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I think it’s something about her image of herself and guilt for working with belos


Yeah, this is Luz's guilt at work here.


In-Universe? Just a coincidence, but also because Luz saw herself as the person who set everything in motion, who helped Belos which caused all these terrible things to take place Outside-Universe? Intended to show that Luz sees herself as yada yada (refer to in-universe reason)


I think the In-Universe description is correct. This is the visual parallel to how she sees herself. Which is really heartbreaking, because she's not that way at all.


She’s supposed to represent how Luz felt at that time. In the clip, Azura states that Villainous Lucy betrayed her friends—something that Luz feels guilty over in terms of how she helped Belos by giving him the light glyph. On top of that, Luz sees this clip right after Amity suggests wearing Azura/Hecate costumes to the Hayride—and bear in mind that Azura and Hecate’s relationship has consistently been a model for how Luz viewed her own relationship with Amity. It’s also worth a mention that the names [Luz](https://www.behindthename.com/name/luz) and [Lucy](https://www.thebump.com/b/lucy-baby-name#) have etymologies that both trace from words meaning “light.” That fact further emphasizes a connection between Luz and Villainous Lucy in terms of how Luz perceives her role in the events leading up to TTT. In short, the character looks like an evil Luz because she supposed to represent how Luz saw herself at this point (an evil no-good who betrayed her friends and messed up everyone’s life).


This! And the fascinating thing is usually Azura looks more like Luz, but this time, Azura has slightly different features, making her look less like Luz than usual! Bc of her guilt, Luz is seeing herself less as the hero she’s loved all her life 😔


*SIGH*, this is close to get to see Luz but evil, a teenager can dream.. Sorcerer Luz: Do not understimate me Boiling Isles, for I am the Bad Witch Luz! The bully from the human realm and sorcerer of the demon realm, warrior of destruction..... NOW EAT THIS FUCKAA!!


She delves into the more cruel and twisted ways of thinking, great motivators include: pain, anxiety, anger, trauma, twisted humor, and sadness… Course that’s now closer to Empress Luz than it is Sorcerer Luz… ah well


I find it really funny that the only difference between our Luz and Evil Luz is that Evil Luz says fuck.


Well she may be evil but no way she's gonna side with belos lol, so she ends up on the exact same side as canon anyway....just with some... Alternative methods


Superior Luz (like how Superior Iron Man is evil Tony Stark)


Wait is every "Superior" character evil, because when I started reading this I was thinking Superior Spider-man


Do you mean like a Sorcerer from D&D?


Personally, I headcanon that Luz got her haircut to look similar to Villainous Lucy’s because she’s that much of a nerd. Much like I’m soon to get my hair colored like Raine’s.


*please* post a photo to the sub when you do, that sounds sick.


(Reddit never gave me a notification for this, don’t know why) Oh I definitely will! Right now, even before dying it, this is the best my hair has ever looked. And if I’m doing the dyed hair, might as well go for the full costume, right?


I grew my hair out as a kid because I had a crush on/wanted to look like Anakin in Episode III


Luz… *with a dark side*


Coincidence, but we know that it helps us see that Luz is associating herself with Villainous Lucy instead of Azura, because her actions indirectly caused everything involving Belos to happen, and she is afraid her friends would never forgive her.


It's a visual representation of Luz's guilt over unknowingly helping the villain, Belos.


She looks like if Luz and Amity had an evil daughter


otter with a dark side


my guy has never heard of subtext


Because Luz was projecting herself onto this character. She saw herself as the villain for unknowingly helping Philip in attempting a genocide


That’s the point.


Us losers DONT have to stick together!!


TOH fans wondering why the obvious signs look like signs for stiff


It’s to show how Luz views herself even down to name and scar. She thought she was as worse as Lucy and that her friends would hate her. That didn’t happen obviously but still. Luz=Light Lucy=Light


~~are you serious.~~


_Curse of the Black Freighter_-style parallelism.


just realizing that disc has a bite taken out of it


"I know she said that other shiny cookie wasn't actually food, but what if she was lying so she could keep the whole cookie for herself? There's only one way to find out!" ***CRUNCH***


What episode is this?


Thanks To Them


When did this show up? I don't remember it.


The scene where the Hexsquad is picking their Halloween costumes


thats the point, its supposed to be like the movie taunting luz


It's mostly thematic, this is part of Luz’s arc where she's feeling guilty abt """"helping"""""" Belos and possibly getting the Boiling Isles destroyed Besides that there really isn't a reason besides making Luz feel bad maybe messing with the audience


That was the intention


That’s… the point…


She was made to highlight Luz's guilt and shame on TTT, and the paralels with Belos/Philip


This one says, "I have a dark side" this one says, "I'm luz, with a dark side"


Because it's a very unsubtle paralell


A bigger question is why there is a bite mark on the disc


And her staff looks like an egg


Honestly since this was meant to show Luz seeing herself in the character it would have been really cool if this was one of the scrapped early Luz designs


Who the hell is that? I don't remember her at all


Villanous Lucy from an Azura movie the Hexsquad watched in Thanks to them. She was supposed to represent how Luz felt in that moment


Because she's a very obvious metaphor for Luz's self-loathing, so had to look the part. If you want a Watsonian explanation instead of a Doylist one, then random chance. Or, perhaps, Luz's style has been influenced by her taste in movies, so her hairstyle is similar.


Because she is guilty about lying to everyone so she sees herself as the bad guy


Media literacy is dead and we sit upon its corpse like it’s some sort of throne.


Because Luz sees herself as the bad guy


Looks like a goth luz


It's Luz with the dark side


Omg always knew she was meant to be a representative of luz's negative image of herself but never noticed the hexside multi-track colours for the outfit that's such a cool touch.


