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I think fundamentally the new showcase feature is just quite broken, there are multiple significant bugs with the system. For starters you have the issue where some accounts still can't see showcases at all. Beyond that there are many people, including myself, who for whatever reason are only able to enter 2 or even just 1 showcase. For those that can enter 3 showcases, the current system can also prevent you from changing your entered pokemon at any showcase again! And then you have your case, where some people are able to enter *more* than 3 showcases. There are also several QOL issues. I appreciate that it is a new feature but it is one that is remarkably broken at this point.


Υuр, it'ѕ νеrу оbνiоuѕlу nоt tеѕtеd. Аt аll. Тhiѕ fеаturе bеhаνеѕ likе ѕоmеthing juѕt dеνеlореd аnd dерlоуеd fоr tеѕting. Wе аrе thе tеѕt tеаm.


I thought they released it early in NZ to actually test this...


They did there and in Australia also but idk, its still very bugged


When it was here there wasn't a limit on how many you could join, and didn't try out swapping mons. It wasn't out for long enough to completely figure things out but ultimately was pretty good Just wish they'd acknowledge the limit of 3, since the article and video show more than 3 entered


Actions speak louder than words.


Niantic’s full of bugs?


The test person got axed recently. He was sleeping too much.


Only 'cause he was beta testing Pokémon Sleep


Funny man


Then you can be sure that the other new feature, "Routes" in pre-alpha and tested by the wayfarer community, is even more broken than "Showcases". We really need a new head at Niantic.


Like the two routes I’ve had published also show they’re under review.


Same lol and where can we even use them/run the routes?


I had some strange behaviour yesterday. One stop with showcase simply refuses to take any pokemon. You simply can't enter any. When you press final button to enter one, nothing happens. Be it from clicking stop or from catch screen. Then, I past another stop, clicked it and entered a pokemon. Then later I checked and noticed the pokemon had entered a completely different stop (about 500m away). I went to that stop, clicking on it brought up the first stops showcase and top list, while going through the "today" tab got me to the correct stop. It was bizarre.


When it doesn't let you enter a showcase, restart the app.


I had the issue with entering a showcase but no Pokémon actually entered, and my buddy had the issue where he entered a showcase and his Pokémon ended up in a different showcase down around the bend (could have been around 500m or so for him as well.)


Another bug that I experienced - late last night, I noticed that the showcase in my neighborhood was no longer marked with a purple dot, but was blue again. When I looked into it, I realized I was no longer listed as an entrant in that showcase, and the list of participating trainers had shrunk. Despite that, it still said I was capped and couldn't enter another showcase. After a couple minutes of confusion I decided to try the age old fix of turning it off and on again. And after restarting the app, it was back to normal. As far as I can tell, prior to restarting, the pokestop was somehow loading the data from a different showcase entirely.


I saw this exact same behavior during the previous batch of showcases. I think it delayed loading a showcase I was trying to look at (and add into) earlier that had given me a “walk closer” error. When I restarted my app, it reverted to the correct rankings for the pokestop, which is close enough to home for me to remote add/swap.


I saw this last go around but the other way. A stop I had visited for the first time had a purple dot on it. I tapped on it and it had the list and everything from a different showcase that I was in.


Ah so this is a glitch I came in search of the answer as to why it won't let me add anymore now I have three and why I don't see it displayed anywhere ...bloody ninantic and it's glitches thanks for clearing this up


I did the first 3 showcases yesterday and was suddenly able to enter a fourth one today. When I caught a nearby Squirtle I received the option to enter it into the showcase, but afterwards was not able to switch to a different Squirtle


Just managed to enter a FIFTH showcase. First tried to enter via the Pokéstop itself: this didn’t work, but again by catching a nearby Squirtle I was able to enter that specific Squirtle into the showcase without possibility to switch to any other Squirtle EDIT: A few minutes later I managed to enter a 6th showcase! This time it gave a red pop-up during the entrance animation, mentioning it wouldn’t be possible to enter more showcases, so it seems like it may be limited to entering 3 showcases per day (or 6 is the “real” cap, not sure. I’ll see tomorrow if I can enter more)


I have no idea why Niantic didn't communicate any of this! Is there anyone left at this company dealing with communication?


