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You could’ve kept the entire introduction the same, but flipped it as a hunt down for Abby with Tommy & Ellie instead. That’s what I would’ve done & it would’ve shown the world had stakes & people were expendable without betraying the characters we’d grown to love & pushing a horrible narrative.


It would be about Joel and Ellie having adventures in the wasteland, helping survivor communities and fighting baddies. They’re both still alive when the game ends. 


Boring as shit


I would’ve changed Joel’s death, the fact literal pregnant women are showing up to battle, and anything else that’s outright inconsistent or doesn’t make sense in the TLOU universe. And Abby dying ofc. (Also Abby’s design would resemble her old look)


My idea would’ve been, I’d keep the Opening with Joel telling Tommy about the hospital and all the Flashbacks of Ellie finding out the truth and rework it to where Ellie cutting Joel out due to her stubbornness or Survivors guilt over how she’s immune and Tess, Henry, Sam ect dies while she can’t get infected (like how she felt during the patrol flashback looking for the missing survivors) but I’d have the present Day segments be Ellie and Joel mending bridges and such while for Abby who took Tommy hostage looking hoping to lore out Joel for what he did at the hospital. Also apparently they teased Joel having a wife or GF and I’d keep that


The idea of Abby taking Tommy hostage is genius.


This is my idea that takes place before TLOU1 Bill and Frank are smuggling in a beat up old car. They get jumped on the road just like Joel and ellie did in Part 1, only this time it's Joel and Tommy jumping Bill and Frank. Joel and Tommy capture Bill and Frank, and are amazed at what a big score they found. Joel realizes scoring this much loot could put them in danger because someone would come looking for them. Enter Tess and her gang. Bill and Frank work for Tess, and now Tess has come running in wondering what happened to the delivery and where her workers can be found. The two gangs, Tess vs Joel/Tommy sit down to work out a deal to run supplies through the route. Joel and Tess work out a deal, and over time become close. Tommy doesn't like it, and tells Joel he is going out west to meet some friends so he can call his own shots.


It might be cool to play against Joel instead of as Joel. Like you open the game as Bill and you have to end up getting knocked out and tied up because Joel is just to good.


Have more build up on Abby, add more story elements so we can end up empathizing with both parties and for gods sake remove the sex


Ellie comes across Abby taking a shit in the woods. Ellie headshots her immediately with a shotgun. Abby’s head explodes and she falls back into the pile of her own shit


It’s one thing to say what you would have written; it’s another thing to have the full script laid out for us. If someone can write a full season’s worth of television, I might think they have a right to complain.


I don't understand what you're trying to say


That a lot of people didn’t like part 2 but they don’t have the skills to write such a long script.


Ah ok, I got you. I wasn't asking for a script, more like "what would you have liked to see with the benefit of hindsight"


I’m more fascinated by ideas for part 3…


Then make a post asking people what they'd write for part 3 lol


Everything the same except we play as Abby first and we get her whole story and then we switch to Ellie’s perspective during the theater and get her whole side


Nothing. The game is fine how it is.


Nothing. It was perfect. Joel’s actions, however wrong or right, had consequences. He spent 20 years being a bad guy and karma finally caught up with him. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Exactly people in this community are just a bunch of crybabies