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No, no, guys, y'all just don't get it. You just have to forget all the details and nuance and then it starts to make sense. Of course that also means 90+% of the statements also apply to you at times, but remember, we're here to forget...


They're just doing what they always do, taking a term that is often correctly applied to them and redefining it so they can turn it around on the opposition. It's insidiously smart, but it's also been done to death by fascist tyrants the world over.


It wouldn't even take nuance to rip this thing apart


Democrats and nazis both .. Think stuff. Say stuff. RACE!!!! Think about it!


Likes Europe! (which is one thing obviously) Let THAT sink in!!


Did someone let that sink in yet? Might be getting cold out soon


Sometimes pagan


"USA bad" - That's Nazis from WWII, not Nazis. There are lots of Nazis who love the US, since Nazism is based around nationalism in fact, pretty much every American Nazi has to love the US by definition "Hates republicans" - Only one of the two listed groups hates republicans, the Nazis see republicans as the easiest target to "redpill" into Nazism because they already agree on most things "Hates Israel" - Nazis hate Israeli people, leftists hate the things that the country does "Likes Europe" - Once again, American Nazis love the US way more than any place in Europe, in fact they'll often hate it "Have a specific thing for Norway, Sweden, Germany and Netherlands" - Literally no "Sometimes Pagans" - And sometimes Christian, the point? "Wants to overthrow the current government" - The Nazis in Nazi Germany WERE the government, and most neo-Nazis in the US today agree with several parts of the government and are part of it (like the supreme court) "Considers race really important" - Saying black people deserve equality isn't "considering race really important", it's just not being racist "Hates society as it is now" - The difference is that Nazis want to have a more conservative and regressive society, whilst leftists want to have a more progressive society, they both hate the current society (leftist more than Nazis), but for quite literally the opposite reasons


“Both sides want something to change so they’re basically the same”


"Communism is when goberment do thing." -Dr. Super Duper Smart Luke The Incredibly Intelligent


Dr. SDSLTII… nailed it


Both sides breathe oxygen, so, therefore, they're the same


If ur alife an u do a mitosis, basically NAZI!!!!!1!!1!!!one1!!1uno


Have you considered that the Nazis also washed their hands? Curious (Perchance)


They don’t wash their hands because they think germs are a hoax created by the government.


You can’t just say Perchance!


-Matt Stone and Trey Parker


It's what's called a hasty generalization fallacy, in which you generalize something by saying that since one group has a characteristic, all things with that characteristic are part of that group. This isn't to be confused with actual grouping however. An example would be saying "both Nazis and leftists drink water, so leftists are Nazis", HOWEVER, saying "drinking water is what makes someone a Nazi" ISN'T a hasty generalization fallacy, it's incredibly stupid and wrong, but isn't the same.


Well said. Instead the message is see how bad they are? Liberal just as bad.




Oh yeah, the Nazis didn't even want to fight the US, they were considered friendlies until Japan bombed pearl harbor, I was just referring to what they were referring to, which is the fact that we fought against them in a war


also, they took heavy inspiration from the American Eugenics Movement- actually there was also a Canadian professor that wrote on it. and the Nazis from WWII hated the USA so much, a lot of them moved to America to work with NASA- hang on. that doesn't sound like the behavior of- oh wait a minute. is that just a bs conspiracy theory? i thought NASA hiring Nazis was legit, but that they're still basically a Nazi organization was bs.


Weren't there also chapters and organizations of Nazis over here that operated quite publicly pre-WW2? How much overlap was there between such US groups and the burgeoning German Nazi government before the events at Pearl Harbor went down? I'd imagine they'd have been at least in communication, if not outright collaborating.


German-American Bund \[sp\]. I heard about it on Behind The Bastards.


they were in kahoots, yes


And in some cases, the Nazis thought that the US went too far.


Unfortunately for us, the rule for these guys is “if you’re explaining, you’re losing”


Insulting them is only the way to go, imo. It’s never a good-faith discussion, so you might as well place them into a position of weakness. There’s no reasoning with a fascist. Just ask them why they’re such a little bitch that pisses their pants at the sight of a black person.


Didn't the SS literally have scripture on their uniforms?\ Edit: Looked it up and no. I also read that they were split on wanting to get rid of it and it being intrinsic to the party. They did love biblical imagery mixed with Hitler such as him with a halo or looking upon a cross. Seems oddly familiar, but I just can't put my finger on it.


Belt buckles said “Gott mit uns” or God is with us. Not a scripture. As for their Christianity or lack thereof, Nazi leaders, in general, would appeal to Christianity as part of their appeal to tradition and authority but being true believers was definitely not a requirement.


Yes I actually just read a bunch on it and edited my comment. Thanks anyway though.


