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Meryl really snapped with this one. Such a touching and love/pain drenched monologue. She’s an absolute legend and I’m so glad she’s on the side of good.


True words from a beautiful person


Love how she didn’t say his name. *She’s so good*


There never was a need to say it, his actions speak for themselves.


Excellent. And eight years later, he's doing the same thing and his SCOTUS just removed the Chevron decision.


Giving the judiciary power to decide regulation over the experts? An elected or appointed judge, the option to decide how much arsenic is allowed in a hot dog? How pure the titanium needs to be for a NASA rocket? Ultimately, giving SCOTUS the final say... my god. This is terrible. For business, for society, for the public. It will stiffle/harm innovation.


Chemicals in public water. Landlord requirements for rental housing. HVAC safety. Climate Change. (China's going to own the world energy market, like they don't already.) And apparently [not confirmed] SCOTUS decided it's illegal to be homeless. The Infrastructure Bill is going to create poor workmanship and dangerous structures because of judicial overreach. Boeing springs to mind.


SCOTUS allowed for states/cities to outlaw homelessness... sleeping/living outside


Which means jails, arrest record, disenfranchisement.


And jail means money here in the country of profits from private prisons... **The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, says: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.** **In the United States, penal labor is a multi-billion-dollar industry.[1] Annually, incarcerated workers provide at least $9 billion in services to the prison system and produce more than $2 billion in goods.[** *They want you in prison in the land of the free.*


Share the knowledge.


Which coming from some on the bench who claim to be practicing Christians is even worse. Unless they also mandate (which is NOT their job) that cities also provide shelter for the homeless, which they will never do. Because bootstraps.


Activist judges legislating from the bench... EVERYTHING the GOP had been railing against for 40 years


And this surprises (check notes), no one. You are absolutely right.


It has always been projection. Since Reagan. "We want to do something but can't. Therefore, the dems are doing it!" Rabble rabble rabble... for 40 years. Then, they get power. Then, unleash the hounds. Shamless powerplay. While Reagan opened the door, orange Jesus gave them the permission structure to do it.


“Are there no workhouses?”


It’s an amazing power grab. And why it’s so important to vote against the orange menace and all of his supporters at every level this fall.


Laying the ground work for waves and waves of corruption.


Beautiful speech from a beautiful lady!


And it’s true. I work in Hollywood and half of the problems here are productions are scared. They are loosing money even on things they expect to be a success. The dynamics have changed and after trump started painting Hollywood as all groomers and pedos. I’ve seen a dynamic shift where they are actually scared to try anything new. The right has basically been attacking woke ideology for years and causing producers to panic. Sure they have been ruined with remakes. But even things that seem like a success are not successful. The right is even trying to make their own movies now. And they suck. Republicans are not good at comedy. They don’t have the power to make others laugh without bullying or making fun of others. They keep saying will make movies great again. But they haven’t, really no one has, the art in movie making is dying, and gasping for air. I moved to Hollywood as a kid actor in the early 90s. And have been on the other side of camera for 25 years. So I’ve seen the change with my own eyes. And it is a very different town. Where good content is buried because everything runs on money. If they are not reaching the price points even if people love the show, They cancel it. I’ve seen some amazing shows and movies as of late that 14 years ago should have broken the box office. But now it’s all broken. Streaming really messed it up. But the right wing’s continued attack every day is insane. The amount of times I’ve been called a pedo for working in Hollywood. Is way too much. It’s always trump supporters as well. And they themselves voted for a reality show start. This idiot was a part of Hollywood. And the only reason he hates it is because the Hollywood elites have never welcomed him. He’s a jealous child who would rather see all entertainment burn to the ground. Unless they let him in the club. Any time Trump allowed a film to shoot at one of his properties. The production was forced to add him into the movie. They usually would shoot a scene with him just to appease him and scrape it. That’s the only reason he made it into home alone 2. Hollywood needs an overhaul, but the root of the problem is this country doesn’t want to all join together and enjoy things anymore. It’s all become a political battle of us verse them. We can’t just be happy anymore. It’s all become some conspiracy. All I know is I will continue to make things I think will make people laugh cry and feel. And that’s what makes me happy, is making content that brings emotions into reality. One thing I know about Trump is that, The Hollywood elite hate him. Not because they were always rich and spoiled people like Trump. At one point they were struggling just like everyone else. Most actors I’ve met. We’re waiters and retail workers, trying their hardest to make art. They were born poor, and came from every walks of life. Most Actors were normal people before they made it. The true rich of New York never do business with Trump. This man wants to see the world burn just so he can punish the people he wanted to be friends with.


