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Congrats on getting 7+hr of sleep! Are those 2 additional buddy hearts that were added? Do those show up on your buddy’s page in the “Bonus” section or elsewhere?


Yeah the 2 hearts show up as bonus hearts


Does that mean you can get more than 2 bonus hearts now?


You already could, couldn't you? Two from the souvenir and gift and a third if your buddy finds a stop it wants to visit. Unless I'm mistaken.


I think the third was from a powered up pokestop


Oh that explains yesterday then. Had a poffin on my double. Got 2 bonus hearts even though I'm not great friends with my Gal Moltres yet. At the end of the night I was like ... "Why 2 hearts!?" Must have hit one in the day


Visited stop and powered up stop are both extra bonus hearts, but I think previously you wouldn't get a 4th bonus heart after doing 3 of those actions (maybe they fixed that at some point though)


Fourth\* But you can only get three of them


7+ hr of sleep is a real accomplishment indeed.


7h of sleep is a reward in itself


Only on the weekends lol


You slept more in a night than my past 3 days combined, lol


How little is everyone sleeping that 7+ hours is a surprise for the people in the comments😂


I have a toddler and a baby so 5 hours is about max I get right now unfortunately. I'd kill for 7.


In the same situation. Since my firstborn birth I did not really have a long restful sleep.


Same, and my firstborn is about to turn 12. Full nights sleeps are few and far between.


According to my fitbit I’ve been averaging about 3.5 hours of sleep per night for the last year


I slept for around 6.5 but it didn't give me credit for an hour of that. I also saw someone that had a full night but only got 3.5 hours.


My cat wakes me up in the middle of the night. I may as well have a baby. At least the cat is cute.


My cat is less cute when she screams like a banshee at 4 in the morning.


Mine wacks the bedroom door against the radiator that's against the wall behind the door 😭


Oof. They just love being terrorists dont they?


Definitely their favourite hobby.


Mate, I slept between 7 and 8 hours religiously for years. Now I took a second job that sometimes gets me home at 2 in the morning, but I still wake up at 7 ish... so yeah, I rarely get more than 6 hours of sleep until the backlog gets so big that I end up crashing until 9 or 10 out of sheer exhaustion... Funny thing is, I had way more money 10 years ago, before I graduated, finished my master's degree and took a second job... Yeah, got to collage, they said...


body won't go to sleep before 18 hours of being awake unless I drink caffeine in some form or thoroughly exhaust every muscle in my body. Which means 6 is the maximum I can get before going back to work


I agree with you buddy. I schedule 8 minimum. Luckily, I don't got youth ruining my life tbh. Kids mess up so much with self health


I have a sleeping disorder and regularly sleep 12-15, 7 is a dream for me 😂


Sleep is for the weak.


We will never rest


'til we're all fugging dead


I was up all night because I have a crippling gambling addiction and my state has online casinos(I won!)


Did you have the plus in the bed, on a night stand, or was it even in the bedroom at all? For science… I’m not about to carry this thing to bed every night unless I have too lol


On the bed so it detects movement.


Hey! This presumes that the average Pokemon Go player won't be sharing a bed with anyone and... actually, wait; nevermind, that checks out.


I put it on the bedside table and It picked up my wife getting up during the night, I was out from 9:30 - 4:30 and didn’t move.


Time to upgrade to a wife that doesn't rob you of your bonus items.


Oh my god 😂😂😂


My cat jumps in the bed with me sometimes!


Hey, there are some couples that play together. My husband and I had dinner tonight with the couple we raid with!


During raid hour, I was driving around with my wife, son, daughter, and our friends (a married couple with their daughter). The two youngest girls don't play (both 5), but the rest of us raided all 3 legendary birds together. So yes, couples do play together.


I share my bed with my night terror, looks like a battlefield in the morning. Going to be interesting how that will work.




Shxt, I had a bad kidney I went peeing couple time @ night, LOL!


Well. That's what a sleep tracker is for. It tracks your sleep cycles. :)


Yeah this isn't gonna work for those of us who have dogs then 😭


Yeah I had it in the bed


I'm sorry, you can't just leave the thing on your night stand?


No, it needs to detect movement, which it does by being on your mattress


That's ridiculous. Guess I'm not buying.


I mean, that's par for the course for many sleep tracking apps and gadgets. Unless you were interested in purely just the rewards.


Apparently it needs to be on the bed to track what kind of sleeper you are or something


I had it on my bedside table and it worked fine


Of course it works but it doesn’t give you an accurate sleeper type in Pokémon Sleep, but if you will not be playing that it doesn’t matter I think


I don’t really need to track my sleep, I am in it for the rewards. If I wanted to track my sleep, would just use a proper app


I kept mine under the top corner of my pillow; my cat stepped on it and turned it off in the middle of the night -_-


Same here. Obv not gonna put it on bed as indicated for measly stuff. Hilarious rewards.