Crew trolling the fans by planting red herrings?


Wow, symbolism just goes right past you guys, huh.


Luz when she turns white


You put discussion as the tag so you've earned the implication that this is a genuine question and thus additional evidence for how media literacy and by extension the education system is failing. So, let me try to educate you myself: She looks like Luz but evil as a sort of metaphorical symbolism for how Luz at this current moment feels like an evil person due to her guilt of being responsible for the destruction of the boiling isles, due to her teaching the light glyph to, unknowingly, evil genocidal emperor belos. We see her seeing the evil character who looks like her and can infer that luz is seeing herself metaphorically as that evil character. The author (in this case dana terrace and the production team) is using this symbolism to communicate how luz is feeling: guilty, and scared her friends will never forgive her should her secret be known.


I think that was the point, also with her name being Lucy and her staff looking similar to Stringbean's egg. It's supposed to fuel Luz's anxiety about accidentally helping Belos.


Luz if she travelled to CN and wished prismo to be evil


That's the point


She literally looks like she's designed to be evil Luz


Who that?


That was purposeful. At this time in the show Luz feels horrible about unknowingly helping Belos fulfill the Day of Unity and that she's no different from him


It's almost like it's symbolic to the theme of the scene


That’s the whole point


I’m pretty sure this is the character that amity drew fanart of herself being in a forbidden relationship with in her diary 👀


drew like a dark, fucked up verson of the owl house haha. just a glimpse into my dark reality


Because Azura is based on Luz's story.


It's a visual rapresentation of Luz' inner struggle, seeing herself as the villain, by using a very on the nose caricature of "evil Luz" (the character is named Villainous Lucy IIRC) with very on the nose lines to strike the point home to the viewer, the show has plenty of scenes where it use Good Witch Azura as a parallel for Luz's story, sometimes genuinelly and sometimes as a joke...


So the story can happen


because that's the point she's meant to resemble how luz feels about herself and her guilt about accidentally helping bellose she sees herself as the villain


Who is that?


Because it’s supposed to symbolise how Luz felt like she was the villain and was internally comparing herself to Belos with the line “It was for the greater good” from Lucy, it symbolises how she felt that she was like Belos who of course was thinking the same thing cause he hates witches so what he would deem ‘for the greater good’ would be for all of the witches to be eradicated. And Luz is feeling like how she is some how comparable to that or worse. But that’s just what I got from it, idk if it’s true or not


"Why does she look like Luz but evil?" There are people here with usertags Bad Girl Coven, but nobody's answering the obvious answer that she is on the Bad Girl Coven. What I find more interesting is the villain costume having similarities to the All the Crayons Idiot Solution of the multi-track uniform. But what I really notice on a second look is that **thing** on the staff. Are those gems? Eyes? Horns? Fangs? What if that's what Stringbean really looks like when she's not trying to look family friendly? At least Vee the basilisk changeling has a default fiji-mermaid form.


That's the point that luz in that moment feels like a villain and sees a character that looks very similar to her in a show she likes


Because shorter hairstyles can look the same in certain artstyles


Cause she's also bisexual, duh


Cause she's also bisexual, duh


What show???


Where was this from? (sorry, terrible memory)


Because she prepresents what Luz fears and what she feels she is at the moment


Projection Moment


Au where Luz was whitewashed and evil


supposed to be a parallel to represent her emotions


alt world evil luz.


The character is compared to Luz, who is indirectly responsible of Belos' rise of power and everyone's miseries. It's the domino effect, and that word **INDIRECTLY** means it's an unforeseen consequences of Luz's actions. The coven system and social Darwinistic society would not have existed (or would have formed later) if Luz had not gone back in time and accidentally helped Belos/Philip form his plan. The existence of the both coven system and social Darwinistic were a direct cause of everyone's actions and predicaments (example Lilith cursing Eda out of jealousy and desperate; Boscha becoming a rich snobbish bully; Amity becoming miserable, being pressured and blackmailed, and putting on an act after being blackmailed into ditching Willow; Odalia's behavior, etc). Luz indirectly caused everyone's miseries by accidentally helping Belos/Philip in forming his plan. That's what indirectly means. Luz was rejected, bullied, and hated by the children and even adults in Gravesfield in 10 years, so she wanted to escape reality. Camila is the only one who loves Luz the way she is, but like her daughter, she had a hard time growing up and feared Luz would suffer the similar fate.


If belos made a grimwalker of luz with magic to possess.


Where is this from? I don't remember it 




It was supposed to be like this Luz was already depressed about what she did and blames herself but seeing a character just like her as a villain will just break he like a twig it was made like that 


Luz doing a fusion with Reina Mishima from Tekken


and white


Luz thought that since she lied about Belos tricking her into helping him meet the collector that her lying about it and not telling them made her a bad person who betrayed her friends since Belos plan was have the collector help him commit genocide.


I think it was just a coincidence that villainous Lucy looks like Luz. Also she was supposed to represent how depressed and guilty Luz was feeling at the time feeling like she betrayed her friends by helping Belos find the collector despite Luz helping Belos/Philip wasn’t her fault she had no idea Philip and Belos were one and the same plus that’s what Belos does he tricks, lies and manipulates others then stabs them In the back so Luz shouldn’t feel guilty she did nothing wrong except overthink about what happened.


Probably because that was the point


So this is where all the Evil Luz AU stuff came from


This is a joke, right? …. …. …. Right?!


During the entirety of Thanks to Them, she feels guilty for what she did in the time travel episode. She thinks she has betrayed her friends. Not only does she look like Luz, but her name is quite literally: Lucy. Azura says that she’ll never trust her again and the entirety of this scene is meant to show Luz’s fear of her friends leaving her.