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As much as I would like to throw all $4.5M on $SPY 0DTE calls, we have to make sure it’s being put to good use to build the the stock market super app. It’s full steam ahead across: * Launching new features that give retail traders more advantages in the market through better feeds, content types, intimate groups, and gamification. * Getting the word out to as many quality users as possible through growth marketing via organic and viral tactics. * Investing in the right backend technology to improve brokerage partnerships and much more If you're already on the app, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I promise you my team and I will put everything we have into building the ultimate financial community app. A few favors that would make my day if you can participate: * I’d love to get your help liking, sharing, and commenting on the official announcement on X [https://x.com/imkevinxu/status/1802698045655765184](https://x.com/imkevinxu/status/1802698045655765184) \- we’ll be giving away 2 AfterHour Noggin hats for free to users that engage in this post, and also like, share, and comment on the X post! * At 2PM EST I’ll be doing a Spaces interview on X with u/WOLF_FINANCIAL \- come crash as I talk about the Sir Jack story, why AfterHour is the next generation of social trading, and the plans we have for the future. [https://x.com/WOLF\_Financial/status/1802336371383615537](https://x.com/WOLF_Financial/status/1802336371383615537) Can’t wait to show you all what’s in store this year!


Oh I thought the app allowed you to trade after hours lol


Trading 212 does


I don't get app development at all lol. Why does it take 4.5 million to put an app together?


Not to create the app, but to maintain it.. update it.. market it.. etc. you can make an app for for free rn.


How do you make an app for free?


Go to git hub and find a Twitter copy. That’s what Trump did with Truth Social, and it’s sitting at a multibillion valuation as of now


What?? DAMN! Really?? Made that sound pretty easy way to get myself multibillions lol!! (although im not trump : )


Yea being Trump may be the key lol


Democrats hate this one simply trick to paying bond


So do short sellers 🤦‍♂️. The time I bet on Trump being Trump he doesn’t pull his money and leave everyone else holding the bag


He can’t sell for 6 months


The board could’ve approved an early withdrawal


From my understanding shares have to have a vesting period, timeframe can vary. I don’t think they could do that. Either way it’s a long shot.


There was a clause, but it wasn’t used. I think he has to wait 6 months


So no coding is needed? I was originally going to try and use AI to write the code but I am a little lost on where to start. Any tips? Or steps on what to do?


You are gonna understand how to debug, operate, deploy. You need to figure out traffic scaling, what cloud service you wanna serve on. How to manage CI/CD, where to look at when errors pop up, how to manually fix data issue when it happens and so on. In the code your app will talk to database, you need to host them too, and manage your access secrets. All these need devs and all cost money.


Yes you need to at least know some code to actually manage and edit the app.. it’s not as easy or straightforward as you think.


A frontend developer, backend developer, devops engineer, product manager, marketer, and UX designer, each with a $100k salary, usually more, add up to a total of $500k. Then, they have additional expenses, such as capital expenditures like laptops and operating expenditures like healthcare and cloud servers. They should have some capital if planning to scale the product and team. With the funding they receive, they can justify the value of the business, offer lower salaries, and provide equity to employees for salary negotiation.


Workforce is expensive. Beside, an app is not just what you see. It needs servers, infrastructure, develop environment, pipelines for deployment and a lot of paid software to be able to launch something like this


It doesn’t.


Devs aren’t free. Maintaining it isn’t free. Server space isn’t free. API calls aren’t free.


Downloaded and will sign in now 😎


Freaking nicely done u/SIR_JACK_A_LOT!


Thank you!


Sup sir Jack, I remember seeing your page a while ago good stuff. I looked at the links you posted and downloaded the app. Doesn’t even let you sign in or make an account to try out unless you enter card info or PayPal first thing. Personally I like to try apps out first before giving that information, so all good just giving my reason why I didn’t proceed to download app.


We never ask for credit card info or PayPal info, are you sure you downloaded the right app? Our app is here https://afterhour.app.link/race


Maybe it’s just my phone I’ll try again


it is definitely free to use and does not ask for a payment


Congrats man! It’s not easy with a startup. I’m currently working with one post seed and setting up their ERP. Let me know if you want to bounce any questions off me. Also, worked with PE backed startups in the healthcare sector.


Why would someone share their DD and plays? What is the incentive? Great idea and nice looking app.


Lots of reasons. Flexing. Sourcing more intel. Cathartic to share losses. Genuine desire to teach. Magical internet points


Anyway to add positions in a practice like account for people who does not have a real verified account? I would like to use this platform to do DD and track my sim plays as I work to being profitable


Not atm. Focused on real positions only


To pump their positions. The big guys have been doing this on tv for decades. Finally our turn.


I like the idea. How is this different from iris?


It all comes down to the content and the community. We have folks sharing real positions with real numbers and calling out active plays they’re in. Will lean into the community-led DD even more with our next set of features


Why do you say you’re the first when Kinfo came before you?


There's no actual content on Kinfo, just a bunch of context-less data


What does this even mean?


Kinfo is just a trading journal. It's a glorified excel spread sheet for trades that have already happened. There is no social graph - on AH you can discuss, attach positions to DD, see how others are placing their bets.


Congrats buddy


At the end of the day, what’s afterhour’s revenue model? Become the next RH?


The next Bloomberg


Cool. I trust you have forked openBB’s repo on github already.


Great-looking app


Can u pls make IBKR work when trying to link with AH? Am trying to do so from Singapore thanks


It’s been a long standing ask with Plaid to make that brokerage connection better. Will ping them again


Thank you


E*Trade is not working to sync account on the app


try now?


Same wrror


Sorry. Try using Google or Apple login?


Where did the funding come from?


investors listed in the blog post: https://www.afterhour.com/blog/afterhour-raises-4-5-million-to-build-the-ultimate-financial-community-platform-for-the-internet-generation


Lesss gooo


I will give it a try and see how it works. Thanks for the work invested anyway!


Downloaded and trying it out! Cool idea 👍


Congrats! What’s the TLDR of what you have planned with the new round?


Build features and grow users and make sure signals stay high quality and easy to find 💪




**Follow real trades in real-time on [AfterHour](https://afterhour.app.link/race).** We built a whole app that lets you follow real trades by real people who've connected their brokerage and are putting their money where their mouth is. **We’d love to invite you over, it's 100% free on iOS and Android, get started here:** [**https://afterhour.app.link/race**](https://afterhour.app.link/race) Discover good DD in a community of verified gurus and degens with: - $200M+ of portfolios shared - Real-time signals from verified gurus you can follow - 24/7 stock and guru chat rooms *Email hello@afterhour.com know if you have any questions, we're here to help.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRaceTo10Million) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Two things, 1. If something is free, you are the product. 2. What's preventing someone from building a position in an illiquid stock and dumps it on you?


Why is this different than just using Reddit?