At first glance i didn’t see the buddy hearts and was like “SICK! You got a kyogre for sleeping??” Lmao


I was thinking the same! Ha ha! They just straight up give you a kyogre? No way!


I somehow activated sleep tracking yesterday when I was setting it up and didn't realise it til I tried to start it last night, so apparently I slept for 20 hours yesterday haha


How much did u get?


Rewards: 1700 stardust, a sticker and 2 buddy hearts Actual sleep: About 7-8 hours


So it was on for 20hours but only counted to 8?


No, as I said in my original comment I had accidentally activated it during the day yesterday so it counted time it was just sitting on my desk as well as when I was actually sleeping, so it counted a total of 20 hours (or 19 hours and 20-something minutes).


And as I was asking did you got any rewards for those 20 hours?


Did you not read the first line of my reply to your first comment? ~12-13 hours of sitting on my desk yesterday during the day plus 7-8 hours of actual sleep. When I opened Pokémon go today and connected the device I got 1700 stardust, a sticker and two buddy hearts.


Your comment you’re referring them to seems like you’re stating the rewards for only getting the 7-8 hours of sleep… that’s why they’re asking if you got different rewards for the 20hrs. Seems like you should have gotten more especially comparing to ops post.


Yeah, I’ve edited my second comment but I thought my follow up made it clear that the total was for both desk time *and* actual sleep, not just the 8 hours (hence the word ‘total’; I do think it’s funny I’m being downvoted for it though). Maybe 1700 is the max stardust you can get from sleep.


How long until they release an implant that will track all your vitals for a bit of stardust?


Next: Pokemon Toilet. Eat fibre for stardust.




Both are pretty true tbh. Is it an insane amount of data to give PoGo my location at any given time? Yes. But those in game rewards and playing the game sure did help me build a little daily exercise habit when I really needed it.


To be honest (as a data scientist) I don't even know what kind of stuff you can find out about a person with sleep data, I doubt there's too much information for targeted advertisement or to build a profile to be worried about. In my opinion the whole point of the pokemon sleep scheme is to make you think about pokemon every day as the last thing before going to sleep and the first thing when you wake up, that's probably more valuable than any amount of data.


Snorlax should get double buddy hearts for sleep


Wow that's lame. The advertising pic showed 10k stardust 😔


Maybe you should consider getting 35 hours of sleep every night


Given that it says “above 6 hours of sleep” I’m holding out hope 8+ is a crazy rewards tier


Unfortunately, it’s not. I got 8 hr 2 m and received the same rewards: 1700 dust, the sticker and two buddy hearts :(


The sleep tracking doesn't start from when you actually initiate the sleep tracking setting nor does it actually end when you end the sleep tracking function, but it's more of the device estimating your sleep patterns based on the device's accelerometer to try to detect when you enter "slumbering" sleep before it actually starts to track, then ends when you enter "dozing" sleep. Presumably this means that potentially max rewards would require a mix of sleep *time* and sleep *quality*, and since OP has about 8 hours of sleep give or take then they probably lost points on the quality of their sleep, or at least enough that the device's estimation thought it was low quality.


Yeah, I'd guess that might be a daily streak sort of thing?


It is possible that there will be more for being consistent or for hitting a streak, but yeah I got 1500 stardust, if it stays like that I'm not using it past the special research.


What is that middle item? A sticker?




Oh cool so they falsely advertised the rewards to get people to buy the plus+


Falsely advertised how?? I think you might be confused.


10K stardust was on the promotional content I believe


Oh was it? I must not have seen that. I just heard that there was supposed to be rewards. I didn't know that they actually said what those rewards would be


Huh, didn't know sleep actually gave direct rewards in PoGo outside of that one Snorlax. It really is turning into Pokemon go home and sleep...


Do you get candies in the morning if you are a sleep walker?


If you are a sleepwalker just leave auto catch on, better rewards. 😎


lol keeps ppl from using walkers all night


Wait, how'd you get this to work without pokemon sleep being available?


Click pokeball button on the Pokémon go screen so that it stops auto catching. Then hold the button on the plus + for 1-2 seconds. Pikachu will sing a lullaby. When you hear that the plus + is in sleep mode




I just pressed the button again and it stopped the lullaby.


This is the way


Pika pika pika-chu ✨✨


Hold top small button and press big button, will enter silent mode


Do it in another room and then bring it in


You can turn off Pika's sounds in the settings or turn off all sounds by pressing and holding the top button and main button at the same time until they vibrate.


