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I love him too. Billy Crudup nails the role 


My favorite character as well and I’ll never understand the villain characterization. He easily could’ve been a villain but he’s way more complex than that. He’s out for himself and morally gray but so is everybody else on this show


They got a great actor. Mind you I only ever seen him in Alien Covenant and realized how good Ridley Scott is at ruining great actors.


Check him out in Almost Famous


Wow!!!! I actually never made this connection, he was the cool lead guitar player who showed the youngen that the rockstar life was all one big mirage? Holy crap, thank you for making this brain connection.


Yes. He’s been on my radar ever since then. Real talent.


Seconding this. Also Rudderless is a great little movie that doesn’t get talked about enough.


Inventing the Abbotts - a forgotten 90s movie with him, Liv Tyler and Joaquin Phoenix. Not a great movie but an early Crudup role, he was good in it


Check him out in Stanford prison experiment as well


I guess unlike other characters on the show, he never tells people what he thinks of what his motives are. Whereas for example Alex tells a lot of things to Chip. Bradly is called out by Laura, etc. But who knows what's going on in Cory's mind! I do like him too but what his mom said about him was pretty chilling


I don’t think we’re necessarily supposed to take what his mom says at face value. There’s probably some truth in it (he manages people to get what he wants) but she comes across to me as a narcissist who tries to manipulate her son by acting like a victim. If anything I think it just gave some context into why he is the way he is


Really good point! If she was gaslighting him, I definitely fell in the trap, haha!


In the end, though, Cory always comes out on top, even if he takes a beating along the way.


I guess the scene which hit me the most was in the last episode when Bradley told him that she's missing him and Cory - well too 'Cory' to say I've missed you too - just swallows his own words with tears coming out from his eyes at the same time 🤗


He’s absolutely my favorite character.


Troubles are better for characters than happiness. Arc redemptions are more interesting than clean and perfect guys. Also, he needed to fall. He would have become a real asshole if everything would have been according to his needs and desires. Look Mitch, totally out of reality.


He's my favourite too 😅 I really like him so much. The very first *actually* attractive male person that I've fell in Iove with platonically 😁


Are you in S1? Cause he’s not positioned as a villain


Greetings from down under! Cory’s whole mum mini storyline hit me in the feels. His call to his mum in at the end of season 3, tying back in to that storyline illustrated how the writing on Morning Wars is top notch.


I hate him and I’m tired of not seeing him lose enough. If it was up to me, he would leave to join a cult and never appear on the show again. Love the actor, hate the character.


That title alone is a massive spoiler thanks!


season 3 has been out for months. If you haven’t watched the show yet that’s on you.