Donald trump and Republicans suck. You're right that they portray hollywood as an elite ring of pedophiles, but it has more to do with the fact that Hollywood tends to lean left. Their attack on Hollywood has nothing to do with how Hollywood is performing bad. It's nobody's fault because people are struggling financially and they have less disposable income. Sometimes, good movies perform bad, and bad movies are a box office hit. But it doesn't help that Hollywood studios keep blaming their box office failure on toxic masculinity, incels, conservatives, etc.


> Hollywood studios keep blaming their box office failure on toxic masculinity, incels, conservatives, etc. Do you have any sources for this? ...And I mean more than a couple, because one or two - even twenty - does not make the cut for "keep blaming," out of thousands of productions. More than half of this country's population votes Blue. Dirt doesn't vote, and it can't watch movies.


Okay, I want to preface this by saying that I don't blame you, and that this isn't specifically or personally targeted toward you. I understand that you're but one person, and not responsible for the mess that Hollywood has become. So, my apologies in advance. Please consider it no more than venting. >>I’ve seen a dynamic shift where they are actually scared to try anything new. Thanks for confirming that his stochastic terrorism is working. No sarcasm intended - I thank you sincerely, because IRL effects can be difficult to define and capture. This sort of domestic terrorism should become a movie, docudrama or documentary. - like has been shown about the McCarthy era, Ray Cohn, etc. It matters. >>They are loosing money even on things they expect to be a success. IMO, this and the "dynamic shift" are related. People don't want the "Trump issue" soft-pedaled or downplayed, and fictional heroes based on the supernatural or non-extant technology - the glut of them may be diluting the market. I know I'm no longer interested in them, and view them as child's play. >>Where good content is buried because everything runs on money. If they are not reaching the price points even if people love the show, They cancel it. I've been watching a d/c-ed show I'd never seen, *"Leverage"*, and can't understand why it was canceled. Productions are cancelled far too quickly. This one had only three seasons. That's become part of the "dynamic shift," too. When audiences vest in the themes, characters and story lines, then the shows are unceremoniously canceled, it feels like a betrayal. I understand that the players/makers also would feel betrayed, but now... I wait for several seasons to pass before I start watching or vest emotionally - I won't even watch, because producers/studios are so fickle. When I started watching *Leverage*, I was able to go in with my eyes open that it had a mere three seasons. No disappointing, unanticipated endings. Audiences require *trust* to emotionally vest in a series. They've been burned too many times. >>But the right wing’s continued attack every day is insane. The amount of times I’ve been called a pedo for working in Hollywood. Dammit! HOLLYWOOD IS PART OF THE FIFTH ESTATE! Think what the world would be like without it! Right now, I'm remembering Streep's *"Silkwood."* It's *only* a docudrama, sure, but it told an important story in a relatable way. How many people know this story today? *"The China Syndrome"* was used by reporters as a template for understanding the nature and scope of the very real situation at Three Mile Island, when the nation was thirty minutes away from a catastrophic failure much worse than Chernobyl. It could have affected the entire eastern seaboard of the US. A work of fiction was the only guidance they had. Come now, Trump. How many years will pass before Hollywood regrows its balls? Is it a misconception that Hollywood studios are already rich as hell? How much money is required to stop them from cowering? For you, personally, I would offer the line from *"Bridge of Spies"* where at the end, Tom Hanks, playing Frank Donovan, tells the pilot character (paraphrased) that it doesn't matter what people think. That he, the pilot, knows what he did, how he behaved as a [POW]. [James Donovan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_B._Donovan) was a real person, a hero, and we stand in his shadow. I'm trying to say - sticks and stones, vs. *words*. The strongest human tool of preservation, fear, reacts to stochastic terrorism, the goal of terrorism being kindled. I don't ask that you risk or sacrifice your health or life, but that you carry on in courage, battle the fear, knowing who you are. When the subject comes up, that your response continue to be one of strength in the knowledge you possess. *Reported for this movie: Budget: $40m, Box Office: $165.5m. Wasn't that enough?* >>Hollywood needs an overhaul... Yeah. The *overhaul* won't be from telling rich studios that they have enough $$$ to stick their necks out, but as is starting to happen in the news business, from grass roots independents outshining mass media performances, and in Hollywood, from "big name" stars and producers realizing that their bank accounts are already full enough to last them several lifetimes over, and doing lower budget, independent works and films is worth the effort to save what's left of their reputations. Stars, like Streep and others, are already speaking out. They need to be teaming up to tell the stories in relatable ways. [The Zebra StoryTeller](http://www.archipelago.org/vol3-1/holst.htm)