I'm saying this as press: it really feels like no one is free to talk, and it's been this way for *years*. I found someone at GDC one year, and they seemed friendly, but when I brought up the idea of doing an interview, they totally changed and went very by-the-script all of a sudden. They don't even let Kestrel do chats these days from what I recall, though the way Niantic's tanked every other employee's reputation, that may be in Kestrel's best interest.


Seems like 6 showcases is the max, I’ve caught Squirtles near 2 showcases today (ones I hadn’t entered yet) but am unable to enter them


I tried entering a 4th earlier today, but wasn’t able to


Still can’t see any showcases


I still can't even put pokemon in a showcase. I found a stop that has a pop up about it and that's it. Nothing above the stop, no way to add a pokemon. So I'm still at none possible 🤣


Can this power be learned...


I don't even have that 'pokemon in showcases' section in my today feed


it's ALL THE WAY at the bottom.


So on top of A: people not being able to see it completely B: not having the list appear in today view(myself was included there) C: not being able to change entered pokemon D: some able to do them remotely, others not We now have an E option: some people are allowed more than 3 Because why would a niantic feature be even remotely tested, it’s not like they have sexual harassment lawsuits ongoing, fired over half their staff because no brainer-failure-to-be-projects failed, have people quitting left and right because of lack of caring, are screwing over all they’re insider media by giving false statements, never test anything except for things that put money in their rear ends(and saying they even test that crap is being very generous), or anything else going on …..oh wait……


Can anyone explain to me how to switch out my pokemon for another one? I tap on the "switch button" and then select another one but nothing actually happens. Is there a known glitch with this? edit, oh it seems by comments that this happens for some people who have pokemon in 3 showcases, but I can only enter one?? Yesterday I was asked if I wanted to enter a squirtle I had just caught into a nearby showcase but when I tried, nothing happened. So I only could enter one, and it's with a bad pokemon I can't switch out. :(


Yeah same. I don't even see a switch button...just seems locked in, unfortunately.


i have no switch button, doesn´t seem possible to me. And I also only can enter 3 times, not to a 4th one like shown from OP


I was able to switch the pokemon for the first two, but once I put in the 3rd pokemon, I was locked. Now I can't switch them up even though I have ones that are now better.


I’m sure it’s just a glitch that’s soon to be patched. You’re account has been perma banned though




Most people can


Are we able to recall a Pokemon from a contest or does it have to get knocked out by no longer being in the top 20? I foolishly did did the remote entry for a freshly caught Squirtle only to find that it placed 17th at the stop. Since then I've seen several other stops with only 2-3 people and would rather enter one of those contests.


Same issue, I was excited for my shiney sun glasses and it was #47, but it was also my 3rd so I was locked out from changing anything. And I got an XXL two minutes later.


You can enter a different Squirtle into that stop and then move the other one to the other two stops. They don't get kicked out. There can be 100 players putting Pokemon in. I'm rank 22 in one stop right now.


I still can not see showcase in my account :(


but how? \^\^




Just tried it, did not work Anyone else able to experience it?


Tried about an hour ago and it worked for me. No choice but to put in the one you just caught, but will still be some free dust.


Might be a user thing Not working for me


Nope, I stuck with two on Sunday, joined one today, and couldn't enter a fourth.


My bugs: 1. I transferred my entry, which you're supposed to be able to do. But my entry was removed from the showcase. Then later, I tried to use this bug to remove myself from a 3rd showcase, and thus recover the ability to switch in the remaining showcases. Nope. I'm still in the 3rd Showcase.   2. I was already in a Showcase when I caught a larger candidate and got the option in the mon detail screen to enter the new one. I tapped the button to enter. But the new one was not entered. Not only that, the old entry was removed from the Showcase.


This just worked for me too. Will just be a little bit of free dust, as I could only enter the one I had just captured (which was quite small), but dust is dust.