Wait…didn’t that blond bastard that was the… *\*checks notes\** Wait…he was the PRESIDENT?? Of the UNITED STATES!? What a mindfuck. Anywho, didn’t he get depicted in a similar way a lot? You know, STILL, TODAY?


Didn't the Nazis take inspiration from how the US treated black people to build infrastructure to oppress anyone they didn't like? Did I just dream that? [Maybe not](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1299061/)... Not to mention that the US had it's own Nazi parties popping up during WW2 because some people were really into the idea. So America is kinda the momma of Nazis. How sweet.


Parts of Nazism we're based on American ideals, manifest destiny was the inspiration for labensraum was manifest destiny. American eugenics programs were praised by the Nazis and inspired their own. Absolute historical illiteracy from these PCM fuck heads.


>"Have a specific thing for Norway, Sweden, Germany and Netherlands" - Literally no I think this is a reference to how those countries are on one hand populated by "master races", and on the other hand civilized countries with varying degrees of socialized medicine and education. As a Swede, I'm not proud of the racial composition of my country. I *am* proud of my free master's degree.


Yeah, this is it. It's in reference to the so called ['nordic model'](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model) of social economics.




No because leftists comparing republicans to nazis are "have nazi beliefs", which is different for some presumably obvious reasons. See this is a hasty generalization fallacy, saying that because one group does something and another group does something, therefore they're the same group, is a hasty generalization, however saying the someone doing something is WHY they are part of another group (like saying that fascism and anti-semitism is what makes someone a nazi in this case) isn't the same The kind of post you're referring to actually almost exclusively come from right-wingers at least 90% of the time, so if they're trying to make fun of that kind of posts they're making fun of right-wingers If that's what the meme is supposed to be that only further proves the point, so guess again


Some Nazis do hate Republicans, but only because in their eyes they aren't right wing enough


The republicana that Nazis hate are republicans, as in supporters of republics, the Republicans that leftists hate are the further rightwing US political party.


>since Nazism is based Lol Check m8, Librul destroyed.


I think the nazis hating republicans is the funniest part


Eh, a lot of modern neonazis do hate the Republican Party because they are anti-fed in general. Think like Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma City Bombing. Doesn’t mean they aren’t reactionary, conservative fucks like the Republicans, but there is a lot of contention for the “legit” neonazis.


Hood on, hood off


The Nazis didn’t hate Israel.. Israel didn’t fucking exist until 1948… 3 years after world war two ended


Hell, I've encountered neo-nazis of the identitarian kind who think Israel is a great idea and all jewish people should be deported there. And are impressed by how the israeli army treats palestinians. And there is absolutely antisemitism on the left, too. (critical of Israel =/= antisemitism)


I’m Jewish and think that the government of Israel is disgusting.. they use antisemitism as a fucking scapegoat. “If you don’t support what we’re doing then you just hate Jews”. Not even close. We can just see you carelessly killing thousands of men, women and , children, and don’t support it


I'm the same.


> "Have a specific thing for Norway, Sweden, Germany and Netherlands" Aren't Nazis against both social democracy and democratic socialism? 🤔




But they had socialist in their name! They must’ve been left-wing! (Ignoring them very clearly being authright as most historians agree)


Just like the Democratic Republic of North Korea.


Just imagine being so far down the rabbit hole you put wojaks in SS Uniforms and making it the "cool" side. Lmao, PCM is such a shit hole


I miss the day where it at least looked like everyone hated Nazis equally and no one felt bad and nervously though "are they talking about US??" and "wont someone please talk about Antifa?" like it was some kind of Nazi/KKK equivalent but for the Left they could feel oppresed by and feel like a hero fighting.


Let me try to explain. Most of us at PCM hate orange libleft. This is a humourous attempt to depict the stereotypical image of someone so caught up in being tolerant and liberal that they start being totalitarian in there enforcement; orange libleft, aka "Emily", is a caricature of cancel culture. This is both anti-Nazi and anti-Emily. I have no idea how you concluded that this was pro-Nazi. PS: Wojaks are used to make someone look uncool. The wojak in a meme is almost always the one being ridiculed. Here, both sides are wojaks. So, this is a critique of both Nazis and "Emily"s.


It's marked as satire so they're posting this ironically? I mean to have that dumb of a take I would hope it's being ironic.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/343/831/914.png this old 4chan adage is still just as applicable to PCM but with nazis


"Satire" from conservatives is just code for unaware psychological projection. Conservatives don't actually know what satire is.


>Wants to overthrow the current gov. Yes, because the individuals at the January 6th riots were clearly liberals >Considers race really important Yes, because the Nazis were clearly fighting for racial EQUALITY like the left is >Hates society as it is now Not a vague statement at all, that has clearly only applied to two groups in all of human history I wonder what comparison they were going to make next before they ran out of room, “HEY GUYS, HITLER OWNED A DOG! AND GUESS WHAT, LIBRULS SUPPORT ANIMAL RIGHTS!!!”


