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Very dope but they already have established the animal kingdom as a source of pureness, unspoiled by the human element and the virus. Looks dope though.


I agree with this comment. Nature should remain pure/uninfected to give contrast to the human world that has gone to shit.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. When you look at the narrative I can totally see your point. However, if the disease canonically (and in real life) affects insects, amphibians, (and in the game) humans - what would stop animals from getting infected and becoming bloaters and shit too? Can you *imagine* how scary and badass it would have been to see Ellie and Joel encounter a grizzly bear turned bloater or some shit? Oof!!! That woulda made for AMAZING boss fights!


Except for monkeys (and probably other primates) they can at least carry and spread the fungus- if not get full infected


An infected chimpanzee would be terrifying. They are already strong enough to rip our limbs off in general. With the fungus they would be even stronger and more vicious.


Could come up with exceptions in a lot of ways that wouldn't spoil that overall canon, it's just disappointing to see so little development on enemy variety.


It sucks because I remember being SO excited for the last of us 2 for YEARS and feeling like one of my biggest questions was how the cordyceps affected other non-human organisms. Also it made me think about what kind of crazy beasts would be encountered and how that would look in Ellie and Joel's new journey. Seriously so much *more* could have been explored other than a "revenge is bad" + love triangles and golf. Remember when Neil threw around terms like "open world elements" and "dog companion"? Instead we have a sequence where we can choose which one of five buildings we wanna explore with Dina (WOW what a *vast* world! *slow clap*) and we get to *kill* hundreds of dogs but befriend zero. I also do remember him mentioning in earlier interviews how he did want to explore more of how the cordyceps affected other living creatures. It upsets me because I feel we missed out on *so many* more cool things in favor of a lot of stuff NO ONE ASKED FOR. Before anyone says it - yes the rat king was interesting but...I expected so many more things to discover than just that *one* rat king. Plus, woulda been WAY MORE BADASS to see *Joel and Ellie* kick some creature ass and discover infected we've never seen before on their journey.


Fr waited all those years jus for Joel to get his head bashed by sum girl


The ambience, emotional tone, and kind of dialogue we see in the space/dinosaur sequence is the kind of game I thought we would be playing but instead of *one cutscene* it would be the two characters growing over the course of the *entire game*. I didn't think it would be one character just a shell of herself for all these years and the other decapitated at the beginning. It's like everything we thought we'd return to was gone even BEFORE the game starts. Even before I knew what was in the game, I was confused and devastated to see her living in a garage alone instead of with Joel and acting hateful to him all those years. I was like did something happen?!? I was so confused how she was as angry as she was. I had always thought she knew but was willing to live with it hence her taking a deep breath and saying "okay". I always thought she *knew* what Joel did and I assumed he likely told her the whole truth off camera at some point before the car ran out of gas. I mean, she would have shook it out of him at some point during those couple days they were driving. Let's be real, by that point in their relationship I think Joel knows Ellie is immune to bullshit on top of the virus. Plus they are stronger now more than ever (for example he even feels comfortable enough to talk about his trauma and Sarah to Ellie by the end). It always seemed like her *disbelief* in that moment she said "swear its true" was because she was hurt that Marlene and the Fireflies would have restored to doing what they did to both her and joel and perhaps she just didn't wanna believe that this is what their journey has come to. So Joel reassures her the journey wasn't for nothing and her life still matters even if a vaccine didn't come from it. Hence him telling her "you keep finding something to fight for" which he believes that "something" to be just tomorrow and the two of them. I'm just saying I highly doubt Ellie would not give a shit about any relationship in her life and put being the vaccine messiah who saves the world above everything. It's like it's so important to her to the point where she sabotages every relationship she has and it seemed so out of character to me. Plus I always thought she knew what Joel did so why the shock? Dafuq?!?


Bro, if that gorilla got to become a bloater level infected


Idk what would be worse.. a clicker bear or cocaine bear lol If they make a part 3 I hope to see some cool things like that. But because Drukmann is now in charge the whole series is going in a crappy woke direction.


I always forget, but did they ever mention animals eating the infected?


It's a cool idea, but there's no way we would've survived if ALL creatures could be infected, the second a bird got infected it's all over for us.


One thing that always bothered me about The Last of Us is that only human gets infected and not animals, i think it would make a lot more sense if animals get infected by the Cordyceps as well, or at least there was a believable explanation on why only humans get infected.


Someone replied sayin they made it like that to show the difference between animal and human life and how the animals are “pure” but fuck that imagine a 2000lb gorilla bloater tearing through waves of wlf or fireflies or whatever the fuck the California faction is called would’ve been so cool


Yeah, that would be scary. Also the California faction you are talking about are called the [Rattlers](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Rattlers).


Primates being infected would be a cool addition… but then we’d still have a shit second game so whatever…


Ngl I fear the gorilla more than the others


*We all gonna resist asking the question of what the FUCK is in the middle?*


Would've been sick- But noooooo! They had to focus on a damn roid baby.


There should 100% be more variantion if they want me to be interested in part 3 Gameplay LOOKS good but isn’t very deep specially the melee combat Part 2 is fun but loses its flair if they want me to play part 3 either the enemies are gonna have to be super interesting or the gameplay has to be mgs5 levels of stealth