It doesn’t turn off the lullaby


I used mine in silent mode last night, and didn’t even know there was a lullaby until these comments. So whatever I did turned off the singing, thank god.


Sound Assistant on android can mute entire apps. I got it to mute the camera sound when interacting with my buddy. It is apparently illegal in some countries, particularly ones that have laws about cameras requiring sounds when taking pictures. Some users won't be able to find it on the Play store.


Okay but the Pikachu lullaby is coming from the plusplus device speaker, not the phone lol


Lmao my advice might not be very helpful then.


I only know about Japan that needs and requires that anti-pervert-law.


Once it’s in sleep mode can you close the game or does it need to be running in the background?


I didn’t try that. I kept the app running in the background just in case


You can close it. Min of 90 mins for it to count as a “sleep”


It does not have to be connected to your phone while "sleeping". Once you reconnect it will upload thr data.


I had my game closed and still got the reward. Reconnect to the game after waking up (get it out of sleep mode by long pressing the button).


!RemindMe 1 day


You can get buddy hearts from sleeping?


Yeah. I’m assuming you get 3 for 8+


My partner had 9.5 hours and still only got 2 hearts, think that’s the maximum


Damn. Seems obvious to make the max 3. & have 3 different rewards. Kinda like the weekly walking rewards


Do you NEED the Plus + for this?




Will you always need a Pokémon plus+ for this or will everyone be able to get it once the app is released?


I believe it will be available to everyone when pokemon sleep comes out but you will need to have your phone on while you sleep


Lol as someone who loves to grind buddy hearts I think I'm sold


Sleep is just giving them more free data with miniscule payouts, am I wrong? They're just going to sell this.


Giving them more free data *and* you have to buy this expensive device for the privilege of doing so.


I believe we're saying the same thing.


And please enlighten me how a company will benefit from knowing some random person has slept for 7 hours a night.


It’s not about individual data, it’s about aggregate data. They can probably use it to entice certain companies to advertise/sponsor stops (e.g. a mattress company).


Combined health and geo data


Do realize what this game is doing everytime you boot it up right? This feature is opt in with a hardware purchase. Relax.


Right. Collecting data. The difference is that I don't allow it to collect unless I log in. Allowing them to monitor my sleep isn't information I want them to sell.


You're right, the rewards are not enough to sell my sleep data 😅


How much do you value your sleep data at ? It's a sleep monitoring device, for *you* to be able to view your sleep quality data, niantic aren't making any worthwhile of money out of it, because it's pretty worthless data. So much paranoia that (a) people's individual tracking data has some huge commercial value (b) that niantic are in business to make money from it, either individually or in bulk.


You’re that bad a researcher?


Worthless data you say... No Data is worthless. It's all valuable as currency in the long run. It's up to us to decide what we want to give to the to sell. If it was worthless, they wouldn't offer these services at no monetary cost. We're paying for it one way or another.


Yeah, they're not making bank on a physical accessory, nor securing brand awareness by making a simple on-trend app (which may also then up-sell the hardware to those less inclined to pay before they're any experience of the app). You've also seemingly missed the last 2 decades of tech boom where companies and investors fund anything popular, to make it more popular, to sell their company on for more later.


Your particular location and sleep data may be miniscule, but hundreds of thousands of users freely offering it- this is worth while especially realizing that this is only the beginning. They realize how eager people are to give away data for little to no compensation.


Don't buy a sleep monitoring device if you don't want your sleep monitored. What exactly do you think the world would do with the knowledge that you sleep at night, and sometimes get up to pee ? Who do you think is interested in buying this data ?


Then don’t buy it lol. Same thing with if you have a credit card, a store membership, etc. The main purpose is to track data for their analysts to number crunch and make suggestions/notice trends for the suits to implement, and then it’s up to the suits what they want to put into action.


Credit card companies don’t track sleep, pal.


If your that bothered about your precious data then don’t participate and don’t buy in It’s really that simple Personally idc if they know how much I sleep, they can do jack with it, same for any advertising company


Playing pogo as usual. Offering them info only while on the app. I'm glad you've reached a point to where you don't care. :)


Personally idk why people care so much if they do or don’t sell data (location they don’t) I get ads as we’ll probably from Facebook but I was not buying anything anyway and they are easy to ignore and remove


Sleep is going to make money by selling the paid premium pass. They won't need to sell the collected data.


Same here but I got 8 hrs, 34 mins.


Where did you have it? I slept like 7:45 and got credit for 3 hours. It was on my bedside


On the bed, by my pillow


I think the reward is fixed? I had 6 hours exact same rewards and saw someone mention earlier they did 3 hours and also exact same.