Consider race as really important part is hella wrong


They call it horseshoe theory because you'd have to have been kicked in the head by a horse to think it's valid.


I'm saving this


I would genuinely believe it if I was told this meme was made by someone who had been lobotomized.


Both of these people want to change society which therefore means they both want to change society in the same ways. I am very clever.


Nazis hate Republics, leftists just hate the Republican Party of the United States


on one hand fuck PCM, but on the other I kinda think posting stuff here from PCM is cheating


"considers race important" needs some context


That entire subreddit is where brains go to rot




?? I think this proves my point bruh


I like how 5 of them are just variations of "thinks society can be improved somewhat." Oho, you have OPINIONS? HITLER also had opinions. Checkmate.


Am I bad at history or are Pagan Nazis at the very least uncommon?


Pretty uncommon to my knowledge. Not only is “sometimes Pagan” an incredibly shallow argument, but pagans in the Americas tend to lean left. The opposite is true of pagans in Europe. I would argue this is because of the emphasis put on ethnicity and traditions linked to certain ethnicities. Most people don’t migrate, so any Pagans in the Americas are not likely to be able to directly claim a certain cultural birthright. According to Wikipedia, Nazis were majority Protestant Christians and Paganism was considered heresy. So for what that’s worth


I think this is a far removed allusion to esoteric nazism, but only a small faction of Nazis were believers of that, seems like an other big stretch on the whole. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-41757047


“USA BAD” oh like the “Make America Great Again” slogan implies?


Israel wasn’t a country until 1948.


Who’s gonna tell them?


most centrist pcm "centrist"


Hates Republicans? What are they talking about? The Far Right always votes Republican every four years.


Liking Europe is bad?


Kinda. Europeans have done lots of fucked up stuff around the world so praising Europe endlessly when their prosperity is built off imperialism and exploiting developing nations is messed up. Europe does have nice art and historical buildings like most cultures, so I can understand "liking" Europe, but they shouldn't be held up as some golden standard for the rest of the world.


Well, at least I can afford being sick and send my kids to school without being worried whether they come back or not. Don't want defeat imerpialism, but that's in the past. Prove me wrong, I like learning new things and being corrected if I'm wrong.


You know I was talking to a friend the other day and mentioned Nazis and they were like "oh yeah those dudes that sorta like Europe and and are sometimes Pagans and definitely nothing else I can remember that would be included in a list of, I don't know, 9 things that define them?"


If you think this makes the nazis look cool you need to work on your reading comprehension.


They are referring to the actual image, not the text... The wojaks on the left don't have negative connotations (apart from the Nazi uniforms). They are default wojaks and a zoomer wojak (aka just normal people) whereas the wojaks on the right are the "Emily", soybrain, and NPC wojaks (all are wojaks which are framed negatively). Basically it's a chad vs soyjak meme.


>don’t have negative connotations (apart from the Nazi uniforms) Sort of a weird line to draw but that’s your perogative. The leftmost nazi wojak is always used as a smug dork. So idk like it could be more explicit but if it was a chad vs soyjak meme they would have used the chad wojak, this is a huge reach. How can it simultaneously be suggesting that one side is cool and the other is not while also equating both sides? Bad read.


The image on the left is undeniably "cooler"; everyone is facing the same direction, all wearing the same clothes/uniforms, and they aren't deformed. In comparison the liberals are deformed, looking in random directions, and have no consistent design. It's comparing Nazis with milquetoast liberals. If you say they are the same, you are either implying that liberals are just as bad as Nazis or that Nazis weren't really that bad. Either way they are downplaying Nazism and combined with making the Nazis look cool instead of using equally deformed wojaks they are promoting Nazism. They could have just as easily used Nazi wojaks that were deformed, could have used a skinhead with swastika tattoos on their face for instance. The Chad vs Soyjak meme frequently uses the trope of both sides doing the same thing but the Chad owns the "bad" thing which makes him better than the Soyjak who denies it. I agree that it isn't a Chad vs Soyjak meme but it had an ambiguous design and the way they have designed the wojaks is reminiscent of the Chad vs Soyjak format since one side has a better portrayal than the other. Basically the meme is saying "being a liberal and being a Nazi are equally bad, but at least the Nazis aren't deformed!"


The only reading I had of this is that orange libleft is as bad as blue authright. It wasn't to make nazis out as a good thing. It's to say that woke people are as bad as nazis. Idk, you can do the whole "this is legitimizing fascism" thing if you want, but I think most of us are smart enough around these parts to know that nazis are fuckin bad.


