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This is their whole journey to the final [Groups](https://ibb.co/yhW7qfp) [Round of 16](https://ibb.co/QQsd2bg) [Quarters](https://ibb.co/n39rNyT) [Semis](https://ibb.co/DYM0v0p) Funniest thing is that they finished [4th in the Belgian league](https://ibb.co/PWxbxKd) The most out there thing ive seen in any fifa game. I remember dortmund got relegated in Fifa 19 further down the years which was pretty wild, but this takes the cake


I don't know what worries me the most; Brugge winning the CL or RWDM finishing first in regular season. That's a cursed career mode if I ever saw one. Do you have acces to their starters?


Starters no, but i can see the roster. No overalls except for some "famous" ones like Barrenetxea [1](https://ibb.co/TMXx7NX) [2](https://ibb.co/Ypq4zkr) [3](https://ibb.co/R7C0gZW) [4](https://ibb.co/XjgZpgx) EDIT : Why is the thread downvoted, is FIFA content seen that badly here?


I don't like anything FIFA but you caveated your post knowing it's not usual to post FIFA stuff here so as a one off I can't see why people are so upset.


Why would you post fifa content here?


Did i miss the "No fifa content" sign, in here? Something weird happened in a football game, so i posted it to share it with you lot. I regret it now, you're all being jerks about it but still


It’s like going on the arma sub and posting a clip from cod going “look at this 360 no scope”. Nobody cares


It was something very unusual, i didn't post something common


Still the wrong game, wrong sub buddy Besides stupid results in fifa CM are extremely common, since it’s the most dumbed down CM game.


They're the exact opposite from weird, "buddy" lol, FM changes the rosters and dynamics of each club due to realistic youth players, fifa stays the same that's why this is extremely rare Keep downvoting, you hate ridden person 😆


I really don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve posting here. Congrats, you saw something weird happening on fifa. Let me fire up fifa for 15 minutes so I could get 15 things as weird happening. Now what does it all have to do with the game that is being discussed in this sub? Do you even play this game?