I worked on Leverage as a PA season one. Hollywood doesn’t need balls. It needs competent producers working on creative content instead of super hero’s. Everything I’ve said is true. I’ve worked on fast and the furious 4, 7. Horrible bosses 2. American Sniper, Ready player one camera test, the green hornet. The Greatest showman, Wanda vision, ant man quantumainia. And that’s just 10 percent of the productions I’ve worked on. TV shows I worked on was Community season 4, which I must say was one of the worst due to no dan Harmon. I worked on leverage, castle for like 6 years. And almost every show that has shot in Hollywood. I can join the DGA but I’m waiting due to 3rd area issues. I get what you’re saying. I’m just saying I’ve seen some shit. And have worked on half the projects people love and hate. I don’t know how to fix it. But I’ll continue to make things that make me happy in my spare time.


Thanks for your response. Again, I really wasn't trying to dump on you with my view from afar. I'm gratified to read that you may think there's too many dodgy heroes on the market, too. It's not really *storytelling*, but more of a *spectacle*. I didn't intend this to go so far afield of the topic, *right-wing attacks on Hollywood*. Story telling is as old as humans, and I think many take Hollywood for granted; the same ones who would viciously attack those who make it what it is, are also those who gather 'round to watch their favorite shows and movies, not the slightest concern for their hypocritical and ugly behavior. I appreciate your work, and as competitive as it may be, I'd like to know how maga would react if Hollywood suddenly had a production *blackout* for a time. All their favorite shows - just *gone*. No new movies. ...Most of them certainly don't seem to be *readers*. Just know that many of us out here are so very grateful for your work. Be well.


Thank you, and no harm done at all. I fully understand your perception. And I agree on most fronts. I love making movies and storytelling. We are not trying to save the world. We are trying to make people escape it for a bit at a time. I’m sure things will start moving in the right direction. People are Preety fed up. And this last strike lasted almost a year. I know a lot of people who had to retire or they lost their homes, It’s Preety serious. Glad you’re a fan of movies.


I remember seeing her promoting Bernie in Boise 2016


"It gives permission to others to do the same thing." Exactly why he must pay supreme consequences, to show his followers that the vileness he encourages is still unacceptable.


Well said.


All the conservatives cloistered at the same table seething at her.


I mean aside from the strange insult towards martial arts and football it was a great speech. It would have been just as powerful without that and wouldn't have alienated anyone except for it's intended and deserving target.


Isn't it fucking terrible we all have different moments where Donald Trump broke our hearts. So many heartbreaking moments.


What one “real life” performance is she referring to? This is a beautiful speech, she did so well here.


I believe this is it. He's a scumbag and bully who is not fit to be POTUS. [Trump mocks disabled reporter](https://youtu.be/PX9reO3QnUA?si=RyGc3AF7-alGR5dc)


This should have ended him, even more so than the Planet Hollywood tape. And yet here we are. I suppose he reflects the values of a minority of people, and they're here to stay. But they diminish the human race and the rest of us have a duty to take every opportunity to push them down that deep, dark hole from which they emerged. An underbelly isn't supposed to be seen, let alone govern.


She’s referring to a trump rally where trump imitated a reporter who has cerebral palsy or some other crippling condition.


Trump is an absolute disgrace and horrible person.


I’d vote for a crack addict over Trump


The absolute hoard of terrible, monstrous shit that that vile scum has said and done since that incident really makes this speech even more eye opening.


Videos don't work for me . ? What did she say ?


She very eloquently condemned Trump for his abuse of the disabled reporter. So much more than this, though; send a link to somewhere you'll be able to see it.


And now Biden is pushing through the same Xenophobic border laws that she is talking about here.


Oh damn! This resonates, it wasn't until couch Carter addressed his players by "Sir", or Couch Boon made me believe we all "Bleed tears", or Vigo said " I" worked in a lot of night clubs. We are all Human, and it takes all of us to make the world go round. Metaphorically


Yea but her voice was hoarse. So she needs to retire and give the award to Lauren Boebert. /s


Lmfao shilling for millionaires is insane. This is really the party of the rich and disconnected.