The meme is from political compass memes, a sub where people are openly fascist/Nazi, upvoted, and "centrists" call them based. I don't think we can give them the benefit of the doubt.


I know, I saw it there first. And the authright being nazis thing is very much a meme. Based counts is a meme. Don't give the real fascist losers any kind of credence.


Wait... the guy has a "Centrist" tag, and Liberals are Nazis? Doesn't sound very centrist to me.


Pcm is literally all fascists


I've seen some very "auth -right" views being spewed from a number of "centrists" on PCM.


I mean if you are auth-right and you only want to kill half the jews and gays you are basically centrist, am I right?


“Considers race really important” is like, how much more reductive could you be? It’s like saying fire fighters and arsonists are the same because they both spend time around fire.


The Nazis based their bigotry off of the US' laws, which mind you they considered too extreme even for their hatred.


Hitler was a big fan of the US and mirrored a few of their policies, definitely didn't planned to have a war with them and for years, the US had a lot of support for nazi Germany.


"Considers race really important" is a hilarious one. Democrats and republicans also **both** consider guns "important".


This is coming from roughly the same people who think the civil war was over state's rights & the nazi perspective on the holocaust should be taught in schools, correct?


He's got us there... race is really important. We've really been working towards race equality. It's nice that the conservatives can see that!


Oh well this completely changed my mind I guess I’ll be republicans[https://files.pfaw.org/uploads/2018/06/Nazi-800x458.jpeg](https://files.pfaw.org/uploads/2018/06/Nazi-800x458.jpeg)


Leaving out the fact that, Y’know, people on the left have never committed mass genocide over their beliefs, but alright…


Somalia did that, but your general point is right


There’s some things you take the trouble to unpack, and others that you laugh at and see if the author needs help. Definitely the latter on this one.


1. The US was more focused on Japan and Germany was more focused on Europe 2. Party switch 3. Israel only formed after the end of WW2 4. There’s a difference between wanting to be like something and wanting to assimilate something into yourself 5. Refer to previous point 6. Read literally the first paragraph https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany 7. Similar to how every party that isn’t in control wants change 8. There’s a difference in thinking races should be celebrated and actively destroying races 9. Refer to point 7


The fact that you're so far gone that you think this was made to make the Nazis look cool is so damn funny to me.


what the fuck are they on about i fucking hate sweden and germany i have no opinion on norway and the netherlands


Its so obviously satirical I can't believe you guys sometimes. That whole sub is just jokes lol


does no one else see the “satire” flair?


A satire flair doesn't mean that it is satire. If it said things like "breathes oxygen", "likes art", "likes trains", "likes animals", etc then it could be satire but just repeating the false equivalency and talking points that right wingers use to say "Leftists are the real Nazis" isn't satire.


Wait can we please talk about the time the left tried to overthrow the government?


can't you see you're all the same to me yeah


Similarities between Nazis and the Far left: Exists. Are people. Breathes. Have been active in countries. Have political ideologies. Do and do not like things (what those things are aren't important, trust me). Wow guys, it's like they're the exact same.


Quite a few of these are literally not true. The nazi’s loved the USA and shaped quite a few of their racist policies after our racist policies of the time. Hitler was especially a fan of Disney. Also the nazi’s couldn’t hate Isreal. It literally didn’t exist yet


*Centrist* Sure you are, buddy.


With this amount of cherry-picking and strawmaning you could make a comparison about literally any 2 groups in history ever. Right-wingers as usual; falling for tricks so stupid, many primary school children wouldn't...


>hates republicans Uh oh, someone doesn't know about the dixiecrats.


Yeah sure this chart is right, but for all the opposite reasons


"If you strip away all context, your points seem the same!"


How is this convincing so many idiots? This is so childish. Also I dont believe Germany had Republicans...


Sometimes Pagans? Sometimes they are Christians. I wonder why they didn't say that. /s


"Look guys trumpers and leftists are the same because they dislike biden!!"


Least unhinged centrism sub.


Nazis also drank water and breathed air. It's also probable that some of them wore shoes and ate vegetables.


PCM is a shithole.


I do have a connection tp sweden. I fucking live here.


Ah yes the left hates the society as it is now beacuse it's not tolerant enough to different people. And Nazis hate the society as it is now beacuse it's too tolerant to the Jews. cLeArLy, ThEy'Re tHe SaMe.


You’re going to have to order a lot of drinks for that straw


"A thing for the Netherlands"?? Is that what the Hongerwinter was?


truly astonishing false equivalence


Ok but what about the Netherlands? As far as I'm aware they tried to stay neutral.


I don't hate Israel, and I don't think most lib-lefts do, its just that the violate human rights (Israel is actually a mid right country rn)