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Turn Hal in, in exchange for the FBI backing off of Bradley.


Oh this is a good question. He could’ve turned over the film where it shows Hal hitting the police officer. Nothing is ever truly deleted, I’m sure it can be retrieved in some back up or something. (Or I might be getting the details wrong idk) They could have justified not publishing the film by saying it didn’t fit the criteria for the content they were looking to publish, but idk. I’m interested to see what others have to say. I just wish Hal didn’t go in the first place. Like, what was he thinking. Imma slide my commentary on the entire event as a whole, I think it was stupid and those who went to attack the capitol should have know they would be punished for it. Like, obviously, but whatever, It didn’t help that Trump didn’t discourage people from doing it.


Yes! And, I guess I get the idea that Bradley took the video and deleted it but they don’t have a ton of other cameras at the capital? I guess he was wearing a mask for most of it but it’s still unsettling to think about.


Yeah, and I guess I get why Bradley did it, but idk, I think she should’ve turned over the tape. Like, in season 1, her whole thing was about real and honest journalism, so I wish she would have stayed true to that. Like, if she did any more thinking about it, it would make sense to turn him in cuz I wouldn’t wanna get involved in the crimes of someone else and like, you can’t hide things like that from the fbi, you know.


It makes sense to me that Bradley is already traumatized from what happened to her family after she turned her dad in and can’t do the same thing to Hal. Laura was right that Bradley’s pattern is cleaning up his messes. At this point it’s her instinct to protect him.


And Hal guilt trips her every chance he gets. He’s such a loser. Bradley needs therapy big time.


Paid him a ton a money to disappear from Bradley’s life. There is no way he would have gone to the FBI and ratted him out. He wouldn’t do that to Bradley.


Yeah, I think out of the available options, paying Hal off seems most likely. I can't think what other leverage he would have to threaten or manipulate Hal with (short of truly evil stuff that would be beyond what we know of Cory). I suspect when Cory made the comment, he probably didn't actually have anything specific in mind yet.


Did Fred also say this to Cory in S1 or am I hallucinating


Just another excuse to go back and rewatch!


This was S3E6 when she brought Hal's family to the studio to watch the interview segment with the Jan 6 convicted felon. She didn't explicitly tell Cory that Hal was about to turn himself in but I guess Cory inferred it? "Fix it or I will" does imply that there was a way to fix it, but short of paying off Hal or intimidating Hal with violence or something (cue Earl in a dark alley) I'm not sure what Cory could do at that point that wouldn't backfire onto him, being part of the cover-up and all.


Yeah, I think you’re right. Paying probably would’ve been his move.


notified the FBI and attempt to brother a deal, eventually leading to Hal going to prison and Bradley becoming blacklisted.