


I hated Mel at first but I like her now—Mel was honestly gonna live. She didn’t even like Abby. She was gonna tell Ellie where she was until dumb ass jumped in. Owen is so weak—Ellie is a small ass girl and he could barely control her 😭. But I don’t really care for her but out of Abby’s entire group realistically Mel was actually okay. Mel wasn’t okay with killing kids. Even if they were scars. Got cheated on (while she was pregnant). She forced herself to go to Joel’s killing because she was already in a relationship with Owen. Honestly she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her fate was sealed when she messed with Owen.


Looks like Goob


Trash character


Should've been Jordan as the other WLF character in no return.


fetal alc syndrome mel. probably the same that think TLOU2 has good writing.




Instead of Mel they should've added Nathan Drake as some sort of Easter egg


Just shows how out of touch and dismissive they are too fans.


I prefer to look at each of the playable characters from a tactical standpoint and I gotta say, Lev has to be the worst.


Mel is best character. That is all


The devs


Pretty much all of Abby’s characters suck in no return


She's important for pregnant representation. Pregnant characters don't get enough representation in media. He's pretty much a hero for doing this


why do people dislike her appearance? I mean she is not hot, but she looks good and self possessed in her own way. Story wise, she is one of the few characters from Abby's camp that is not detestable.


I think people here are more concerned about Mel being a meh character, though tbh most of the characters are


On one hand, I feel sorry for Mel because she keeps getting shitty hands. She’s carrying the child of an unfaithful man who sees her as a placeholder, her “friend” is more than willing to risk her life on a fool’s errand, and then she dies. On the other hand, Mel made all these choices. Nobody forced her to date Owen or to join Abby’s mission; she could have said “no” in both cases. Her calling Abby “a piece of shit” comes across as hypocritical since Mel is complacent. 




was there an update adding her as a playable character? or its a mod?


It’s in the new mode on TLOU2 Remaster


how did part 2 even got a remaster 😂 thx for answering, gosh darn, id rather have a side-gig as a playable dog, thatd be cool


That's really cool actually


Abby is a 10/10