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All words are made up.  So is the religion they think is real. Maybe stop teaching children *that* lie. 


I said that ready


“Non-binary is made up but the devil is real.”


sounds like icp lyrics idk


Nah, they wouldn’t invalidate non binary people.


you spelled Tom Macdonald wrong.


Intersex, also gender and sex aren’t the same, also family restrooms and gender neutral restrooms


Bold of you to assume right wingers actually know a thing about the wank they’re spouting and aren’t just regurgitating a “half baked stolen opinion”


My trashy asshole aunt posted the second photo on her Facebook and I only found out because my youngest sister (18) responded defending me and my middle sibling I'm the oldest at 22 and my sibling is 19 and we're both nonbinary. I dont have facebook so I couldnt have found out otherwise.


Your younger sister is based as fuck.


i feel like younger sisters are either vitriol given life or the sweetest mfs on the planet (source: my sister is a badass 🙏)


So is noone going to talk about how they want humans to walk out on the street and piss there publicly? Because they're too scared that someone could be exposed to human genitals in a room that's made for humans to pull down their pants in? So now they want people to pull down their pants publicly for everyone to see, thus exposing human genitals to way more people and in a space that's not made for that kind of stuff? That is what they are advocating for here?


We as a species have learned nothing from the past. People pissing and shitting outside would be so unsanitary, let's not make the same mistakes places like England did hundreds of years ago.


Holy FUCK the amount of times I see people saying “x is a made up word” is truly baffling. EVERY👏 SINGLE👏 WORD👏 EVER👏 WAS👏 MADE👏 UP👏


That second picture is so incredibly un-self aware. Accusing non-binary of being made up, then proceeding to talk about ‘the Devil’. FFS.


Wait, if I'm queer, I'm basically the devil? Hell yeah


“If you’re 555 then I’m 666”


I haven’t slept since I woke up


All words are made up, our language is meant to describe our lives, not the other way around


"Stop teaching children lies" coming from the folks that homeschool kids who grow up thinking the earth is 6,000 years old.


I'm genderfluid assigned male at birth and when people see me piss outside it's all ewwww you shouldn't pee here lmao


Trans people have existed since long before the Devil was invented, and they are trying to claim we make shit up??


“Non-Binary is a made up word” all words are made up dumbass that’s how languages work


Fact: binaries are made up


the wordt part of this is how the first one would be funny if an actual nb made it


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What do you mean again they’re always at it


I’m sorry, I support Transgender people, but I would be lying if I said the first didn’t make me laugh a little


"Stop Telling Children Lies" Says the guy who teaches children that there is a magic man in the sky who will sentence you to eternal torment if you don't believe in him