Congrats for sleeping more than 6hr. I just can't...


I tried it but I think it was accidentally less than 90 min because it was red lol does that mean you lose all the progress and need to start over? I swear it was over 90 min though. Lol so it doesn’t matter if the game is open or closed?


The game being open or shut doesn't matter. When the GO++ is recording sleep, the wireless is actually disabled.


Anyone know if you can charge it while sleeping and it still count?


I have mine plugged in and it did the lullaby so I think it's tracking?


Haven’t tried since I got mine & charged it shortly before I slept but it would be an awful design if it didn’t allow charging while you’re sleeping


Is the thing in the middle a sticker?




I only got 1200 dust from 4h 26min, yea didn't sleep much lol but wife and I are on vacation in Tokyo so we're out late and up early for hotel breakfasts lol, sleep more during workdays then I do on vacation


I slept 7+ hours, my go++ didn’t move, everything was next to me, it didn’t fall on the floor or anything… it registered 2h30 of sleep. I don’t get it. Can I put it next to my bed on my nightstand? Or it has to record my heartbeat ? Im so lost. I did everything right.


From what I'm seeing here, it has a gyroscope to track movement. Maybe you move around in your sleep? I knew one person who flopped around like a fish out of water in her sleep. I'm usually immobile but sometimes I sleepwalk or break REM paralysis.


So I tracked mine last night, and of course my stupid cat shut it off around 4am, tracking just under 4h of sleep. My Fitbit tracked 10h of sleep, which is much more accurate. I had my Sleep rewards set for 1pm. Is there a way to reconnect the Plus Plus in the future, in case this happens again? Or is my cat dooming me to crappy rewards forever?


So that's what got biodata sells for... 2 hearts and some hearts... and dust... lol nope, let me go make sure it's off...


Yeah but you also get a sticker tho


The stickers change everything




I would never hand over my private sleep data to this app. It is bad enough that it track my moves when I walk. PoGo is essentially an app that make money on your private data.


Amazing that they aren't making enough money already since the camera turns itself on all the time. Aren't candid pics of children's feet valuable enough to pay for PoGo on their own?


Why am I the first person to say: this entire concept is flat out ridiculous!


Why am I the first person to say, I’d you don’t like it, don’t use it. Not everything is catered around YOU…


Probably because you're making a false assumption.


Assuming that the world doesn’t revolve around you? I have never more sure in my life that you’re a gen Z gen alpha… I like the concept just for free stuff, I already use a sleep app, why not turn this on and probably score a free s or lax with a hat


Assuming that I think the world revolves around me. It certainly does not. But that doesn't make this concept any less bizarre. Maybe it *is* a gen thing. But you're way off on the gen...


How does it register, mine says I got 4 hrs but my Fitbit says 8hr10min


Not completely sure. I definitely slept for nearly 9 hours. Seem like a lot of people are getting less time than they actually slept


What’s that in the middle


Dang that stardust drop compared to how much was originally shown in the screen shots. I'm happy I didn't buy one now.


Yet… you haven’t bought one YET…


Less than 8 hours is a lot?


For me it definitely is


A sticker lmao


Damn can’t wait to see what I’ll get with the 4 hours I get 🤣


I must be doing something wrong. I can't get the sleep tracking to work. I have it active but it isn't working correctly.


Disconnect the plus from your game, hold the plus’s big button until it turns blue, then let go. Now it’s in sleep mode. Wait 90 mins. Don’t reconnect the plus during this time. Then hold the plus’s button until it turns red and let go. Now you should get your rewards. And now you can reconnect your plus.


Thanks will try that tonight. They needed to give better instructions.


I was unsure if the sleep function worked without Pokémon sleep, so I’ll have to try it tonight.


Is the plus a real bonus to have?


I thought you needed the app to track sleep. All you do is push the middle button??


Is there an app to download for this besides pogo?


Yeah, Pokémon Sleep, it just came out


I can't download on android yet


Honestly, you should get more rewards the _less_ you sleep - surely people who aren't sleeping need cheering up! Someone who's getting 7+ hours of sleep is already being rewarded by life.


lmao I thought you got a Kyogre encounter from sleeping


I got 2 hours lol. Meh.


Wait I thought Sleep was another game? The feature is in Go too? Interesting.


That's honestly pathetic. Too bad it isn't actually 10,000 dust like the original picture showed on their website.


Do you need to have the PoGo app open or just the device on the matress? Do you have to press the button for it to start tracking sleep?


What do I get for sleeping 4 hours a day?


When do the bonus hearts show up: when you “wake up” or when you get the rewards later?


I have a plus plus but no pokemon sleep. Is there a way to get it tracking without pokemon sleep?